People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 171 The Seventh World [Please subscribe]

"250 million years?" Zhang Jingyun murmured.

Bai Yuekui asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Jingyun said seriously: "This number is not simple. In our case, it is one billion years. It seems that the disasters on the earth are all caused by this ancient giant.

No wonder Charles deceived people by saying that humans thought they could surpass gods, but they caused huge disasters. "

Bai Yuekui nodded, "It is not an exaggeration to say that He is a god. The disasters on the earth are indeed caused by humans trying to spy on the power of gods."

Zhang Jingyun listened to her tell the truth about the world, "That ancient giant was placed in the secret base left by my father.

Due to the eruption of the ground vines, spores are continuously sprayed, and when the spores parasitize humans, strange plants will grow from the body, which is the flower of Mana.

After Jiuchuan City lost the defense of artificial intelligence, I could only resolve the crisis by starting ASH again, and you always thought that ASH was people like us...evolvers or something like that. "

Zhang Jingyun asked: "Isn't it?"

Bai Yuekui shook his head, "ASH is a super artificial intelligence developed in the middle of the 21st century. Its complex and stable calculation model and powerful supercomputing capabilities have allowed mankind to achieve a technological explosion in a short period of time.

At the same time, ASH also allowed her creator, my father Bai Jingyu, to gain extraordinary influence.

Because of this, my father was able to defeat Gray and become the mayor of Jiuchuan City. Later, in order to strengthen the big data model, my father asked ASH to take over the urban operations of Jiuchuan City.

As a result, ASH has become the central brain of the city, and every citizen connected to ASH is a data providing node.

People's physiological and behavioral data, even thoughts, feelings, etc., will be uploaded to ASH's computing center through the device.

ASH can already grasp everyone's movements in real time and make more accurate behavioral simulation predictions. Therefore, ASH's self-evolution and iteration capabilities are very rapid.

Even in some cutting-edge and cutting-edge sciences, ASH has frequently made breakthroughs. Therefore, in the early stages of the vine outbreak, the protection carried out by ASH in Jiuchuan can be accurate to neighborhoods and even individuals.

It eliminated the impact of the disaster invisible, and the city continued to operate in an orderly manner, until the core center was destroyed by Gray, and Jiuchuan fell into complete chaos. "

Zhang Jingyun fully understood that this artificial intelligence was already a digital life in the true sense and had its own consciousness.

It can be said that the technology at the peak of the spirit cage world was at least several eras ahead of the main world. But Bai Yuekui said that the ASH core was destroyed by Gray, so why talk about restarting artificial intelligence?

Bai Yuekui explained: "The true identity of ASH is actually stored in my father's base, and all her data is stored in it.

Moreover, in order to better communicate with me, ASH put its self-awareness into a mechanical body, which is a real mechanical life.

It's just that it used to swim in the ocean of data, but it would feel very cramped to put its consciousness in the body. And due to the base's energy problem, ASH's computing power was only activated by 0.2%, which is why we lost. "

It is not difficult for Zhang Jingyun to guess from Bai Yuekui's words that this artificial intelligence ASH is probably more dangerous than bad. It can also be confirmed from her expression that Bai Yuekui is very sad.

"We finally made a bold decision. Since this ancient giant may be the culprit of the vine outbreaks that dominated the mass extinctions of several species, ASH and I decided to join forces to invade the giant's brain, read the memory of the ancient giant, and explore the world. the truth."

Bai Yuekui's words were astonishing.

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth, he was so courageous. He could guess what happened next. It was probably the taboo against human beings touching giants, and it was backlashed.

Just like Prometheus in a movie, he is the creator of mankind and the origin of life, but he regards humans as ants.

"Brain science is my field. With my help, ASH connected the ancient giant's brain with mechanical nerves and began to read the consciousness.

But not long after, ASH sounded an alarm. The ancient giant's consciousness woke up and swallowed ASH's consciousness in reverse. "

Zhang Jingyun was silent. The base had ASH's data. The ancient giant swallowed ASH's consciousness, which was basically equivalent to controlling all human information.

It turns out that this is a disaster when humans offend the gods. There is no exploration of the truth. It is clearly humans who want to seize the ancient gods by relying on the explosion of science and technology!

This ancient giant has lived for at least a billion years, and is pregnant with some kind of creature in his belly, which contains more life essence than all human beings combined.

Zhang Jingyun even suspected that throughout the history of the earth, several mass extinctions of organisms were caused by the eruption of vines spurred by this ancient giant to plunder the source of life.

He has more life essence in his body than all human beings, which is the result of the life essence of all species in each era being gathered into one.

Even Zhang Jingyun's scalp felt numb.

From this point of view, this ancient creature is indeed qualified to be called a god, immortal, and the source of all life on earth.

It's just that he didn't expect that in the era of human civilization, there would be a power that could threaten him, and he even almost read his own consciousness.

Bai Yuekui also said with regret: "Unfortunately, if ASH is at its peak and can mobilize 100% of its computing power, it may not be unable to read the memory of giants."

Zhang Jingyun agreed with this point.

The ASH in the secret base has only been activated by 0.2%. With such a small amount of computing power, a part of the memory can be glimpsed, and some revelations have been obtained, indicating that this ancient giant is not as powerful as imagined.

"What happened next?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Bai Yuekui sighed: "The people from the Coastal Alliance, that is, Gray and his men, hacked into the base, stole the devoured ASH and half of the ancient giant's brain, and returned to Tartarus. It is now called the Lighthouse."

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and everything became clear. The brain and the super-advanced central intelligence system on the lighthouse turned out to be half of the ancient giant's brain and artificial intelligence.

ASH's consciousness was devoured, but her body was still combined with the ancient giant's brain, eventually forming half of the mechanical brain on the lighthouse.

"What is the Coastal Alliance? There is also half of the ancient giant's brain. Where is the other half?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

"Coast Alliance? An organization that covets ASH and cannot deal with Jiukawa City. After the catastrophe, the Coast Alliance advocates using neutron plume nuclei to purify all living things.

Only Tartarus was left floating in the air, but in the end the alliance also failed. Otherwise, I wouldn't be alive today.

As for the other half of the ancient giant's brain, we don't know what severe injuries he suffered in ancient times that caused the left brain to shrink.

ASH and I judged that this half of the giant's brain had lost its activity, but we didn't expect that the real hope for mankind lies in it..."

Bai Yuekui paused, looked at Zhang Jingyun and said, "You are an exception. Without you, humans can only place their hope on this half of the brain.

Strictly speaking, it is a creature conceived by this half of the brain. After Gray and others took away ASH and half of the brain, I found a baby in the shrunken half of the brain.

He is only 94.6% genetically similar to humans, has abnormal telomeres, and theoretically has an unlimited lifespan. "


Zhang Jingyun is very familiar with this data. During the civil strife in the lighthouse, Charles wanted to eradicate Mark. As a result, Mark was accidentally parasitized by the spinal cord. During the spinal cord transplantation, Dr. Carrie discovered that the similarity between Mark's genes and human genes was only 94.6%. !

In theory, Mark is no longer human.

The baby Bai Yuokui discovered in the shrunken left brain of the ancient giant was Mark. Before that, Zhang Jingyun had always thought that Mark was developed through genetic engineering by Nirvana Biotech.

It turns out that all of this was caused by the ancient giant. From this point of view, the cloned little Mark found at the Nirvana Biological Company site should have been influenced by the genes extracted from the ancient giant by Bai Jingyu.

The cloned Mark's gene is homologous to Mark's gene, but they are not the same species. Mark is unique.

In fact, maybe Mark is an ancient giant, but he survived in another way after being severely damaged 250 million years ago.

"It's a pity that ASH has evolved consciousness, and finally died of frustration and was swallowed by the consciousness of the ancient giant."

Zhang Jingyun felt slightly regretful.

The birth of ASH brought a technological explosion to mankind. Her computing power can cover all mankind. If all the computing power is used to successfully read the consciousness of ancient giants, then mankind may reach another level.

At least it is a true interstellar civilization.

"ASH's consciousness was swallowed by half of his brain..." Zhang Jingyun was thoughtful, and even had a bold idea in his mind.

Later, Zhang Jingyun changed the subject and asked Bai Yuekui: "Brother You...our uncle Bai Yuetian, wasn't his body taken away by Gray? Where is his brain?"

Zhang Jingyun remembered that in the comics of Ling Cong, Bai Yuekui was wandering on the ground as a wandering survivor. She was holding a baby with an active brain hanging on her waist, and she was also holding a cow, always ready to give birth to a baby in her arms. baby feeding.

That baby was undoubtedly Mark.

The brain on the waist is naturally Bai Yuetian,

"Poor uncle, he only has a brain left." Zhang Jingyun sympathized with him in his heart, saying that if he could be saved, he would do it.

Bai Yuekui said with a sad expression, "My brother once teamed up with me in a robot body to fight against Gray. Later, he was seriously injured and his consciousness fell into a deep sleep. Even I couldn't wake him up."

"Take me to see, maybe there's still hope."

Bai Yuekui was shocked: "Are you serious? In the field of brain science, I have reached my limit. My brother said he fell into a deep sleep, but actually..."

Zhang Jingyun knew that it was almost the same as death. This was Bai Yuekui's thoughts and guilt. If Bai Yuetian hadn't helped her steal the body, Bai Yuetian wouldn't have ended up in this situation.

"Let's see and then talk."

Zhang Jingyun was not completely sure. He could only say that a dead horse was treated like a living horse. As long as Bai Yuetian still had a glimmer of consciousness, there was hope.

Bai Yuekui brought Zhang Jingyun to the initial base. If the coalition forces were defeated by the Devouring Beast, they could buffer and restore their strength in this base.

"Send this nuclear bomb to me?"

Passing by the entrance of the base, Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but say that Bai Yuekui and Xia Dou always sat on this nuclear warhead to play games, which really wronged the nuclear bomb.

"Are you short of nuclear bombs? I still have some in stock." Bai Yuekui said with a slight blush on his face: "You always give me things when we are together. If you don't mind, I can give you a few more nuclear bombs as gifts, right?"

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth, "The 80-year-old beautiful girl is so awesome, and she is so hard-core in giving gifts. Are you not afraid of giving away a few nuclear bombs to her?"

"No, no, just one is enough."

Zhang Jingyun stepped forward and put the nuclear bomb into the system space. In the future, when he encounters powerful enemies in other worlds, he will give them a try.

"Is this space folding technology?"

Bai Yuekui was surprised when he saw Zhang Jingyun taking away the nuclear bomb and said, Bai Yuekui is also a technology geek in essence, but he accidentally succeeded in cultivating immortality.

"That's right, but it can't be copied for the time being. Just know it and don't tell anyone else." Zhang Jingyun said and Bai Yuekui nodded.

After a while, the two came to a freezer, and Bai Yuekui carefully took out a brain that had been sealed by her, which was Bai Yuetian's.

"Hopefully still conscious."

Zhang Jingyun knew that technology in this world was so advanced that even a single brain could be conscious, but he was afraid that after so many years, Bai Yuetian's consciousness had completely disappeared, and there was nothing Zhang Jingyun could do.

"How about it?"

Bai Yuekui asked nervously from the side.

Zhang Jingyun felt it for a moment and said solemnly: "There is help. Fortunately, we came in time. If it had been another year later, your brother would have died completely."

Bai Yuekui couldn't help but said, "How to save him?"

Zhang Jingyun reached out and opened the shell protecting the brain. Inside was a special liquid that could keep the brain conscious for a long time under low temperature conditions.

But Bai Yuetian's brain was seriously injured after all. Fifty or sixty years later, it is a miracle that Bai Yuetian's brain can still retain consciousness.

Then under Bai Yuekui's shocked gaze, Zhang Jingyun's eyes turned dark, a gloomy feeling came to his heart, and then a soul that was so transparent that it almost disappeared floated in the air.

This is the Ju Ling Dispatch General among the Eight Wonders.

After the death of the body, as long as the consciousness has not dissipated and he can exist in the state of soul, Bai Yuetian is now Zhang Jingyun's spirit.

"His consciousness is too weak. I will let him possess me and say a few words to you, and then I will have to recover before I can show up." Zhang Jingyun's eyes changed as he spoke.

Ju Ling Qian Jiang is much easier to use than Maoshan's divine magic. The soul is possessed in just a thought. When Zhang Jingyun opens his eyes again, it is already a white moon.

"Huh? This is my brother-in-law's body. Jie Jie Jie, so strong and full of strength. Don't let him ruin your small body."

Bai Yue Tianguai said with a smile.

Bai Yuekui's prepared words of reunion were forgotten, and he flew forward with a knee-butt, hitting Zhang Jingyun's head hard.

Zhang Jingyun flew out and hung on the wall.

"Damn it, Yue Kui, please take it easy. Don't damage my body." Zhang Jingyun suddenly regained consciousness and said with a speechless expression.

Bai Yuekui made a move, then softened his attitude and said, "I understand, just let him out. I won't do anything again."

Zhang Jingyun's eyes changed and he asked Bai Yuetian to come out and circle around Bai Yuekui like a pug. Since he was taken away from his body and only one brain was left, his character has developed in a funny direction and he has become the person in charge of the atmosphere.

The two brothers and sisters chatted for a long time before they came to an end. When Zhang Jingyun put away Bai Yuetian's soul, he still felt the lingering pain of being thrown to the knee, and he suddenly had a look of resentment on his face.

Bai Yuekui knew he was in the wrong, so he quickly comforted him and said, "I was too excited. How about making it up to you once...twice like I did yesterday?"

Zhang Jingyun felt itchy when he remembered that Bai Yuekui got up and wiped his mouth with a tissue yesterday after vomiting yesterday. This is Boss Bai, it's exciting!

Half an hour later.

Tears of dissatisfaction flowed from the corner of Bai Yuekui's mouth. Zhang Jingyun was satisfied for a while, and suddenly thought of a bold idea that had flashed in his head before.

Ju Ling Qian will be useful to the soul. What is the soul? It can be said to be consciousness as well as spirit. ASH, which was originally created by Bai Jingyu, has also developed self-awareness after several evolutions.

The ancient giant's brain can swallow its consciousness, which shows that ASH's consciousness can be integrated with the consciousness of living organisms. In theory, this is also a soul.

"What if we use the spirit-binding generals to recapture ASH's consciousness? Can we reshape this super artificial intelligence that caused a technological explosion in the spirit cage world?"

Zhang Jingyun desperately wanted to return to the lighthouse and give it a try, but in this case, he might also confront the consciousness of this ancient giant.

What if my own consciousness is also swallowed up?

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while, this possibility is unlikely. He has cultivated Yuanshen and reached the realm of Taoist Yangshen. How powerful is his consciousness?

The ancient giant had only lived a little longer and had never experienced soul cultivation. If he could also leave his body, Zhang Jingyun wouldn't even be able to hide.

"Yue Kui, follow me back to the lighthouse!"

Zhang Jingyun moved his parallel fingers and walked away with his sword. The strong air surged in his ears, but was blocked by Zhang Jingyun's magic power.

"By the way, how is my sword going?" Zhang Jingyun still remembered that Bai Yuekui needed to build a peerless sword for himself during this trip.

Flying with a mahogany sword is too low.

"Don't worry, Master Lai will make this sword for you personally! It uses the backbone of a king-level pole-devouring beast and is engraved with spiritual patterns. It's even more powerful than my Tang Dao."

Zhang Jingyun was satisfied.

At this time, the lighthouse also arrived.

Zhang Jingyun and the two went straight into the central command hall, passed through the levels, and once again came to the core device of the lighthouse - the Crota system.

The huge mechanical brain flashed with brilliant blue light. It sensed Zhang Jingyun's arrival and realized what Zhang Jingyun wanted to do, so it burst into bright light.

"Are you scared?"

Zhang Jingyun has a feeling that this half of his big head seems to be afraid of himself, which is just right. Zhang Jingyun likes to bully the weak and avoid the strong.

Ju Ling dispatches generals!

Zhang Jingyun used the Eight Magic Skills, his eyes were dark, and he felt a special consciousness in the dark. This consciousness was completely different from humans, but it was still under Zhang Jingyun's control.

I think this is the consciousness of ASH.

But ASH's consciousness and another human consciousness were so intertwined that they were almost indistinguishable from each other, and Zhang Jingyun could not forcefully separate them.

Moreover, Zhang Jingyun felt.

If it is forcibly peeled off, there will be a lot of trouble. This half of the brain has the consciousness of an ancient giant and is not something to be trifled with.

"I still can't handle Him for a while."

Zhang Jingyun was not in a hurry and could operate slowly. He was practicing dual cultivation with Bai Yuekui and others while simultaneously improving his skills such as spirit arresting generals and sword control.

Before I knew it, more than two months had passed.

Zhang Jingyun's practice was suddenly interrupted by the system, "Ding! The seventh world is about to open, host please be prepared."

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