People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 162 The Five Thunder Talisman of the Supreme Purity [Please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun flies through the air like an immortal.

Even in the Maoshan Dharma lineage, if you want to fly, you must at least have the cultivation level of the god refining realm, and you must rely on a magical weapon.

It is impossible to fly physically like Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun's ability to fly depends entirely on his mental power. With the power of his golden eyes, others can't even think about it.

It flew like this for several hours.

Thousands of miles away passed across the sky.

If you rely on your foot power, you won't be able to reach it even after dark, and naturally you won't be able to touch the most famous red and white evil in Lin Zhengying's series of movies.

And the reason why Zhang Jingyun is so positive.

Naturally, it was not because of a strong conscience that she rushed to save Gu Gu. First of all, Gu Gu did not need Zhang Jingyun to save her, because she decisively sacrificed the magic weapon she had refined for many years to control violence with violence, and directly drove the red and white evil spirits back into the sea.

Don't think that the Red and White Demon is useless after being broken by Aunt Zhe. In fact, Aunt Zhe suffered a huge loss. Zhang Jingyun heard Uncle Jiu say that the magic weapon that had been sacrificed for many years was intended to be used by Aunt Zhe as his natal magic weapon.

People who practice Taoism generally seldom practice the natal magic weapon. The main reason is that the natal magic weapon is closely related to the cultivation level, just like the second life of the Taoist cultivator.

Once the natal magic weapon is damaged, you will be seriously injured, and in the process of fighting, damage to the magic weapon is inevitable. Maoshan pays attention to talismans and is not the most powerful in sacrificing magic weapons.

Gu Gu prepares to sacrifice her natal magic weapon because she wants to take a further step on the path of spiritual cultivation. The complete destruction of the red and white evil magic weapon means that the path will stop here.

Even so, the Red and White Evil has not been completely eradicated. With the resentment accumulated in the Red and White Evil, if it regains its strength in the future, it is very likely that it will come back with revenge.

Zhang Jingyun came here specifically for the Red and White Evil. During the formation of the Red and White Evil, countless people died. If he killed them, the system mission would be completed perfectly, and the reward would be guaranteed.

Unlike other ghosts.

Zhang Jingyun's attitude towards the red and white ghosts is very firm, and he must be completely exterminated. It's not like he has never seen other ghosts before, such as Dong Xiaoyu, who was subdued by Zhang Jingyun, which can be regarded as a liberal approach.

However, the spirit spirit in the banana forest could not escape death, and was beaten to death by Zhang Jingyun. The woman who died because of the bandits, Zhang Jingyun, helped her reincarnate.

Maoshan Taoist priests do not kill all ghosts when they see them. Kind ghosts must be treated differently, and helpless ghosts must be helped to reincarnate to prevent them from turning into evil ghosts and causing harm to the world.

Subjugating demons is a spiritual practice, as is helping ghosts for fun. The existence of Maoshan Taoist priests is to maintain peace in the world, and killing ghosts when you see them is not the right path.

Evil ghosts like the Red and White Sha take countless human lives before they are formed, so there is no need to ask, just beat them to death.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the sun.

Unknowingly, the sun has been covered by clouds, the sky is gloomy, and there is a dark wind blowing from time to time. This kind of weather is most suitable for ghosts to travel.

But generally speaking, even if the sun is covered, ghosts with insufficient moral integrity cannot appear during the day, so ghosts who dare to cause trouble during the day are not good deeds!

"There's something ghostly about it!"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw something abnormal. A few dozen miles away, he suddenly saw black ghost energy gathering into strands, and then spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not long after, the entire area was surrounded by ghost energy. If ordinary people appeared in this area, it would be a normal phenomenon for any ghost to hit the wall. In severe cases, they would fall into terrifying hallucinations until the yang energy and blood are sucked dry by the ghost.

"This level of ghost energy must be red and white. I came at the right time." Zhang Jingyun's heart moved and he thought about the ghost flying away.

In just a moment, the peaceful area has turned into a terrifying ghost. No strangers are allowed to enter. This is the Red and White Double Evil Formation.

In addition to the two most powerful evil spirits, the bride and groom who died on their wedding day, the people they killed over the years turned into ghosts and gathered around to help.

Looking at the scale of the red and white evil formation, there were at least hundreds of people who died tragically, and these people were all victims of the bride and groom's grudges.

After being transformed, they gradually turn into evil spirits and harm more people. Therefore, the scale of the Red and White Demons will become larger and larger. If they cover thousands of miles around, it will be useless even if the Lian Shen Zhenren comes.

Zhang Jingyun flew to the sky above the Red and White Evil Formation to observe. He couldn't see his true body due to the confusion of ghostly aura, but only saw a big red wedding sedan and a pitch black coffin.

I looked around but didn't see Aunt Sue.

Under the red and white evil formation, Zhang Jingyun's vision was affected. The formation could even affect the golden pupils. It was really powerful.

But after a few minutes.

Zhang Jingyun saw two people riding in one after another. In front was a girl in a purple skirt, riding a brand-name bicycle, and behind was a middle-aged woman who still had charm, riding a tricycle hard.

Zhang Jingyun knew the person in the back, and it was Aunt Sue. He thought about the girl in front, and she should be the sister of Uncle Jiu's first love girlfriend, named Nianying. From the name, he knew that his first love was still obsessed with Uncle Jiu.

It's a pity that this marriage didn't work out.

"Hey, don't ride so fast!"

Aunt Zhue had a plump figure and was pedaling the tricycle vigorously, trembling every now and then. Zhang Jingyun felt that it was actually not a loss for Uncle Jiu to follow Aunt Sue.

After all, Sandra Ng is quite beautiful.

"Oh!" Nianying slowed down slightly after hearing this. It was really tiring to ride on the dirt road for so long, not to mention Gu Gu's tricycle. The difference between a sports car and an ox cart.

"Eh? It smells so good, it smells like steamed pork with dried plums and vegetables!" Nianying sniffed and said suddenly.

"It obviously tastes like salt and pepper chicken butt!"

Gu Gu said with certainty.

Suddenly, Aunt Zhue reacted and frowned and said, "No, how can the barren mountains smell like steamed pork with pickled vegetables and salt-and-pepper chicken butt?"

The words fell.

Suddenly a flock of crows flew up in the forest.

Crows are a bad omen, and Gu Gu instantly senses that there is something unclean in this forest, and the next second her guess is confirmed.

On both sides of the only dirt road in the woods, thick smoke suddenly rose at the same time, and bursts of strange light loomed.

"Huh?" Aunt Zhue protected Nianying behind her.

There was always some kind of strange low moaning in the ears of the two of them, like whispering or chewing something, all kinds of strange sounds mixed together.

"Aunt Sue, I'm scared!"

Nianying had never encountered such a terrifying scene before. She was so frightened that she hugged Gu Gu's arm and looked left and right, even her voice trembled.

"You dare to show up in broad daylight, you are very powerful!" Although Gu Guzhe does not look serious, she is still very courageous. Among those who learn magic in Maoshan, she is also very advanced.

Zhang Jingyun felt that he was at least better than Huang Taoist.

Taoist Huang almost peeed when he saw hundreds of zombies. Zhang Jingyun rushed over, thinking that he was going to die. Fortunately, he finally rushed forward as if he was dead, and Zhang Jingyun also shared some of the benefits with him.

But Gu Gu, seeing hundreds of ghosts, was not afraid at all. Even Zhang Jingyun subconsciously shuddered when he saw this scene in the sky.

I saw two pairs of ghosts walking toward each other on both sides of the road. The atmosphere instantly became subtle, and bursts of suona sounds penetrated the depths of the soul.

When the suona sounds, it either ascends to heaven or worships in the hall.

What a coincidence. Shengtian and Baitang caught up and bumped into each other. They kept wailing and crying loudly. The red wedding sedan on the left was redder than blood.

Dozens of people in red clothes jumped all the way, carrying sedans, and everyone had weird smiles on their faces. They were stiffer than the faces of the puppets, and they didn't change at all along the way.

On the other side, the atmosphere was solemn, the black coffin was like ink, and dozens of people in plain white mourning clothes were wailing forward. The two teams were getting faster and faster, and it wouldn't take long for them to collide.

"Don't be afraid! This is an illusion. Close your eyes and it will pass soon." Gu Gu held the rosary in her hands and closed her eyes while reciting the mantra.

The beating of gongs, drums, wailing and crying gradually mixed together, and Zhang Jingyun's eyes turned golden. This red and white evil formation had an impact on outsiders, and Zhang Jingyun was surprised by the soaring resentment.

"There must be a lot of merit in destroying this thing, right?" Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart. The Red and White Sha killed countless people, and the world felt it. This would be the most rewarding time in his process of subduing demons.

Below, Gu Gu opened her lips slightly and recited a mantra repeatedly, but the sound of wind in her ears did not disappear at all, and she did not know how long it took before the surroundings became calm.

Only then did Gu Gu try to open her eyes.

But as soon as she opened her eyes, a black coffin hit her hard. Aunt Sue was shocked but did not feel any pain. The next second she realized that she had been put into the coffin.

Gu Gu's consciousness briefly fainted.

Nianying, who had no cultivation skills, couldn't bear it. She was loaded directly into the big red wedding sedan. Then the wedding sedan fell on the coffin. A group of black and red people carried the coffin and the wedding sedan towards the seaside.

When Zhang Jingyun saw this scene, he understood that these ghosts wanted to carry Gu Gu's Nianying into the sea and drown her. The soul of the burned and drowned soul would be the most resentful, and the power of the red and white double evil formation would be a little stronger.

As the wedding sedan and coffin contained Gu Gu and Nianying, the ghost bride who was originally sitting in the wedding sedan and wearing a red robe of Fengxia materialized and stood on the ground.

Vermilion lips, dark eyes, snow-white cheeks, slightly twitching the muscles on the face, revealing a smile, only weird!

On the other side, the groom lying in the black coffin also appeared. He looked at each other and then sat on the coffin holding hands.

That's it.

Zhang Jingyun is waiting for now.

With a flip of his wrist, five talismans were ignited by mana. Thunder bursts in the sky, and terrifying power hovered in the air. Zhang Jingyun used all his mana to activate the talismans.

"Clean the Five Thunder Talisman on Maoshan Mountain. Disciple Zhang Jingyun invites the five thunder gods and the thirty-six thunder generals to subjugate the demons! Be as urgent as the law dictates!"

Zhang Jingyun used the specially requested Five Thunder Talismans from the Shangqing Dynasty, which he had previously invited Uncle Jiu from his senior brother Shi Jian to defeat ghosts. Its lethality was the highest among many spells in Maoshan.

Five thunder strikes!

The thick thunder completely blasted away the rich ghost energy, and the Red and White Evil Formation collapsed. Not only that, the thunder still landed, and it was actually going to completely kill the bride and groom, the source of the Red and White Evil Formation.


After a scream.

The resentment that was originally soaring into the sky was torn to pieces by the thunder. The ghost groom and bride were submerged into the coffin and wedding sedan. The next second, the black coffin and the red sedan were shattered.

The source of the red and white evil escaped.

"It turns out that the coffin and the wedding sedan are your real bodies. If you destroy the coffin and the wedding sedan, you will be wandering ghosts. Why don't you die!"

Zhang Jingyun descended from the sky with a magic weapon, the peach wood sword, and his whole body was shrouded in golden light. The two evil ghosts were almost frightened out of their wits when they saw this scene.

"Lian Shen Zhenren, impossible!"

"I don't want to die..."

The sword light flashed, and the two evil ghosts were beaten to pieces by Zhang Jingyun. They were knocked out of their wits and didn't even have a chance to be reincarnated.

Maoshan is not Buddhism.

It does not mean that you can atone for your sins by putting down your butcher knife.

It is not an exaggeration to die ten times for the sins of two evil ghosts. If they are given the opportunity to reincarnate, how can they be worthy of the people who were harmed by them and wandered in the world without reincarnation?

Zhang Jingyun's movements were clean and neat.

As the coffin and the wedding sedan were broken by the Five Thunder Talisman, Gu Gu also jumped out of the coffin. She knocked out a string of rosary beads. In an instant, more than a dozen demons controlled by the Red and White Evil were scattered.

Zhang Jingyun and Gu Ze quickly eliminated the remaining ghosts. After the red and white evil formations dissipated, Gu Gu Ze's heart slowly relaxed.

"At first I thought it was just my imagination. I haven't seen the red and white evil formation for many years, but it turned out to be true.

I wonder if this real person is the hidden ancestor of Maoshan? The thirty-fifth generation disciple of Maoshan, Gu Gu, thanked the real person for his life-saving grace. "

Gu Gu bowed to Zhang Jingyun.

As for Lian Shen Zhenren, Gu Gu could only guess at the hidden founder of the Maoshan Sect. Unfortunately, she guessed wrong. Zhang Jingyun was a disciple of the thirty-sixth generation.

"Gu Gu, I am Zhang Jingyun."

As soon as Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth, Aunt Sue remembered that Lin Zhengying had told her many times that she had a good nephew who was a Taoist genius who could not be seen in a century. It was the first time that she and Zhang Jingyun met, so it was normal that they did not recognize him.

"Jingyun? Have you actually become a god?"

Gu Gu asked in surprise.

She used her magic power to sense Zhang Jingyun falling from the sky. The spirit leaving the body and flying were signs of refining the spirit. Gu Gu would naturally think so.

"We are still one step away from refining the gods. Let's not talk about this. Uncle Master's side is probably very dangerous. We should hurry up and deal with the evil infant."

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot about business."

Gu Gu came to her senses and said.

Zhang Jingyun put Nianying on the tricycle. Gu Gu thought he was going to fly away, but she saw Zhang Jingyun pulling the tricycle with great force and speeding along the forest path.

Gu Gu felt the strong wind blowing in her ears while riding in the car. The two-hour journey was shortened by Zhang Jingyun to less than thirty minutes.

Get off the car at the place.

Aunt Sue: "Σ_("∠) vomit! "

After vomiting for a while, Sue Gu barely recovered. Nianying, who was lying in the tricycle, was much better. She was unconscious all the way and was awakened by Zhang Jingyun when she got there.

"Aunt Sue, how are you going to deal with the evil baby?"

Zhang Jingyun asked smoothly.

"I brought all the spirit babies here, and when it gets dark, I let the spirit babies play outside. If the evil babies hear this, they will definitely come out and cause trouble.

Although it is an evil baby, it is still a child. No, it is a naughty child. Just lure the naughty child out of the host and then catch it. "

The evil baby lives in the host, and there is nothing outsiders can do about it. After all, the child in the host's belly cannot be hurt. The naughty child will most likely be fooled by Gu Gu's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

"This is a good idea, but Gu Gu, have you ever thought about who took the evil baby away? If he has helpers, wouldn't this plan be ruined?"

Zhang Jingyun asked.

Gu Gu suddenly slapped her head and said, "It's true, the evil baby was taken away by someone. I didn't even consider this issue and almost alarmed the evil baby.

What's the plan for the nephew? "

Zhang Jingyun whispered in Gu Gu's ear.

"It's not difficult to deal with evil babies..."

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