People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 189 Pudu Cihang【Please subscribe】

Three poles in the sun.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Fu Yuechi, who was sleeping beside him. Last night was the first time for the two of them to practice dual cultivation. Zhang Jingyun had enough, and only added 7.4 attribute points.

In addition to adding one attribute point for the first practice, every subsequent practice adds 0.8 attribute points because Fu Yuechi's martial arts training is not high.

However, if placed in the ordinary martial arts world, Fu Yuechi's strength is actually quite good, close to the innate realm.

According to the previous practice, as long as you break through the innate realm and do double cultivation, you can achieve the perfect effect, that is, each double cultivation will increase an attribute point.

"By practicing the Everlasting Eternal Spring Skill in Yuechi, coupled with the blessing of dual cultivation, it will be easy to break through the innate realm, and then just turn to Taoism."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart.

It is very rare to be able to break through the innate realm by practicing secular martial arts, and only strong men like Zuo Qianhu have the opportunity to enter the heaven-human realm.

And in this world, practicing secular martial arts is not as good as cultivating Taoism, but cultivating Taoism does not mean you can stay young forever from the beginning.

Therefore, dual cultivation of law and martial arts is more suitable.

"Young Master!" Fu Yuechi woke up and groaned softly. This voice was so deep that even Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but treat her tenderly.

Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hand and held Fu Yuechi in his arms. Thinking of the girl's two completely different personalities during the double cultivation last night, it was really hard to extricate herself.

It was bold enough for Fu Yuechi to express his true feelings. In this era, women valued chastity even more than their lives.

If she is willing to entrust her to others, she is just as she said, even if she is willing to die. From this, we know that she, like her sister, dares to love and hate.

Sensitivity means always thinking about your sister, fearing that it will be difficult for your sister because of your own reasons. This kind-hearted girl is already a rare breed in the main world that is hard to find even with a lantern.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but feel satisfied.

"Yuechi, your sister has to practice in the past few days. She was not an ordinary person in her previous life, so she will practice faster." Zhang Jingyun said softly.

"Master, can you tell me about my sister's past life?" Fu Yuechi was also quite curious about the story of her sister and Zhang Jingyun in her previous life.

Zhang Jingyun recounted all the events that had happened before, and Fu Yuechi felt Nie Xiaoqian's pain as if he was personally there.


Before I knew it, three days had passed.

Fu Qingfeng initially refined the Millennium Zombie King's inner elixir and rebuilt his magic power. It was only stronger than in his previous life, and his mental state also took on a new look.

"Hey, isn't Miss Qingfeng a martial arts practitioner? Why haven't we seen each other for a few days? Your magic power has almost caught up with mine?" Zhiqiu Yiye rubbed his eyes.

If it weren't for the clear fluctuations of Fu Qingfeng's magic power, Zhi Qiu Yiye wouldn't be able to believe his eyes that someone could reach this point in a few days.

"She has her own destiny. You don't have to envy her. Your cultivation has also improved in the past few days, and you will surely reach the middle stage of divine refining soon."

Zhang Jingyun said slowly that after his guidance, Zhiqiu Yiye made great progress, both in his cultivation and in his understanding of spells.

Of course, Zhang Jingyun gained more benefits.

Zhiqiu Yiye had basically mastered all of his spells. After summarizing, Zhang Jingyun could only say that it was very exciting!

Zhang Jingyun didn't lose out on having so many powerful spells from him. He passed on the Shushan sword-controlling skills to Zhiqiu Yiye, which made him happy for several days.

"Sir, after three days of delay, the escort team may have left Guobei County. Should we chase after them quickly?" Fu Qingfeng asked.

In the past three days, she had been refining the Zombie King's inner elixir, so she could not save Fu Tianchou as originally planned. After all, she chose the identity of Fu Qingfeng in this life. Her parents' kindness is greater than heaven, so Fu Tianchou had to save him.

"Don't worry, the whereabouts of the escort team are always under my control. They can't escape. Now that you've been released, let's set off now."

As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he took out a talisman. As he activated his magic power, the talisman burned out and turned into a stream of light to point out the direction.

"Tracking Talisman! When did Senior place it?"

Zhiqiu Yiye recognized the talisman and said.

"Of course it was someone who casually attacked Zuo Qianhu that day during his contest with Zuo Qianhu. Let's go, sit on the tracking talisman to guide us, and we will soon catch up with the escort team."

Zhang Jingyun rode on the horse like everyone else. Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi followed on the left and right, and Zhiqiu Yiye on the other side also rode Qianli Chase.

Although the Earth Escape Technique is fast, being able to escape for a long time can tire a person to death. It is not as comfortable as riding a horse. Regardless of Lian Shen Zhenren or whatever, horses are inseparable.

Most of the day later.

Near midnight, under the guidance of the tracking charm, everyone finally saw the camp where the imperial team escorting Fu Tianchou was stationed.

Fu Yuechi rushed over to snatch Fu Tianchou away, but Zhang Jingyun reached out to stop him. Fu Qingfeng also said: "Don't worry, the young master has his own plan."

Zhang Jingyun said: "There is a powerful person in the escort team named Zuo Qianhu. Even Zhi Qiu Yiye may not be his opponent. If you rush in like this, you will definitely lose your troops."

Hearing this, Zhiqiu Yiye recalled the encounter that day, "Senior, although Zuo Qianhu is powerful, he is not to the point where I am no match for him, right?"

Zhang Jingyun said calmly: "Unless you have been hiding underground, as long as you come out, you will not be able to cast spells as fast as him."

"so smart?"

Zhiqiu Yiye shrank his neck.

"If you don't believe it, you can go over and give it a try." Zhang Jingyun said with a smile, and Zhiqiu Yiye was immediately convinced that Zuo Qianhu was really strong.

"Senior, if you ask me to come over, of course I dare not disobey you, but I am learning magic to deal with monsters. I am concerned about the court..."

Zhang Jingyun interrupted: "It is true that the affairs of the imperial court have nothing to do with us and other cultivators, but what if a monster appears in the imperial court?"

"There are monsters in the imperial court?" Zhiqiu Yiye asked in shock, "Senior, are you not joking? The imperial court is protected by the dragon energy of the country, what kind of monsters can sneak in?"

"Of course he is the best demon in the world!"

Zhang Jingyun said something shocking: "I called you here because there is going to be a big battle. If you witness it with your own eyes, then..."

"So what?" Zhiqiu Yiye was curious.

Zhang Jingyun squinted and smiled: "If you say it out loud, you will be able to brag about it for a lifetime!"

Zhiqiu Yiye: "..."

"Sir, since Zuo Qianhu is so powerful, let's take advantage of the opportunity to make a sneak attack, capture the thief first and capture the king, and capture Zuo Qianhu," Fu Qingfeng said.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "Zuo Qianhu is not a problem. To deal with him, as long as you are well prepared or I take action, we can easily solve it.

It's just that this man is upright and has taken great care of your father along the way. How can such a righteous man use insidious means to deal with him. "

Fu Qingfeng's expression changed slightly: "Thank you, Master, for reminding me. If not for this, Yuechi and I would have hurt this gentleman in our eagerness to save our father."

"But as the young master said, Zuo Qianhu is loyal and courageous. When we come to rob prisoners, we will always run into him, and he will never bend the law for personal gain. What should we do?"

Fu Yuechi asked.

Zhang Jingyun said: "I have an intersection with Zuo Qianhu. Let me meet this person first. Maybe he can help us deal with the monsters."

"You've got a job, sir."

Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi thanked them.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Zhang Jingyun used his earth escape technique and appeared in Zuo Qianhu's tent. An outsider suddenly broke into the tent, and Zuo Qianhu was instantly awakened.

"Who broke into the military camp without permission!"

Zuo Qianhu shouted sharply. Even though he was sleeping, he still held a simple knife in his hand. Hearing the sound, he stood up and pointed the knife directly at Zhang Jingyun.

"Zuo Qianhu, we meet again."

Zhang Jingyun's voice made Zuo Qianhu pause, "Master, is it you? Why did Master come to my tent in the middle of the night?"

"I'm here to resolve a sword fight. Zuo Qianhu doesn't know anything. There is a group of people outside your military camp preparing to kidnap Fu Tianchou."

"Prisoner robbery? Who is so bold!"

Zuo Qianhu suddenly became furious.

"They are Fu Tianchou's daughters, the eldest daughter Fu Qingfeng and the second daughter Fu Yuechi. They feel that their father is a loyal and good man and cannot be framed."

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, Zuo Qianhu clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Master, for reminding me that Mr. Fu's case will be decided by the Holy One. It is also a serious crime for his daughter to rob a prisoner. Please wait for a moment, Master, while I go and capture the two of them."

However, just after taking two steps, Zuo Qianhu suddenly asked: "By the way, Master, what does the two girls of the Fu family have to do with you? Have they offended the Master?"

Zhang Jingyun said calmly: "Fu Qingfeng had a marriage with me in his previous life. In this life, Master Fu's two daughters are my Taoist companions."


Zuo Qianhu was shaken and his eyes widened.

He dared to arrest Fu Qingfeng's two sisters, both of whom were Zhang Jingyun's women. He came here specifically to inform them, so he must have some ulterior motives.

Zuo Qianhu smiled bitterly and said, "Master, if you have anything to say, just tell me. If I capture the two girls of the Fu family, I'm afraid I won't be able to return to the capital."

"I know very well what Zuo Qianhu is doing. I am here tonight not to make it difficult for Qianhu to let my father-in-law go. I have already said that there is a misunderstanding."

"Appreciate further details."

"Fu Tianchou, from the contact with Zuo Qianhu these days, we should be able to tell what kind of person he is. He is definitely not a gangster. His two daughters are naturally righteous people like Qianhu.

If the two of you fight, even if I don't take action, I will definitely lose my troops, and if I do, I can't bear to take the heads of thousands of households. "

Zuo Qianhu said nothing, because everything Zhang Jingyun said was true. As long as Zhang Jingyun was willing, it would be easy to take his head.

Zhang Jingyun continued: "What I mean is that Mr. Qianhu should take Fu Tianchou to find an important minister who can distinguish right from wrong to explain the cause and effect.

A golden-robed mage happened to be passing by recently. Zuo Qianhu took Fu Tianchou to see the golden-robed mage. Maybe things could turn around. "

"Golden-robed Master?" Zuo Qianhu responded: "The Master is talking about the current national preceptor, the protector of the country, Pudu Cihang?

Yes, he is the only one in the country who can wear golden robes. Pudu Cihang is in charge of rituals and rituals in the palace. Even the emperor has to ask for his opinion first. If he is willing to speak for Lord Fu, things will definitely turn around. "

"Within three days, the Protector of the Country will definitely arrive. Zuo Qianhu will prepare here and say goodbye." After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he disappeared.

Zuo Qianhu looked at the position Zhang Jingyun had just left, and felt that there seemed to be something wrong with it, but he couldn't tell.

"This mage is definitely not a bad person because of his integrity, so just do what he says." Zuo Qianhu can distinguish right from wrong, so he naturally knows that Fu Tianchou was framed by a traitor. If not, he would not have done it even if he was coerced by Zhang Jingyun. I won't speak for Fu Tianchou.


"Sir, how's it going?"

As soon as Zhang Jingyun came back, Fu Qingfeng asked quickly, and Fu Yuechi was also worried. In fact, they were very tired of the people in the court after experiencing this incident.

Basically, everyone thinks that the imperial court is full of dog officials, Zuo Qianhu and others are all hawks, and they don't have much trust in Zuo Qianhu.

"Don't worry, Zuo Qianhu promised to wait for his father-in-law to see the Protector of the Country. He is the most powerful person under the emperor. As long as he speaks for his father-in-law, there will be no problem."

Zhang Jingyun said slowly.

"That's good." Fu Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, but Fu Yuechi's cheeks were flushed, and even her crystal earlobes were pink. Zhang Jingyun's father-in-law made her extremely shy, "We haven't gotten married yet~"

Fu Qingfeng joked: "If my sister is anxious, she can get married immediately. How about we marry the young master together?"

"How... what a shame! Sister, you are laughing at me too, huh, I won't tell you anymore." Fu Yuechi ran away as if running away.

After Fu Yuechi left, Fu Qingfeng's attitude changed: "Sir, do you suspect that there is something wrong with the Protector of the Country? If not, there is no need for you to go to such trouble."

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you." Zhang Jingyun admitted. In fact, Fu Yuechi was a little more innocent, while Fu Qingfeng was more calm, courageous and resourceful.

"The protector of the country? If he is a monster, it would be terrible." Zhiqiu Yiye shuddered subconsciously.

This kind of monster can get close to His Majesty the current emperor, can ignore the protection of the emperor's dragon energy, and has a level of cultivation that is absolutely unparalleled in ancient times and extremely terrifying.

Zhang Jingyun patted Zhiqiu Yiye on the shoulder.

"So this important task is entrusted to you. When Zuo Qianhu brings Master Fu to see Pudu Cihang, you can take the opportunity to see through his true identity and test the depth."

Zhiqiu Yiye: "???"

"Senior, are you a little too hasty? With my little cultivation, I'm afraid I'm no match for such an old goblin..."

Zhang Jingyun glared at him, interrupted him and said: "If you are timid before fighting, where is your Taoist heart? To practice Taoism is to compete with heaven for longevity. How can you cultivate Taoism and become an immortal if you are frightened by a few goblins?"

There was a roar in Zhiqiu Yiye's mind.

"Yeah, how can I be afraid?"

Zhang Jingyun knew that in the original plot, Zhi Qiu Yiye was suppressed by the Tathagata Dharma of Pudu Cihang, and his Taoist mind was unstable, so he lost quickly. Otherwise, he would have been able to survive at least dozens more rounds.

For two days in a row, Pudu Cihang did not show up. Zuo Qianhu thought that the master had made a mistake, until on the third day, accompanied by a sound of Sanskrit calling for life, the protector of the country, Pudu Cihang, came belatedly.

Zhiqiu Yiye ambushed in advance and heard the life-threatening Sanskrit sound, and immediately knew that Zhang Jingyun's words were true. I was afraid that the protector of the country was really transformed into a monster.

As promised, Zuo Qianhu took Fu Tianchou to visit him. Pudu Cihang became very kind and expressed that he would be the emperor to appease the loyal people.

However, in reality, Fu Tianchou was forcibly saved by using the life-demanding Sanskrit music, making him feel that his sin was unforgivable and he knelt down desperately to apologize.

"In troubled times, there must be monsters. It turns out that you, the monster, is the cause of all the troubles. Why don't you show up? Damn it, it's wind, fire, thunder and lightning!"

Zhiqiu Yiye attacks with magic.

However, when the powerful magic hit Pudu Cihang, he seemed to fall into a bottomless abyss. The next second, Pudu Cihang disappeared, and instead, a golden Buddha was sitting in the void, covered with the supreme Buddha's light.

"Namo Utmost Bliss, the Tathagata of the West is here! What kind of evil spirit are you? Why don't you reveal yourself quickly in front of the Buddha?"

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