People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 172 The Friend of Life and Death【Please subscribe】

The system prompt sounded in Zhang Jingyun's mind. Compared with the main world and the mission world that can be traveled freely, the unknown world is more challenging.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved and he said to Bai Yuekui: "After such a long time, my sword should be forged, right?"

To be honest, Zhang Jingyun is also very curious.

Master Lai, one of the most mysterious people on the ground, how powerful is the sword that he personally forged that fuses the spine of the king-level pole-devouring beast?

"It has been sent to you a long time ago, but you have been in seclusion and I haven't had time to show it to you. Most people can't lift this sword. You have to go there in person."

Bai Yuekui said calmly,

At first, Zhang Jingyun didn't realize how heavy a sword could be. After all, the dragon-slaying knife he used before weighed one hundred and forty kilograms.

Wait for Zhang Jingyun to pick up the sword himself.

Before the sword was swung, the surging sword energy spread out. The sword energy was so sharp that it could destroy gold and break jade. The whole sword was dark red, and the color of the sword ridge in the middle became heavier. It looked like a blood line, showing something similar to scarlet. The plain color has the artistic conception of bloodthirsty and madness.

The sword was four feet long and as broad as the palm of a hand. As soon as he took it into his hands, Zhang Jingyun showed a look of surprise. The sword seemed to weigh dozens of kilograms at most, and its weight definitely exceeded the limit of all materials known to mankind.

"With your strength, a sword that is too heavy is not suitable. This sword weighs exactly three hundred and sixty kilograms. If the dragon-slaying knife you gave me was not integrated into it, the weight could reach more than five hundred kilograms."

Bai Yuekui said calmly that the Dragon Slaying Sword was very heavy, weighing a full 140 kilograms. The reason why it was incorporated into the newly made sword was because the Dragon Slaying Sword had its own sword energy and sword energy, which could greatly enhance the power of the weapon. .

Various works have different opinions on the material of the dragon-slaying knife, such as meteorite iron, western fine gold, etc. There are very few metals that can bring their own sword energy.

Swords made of this metal are all divine sword level, and coupled with the spine of the king-level pole-devouring beast, its density exceeds any known metal material in the world of spiritual cages.

If the whole body of the sword was made of the bones of the Devouring Beast, the final weight would definitely exceed 360 kilograms, and the effect of the sword energy would be lost.


There is no need to use a heavy sword.

It would be difficult for a normal person to wield an iron sword weighing one or two kilograms, but Zhang Jingyun has achieved great success in practice. With a strength of hundreds of thousands kilograms, a sword weighing more than three hundred kilograms is suitable.

"A sword is a good sword, but it needs to be nourished with magic power. Only when the magic weapon is sacrificed and refined can it be suitable for sword control." Zhang Jingyun thought to himself, and then under Bai Yuekui's gaze.

Zhang Jingyun stretched out two fingers and bit them in his mouth, using his own essence and blood to refine the magic sword. As the magic power continued to circulate, the sword body flashed with a dark red divine light.

The blood line on the sword's spine is even more eerie.

After a moment, the front and back of the sword hilt condensed into two characters, which were composed of Maoshan runes. They were simple and full of simplicity. They were the two characters of "Slaying Demons".

"It was originally a dragon-slaying sword, but now it is a demon-slaying sword. It is normal for the murderous focus of the magic weapon to be focused on. From now on, I will use this sword to slay demons."

Zhang Jingyun only initially sacrificed it into a magical weapon. If he wanted to use it as an arm, he would have to refine it repeatedly. He could slowly cultivate it in a new world.

There is one more thing.

Zhang Jingyun also used the spirit-binding general to collect Bai Yuetian's soul. It was inconvenient to take souls from other worlds with him to the new mission world, so he had to stay in the spirit cage world.

After nearly a month of cultivation.

Bai Yuetian's soul is no longer so fragile, but it is still very difficult for the spiritual body in this world to exist alone.

Either be swallowed by the pole beast, or store self-awareness in a mechanical device like the artificial intelligence ASH.

Of these two methods, the first one is definitely not possible, and the second method is not feasible under the current conditions, so Zhang Jingyun can only adopt the third method.

Find a body for Bai Yuetian's soul.

It's not about taking possession of one's body.

Zhang Jingyun actually can't do such a thing as seizing a body. The spirit-detaining general only has absolute control over the spiritual body. A living person's life is one, and the body and soul are closely connected, so it is impossible to detain the soul.

Naturally, there is no talk of seizing the body.

On the contrary, it is possible to temporarily put the soul in a body, with Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level and the magic of the Maoshan Sect.

The key point here is the body.

The human body is definitely not good. It does not mean that after a person dies, foreign souls can borrow the corpse and resurrect him. Bai Yuekui has already verified this issue with actual actions.

If a brain transplant is performed in time to replace the brain, the original body will still have the consciousness of the original body, and even regain the dominant position.

Even if the brain belongs to another person.

Resurrection from a dead body will also be affected by the original consciousness, so Zhang Jingyun had to prepare a body for Bai Yuetian that had no remaining consciousness at all.

In Maoshan magic, scarecrows, wooden figures, paper figures, etc. are generally used as the body. For more advanced ones, lotus roots are used to sacrifice the incarnation.

Nezha, the great god of the Santanhaihui, is the lotus root body.

But with Zhang Jingyun's Taoism, it is possible to make a straw or paper human body, but it is definitely not possible to make a lotus root incarnation for people like Taiyi Zhenren did.

One is that he doesn’t have that level of cultivation.

Second, there is no corresponding material.

Nezha's lotus root body is not an ordinary lotus root. It is a rare spiritual object in the mythical world. It requires various nourishment and sacrifices to refine it, so that Taiyi Master can play it well.

The best way Zhang Jingyun can think of at present is to seal Bai Yuetian's soul in a zombie's body. Zombies have no souls, so it is no problem to use them as containers to seal their souls.

Moreover, the zombies are strong, much stronger than scarecrows and paper men... It just so happens that the world is unstable, so Zhang Jingyun is ready to keep both zombies.

"Ah Da, Ah Er."

Zhang Jingyun summons the old man and the royal zombie. If they can evolve by sucking the blood of the polar beast, they might evolve into flying zombies next time they come back.

Ju Ling dispatches generals!

Zhang Jingyun sealed Bai Yuetian's soul in it, and left Bai Yuekui the soul-stirring bell that controlled the zombies and the Wutong Treeman stand-in that destroyed the zombies when out of control.

Finish the matter in the spirit cage world.

Zhang Jingyun stepped on the flying sword and flew away.


main world.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the data panel.

【Pacesetter System】

[Host: Zhang Jingyun]

[Realm: Refining Gods, Heavenly Beings, Seeing Gods]

[Lifespan: 28/? ,47/819]

[Gongfa: The Five Thunders of the Supreme Purity are perfect on the fifth level, the Light Gathering Qi method is perfect on the fifth level, and the Everlasting Eternal Spring Skill is perfect on the seventh level...]

[Skills: Perfection of the fifth level of the Sword Controlling Technique, perfection of the fifth level of the Divine Invitation Technique, perfection of the fifth level of the Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique, and introduction to the fourth level of the Wuying Divine General Array...]

[Attribute points: 480]

So far, Zhang Jingyun has reached a bottleneck in the internal force system and internal boxing system, and there has not been much growth in either his techniques or his skills.

Unless you enter a higher-level martial arts world, such as the world of Fengyun, or the world of the Galaxy Emperor era after the novel "Dragon and Snake".

There will be room for further improvement in the internal force cultivation system or the internal boxing system, but in all previous mission worlds.

Zhang Jingyun is already at his peak.

Therefore, the only cultivation system that can be improved now is the Taoist system. The fourth level of Taoism, Zhang Jingyun has only reached the third level - refining the spirit.

The soul is cultivated in the realm of refining the soul, and the soul leaves the body. Theoretically, the life limit has far exceeded the life span of the physical body, but Zhang Jingyun looked at the life span.

His physical lifespan is not over, and his soul lifespan can only live to more than 800 years old at most, which is similar to Peng Zu, and there is a lot of room for improvement.

In terms of exercises, the thunder method and the light gathering method are both five levels of perfection, and the Taoist exercises have eight levels in total, corresponding to the four realms of Taoism.

The exception is the thunder method. There are nine levels in total, and there is an extra level of skills to transform into an immortal queen. However, in the world of Mr. Zombie, the most powerful Shi Jian has only cultivated to around the fourth level. It is so difficult to become an immortal.

Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level has not reached the peak of god refining. As his cultivation level gets higher and higher, he has to pay a lot of price every time he upgrades his skills. To increase the level rashly is to overdraw his life and damage his Tao foundation.

As for the final attribute point...

Zhang Jingyun is still very satisfied.

This month, I have been practicing double cultivation with Bai Yuokui. Each double cultivation is one attribute point. Practicing Xuannv Sutra nine times each time is the limit, which is nine attribute points.

That’s more than 200 points a month.

Adding in other companions, lighthouse commander Jing Nan, wilderness hunter Feixue, Erica, and light bearer Fanti, etc., the attribute points increased to 480 points.

So many attribute points are enough for the time being.

At the moment, Zhang Jingyun waited quietly for the time to arrive. After a while, a burst of white light flashed, but Zhang Jingyun felt that his eyesight went dark.

The next second, Zhang Jingyun disappeared instantly and was pulled into an unknown space. When he opened his eyes again, the world had changed.


A gloomy night.

With a pair of jade feet, long hair, and white clothes, in Lanruo Temple, a young woman was having an indescribable relationship with a man.

When I was getting excited, when I was in extreme ecstasy, gusts of evil wind suddenly blew in the room, and a branch spread from outside the door into the room at an alarming speed, rushing towards the man who was awakening the vertical grip.

When the man saw it, he immediately showed a horrified expression, and then his screams resounded throughout the night sky, and all the blood and yang energy in his body was swallowed up by the tree demon.

This kind of thing is not a rare thing in Lanruo Temple, it happens all the time. Over time, people from a hundred miles away have become afraid of Lanruo Temple.

Who can't think about it.

Only then will they stay in Lanruo Temple.

However, the locals knew it, but the outsiders did not know that as year after year passed, there were more and more outsiders who could not resist the temptation here and were devoured of their essence and blood.

Until this day.

A bearded man lives in Lanruo Temple.


The scene changed to a few days later.

I saw a few figures walking forward in the pouring rain. These people were wearing black close-fitting night clothes, with bulging waists, and looked panicked and crazy.

These are troubled times, and legal prohibitions are ineffective.

Not only are demons and ghosts appearing frequently, but some people also show their ferocious faces, taking desperate risks and robbing homes to make a fortune.

These people had just robbed a lot of money. When they were leaving, one of the thieves, who was one of the best in the world, casually took the luggage of a swordsman before joining the gang.

When I opened it, I saw not to mention the white money, but also a few pieces of golden gold, which was more than the money taken during the robbery.

Everyone thought they had made a fortune.

Unexpectedly, the swordsman was not someone to be trifled with. His sharp gaze never left these people, and he pursued them for more than 200 miles into Guobei County.

"Brother, it's our fault that we offended the wrong person. How about this, how about we return brother's things intact and give him another hundred taels of silver as compensation?"

The leader of this group of thieves finally couldn't help but sue for peace. He thought he had made a fortune, but unexpectedly he got a piece of shit that he couldn't get rid of.

The swordsman stopped when he heard this, as if he was thinking about it. The five bandits lined up in an orderly manner, waiting for a reply, but at this moment the swordsman burst out with astonishing speed.

He never thought about staying alive from beginning to end.

The sword is unsheathed, and the sword energy is flowing freely.

The muddy water continued to be splashed up, and the swordsman stepped on his feet and shuttled back and forth among the figures. After a few clanking sounds, only the bandit leader was left alive.

The swordsman's swordsmanship has become superb.

He took a step forward and wiped the robber's neck with his sword, and took his luggage back. He didn't even look at the other money that had been stolen by the robber.

The rain was falling heavily, so the swordsman walked into the pavilion next to him, opened his bag, took out two steamed buns stained with some blood, and ate them with the corpses in front of him.

Turning his eyes, there was a Qiu Sheng standing next to him. He was thin and soaked. The scholar was watching all this and his legs were trembling.

The swordsman threw a sticky steamed bun to him, and the scholar was so frightened that he hurriedly scrambled. The swordsman, who was covered in blood, looked at him as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and he put the bloody steamed bun into his mouth very carefully.


The scholar, who was cold and frightened, let out a whimper and fell to the ground. The swordsman was stunned. He was so frightened that he fainted after eating a steamed bun?

He didn't pay much attention to other things in his mind, "In the past seven years, my sword has gotten faster and faster. One day, I can defeat Yan Chixia and become the best swordsman in the world!"

When the rain stopped, the swordsman packed his bag and stood up. He checked the scholar's breathing and found that he was still alive. Then he left.

After a while.

Zhang Jingyun slowly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, a stream of unfamiliar information poured into his mind. As Zhang Jingyun digested all the information, he also realized where in the world this was and who he was.

His predecessor was a down-and-out scholar.

It was difficult to come to Beijing to take the exam and win fame. Due to the mediocre family background and the troubled times, the journey of the predecessor was quite bumpy.

"Ning Caichen, Guobei County, go to the shop to collect the bill?" Zhang Jingyun browsed through the memories of his predecessor, never expecting that he would travel through time and become this famous figure.

The acquaintance of life and death, the undead knight...

Ning Caichen, who is tied with Dong Yong and Xu Xian.

Obviously, this is Ghost Story.

Zhang Jingyun recalled some things that had just happened. The ferocious swordsman killed several people in just a few breaths, and even whispered that he wanted to compete with Yan Chixia. He must have been the mysterious and confident Xiahou swordsman.

"The swordsmanship is good, but it lacks some stability. This level of swordsmanship is far behind the first-class level in the martial arts world, such as Hefeng Qingyang, Dongfang Bubai, and Zhang Sanfeng. Do you still want to be the best in the world?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at the wounds on the robbers' bodies. His martial arts had already reached its peak. He could tell the level of the sword wielder by seeing the wounds.

Even though your level is not that good, you still want to compare with Yan Chixia?

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. Yan Chixia probably sent away Xiahou Swordsman without even using her magic power. How can a martial arts practitioner compare with an immortal cultivator?

Do you really think everyone is Zuo Qianhu?

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in his mind. Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. He opened the data panel and saw the mission of A Chinese Ghost Story.

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