People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 161 Evil Infant Hongbaisha【Please subscribe】

Longfu, on the hillside of the back mountain.

A group of people walked along the mountain road towards the Long Family Ancestral Hall. The leader was an imposing man, wearing a crisp suit that highlighted his temperament. He was none other than Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu was accompanied by two disciples, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai. On the other side was the owner of Long Mansion and the local warlord, Marshal Long.

If Zhang Jingyun were here, he would definitely notice, isn't this Marshal Long an old acquaintance? He was clearly the former security captain Ah Wei.

The person who shouted "Open the door quickly, I am your captain Awei" often appeared in the first two plots. He was bitten by a vampire because of his greed for money, and was finally cremated by Uncle Jiu using a talisman.

Unexpectedly, after being connected to another plot story, Ah Wei was "reincarnated" as Marshal Long. Miraculously, Uncle Jiu and others did not feel anything unusual.

Awei is Awei.

Dashuai Long is Dashuai Long.

Uncle Jiu was invited to this trip by his first love, Micheline, because her current husband, Marshal Long, seemed to be entangled with something unclean.

Marshal Long didn't believe in these gods and ghosts, so he had no choice but to ask his sister to ask Uncle Jiu to come and take a look since she was pregnant.

If everything is fine, that's all.

If there really is an evil spirit, Uncle Jiu himself can definitely restore peace to Long Mansion, and Uncle Jiu soon discovered the anomaly.

Marshal Long behaved strangely.

First of all, he has long nails, which are very long. Every day, Dashuai Long would have itchy hands, and then he would poke the wooden board with his nails until ten holes were made.

Then his face became more and more green, with black in between green, and the dark circles under his eyes were particularly prominent. When he walked, he would jump from time to time.

With all the symptoms, Uncle Jiu was almost 100% sure that Marshal Long was bitten by a zombie. Fortunately, he was discovered early and could be saved. Even if it were a few days later, the gods would be useless.

In order to find out the reason why Marshal Long was bitten by a zombie, Uncle Jiu asked him to take him to the ancestral hall to check, but Uncle Jiu paused slightly halfway through.

"What's wrong?" Marshal Long asked.

Uncle Jiu looked around with a look of surprise on his face: "This village is located on a hillside, facing the sea to the east, with mountains behind it.

The sea breeze blows moisture in, and it is blocked by the mountains. It will rain when there is a cold wind, so when I came in, it rained a few times even though it was sunny.

In Feng Shui, this pattern is called the Immortal Splashing Water, so most of the people living here are very rich. It can be said that they are either rich or noble. "

"Lin Zhengying, you have good taste."

Marshal Long was also very impressed by Uncle Jiu's ability. For a while, he didn't call Uncle Jiu by his nickname, but by his Taoist name and Dharma name.

Uncle Jiu's lay name was Lin Fengjiao. He went to the mountains to learn Taoism, and he also got the Dharma name Lin Zhengying. He was ranked ninth among his peers, so he gradually got the title of Uncle Jiu.

"Fairy splashing water? With such good feng shui, I wish I could have let my mother live here!" Qiu Sheng said suddenly from the side.

Wen Cai responded: "That's right."

Uncle Jiu said at the right time: "However, the immortal water-breaking has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are good fortune and worry-free, and the disadvantages are harmful to the bodies of humans and animals.

Because a heavy rain is like pouring water into a red-hot pot. A layer of miasma will rise at night, and miasma is harmful. "

Unknowingly, Uncle Jiu, Marshal Long and others had arrived at the Long family's ancestral hall. Marshal Long was about to ask his soldiers to open the door, but Uncle Jiu suddenly stopped them.

"Commander, according to the pattern of the gods splashing water, people in this village cannot be buried after death. If they are buried and the coffin touches the ground, it will be unlucky for the whole family.

If the coffin is buried, it will cause trouble if it absorbs the earth's air. If I guessed correctly, the coffin in this ancestral hall must not be placed in an ordinary way. "

Marshal Long chuckled and smiled proudly, "Come here, open the door of the ancestral hall and let Master Zhengying see what he's doing."

"It's the handsome man!"

A few soldiers used their strength to open the heavy door of the Long family ancestral hall. As soon as the door opened, Marshal Long jumped uncontrollably into the ancestral hall.

"It seems the situation is very serious!"

Seeing Marshal Long's appearance, Uncle Jiu muttered to himself. After entering the ancestral hall, Uncle Jiu looked around. Sure enough, all the coffins were hung up for storage. Even the legs of the hanging coffins were separated by basins with water inside. Keep wooden shelves from touching the ground directly!

Not only that, the way these coffins are placed is also very particular. Even Uncle Jiu, a Feng Shui master, can't find any faults.

"Excuse me, Marshal, which Feng Shui master is this, and what is the plot?" Uncle Jiu could tell at a glance that the Feng Shui master who decorated the ancestral hall was an expert.

Marshal Long said proudly: "It's Master Sammo Hung!"

Uncle Jiu was stunned when he heard that he was indeed a Feng Shui master. Sammo Hung was very famous in the monastic world, but how could something go wrong with his plan?

After looking around, Uncle Jiu finally discovered, "The rope of one of the coffins was broken, causing one end of the coffin to hit the ground, and earth energy poured in. This is worse than the Dragonfly Pointing Water Cave in Renjia Town."

"Here it is, the people inside have turned into zombies. The injuries on the master's body were caused by zombie bites. If not treated in time, he will also turn into a zombie."

Uncle Jiu said as he opened Marshal Long's collar and took a look. Sure enough, he could see two bloody holes on his neck that were bitten by zombie teeth.

"Wow, I was bitten by a zombie. I had to eat glutinous rice every day, grind my teeth, and cut my nails. I soaked in glutinous rice water for more than ten days and it was almost done."

Wencai said very experiencedly.

Last time he secretly played with the four-eyed Taoist priest's zombies, but he accidentally dropped the talisman and was scratched by a zombie on his shoulder. This was how he was treated.

"Cut your nails? Grind your teeth?"

Marshal Long is a clever man. He has tried all these things and is miserable. Otherwise, he would not acquiesce to Uncle Jiu coming to his house to show him Feng Shui.

"Is there any faster way?"

"If you want to make it faster, it's not impossible to grind it into powder with zombie teeth. And there happens to be a zombie here. Who is the person inside?"

Uncle Jiu asked, pointing to the coffin with one end touching the ground.

Marshal Long looked at him and said, "My dad."

Uncle Jiu hesitated: "Grinding zombie teeth into powder is a very cruel process. Do you have the heart to torture your father again?"

"Wow! If it weren't for my dad, how could I be like this? Pull out my teeth, and after that, cremate him to save him the pain."

Marshal Long said filially.

"okay, I get it!"


So after an operation, the tooth was not pulled out, but the powder was ground directly into the zombie's mouth with a file. Unfortunately, Marshal Long's body was stiff and he could not catch it in his mouth.

In the end, Marshal Long detained Uncle Jiu and ordered his two apprentices to find Zombie Teeth. Uncle Nine thought of Zhang Jingyun and Taoist Huang who went to Tengteng Town to kill zombies, so he asked Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to ask for help.


Tengteng Town, in an ancestral house.

Zhang Jingyun and Huang Taoist are hunting the remaining zombies. After yesterday's battle, Huang Taoist's attitude towards Zhang Jingyun has changed 180 degrees.

Zhang Jingyun is really too strong!

Facing hundreds of zombies, as well as the zombie king, Zhang Jingyun's thought was not to shake people, but to directly attack the group of zombies.

The moment Zhang Jingyun rushed into the zombie group.

Taoist Huang even thought about how to cry when visiting his grave. Isn't this a mental problem? Why are you risking your life when fighting zombies?

His legs were weak, and Taoist Huang had the urge to run, but even his nephew was so brave. If he ran, he would be worse than a dog.

Helpless, Taoist Huang had no choice but to bravely charge, and he saw an unforgettable scene. Zhang Jingyun held a peach wood sword and slashed with his body!

It's really a bright moon in the sky, a peerless sword.

The azure light and golden mana intertwined, the terrifying mana fluctuation seemed to set off a violent wind, and the sharp sword energy seemed to turn into substance.

After the sword energy passed, body parts were everywhere.

Zhang Jingyun wiped out at least a hundred zombies with one sword stroke. The Yellow Taoist almost dropped his jaw when he saw this, and he was also frightened by the menacing zombies.

Mr. Ren and the royal zombies stepped forward bravely, blocking the zombies' escape route, and knocked down zombies one by one to perform meritorious deeds for Zhang Jingyun.

Huang Taoist also benefited from this process, killing more than a dozen zombies, until a golden light suddenly fell on Zhang Jingyun's body, and Huang Taoist also got a little bit.

"Golden light of merit! Haha, it's fun, it's fun!" Huang Taoist thought he was going to die, but in the end, he changed his style of attack and defense.

Zhang Jingyun and he and two armored zombies actually chased and killed hundreds of zombies, and even received the golden light of merit. This is outrageous.

In this way, the main force of zombies entrenched in Tengteng Town was almost killed by Zhang Jingyun. These days, he and Taoist Huang have been clearing away the scattered zombies in the surrounding area.

"What? Found another small wave of zombies? Only a dozen or so? Forget it, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are. Uncle Master, let's kill them together!"

Zhang Jingyun called on Taoist Huang to rush together.

Huang Taoist was not afraid at all. He already understood that all he had to do was follow Zhang Jingyun and pick up the zombies that he couldn't kill.


Zhang Jingyun flew up from a distance of dozens of meters, and actually jumped up to the second floor. Taoist Huang had seen Zhang Jingyun's Qinggong before, but he always felt that Zhang Jingyun might be able to fly. This was the ability of the god-refining realm.

Combined with Zhang Jingyun's previous burst of fighting power, in Huang Taoist's view, only Zhang Jingyun who is a strong man in the realm of refining gods can have such fighting power.

"Master nephew, are you really not in the realm of refining gods?"

Huang Taoist asked without giving up.

Zhang Jingyun has explained it countless times, "Uncle Master, it's really not true. Now is the Age of Ending Dharma. There can no longer be a real person who refines the gods. Uncle Master must believe in science."

"But you are so's unscientific!"

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "Uncle, do you understand science?"

Taoist Huang's face was serious: "Master nephew, don't underestimate me. I am different from Uncle Jiu, Simu, Taoist Master Qianhe and others. I came back from studying abroad."

Zhang Jingyun was quite surprised, "Have you ever studied abroad? The West is very scientific. Didn't you feel it was unscientific when you were practicing Taoism?"

"Why is Taoism not a science? In my opinion, using special talismans to communicate with ghosts and gods and worshiping ancestors to gain protection is nothing more than science.

And recently I am still researching batch production of talismans. I don’t know if my nephew knows about the Western printing machine. When using this thing, you can make as many talismans as you need. If you encounter a ghost, just throw a stack of talismans at it. What are you afraid of? "

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth.

What a fucking talent.

"Did it succeed?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Taoist Huang shook his head, "I don't know what's wrong. The printed talismans have no effect, and the idea of ​​doing business with the underworld is useless."

"Still doing business with the underworld?"

Huang Taoist said: "What's all the fuss about? Maoshan's magic is profound and profound. The paper money we draw with runes is hard currency in the underworld. Many pilgrims will go to Maoshan to ask for paper money to burn. They say it is for good luck, but in fact it has great benefits... "

Zhang Jingyun suddenly remembered that in a plot, Uncle Jiu would supply paper money to the underworld. Isn't this the president of the Tiandi Bank?

After coming back to his senses, Zhang Jingyun didn't think so much. He was about to clean up the zombies here, but suddenly he noticed two strange zombies.

Being sneaky doesn't look like a good person.

After taking a closer look, Zhang Jingyun finally recognized him, "Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, why did they come here and act like zombies?"

A living person pretending to be a zombie only needs to apply some corpse oil, and then put on the official uniform of the Qing Dynasty and jump around, making it difficult to distinguish the ordinary zombies.

"What are these two little beasts doing?"

Zhang Jingyun and Huang Taoist appeared, suffocating their magic power, and more than a dozen zombies were chopped to pieces, making Qiu Shengwen tremble with fear.

"Don't kill us, we are human beings!"

"It was me who screamed so loudly."

Zhang Jingyun's voice sounded, and the two of them raised their heads and sat down on the ground with their tense bodies, feeling like they were surviving a disaster.

"What are you two doing here?"

Zhang Jingyun asked.

"Oh, that's it..." Qiu Sheng explained the cause and effect to him. Zhang Jingyun immediately picked up a zombie and broke off two zombie teeth to Qiu Sheng.

"You two use the zombie teeth to help Uncle Master. It's over here and I'll be there soon, so don't worry."

Qiu Sheng nodded quickly and then picked up Wen Cai and rushed in the direction of Long Mansion. Taoist Huang looked at Zhang Jingyun puzzled: "There are no zombies here anymore. Don't you need to go and have a look?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "There is still time, I will go to Zhue Gu first, and then go to Long Mansion."

"Gu Gu's Taoist temple seems to be in another direction. Even if my nephew uses Qing Gong, it will take two or three days to go back and forth. How can he make it in time?"

Zhang Jingyun smiled when he heard this: "Uncle, don't worry. I'll leave the remaining zombies to you. I'll take the first step."

After saying that, Zhang Jingyun flew away in the air.

Huang Taoist: "(⊙o⊙)"

"Master nephew, didn't you make me believe in science?"


Zhang Jingyun roughly remembers some of the plot.

In New Mr. Zombie, after Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai found the zombie teeth and brought them back, Uncle Jiu also discovered the evil baby in Michelin's belly.

The evil baby is difficult to deal with, so Uncle Jiu has no choice but to ask Aunt Sue to take action. On the way to support Uncle Nine, Aunt Sue will encounter the most terrifying scene in the Lin Zhengying zombie series!

Red and white demons!

I don’t know how many people have this childhood nightmare.

According to Maoshan magic records, this red and white evil spirit is the number one evil spirit in ancient and modern times. Even if a cultivator encounters it, he can only seek good luck.

Zhang Jingyun was deeply impressed by this scene.

Among the red and white evil spirits, the red evil spirit is the bride who was burned to death by fire on her wedding day. Therefore, the red evil spirit is extremely resentful and is formed only after killing a certain number of people and enduring the punishment of heaven and earth.

Baisha is just the opposite. It was formed after the groom who drowned on his wedding day absorbed enough evil spirits and withstood three calamities.

After the red evil spirit and the white evil spirit formed on the same day, at the same time and at the same place, their resentment was overwhelming. This is the most terrifying red and white evil spirit.

Even in Zhang Jingyun's view.

That evil baby is not as strong as the red and white evil.

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