People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 176 The furious thousand-year-old tree demon [Please subscribe]

"Where am I from?"

Yan Chixia shook her head and said: "I have no family or sect, and I only embarked on the path of monasticism by chance. Like you, I wanted to serve the imperial court.

When he was young, he became a famous judge in the twenty-six provinces of Guandong and Guangxi with his swordsmanship. However, due to the treacherous ministers in power, he retired from the world and lived in seclusion in Lanruo Temple. "

"Then where does your ability come from? Hey, don't think I can't see it. Yesterday you and Xiahou Swordsman didn't use all your strength in the sword fight. If you had shown your true ability, he would have been defeated long ago."

Zhang Jingyun said jokingly.

Although Yan Chixia looked fierce, she had a warm heart. He felt that Zhang Jingyun could resist the temptation of the female ghost and was an upright gentleman, so his liking for Zhang Jingyun immediately increased.

"You have a keen eye, and your guess is good. In addition to practicing martial arts, I am also a Taoist. During the years when I was a judge, I caught many tomb robbers.

Among them, there were a few tomb thieves who were so bold as to rob the tombs of the hidden sects. Neither the Kunlun sect nor the Shushan sect could escape their clutches.

Naturally, I acquired the skills from Kunlun and Shushan, but cultivating Taoism does not just require having the skills. Upright gentlemen like us would certainly not practice the skills obtained from catching tomb robbers without authorization.

Later, I returned the exercises and some of the magical tools I obtained to Kunlun and Shushan. The Kunlun sect was doing well and the sect was relatively prosperous. The leader saw that I was an upright person and gave me guidance on my practice, so I can be considered a Kunlun sect. "

Zhang Jingyun understood clearly, "So that's it. What about the Shushan Sect? I see that many of your swordsmanship moves are based on flying swords."

Yan Chixia was slightly surprised: "You still know how to fly a sword? It's rare, but the Shushan sect is famous for its swordsmanship. The skill I obtained includes a volume of sword control.

It's just that I originally wanted to send the skills I gained back to Shushan, but for some unknown reason, the Shushan sect withered and there was no formal orthodoxy.

I searched to no avail, but with the advice of the head of Kunlun, I also started to practice Shushan swordsmanship such as sword control. In addition, I have a high level of swordsmanship, and I have achieved success in a few years. "

At the end of the day, Yan Chixia was still a little proud. Ordinary people only achieve success after practicing Taoism for decades, but he had already broken through to the realm of god refining after just a few years of cultivation?

In the world of monasticism, he is also gifted.

"Brother Yan's luck is profound. It was also the tomb robber who met the right person. If it had been someone else who had obtained the Taoist cultivation technique, it would have been a pearl in the dust."

Yan Chixia smiled boldly and said: "This makes sense, but speaking of it, my luck is profound. Do you know the origin and origin of this sword?"

Zhang Jingyun glanced at it and felt envious in his heart. This was the Xuanyuan Divine Sword. It was the first of the top ten artifacts in ancient times and had unpredictable abilities.

Envy turned into envy, Zhang Jingyun did not forget to echo: "Huh? This sword is golden in color, with the sun, moon and stars engraved on one side of the sword and mountains, rivers and vegetation on the other side.

On one side of the sword's hilt is written the art of farming and animal husbandry, and on the other side is written the strategy of unifying the four seas. It contains infinite power and should be used as a magic sword to slay demons! "

Zhang Jingyun deliberately showed a shocked look and said: "Isn't this the legendary Xuanyuan Divine Sword that was forged by the Yellow Emperor by immortals collecting copper from Shou Mountain?"

"Haha, I have good eyesight. It's the Xuanyuan Divine Sword. To be honest, I don't know what kind of luck I had to get this sword and recognize it as its owner.

There is a saying that a divine object has its own secrets. Before I got this sword, it had experienced many owners, but none of them could be recognized by the divine sword. It is not an exaggeration to say that the opportunity is profound. "

Yan Chixia stroked her beard and sighed. Of course, he was not showing off to Zhang Jingyun. He just recognized Zhang Jingyun and said everything. He treated others with sincerity and was a pure person.

Perhaps this is the reason why his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds. The process of cultivating the Tao depends first on opportunity, second on his character, and third on his aptitude.

Yan Chixia has great opportunities, a pure and kind heart, and excellent aptitudes. No wonder she is almost on the verge of becoming a Taoist and an immortal in the third part.

Zhang Jingyun has nothing to say, it’s just that the opportunity is good, his character is naturally suitable for practicing Taoism, and his qualifications are rare geniuses. This is the configuration of the protagonist.

Just have the Xuanyuan Sword, and there is also the Diamond Sutra. The Sanskrit Diamond Sutra can suppress the old Black Mountain demon in the underworld, so it is also a magical weapon.

I have to admit that Yan Chixia's magic weapon configuration is much stronger than Zhang Jingyun. It is probably very difficult to completely defeat Yan Chixia.

The system mission is to defeat Yan Chixia. Obviously, it is not just about defeating him in swordsmanship, but also in Taoism. Otherwise, Zhang Jingyun would have completed the mission yesterday.

"Brother Yan, looking at you, you must be living a hard life here. I'll prepare some food, and you and I will chat while we eat."

Zhang Jingyun is envious, but he is definitely not jealous. If Yan Chixia recognizes him, he will naturally treat Yan Chixia as a friend.

So defeat Yan Chixia.

It is even more important to compete openly and openly.

But now is not the time. There is a strong enemy on the side. If the two of them fight to the death, both sides will lose. Wouldn't it be that the thousand-year-old tree demon has been advantaged in vain?

Yan Chixia saw that Zhang Jingyun looked like a poor scholar, so she didn't expect him to come up with anything to eat, and since he had been practicing Taoism, he could already live without food.

It doesn’t matter if you eat or not.

But when Zhang Jingyun took out the best sauce beef and two bottles of Maotai sauce, Yan Chixia finally couldn't move her eyes away.

The soy sauce beef was okay, Yan Chixia didn't care too much, but the wine was different. Once she smelled the mellow aroma, no matter how advanced her inceling skills were, it was useless.

"It smells so good, little brother, what kind of wine is this? You can't drink so much by yourself. Fortunately, I'm here to drink and chat with you."

Yan Chixia rubbed her hands and said greedily.

"Brother Yan, you don't have to be polite, just drink." Zhang Jingyun didn't whet his appetite. It would be cruel for an alcoholic to make him wait for a second longer for fine wine.

Yan Chixia picked up the big bowl and drank it twice: "Good wine, good wine, Yan has never seen such good wine in her many years of traveling.

It tastes better than the tribute wine I secretly drank in the palace. Little brother, even if you live in Lanruo Temple, I will see which female ghost dares to harm you! "

After speaking, Yan Chixia picked up the Xuanyuan Sword and swung it hard. The strong sword energy easily chopped the boulder into pieces. If a Xiahou swordsman with such power dared to take it, he would definitely die in seconds.

"Brother Yan has a good sword."

As Zhang Jingyun spoke, he flicked his finger, and invisible sword energy shot out from his fingertips. Although it did not break the boulder, it penetrated a transparent hole.

Yan Chixia was startled, "Is this also martial arts? I'm afraid I'm not fooling me, little brother. You are clearly using magic under the guise of martial arts."

Zhang Jingyun burst into laughter, "It's really not a magic spell, it's just a way to use internal energy to display invisible sword energy."

Yan Chixia looked suspicious, Zhang Jingyun tried again, and there was no fluctuation in magic power at all. Only then did Yan Chixia believe that this was really martial arts.

"I lost a lot in my swordsmanship competition with you yesterday. I thought about it all night and came up with some ideas. Do you want to compete again?"

Maybe she was a little drunk after drinking a few bottles of Maotai. Yan Chixia was quite confident and felt that she had thought of a way to crack the Dugu Nine Swords, and immediately said eagerly to try it.


Zhang Jingyun did not refuse, casually picked up the long sword, and stood facing Yan Chixia staring at each other. Yan Chixia was really smart, so he did not make a move.

The characteristic of Dugu Nine Swords is to anticipate the enemy's opportunity. Often the opponent will catch the flaw and counterattack as soon as he makes a move. He responds to the attack with offense and has no defensive swordsmanship.

Yan Chixia was just waiting for an opportunity if he didn't take the initiative, but he still underestimated Zhang Jingyun, thinking that Zhang Jingyun only knew the Dugu Nine Swords?

He didn't draw his sword, so Zhang Jingyun used Huashan Sword Technique to force him to take action. Yan Chixia fought back fiercely, and Zhang Jingyun naturally used the Dugu Nine Swords.

"It's this weird swordsmanship again!"

Yan Chixia felt depressed every time she was attacked by Zhang Jingyun. It seemed that she still couldn't do anything to Zhang Jingyun if she didn't take the initiative.

"This is the only way we can use it."

Yan Chixia thought in her heart. At the same time, her swordsmanship changed. Zhang Jingyun, who was also fighting with him, instantly noticed that Yan Chixia's swordsmanship suddenly returned to its original nature. It did not have any fancy skills, and only used the simplest and most basic skills. Moves are a competition of strength.

"Want to conquer ten levels with one force?"

Zhang Jingyun instantly saw what Yan Chixia was thinking. He was indeed a smart man. He knew that he could never defeat Dugu Nine Swords in terms of swordsmanship, so he simply took a deviant approach and did not give Zhang Jingyun a chance to take advantage of the enemy. He directly used the most primitive method. Compete, compare strength, compare speed.

Yan Chixia relied on the powerful physique of Master Lian Shen to suppress Zhang Jingyun, but unfortunately, Zhang Jingyun did not give him a chance.

Although Zhang Jingyun is not afraid of him in terms of physical strength and strength, doesn't this mean that Zhang Jingyun's martial arts has no essence and is no different from him?

Of course, Zhang Jingyun wanted Yan Chixia to see what it means to have someone outside the world, but Zhang Jingyun's sword force changed.

He was no longer as aggressive as Dugu Nine Swords, and suddenly became introverted and rounded, pricking and draping, and the clouds and belts collapsing and twisting...Yin and yang merged into one, hard and soft, until Yan Chixia couldn't help but use her magic power to destroy Zhang Jingyun's iron sword. After being cut into two sections, he gave up.

"Your swordsmanship is truly divine."

Yan Chixia looked depressed. Zhang Jingyun's sword skills were unpredictable and endless. It was hard to imagine how he could reach such a level.

"The Xuanyuan Divine Sword is really powerful."

Zhang Jingyun has used his inner strength to instill it into the iron sword. It is not said to be indestructible, nor can it be easily broken. After all, a divine weapon is a divine weapon, and it is not on the same level as ordinary soldiers.

"I'll lend it to you if you like."

Yan Chixia happily threw the Xuanyuan Divine Sword over. Zhang Jingyun reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword. It felt no different from an ordinary weapon, but he agreed with Yan Chixia's words. Divine objects will hide themselves, and they will recognize their own owners.

"Hehe, if you can activate the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, I can give it to you." Yan Chixia said with confidence.


Zhang Jingyun's eyes lit up.

"Can I still go back on my word?" After Yan Chixia said this, she let Zhang Jingyun try. No matter how many times Zhang Jingyun tried, it was useless.

Zhang Jingyun instilled his inner strength and then swung it hard, but it didn't have the power of Yan Chixia to break mountains and crack rocks. Later, Zhang Jingyun even secretly used magic power to stimulate it, but it also had no effect.

Yan Chixia laughed and said: "The divine sword has been recognized as its owner. Unless I allow others to use it, or Huangdi and Xia Yu are still alive, this divine sword can be activated."

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. Xuanyuan Sword was also called Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword. He was neither Huang Di nor Xia Yu, but he had some relationship with one of them.

Xuanyuan Divine Sword suddenly trembled slightly.

The face of Yan Chixia next to her changed instantly, but Xuanyuan Sword returned to calm the next second, and Yan Chixia even wondered if it was an illusion.

"No, I'll give it back to you."

Zhang Jingyun exchanged the Xuanyuan Divine Sword dejectedly, and Yan Chixia held the Xuanyuan Divine Sword tightly. The feeling of connectedness was still there, and she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, I almost thought that Divine Sword was going to abandon me. Come on, come on, drink and eat meat!" Yan Chixia opened another bottle of Maotai and ate it happily.

"There may be female ghosts coming to pester me at night. Based on yesterday's experience, I won't be tricked. But after this time, the most powerful monsters will definitely be provoked. Then Brother Yan will have to slay them."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly said to Yan Chixia.

Yan Chixia patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, as long as you can survive tonight, the thousand-year-old tree demon will show up tomorrow and I will deal with it!"

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said nothing. Sooner or later there would be a battle with the thousand-year-old tree demon, just in time for Yan Chixia to test the skills of the tree demon.

In the original plot, the thousand-year-old tree demon was sealed by Yan Chixia and could not come out to harm anyone for a hundred years. The thousand-year tree demon was not completely killed.

Zhang Jingyun shoulders the task of slaying demons in the system. He will definitely not let go of the experience package of the Thousand-Year Dryad. He must be wiped out in both form and body!

This time during the day.

Zhang Jingyun also used attribute points to upgrade many skills, such as the Maoshan method, which is essential for subduing demons and eliminating demons. Various talismans and formations must be upgraded to the limit.

Currently, Zhang Jingyun is in the middle stage of God Refining. Accordingly, he can raise various talismans and formations to the fifth level of perfection, and his attribute points have shrunk sharply.

By nightfall, there will be very few attribute points left.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the sun that was about to set, "Tonight is another sleepless night. No matter how hard you work, you will gain. God rewards those who work hard!"

It was already dark.

Lanruo Temple was cast into a shadow.

In an attic, Nie Xiaoqian looked nervous. She had already told the thousand-year-old tree demon what happened last night according to Zhang Jingyun's instructions.

If she failed to seduce a man, she would definitely be scolded. Nie Xiaoqian was even slapped a few times by the tree demon. The tree demon believed Nie Xiaoqian for the time being.

"Since you said you can't seduce the scholar by yourself, then let Xiaoqing and others join forces with you to deal with him tonight. If you still can't, you know the consequences!"

The thousand-year-old tree demon said with male voices and angry voices. Nie Xiaoqian and many pretty female ghosts were all frightened after hearing this.

"Yes, grandma!"

No one here is afraid of the thousand-year-old tree demon.

At night, the night was dark and windy, with a little candlelight lighting up, Nie Xiaoqian came to a room door, and through the crack in the door she could see Zhang Jingyun sitting inside as usual.

"What a skinny person, no wonder I can't do it. It turns out it's not that I can't seduce him, but I pity the man. What do you think if I report it to grandma?"

A beautiful female ghost next to Nie Xiaoqian said half jokingly, half threateningly. Her name is Xiaoqing, and she has always regarded Nie Xiaoqian as her opponent.

"Xiao Qing, I have been married to Mr. Montenegro. You don't need to push me to get married. I'm about to leave. As for whether this man is easy to seduce, you will know if you give it a try."

Nie Xiaoqian said calmly.

Xiao Qing didn't take it seriously and said to everyone: "I'll try his skills first, and you can act accordingly."

After saying that, Xiaoqing entered the room.

"Young Master~~The slave family is so scared!"

Zhang Jingyun looked up at the pretty female ghost, stood up and closed the door tightly, using his magic power to block Nie Xiaoqian and other female ghosts from observing.

"Okay, this time you can talk about what you are afraid of." Zhang Jingyun said meaningfully. The female ghost's soft and boneless body fell into Zhang Jingyun's arms, with a faint orchid fragrance.

An hour later.

The door opened, and Xiao Qing ran out of the door in a hurry. Before he could speak, his whole body twitched, he foamed at the mouth and even rolled his eyes.

"I...I can't stand it anymore. I can't stand this person. Let's work together to deal with him!" As soon as Xiaoqing finished speaking, he fell to the ground with a weak breath, as if he had been taken back and his consciousness fell into a coma.

The door was closed again.

One night passed, the female ghosts trained by the thousand-year-old tree demon were killed by Zhang Jingyun and suffered heavy losses. Accordingly, Zhang Jingyun gained dozens of attribute points.

When Xiao Qing and other female ghosts went to report to the thousand-year-old tree demon, their souls were already unstable and their cultivation had regressed. If they were not careful, they might lose their souls.

"How did you end up like this?"

The thousand-year-old tree demon couldn't bear to look at it.

Nie Xiaoqian said: "Grandma, you saw that the sisters were all harmed by that man. He must be an evil cultivator. Only you can deal with this man and avenge us!"

The thousand-year-old tree demon's expression was uncertain. Everyone knew that the thousand-year tree demon was furious at this moment, and Lanruo Temple would no longer be peaceful.

"It is impossible for a mortal to make you all like this. Since you are an evil cultivator, you are not within the scope of the agreement with Big Beard. I can kill him myself!"

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