People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 178 The Old Demon from Montenegro【Please subscribe】

Suddenly there was a violent tremor under Lanruo Temple, and then the ground cracked, and thick tree roots rose up from the ground, which were the roots of the thousand-year-old tree demon.

"Are there any masters?"

The thousand-year-old tree demon's voice sounded.

The next second, the tree demon's huge tongue struck again. Zhang Jingyun flew up and used his magic power to quickly throw out several talismans.

The talisman spontaneously ignited without fire in the air and exploded, rising into a fierce sea of ​​​​fire and scorching a large area of ​​the thousand-year-old tree demon's root system.

"Tree Demon, do you still like my Fire Cloud Talisman?" Zhang Jingyun's figure flashed, and he used the talisman to burn the roots of the tree demon to black.

Yan Chixia was completely confused when she saw this scene. It turned out that he had been blinded in the past few days and did not realize that Zhang Jingyun was still a warlock.

"Brother Ning, didn't you say you don't know magic?" Yan Chixia asked in a low voice. It's a pity that he has been showing off in front of Zhang Jingyun these days.

Zhang Jingyun blinked.

"Brother Yan just thought my martial arts was too powerful and thought it was a spell. I said it wasn't a spell, but didn't I say I couldn't do it?"

Yan Chixia thought for a while and realized that this seemed to be the case. Zhang Jingyun never said that he did not know magic. He was just paranoid that Zhang Jingyun was a lay master with strong martial arts skills and never thought that he was a warlock.

"Innate Bagua Formation, Fire Cloud Talisman, Step Gang Step Fighting, the little brother turned out to be a disciple of Maoshan. I was blind before."

Yan Chixia was once a famous judge in twenty-six provinces, so she was naturally well-informed and could easily determine Zhang Jingyun's identity.

Born in Qingmao Mountain, he is proficient in the innate Bagua array, and his vision and cultivation are not much weaker than his own, but he has no magic weapon.

Yan Chixia looked up and down for a moment. Zhang Jingyun's body had strong mana fluctuations but no magic weapon, which made Yan Chixia feel better.

"If the martial arts are also powerful, the magic power is deep, and there are powerful magic weapons, it would be too shocking." Yan Chixia muttered.

Zhang Jingyun saw that he had not calmed down yet and couldn't help but said: "Brother Yan, the innate Bagua array formed by my eight talismans is not as good as the array of eight real God Refiners. If I stay in a daze again, this old monster will run away."

Yan Chixia reacted and quickly used her sword control skills: "The form and spirit are like swords!" Then she saw the Xuanyuan Divine Sword covered with crimson light and shooting towards the tree demon.

It's a pity that Yan Chixia's power to activate the Xuanyuan Divine Sword has been much reduced after the previous consumption of mana. Moreover, he borrowed too much mana before, and now it's time to pay it back. How much fighting power does he still have?

"It turns out that you are also a stinky Taoist priest, I will kill you!" At this time, the angry voice of the thousand-year-old tree demon also sounded in everyone's ears.

The tongue hovering in the air was like a guillotine. If he wants to cut Zhang Jingyun in half, he hates Zhang Jingyun even more than Yan Chixia at this moment.

If Zhang Jingyun hadn't used the Innate Bagua Formation to block the path of the tree demon, the thousand-year-old tree demon would have escaped and was just hanging on to wait for the opportunity.

"Such a big breath, no wonder the tongue is so big!" Zhang Jingyun flew up, brushing against the thousand-year-old tree demon's tongue every time in mid-air.

Yan Chixia was stunned for a moment and said: "Flying in the physical body? How is it possible? His cultivation level is at most similar to mine, and he is in the middle stage of god refining.

Real people in the realm of refining the gods can indeed fly, but most of them have to use foreign objects. Even if I want to fly, I have to wield a sword.

Master Lianxu in the realm of Lianxu can fly physically, but even so, Master Lianxu is accustomed to flying with objects because it is faster, not to mention that this kid is obviously not Master Lianxu. "

Yan Chixia thought about it for a while and could only guess that Zhang Jingyun might have practiced some advanced magic. Then without thinking much, she continued to fight the tree demon with the Xuanyuan Sword.

"Old monster, where are Xiaoqian's ashes? If you tell me, I can consider saving your life." Zhang Jingyun said coldly.

Nie Xiaoqian's heart warmed when she heard this, and she was very moved. Zhang Jingyun was in such a dangerous situation and still wanted to help her get his ashes back.

"How should I repay the great kindness you have given me?"

Nie Xiaoqian thought in her heart, but after thinking about it, Zhang Jingyun was so powerful that she couldn't help much as a female ghost, but there was one thing Nie Xiaoqian felt that Zhang Jingyun would definitely like him very much.

"Young master seems to like my body very much. Well, it doesn't matter if I offer my body to you as a great favor. At worst, I won't be reincarnated."

Zhang Jingyun didn't know that Nie Xiaoqian was so complicated. He was anxious to ask for the location of the ashes. He just thought that if the thousand-year-old tree demon would rather die than drag Nie Xiaoqian, wouldn't his mission be wasted?

To rescue Nie Xiaoqian, you must at least get the ashes. When the time comes, whether she chooses to be reincarnated or stay in the world as a ghost, it will be Nie Xiaoqian's choice.

"A couple of bitches, a man and a woman, must die a happy death!"

The thousand-year-old tree demon couldn't do anything to Zhang Jingyun for a while, and vented his anger on Nie Xiaoqian, lashing Nie Xiaoqian with his huge tongue.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly and he turned to look at Nie Xiaoqian. There was only love in her eyes, no fear, which was really endearing.

"Come!" Zhang Jingyun gently stretched out his hand.

Nie Xiaoqian unexpectedly found that she was floating uncontrollably in the direction of Zhang Jingyun, and her body also turned into an illusory state, allowing the thousand-year-old tree demon to sweep away.

"What kind of spell is this?"

Zhang Jingyun controlled Nie Xiaoqian in an instant. Yan Chixia knew a lot about Maoshan Technique, but this time she had no clue.

"This is a spell learned by one of my seniors in Maoshan. It's called Ju Ling Qian Jiang. Unfortunately, there are no ghosts and immortals here, so I can't use it here."

Zhang Jingyun's calm look made Yan Chixia stunned, "You really agreed to the thousand-year-old tree demon's words. You brat is so loud that you dare to arrest even ghosts and immortals? Be careful of being overheard by some vengeful immortals."

Yan Chixia sounded very domineering when she heard Ju Ling dispatching generals. You must know that Maoshan Shu's divine invitation skills are all about communicating with various souls politely and borrowing power.

Was Zhang Jingyun directly detained or dispatched?

"No soul can escape this spell." Zhang Jingyun had no worries by capturing Nie Xiaoqian's soul.

And Yan Chixia's words also reminded Zhang Jingyun that in the world under one person, Feng Zhenghao was firmly in the position of ten people by relying on the spirit-fighting generals. However, the Chumaxian lineage that originally relied on the Immortal Family gradually faded out of the alien world.

Ju Ling Qian Jiang is the nemesis of these immortal families. If there is a chance in the future, Zhang Jingyun also wants to go to the northeast. I think the harvest will be great.

Look at the thousand-year-old tree demon in front of you...

"I don't know how to praise!"

Zhang Jingyun looked stern and recited a mantra: "The Holy Emperor Leizu, the Cao Cao from far away, is in charge of the divine generals, Deng Xin and Zhang Tao, who can warn all evils and will not forgive the demons. With a thunder, all calamities will be wiped out! Urgency is like a law. !”

Zi La Zi La!

Arcs of electricity wandered through the air.

The hair on Yan Chixia's body stood up and she stuttered: "Lei...Lei Fa! Isn't your kid the next generation leader of the Maoshan Sect?"

The thunder method is a secret that has not been passed down. Except for the past leaders, there are only a few high-level masters in the sect. The Taoist priests who have traveled abroad and mastered the thunder method are most likely to be the inheritors of the sect.

Wherever this kind of people go, from all sects and factions, they will sell some face, and this grenade method is a symbol of status.

Zhang Jingyun did not quibble. In another world, he was indeed the leader of Maoshan, but in this world there was no such thing.

Suddenly thunder bursts from the sky.

Thick thunder breaks through the darkness.

The body of the thousand-year-old tree demon was violently bombarded by lightning. Zhang Jingyun looked down from mid-air. Amidst the impact of thunder and lightning, a towering ancient tree shimmered faintly.

Under Lanruo Temple, the tree demon's root system is tangled, but under the baptism of Lei Fa, all the evils have no place to hide.

Thunder can purify everything.

This is Lei Fa, the ancestor of all methods!

"Spare my life, otherwise you will never see Nie Xiaoqian's ashes! Even if I die, I will drag this bitch with me!"

The voice of the thousand-year-old tree demon changes, sometimes it is a male voice, sometimes it is a female voice, but at this moment, there is only pain and determination in its voice.

If Zhang Jingyun doesn't spare its life.

The thousand-year-old tree demon might really destroy Nie Xiaoqian.

"Hmph, if I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?" Zhang Jingyun withdrew his thunder spell, his chest rising and falling slightly, obviously spending a lot of mana.

"How can I trust you not to kill me?"

The dryad asked weakly.

Zhang Jingyun stared, and the lightning in his hand flashed again, "You still dare to negotiate terms with me? Believe it or not, I will kill you right away!"

"I don't dare, I just want to save my life."

Zhang Jingyun said sternly: "I said I would spare your life, and I will certainly do it. Do you think Taoists are like you monsters who don't keep their word?"

The tree demon couldn't help but said: "Who said that monsters don't keep their word? Are you discriminating against monsters?"

Zhang Jingyun almost vomited blood. This punch seemed familiar. In the early years, he seemed to have often seen similar comments on a certain blog. At first glance, he was a boxing master.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Zhang Jingyun didn't want to say any more. Seeing that Zhang Jingyun was about to take action at any time, the Millennium Tree Demon didn't dare to delay any longer: "I have sent the ashes to Mr. Heishan. You can get it yourself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Thousand-Year Dryad erupted again, but with Zhang Jingyun's lightning punch, he was completely disintegrated.

The thick thousand-year-old tree suddenly shattered, and various wood fragments shot out in all directions. Zhang Jingyun had already expected it, but instead released Nie Xiaoqian.

"Xiao Qian, I have killed the thousand-year-old tree demon. It's just that your ashes may be a little troublesome, but I won't give up unless I have to."

These words came out of Zhang Jingyun's mouth.

Nie Xiaoqian was naturally moved. She threw herself into her arms, felt the warm breath on Zhang Jingyun's body, and said seriously: "If it is really impossible, you don't have to take risks for me. Even if you don't reincarnate, I will serve you all my life."

Zhang Jingyun hugged Nie Xiaoqian tightly.


A cry ruined the atmosphere, and Yan Chixia said: "This is so touching, Brother Ning, when I recover my mana, I will go to the underworld with you!"

"Okay, with Brother Yan's help, I'm more confident!" Zhang Jingyun let go of Nie Xiaoqian and thanked him, but he suddenly noticed an unusual aura.

Golden eyes!

A golden light flashed in Zhang Jingyun's eyes and he opened his golden pupils. He looked around and found a green block the size of a palm under the Lanruo Temple.

"What a rich spiritual energy."

Zhang Jingyun felt a strong spiritual energy in the green block, which was purer than the spiritual liquid extracted from the spiritual spring in the green valley of Kunlun Mountain. At first glance, it was not a mortal thing.

"Brother Yan, what do you think this is?"

Zhang Jingyun dug the green object out of the ground and brought it to Yan Chixia. The latter's beard trembled when she saw the thing, and she was obviously excited.

"It's the heart of the tree, the essence of the tree demon's life. The ordinary tree heart is at best a good medicine, but the tree heart of the thousand-year-old tree demon is already a rare treasure.

This thing contains the cultivation level of the thousand-year-old tree demon. If Brother Ning absorbs it, it may not be impossible for him to further his cultivation level. Yan Chixia said.

"I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains from killing monsters?" Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. The rare treasures that can increase one's cultivation are extremely rare.

The next second, Zhang Jingyun separated the heart of the thousand-year-old tree. The effect of splitting the tree into two parts would definitely be greatly reduced. Yan Chixia was heartbroken when she saw this.

"Brother Ning, you are confused!"

Zhang Jingyun: "Brother Yan, you and I fight side by side. If I swallow the rare treasure, am I still a human being? If you don't take it, I won't use it."

"Brother, Yan really saw you right!"

Yan Chixia no longer refused, and began to absorb the power after using Shu Xin. Zhang Jingyun could feel that his cultivation was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And it is still improving after returning to its peak.

"It is indeed a rare treasure. I have just broken through to the realm of refining gods, so I shouldn't have promoted it rashly, but with half a thousand-year-old tree heart, it should be no problem to advance to a smaller realm."

Zhang Jingyun's five-level cultivation method is perfect, corresponding to the realm, which is the middle stage of divine refining. Half a thousand-year-old tree heart can be upgraded to the late stage of divine refining without damaging the foundation.

"System, add more!"

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, he opened the data panel, added twenty attribute points to the Shangqing Thunder Technique, and the skill bar changed instantly.

[Introduction to the Sixth Level of Shangqing Thunder Method]

Zhang Jingyun's body was flashing with lightning, his skills were upgraded, and his aura also changed. His magic power was about 30% more than in the middle stage of God Refining.

"It seems like it can still be improved?"

Zhang Jingyun then added another twenty attribute points, and his technique became [Sixth level proficiency in the Supreme Clear Thunder Technique], and his magic power was about 30% stronger.

At the same time, the half of the tree heart in Zhang Jingyun's hand also turned into fly ash and dissipated like smoke. Obviously, the effect of this half of the tree heart had stopped at the late stage of divine refining.

Zhang Jingyun opened his eyes and was almost startled when he saw Yan Chixia staring with a pair of bull's eyes, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Brother Yan, if you scare someone, you will scare them to death."

Zhang Jingyun looked helpless.

Yan Chixia had a strange look on her face: "What are you made of? Your cultivation level has reached a breakthrough. Is the effect of the thousand-year-old tree demon so good?"

They are both half a thousand-year-old tree heart. Yan Chixia is almost able to break through to the late stage of god refining. Zhang Jingyun is still a little behind Yan Chixia in cultivation, but now he has surpassed him.

"Brother Yan, you have to get used to it slowly."

Zhang Jingyun patted Yan Chixia on the shoulder and said, and the latter asked without giving up, "I have been practicing Taoism for more than a hundred years. In the middle stage of god refining, I am already talented. How old are you this year?"

"Are you over a hundred years old?"

Zhang Jingyun was shocked when he heard this.

Yan Chixia said in confusion: "Ten years of practicing Taoism to refine essence, thirty years to refine Qi, and one year to refine God. Who is the real God refiner who is not over a hundred years old? I am sixty years old and am already a genius in cultivation. "

Zhang Jingyun was silent for a moment.

"Aren't you a hundred years old?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head.


Zhang Jingyun still shook his head.

"It can't be seventy, right?"

Yan Chixia didn't believe it, and Zhang Jingyun said helplessly: "One hundred minus seventy is about the same. In fact, I haven't practiced Taoism for more than ten years."

Yan Chixia: "..."

"Before I was twenty years old, I mainly practiced martial arts. When my martial arts reached its peak, I turned to Taoism. I didn't expect that practicing Taoism would be much more difficult than practicing martial arts."

Yan Chixia didn't want to talk to Zhang Jingyun.


"Master, there seems to be a force pulling me?" Nie Xiaoqian's face suddenly changed, and there were signs of darkness in her soul.

"Someone is summoning spirits!"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly. As a Maoshan Taoist priest, he knew very well about summoning souls. The power of this soul summoning was not weak. If Nie Xiaoqian had not been controlled by Zhang Jingyun's spirit-binding general, she would have been summoned away.

"Who dares to steal my woman!"

Zhang Jingyun used magic power to lightly touch his eyes, and directly opened his third eye to see through the illusion and find the person behind the scenes.

However, this gaze penetrated the two realms of yin and yang, and Zhang Jingyun felt a chill in his heart. The person who summoned Nie Xiaoqian's soul was not in the yin world, but in the underworld.

As for the one who has the means to summon souls in the underworld and is related to Nie Xiaoqian, there is only one, the old demon from Montenegro who has Nie Xiaoqian's ashes!

"Who looks into the underworld!"

Just when Zhang Jingyun was about to see through the old Black Mountain demon's true form, a majestic voice suddenly came from his ears, making Zhang Jingyun's eyes sting.

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