People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 177 Are you also a warlock? 【Please subscribe】

Lanruo Temple, night is approaching.

Zhang Jingyun and Yan Chixia were sitting cross-legged in the room. If nothing unexpected happened, the thousand-year-old tree demon would definitely come to cause trouble tonight.

"Little brother, Yan really underestimates you. Not only can you resist the temptation of female ghosts, but you can also resist a group of female ghosts. If I didn't know that you are a seven-foot man, I would have thought you were..."

Yan Chixia said with a strange smile.

Zhang Jingyun asked: "What do you think I am?"

Yan Chixia said teasingly: "The only person who can stay pregnant is a gentleman like Liu Xiahui, that is, a eunuch in the palace."

Zhang Jingyun was not angry, and said calmly: "Brother Yan thinks highly of me. I just don't like female ghosts very much, but it's not that I don't like women."

Yan Chixia exclaimed in surprise, "But you told me not to kill that female ghost named Nie Xiaoqian. Didn't you hang out with her these past few days and fall in love with her?"

Zhang Jingyun's face darkened, what a fool, Yan Chixia, the bearded man, didn't have anything nice to say, and Zhang Jingyun felt...

Falling in love with Nie Xiaoqian and falling in love with Nie Xiaoqian.

They should be two different things, right?

People and ghosts have different paths. Zhang Jingyun is also a Taoist, so he naturally knows this truth. There is no point in falling in love with a female ghost.

As for Nie Xiaoqian, if she really means to love each other, then she has only two choices. First, insist on practicing as a ghost, and one day become a ghost immortal, and maybe she can become an official Taoist couple with Zhang Jingyun.

However, the possibility of Nie Xiaoqian becoming a ghost fairy is actually very slim. This is because there is still a small amount of karma in Nie Xiaoqian's body.

Although she had been under the coercion of the tree demon over the years, she had helped the thousand-year-old tree demon seduce men to absorb blood essence. Even though she was forced to act, the cause and effect had already been formed.

Those unjust souls who died in vain will not let go of Nie Xiaoqian. Nie Xiaoqian wants to cultivate into a ghost immortal in a ghost body, and the thunder tribulation at the last level will most likely make her lose her soul.

Zhang Jingyun is a Taoist and knows these things very well. Maoshan records the deeds of many predecessors who became immortals. The method of overcoming the disaster and resolving the cause and effect all need to be considered in advance.

Therefore, many Lianxu Zhenren who have profound cultivation will not overcome the tribulation if they are entangled by cause and effect, but will be reincarnated and cultivate again. After the tribulation, the past and present life will be heard, and everything will fall into place.

Therefore, Nie Xiaoqian could only consider the second method, which was to reincarnate and become a human again. If Zhang Jingyun found her reincarnation, she might have different gains.

So Zhang Jingyun asked Yan Chixia not to attack her. Although Yan Chixia hates evil, she is also a kind Taoist priest who has a clear sense of grudges and grudges.

After Zhang Jingyun told Yan Chixia about the tragedy that happened to Nie Xiaoqian, he burst into tears and sympathized with Nie Xiaoqian without Zhang Jingyun's request.

"Hey, little brother, you just fell in love with a female ghost. Even if you are a martial arts practitioner, your yang energy will be slowly consumed. You scholars are so powerful that you won't even let the female ghost off if you become romantic."

Yan Chixia suddenly curled her lips and said.

"What do you mean by not letting go of female ghosts? Brother Yan, it was Xiaoqian who sent it to the door by herself. If it weren't for my influence, she might not have found her way back."

"Are other female ghosts also influenced by you?"

Yan Chixia suddenly asked.

Zhang Jingyun said righteously: "Those female ghosts are so stubborn that even I can't change them. However, through my efforts, their strength has been weakened. Don't be polite when you meet them tonight."

Although Zhang Jingyun fought with these female ghosts last night and added dozens of attribute points to their bodies. The female ghosts even had unstable souls. It was considered fate, but he had to lift his pants and not recognize anyone.

The female ghosts in Lanruo Temple are controlled by a thousand-year-old tree demon. Except for Nie Xiaoqian, all of them have lost their conscience and only focus on harming others.

Even female ghosts will compete with each other. The comparison is not who is more beautiful, but who can seduce more men and provide more blood essence to the thousand-year-old tree demon.

Human nature, conscience...

These female ghosts no longer exist.


In the hazy night, Zhang Jingyun and Yan Chixia waited. It turned out that the thousand-year-old tree demon and Yan Chixia were incompatible with each other and were afraid of each other.

Yan Chixia hates evil and acquiesces to the tree demon to kill some people with evil intentions, so this time the tree demon dares to attack Zhang Jingyun because it does not give Yan Chixia face, and he has a reason to attack the tree demon.

Bang bang!

There was a sudden noise in the room when the two were getting ready. Yan Chixia turned her eyes and looked at a slightly raised wooden board in the corner, while Zhang Jingyun looked at the roof.

Everything seems to be abnormal.

After Zhang Jingyun and Yan Chixia looked at each other, they stood up and started to take action at the same time. Zhang Jingyun shattered the wooden board above his head with a palm force, and Yan Chixia also used the palm thunder to smash the raised wooden board in the corner.

The next second, I saw mummies pouring out. It turned out that there were dozens of mummies that had been drained of their essence and blood hidden under the wooden boards in the room and in the attic above.

"It seems that these people are the unlucky ones who have been devoured by the thousand-year-old tree demon over the years. They failed to withstand the temptation of beauty and all turned into withered bones."

Yan Chixia sighed.

Zhang Jingyun waved his hand and beat several mummies into powder. Yan Chixia also used magic power to destroy these mummies, and finally burned all the dead bones with talismans.

"They can save themselves and harm others."

Yan Chixia shook her head and said.

These mummies that have been devoured by essence and blood still have some consciousness and have slowly evolved into zombies. After becoming zombies, they will also suck the blood of living people unscrupulously.

Zhang Jingyun said: "Before you came, Big Beard, these monsters did not have a gentleman's agreement, so there are good and bad among these people."

Yan Chixia came to Lanruo Temple half a month ago. After a battle with the thousand-year-old tree demon, she made an agreement. Before he came, the demon must have been more arrogant than now.

Yan Chixia realized that it seemed like a good thing for him to compromise with the monster, so that the monster could only kill bad people, but how many people in this world can withstand temptation?

Moreover, what if these people who died tragically lost their way and wanted to change their ways? But at that time, they had no chance. No one is a saint, so who can make no mistakes?

"I was wrong..." Yan Chixia was stunned and gritted her teeth: "I should have killed the monsters here on the day I came to Lanruo Temple. Monsters are monsters, and they talk so loudly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door opened wide!


A scream was heard, and the next second, Nie Xiaoqian's figure flew out. It turned out that the door was covered with talismans by Yan Chixia.

"Xiaoqian? Why are you here too!"

Zhang Jingyun used his inner strength to pull Nie Xiaoqian in, and then closed the door again. Nie Xiaoqian was hurt by the talisman outside the door, and her face became even paler.

According to the plan, Zhang Jingyun and Yan Chixia will fight the thousand-year-old tree demon in this house tonight, and Nie Xiaoqian does not have to follow them.

After the thousand-year-old tree demon Zhang Jingyun is eliminated, he will retrieve Nie Xiaoqian's ashes and send her to the countryside to be reincarnated. Maybe we can meet again in the next life.

Now, Nie Xiaoqian ventured into the room, something must have happened. Sure enough, Nie Xiaoqian hurriedly said: "Sir, my ashes were removed by grandma."

Zhang Jingyun's expression changed slightly, there was something unexpected? In the original plot, Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen dug out Nie Xiaoqian's ashes easily. Even Zhang Jingyun didn't understand why it was so easy.

Ashes are extremely important to ghosts.

If the ashes are controlled by someone, they cannot be reincarnated. This is how the thousand-year tree demon controls Nie Xiaoqian, but if Ning Caichen can easily dig out the ashes...

Isn't the tree demon's defense too poor?

It was also because Zhang Jingyun understood the plot that he did not take action to bring Nie Xiaoqian's ashes back in advance, for fear of disturbing the situation and alerting the thousand-year-old tree demon.

Who would have thought that the thousand-year-old tree demon had predicted this in advance.

"Xiaoqian, it turns out that you have been deceiving grandma all this time! Have you learned how to collude with wild men to deal with grandma and me?"

At this moment, a male or female voice sounded clearly in Zhang Jingyun's ears, and a shadow appeared outside the door, as if something huge was moving past.

"Grandma, grandma is here."

Nie Xiaoqian's expression changed and she leaned next to Zhang Jingyun. Her slender and delicate arms were covered with scars. It was obvious that the thousand-year-old tree demon had punished her again yesterday.

"Don't worry, there is a talisman I placed outside the door. The old monster won't be able to get in for a while. When it breaks through the door, you can use this to deal with it."

Yan Chixia gave Zhang Jingyun a thick sutra. On the front were three characters written in Sanskrit, called the Diamond Sutra. The inside of the sutra was also in Sanskrit.

"Brother Yan, are you willing to give me such a precious treasure?" Zhang Jingyun could feel that this Diamond Sutra contained powerful power.

"The scriptures were given to me by a monk back then. He said that I had wisdom and wanted to accept me as his disciple. He would definitely become an Arhat in the future, but I refused."

There was no trace of reluctance on Yan Chixia's face.

Zhang Jingyun asked: "To be able to write such a sutra, he must be a great Buddhist master. The monks are not lying. He said that he can make Brother Yan become an Arhat. He is probably really capable. Brother Yan, how can you refuse such a good thing?"

Yan Chixia shook her head and said: "What an Arhat, I don't like it, and Yan doesn't want everything to be empty. I want to drink wine, eat meat, and also want women!"

Zhang Jingyun was in awe: "Me too."

"However, these Diamond Sutras are still very powerful. The master also taught me some Buddhist methods, which have benefited me a lot. If you are in danger later, just recite Prajna Paramita loudly!"

"I understand, Brother Yan." Zhang Jingyun nodded.

Outside the door, the shadows became heavier and heavier, and the talismans arranged by Yan Chixia continued to emit golden light, and sometimes there were bursting sounds.

Zhang Jingyun scanned with golden eyes.

Only then did I realize what those shadows were, bright red soft flesh with moss on the surface. From a distance, you could see that it was a tongue.

The thousand-year-old tree demon actually doesn't have many attack methods. In addition to being able to control vine branches to perform skills similar to blue and silver winding, this big tongue is the most impressive.

The tongue, which is hundreds of meters long, is like a giant python, and it is about to wrap up the entire room. Although the talisman on the door is very powerful, the thousand-year-old tree demon's tongue is too large, so it does not cause much damage.

After a while, all the talismans became ineffective.

Boom! The thousand-year-old tree demon's big and long tongue actually twisted this room into pieces. If it shrinks any further, it will strangle Yan Chixia and Zhang Jingyun.

Nie Xiaoqian's ghost body is immune to certain physical attacks, while Zhang Jingyun and Yan Chixia's flesh and blood bodies can only break through the giant tongue of the thousand-year-old tree demon.

"I come!"

Yan Chixia was the first to bear the brunt. Without using Du Xuanyuan Sword, she stretched out her hand and drew a yin and yang diagram with the blood on her other palm.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"

Yan Chixia scolded, and the magic power in her palms flowed, and she actually used a magical power similar to the thunder in her palms, which directly made a hole in the tongue of the two-thousand-year-old tree demon.

"Ah!" The thousand-year-old tree demon screamed in pain.

Then the tree demon contracted its tongue like crazy and strangled. Yan Chixia waved her hands repeatedly and shouted, "The world is infinite, the universe is borrowed from the law!"

A series of thunderbolts were fired from Yan Chixia's hands. The thousand-year-old tree demon was obviously not having a good time either. Seeing that it was about to strangle the two people inside, Zhang Jingyun also took action.


Zhang Jingyun unfolded the Diamond Sutra, and the Buddha's light shone everywhere. As the golden Buddha's light bloomed, the thousand-year-old tree demon was like a mouse seeing a cat. It hurriedly opened its tightened tongue and was about to retreat.

"What a good thing!"

Zhang Jingyun looked at the Diamond Sutra. Among other things, Yan Chixia's equipment is the best in the trilogy of A Chinese Ghost Story.

Needless to say, the Xuanyuan Divine Sword and the Diamond Sutra can easily frighten the thousand-year-old tree demon. Zen Master Baiyun is not as equipped as Yan Chixia.


At this time, Yan Chixia actually recited a Buddhist verse, and as soon as he finished speaking, a golden light shot toward the tree demon's tongue.

Zhang Jingyun glanced at another magical weapon, a five-inch long golden needle called the Soul Locking Needle, which was a sharp weapon against demons and monsters.

The soul-locking needle is nailed to the tongue, which is equivalent to nailing the thousand-year-old tree demon's body, preventing him from hiding in the dark and attacking with his tongue.

"This is the time for the divine sword to subdue the demon!"

Yan Chixia shouted loudly, and the sword box suddenly opened. The golden Xuanyuan Divine Sword inside rose up and slashed towards the tree demon's body.

The dryad quickly blocked it with his tongue.

Bang bang bang bang!

The Xuanyuan Divine Sword passed through the defenses of tongues, and was about to hit the body of the thousand-year-old tree demon, but in the end it was deeply inserted into the last defenses of tongues.

"Yan Chixia's magic power is still a bit weak. It seems that the cultivation level of this thousand-year tree demon is equivalent to the perfection of god refining. No wonder Yan Chixia was not able to completely kill the thousand-year tree demon in the end."

Zhang Jingyun thought to himself, while opening the Diamond Sutra and chanting: "Prajna Paramita! Prajna Paramita! Prajna Paramita!"

After reciting the mantra three times in a row, the Diamond Sutra glowed with golden light. Zhang Jingyun turned the sutra and pointed it at the female ghost controlled by the thousand-year-old tree demon who was watching the battle and waiting for an opportunity.


These female ghosts were almost squeezed dry by Zhang Jingyun last night, and now they were irradiated by the Diamond Sutra, and even the chance to resist was wiped out.

"A cruel man won't lift his pants..."

One of the female ghosts was purified by the Diamond Sutra without even finishing her words. Zhang Jingyun looked like a Buddha and said compassionately: "Buddha used his body to feed eagles, and I use my body to feed ghosts."

Nie Xiaoqian blinked.

"If I was merciful to him, I would probably be purified like the others right now, right?" Nie Xiaoqian was a little scared for a moment.

Yan Chixia's fight with the thousand-year-old tree demon was fierce. As he shouted: "The form and spirit are like swords!" The next second, the Xuanyuan Sword inserted into the tongue of the tree demon turned into a red light and continuously changed its form towards the tree demon. The body shoots away.


The Xuanyuan Divine Sword penetrated the body of the tree demon.

The thousand-year-old tree demon screamed repeatedly and then became frightened. It was seriously injured and hurriedly got into the ground. At this moment, it was no longer Yan Chixia's opponent.

Yan Chixia refused to give up, and continuously activated her magic power: "The sky and the earth are infinite, and the universe borrows magic!" She continued to use up all her magic power!

The area in front of them exploded everywhere, as if it had been plowed by dozens of cannons. Unfortunately, it still failed to kill the thousand-year-old tree demon.

Yan Chixia said regretfully: "The old demon was seriously injured and has been sealed by me for a hundred years. He will never be able to harm anyone again for a hundred years."

Zhang Jingyun said at the right time: "For a thousand-year-old tree demon to wake up after a long nap after damaging his cultivation for a hundred years, this lesson is not enough."

"There is nothing I can do. The old demon has already crawled into the ground. There is nothing I can do. I can only come here a hundred years later to surrender." Yan Chixia shook her head and said.

"A hundred years is too long, seize the day!"

Zhang Jingyun looked at Yan Chixia and said, "Brother Yan, I have seen your methods, and now it is your turn to see mine."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun flipped his wrist and ignited the eight talismans with his magic power, turning them into eight rays of golden light and then covering the entire Lanruo Temple.

In an instant, the entire Lanruo Temple formed a barrier. Yan Chixia's beard trembled when she saw this scene, her eyes widened and she said: "Innate Bagua Array! Are you also a warlock?"

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