People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 190 Dragon Ball Dawei Tianlong【Please subscribe】

"Zuo Qianhu paid a visit to the abbot who protected the country. His humble position has been found out. Fu Tianchou was not a treacherous minister but a loyal man.

This humble position can guarantee that Fu Tianchou has no treasonous intentions, but was framed by traitors. Please ask the Protector of the Country to seek justice for this loyal minister and good man! "

Amidst the array of Buddha's sounds, the Protector Abbot rode in a chariot and listened to Zuo Qianhu's report surrounded by a group of guards.

As soon as Zuo Qianhu finished speaking, the Buddha's voice disappeared, and the disembodied voice of the protector of the country, Pudu Cihang, came from the chariot, as if it was not an ordinary voice.

"In today's world, there are too many people who do not distinguish between right and wrong and are dissatisfied with the imperial court. They really do not know the national conditions. This abbot is traveling this time to quell people's grievances.

Zuo Qianhu is loyal and courageous, and is willing to speak up for the imperial prisoners, so let me, my sage, the abbot, appease these loyal ministers and righteous men. How good is it! "

Pudu Cihang's voice became weaker and weaker, followed by everyone chanting Buddhist sounds, accompanied by the rain of flowers falling, which was really the influence of a Buddhist master.

"Thank you, Abbot!"

Zuo Qianhu was overjoyed, and the Protector of the Country agreed, so there would probably be no problem with Fu Tianchou's case. After all, even the current Holy Emperor would seek the advice of the Protector of the Country before making any decision.

"Namo Amitabha…"

The sound of Buddha was everywhere, and Pudu Cihang went to see Fu Tianchou. Every time he took a step, flowers rained down, and the petals were not stained by a trace of soil when he stepped on them.

Even Zuo Qianhu was secretly speechless at such a scene, and just as Zuo Qianhu was about to follow, he was stopped by the men of the Protector of the Country.

"Amitabha, the benefactor's body is too murderous. It's better to wait here. The Protector of the Country will definitely save the people inside. Don't worry."

Zuo Qianhu had no doubt that he was there.

However, a few minutes later, Zuo Qianhu heard someone fighting inside, and was about to go in to check when he suddenly ran into Pudu Cihang head-on.

Behind Pudu Cihang were his disciples and guards, but Fu Tianchou was nowhere to be seen. Even Zhiqiu Yiye, who was arranged by Zhang Jingyun to protect Fu Tianchou, was nowhere to be seen.

Zuo Qianhu frowned and asked, "Abbott, where are Master Fu and the others? And the mage, why are they missing?"

Pudu Cihang had a kind smile on his face and said calmly: "Amitabha, they realize their mistake and have left now. People in the world should know that the sky is high and the sky is high..."

"I heard a fight just now?"

Pudu Cihang was interrupted by Zuo Qianhu before he finished speaking. A look of displeasure suddenly appeared on his face. His attitude changed and he said coldly: "Humph! It's because your ears are dirty!"

As the protector of the country, Pudu Cihang's aura was so strong that Zuo Qianhu had to avoid his sharpness, subconsciously lowering his head and not daring to talk.

Pudu Cihang's face softened somewhat when he saw him like this, and he led his disciples past Zuo Qianhu without forgetting his lesson: "Remember, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, that's good, that's good!"

Even though Zuo Qianhu had extremely powerful martial arts, in the end he was just a small Qianhu. He was a nobody in front of Pudu Cihang. He was not even qualified to stop him and ask questions, so he could only let him leave.

After Pudu Cihang and his party left completely, Zuo Qianhu walked into the place where Fu Tianchou and others were hiding and checked, but there were no signs of a fight.

"Did you really hear it wrong?" Zuo Qianhu was surprised, "I thought Fu Tianchou was a loyal man, but I didn't expect him to escape..."

"Escape? Zuo Qianhu really thinks so?"

A voice sounded slowly, and Zuo Qianhu turned around. It was Zhang Jingyun and Fu Qingfeng sisters, and a bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

Fu Tianchou is the person Fu Qingfeng sisters want to rescue. Fu Tianchou can't abandon his two daughters and run away by himself, right?

Zhang Jingyun said at the right time: "Zuo Qianhu, you know what happened here a few minutes ago, and who is the abbot who protects the country?"

"Please speak up, Master!"

"You'll know it just by looking at it." Zhang Jingyun waved his hand and cast a spell like a mirror, flowers in the water, and the things that happened in this hall emerged.

"Life in this world is a catastrophe. You must know that the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and you will find the shore when you turn around! Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

In the picture, Pudu Cihang chants Buddhist mantras.

He did not clear Fu Tianchou's grievances as promised to Zuo Qianhu, but used the life-threatening Sanskrit sound to confuse Fu Tianchou's mind.

Fu Tianchou immediately knelt down, kowtowed, and confessed directly. Fortunately, Zhiqiu Yiye, who was next to him, saw the clues and discovered that it was the life-threatening Sanskrit sound, and used the body-fixing technique to break the evil spell.

It's just that Qiu Yiye's body-fixing technique was not enough, it only broke Pudu Cihang's life-threatening Sanskrit sound, and did not fix anyone.

The next second, Pudu Cihang manifested the golden body of the Tathagata and chanted: In the Western Paradise, the Dharma of the Tathagata Buddha is here again! The end is audacious.

Zhiqiu Yiye used a spell to break the Tathagata's golden body, but Pudu Cihang was so skilled that he might not even be able to defeat Zhang Jingyun at this time.

In the original plot, Pudu Cihang was beaten to death by Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye. This was because Pudu Cihang happened to catch up with the day when the Tengu eclipsed the moon, disrupting the vitality of the alchemy and weakening his cultivation a lot.

But now, the Tengu eclipse has not yet arrived.

Therefore, Pudu Cihang was still in his peak state. Even if he transformed into a Tathagata's golden body with his demon body, he could easily defeat Zhiqiu Yiye.

Zhiqiu Yiye knew that he was no match for Pudu Cihang, so he used the technique of moving mountains and reclaiming seas to open a secret passage for Fu Tianchou, and the two escaped one after another.

When Pudu Cihang saw two little people escaping, he was greatly disgraced. And when he met the upright Zuo Qianhu, he naturally did not have a good temper.

Zhang Jingyun put away the Jing Hua Shui Yue technique, and here, Zuo Qianhu was dripping with cold sweat, his face was extremely ugly and he said: "I was the one who lured the wolf into the house!

Damn it, I harmed Mr. Fu. These monsters must not be allowed to continue harming people. I will kill the monsters right now! "

Zuo Qianhu said that he was going to hunt down Pudu Cihang. After seeing the devil's methods, a mortal body dared to face the difficulties. This is a real man.

But Zhang Jingyun stopped him: "Wait a minute, your cultivation level is not enough to deal with Pudu Cihang, Fu Tianchou Qingfeng, and Yuechi's father. I know Qiu Yiye is my junior, I will handle this matter myself."

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he realized that a few miles away, Zhiqiu Yiye and Fu Tianchou who had escaped were caught by Pudu Cihang and others.

"Tomorrow night is the eclipse of the moon by the Tengu. The lunar energy will disrupt Pudu Cihang's elixir and cauldron vitality. It is the time to subdue demons." Zhang Jingyun is not in a hurry.

This old monster sneaked into the side of the current emperor and ate so many court ministers and common people, but the flesh and blood of these mortals was far less helpful to him than a cultivator like Zhi Qiu Yiye.

So knowing that Qiu Yiye would be fine, Pudu Cihang caught him and sealed him with magic in order to wait for the Tengu to recover after the moon eclipse.

Zhang Jingyun took Zuo Qianhu back to Zhengqi Villa. This abandoned villa was very close to Cihang Hall, Pudu Cihang's home base, and was suitable for hiding.

"Master..." Zuo Qianhu stopped talking.

Zhang Jingyun looked at him and said, "Whatever Qian Hu has to say, just say it. I can hear everything except the words of monsters."

"I mistakenly sent Mr. Fu into the mouth of a demon. I am not only ashamed of myself but also of the Holy One. I have thought about fighting Pudu Cihang.

If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell will have to atone for his sins even if he dies. It was the Master who stopped me and saved me from death. Zuo Qianhu was extremely grateful. "

These words were resounding and spoke from the bottom of his heart. Zhang Jingyun thought of the Taoist records that Haoran's righteousness can protect him from the erosion of demons.

Zuo Qianhu has great righteousness in him.

Therefore, ordinary spells have no effect on him, and Pudu Cihang's life-seeking Sanskrit sound can't do anything to him. In the end, if Zuo Qianhu had not had the will to die and rushed into Pudu Cihang's protective Buddha light, otherwise he would not have been wiped out. .

"Such a person should be used by himself." Zhang Jingyun couldn't help thinking, and then said to him: "Is Zuo Qianhu willing to worship in my court?"

Zuo Qianhu did not expect that Zhang Jingyun would recruit him, "The Master is pursuing the Four Elements. I am a layman and I am afraid I don't have the talent to practice Taoism."

"If you had no talent, would I still recruit you?" Zhang Jingyun said slowly, even if he couldn't practice Taoism, he could still practice other techniques.

"Eating the emperor's salary and being loyal to the emperor, as a minister should be loyal to the Holy One..."

Zhang Jingyun said impatiently: "You can do whatever you want when you enter my court, and I don't care. Mother-in-law, how can this be reasonable?"

Zuo Qianhu knelt down quickly.

"I would like to become the master's disciple!"

After all that was said, if he still didn't agree, Zuo Qianhu would be too disrespectful. Zhang Jingyun nodded.

"I know that you have devoted your life to serving the court, but we, as cultivators, have long lifespans, but after all, we are incompatible with the world. One day, you will know that only immortality is the right path."

Zhang Jingyun taught Zuo Qianhu crystal meditation as usual. It remains to be seen whether he has the talent for cultivation, but his talent for martial arts is visible to the naked eye, and he is absolutely suitable for practicing the techniques of the dragon and snake world for the next few hundred years.

In the evening, Zhang Jingyun and Fu Qingfeng practiced together all night. In her previous life, she was Nie Xiaoqian, and Zhang Jingyun and she practiced together several times. In this life, she was reincarnated as Fu Qingfeng. This was the first time that she practiced together as a human body.

As the saying goes, the first soldier to rush in always has blood on his head, and Zhang Jingyun also made a profit.

The night passed.

A total of nine attribute points were added.

The next morning, Fu Yuechi had a strange look on his face. He probably "accidentally" heard something from the corner again, and his eyes dodged as soon as he saw Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun hugged her and said teasingly: "Yuechi, it sounds so cold outside, how about we come inside next time?"

"Ah..." Fu Yuechi blushed to the root of his neck.

Then he said in an inaudible voice: "I...I don't have any objection to whatever the young master wants to do, as long as my sister agrees."

Zhang Jingyun's body trembled, and he actually had some expectations. He originally wanted to tease this little girl, but he didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain. She agreed?

Wouldn't that be possible...

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and calmed down instantly, "Women are really powerful. Just a few words almost made me uneasy. I need to practice more!"

Looking at the sky, the sun was scorching in the sky, the wind was gentle and the sun was shining brightly. Zhang Jingyun was proficient in the secrets of Yin and Yang Feng Shui, and he also had deep knowledge of celestial phenomena.

According to his calculations, at midnight tonight, the Tengu will eclipse the moon, which will disrupt the vitality of Pudu Cihang Danding, and he is ready for a big battle.

That night, Zhang Jingyun, Zuo Qianhu, and Fu Qingfeng headed for Cihang Hall. Fu Yuechi's martial arts was not as good as Zuo Qianhu's, so it was useless to go there.

Zhang Jingyun can almost handle Pudu Cihang, and Zuo Qianhu and Fu Qingfeng are more than capable of dealing with the demonic subordinates around him.

"The skills given to me by the Master have begun to show results, and my martial arts have improved a lot. It will definitely be easy to subdue demons and eliminate demons this time!" Zuo Qianhu's equipment was very impressive.

He has eight swords on his body. In his strongest state, he holds one sword in each hand and one in his mouth, a true three-sword style.

"Wait a minute, that's not how you deal with monsters. They can see you, but you can't see them. No matter how good your martial arts skills are, are you still just a lamb to be slaughtered?"

Monsters and monsters crush mortals as soon as they become invisible. Zuo Qianhu suffered this loss and was attacked by monsters and chopped off one of his arms.

"What are your plans, mentor?"

Zuo Qianhu asked humbly.

"You can see evil spirits by putting willow leaves on your eyes, or using cow's tears. But if you have reached my level of cultivation, you can directly open your heavenly eyes."

Zhang Jingyun used magic power to open Zuo Qianhu's eyes, and he could directly see through the true form of demons and monsters. With this martial arts, he would definitely be able to endure what they suffered.

It's approaching midnight.

Zhang Jingyun looked up at the moon.

Just as he was about to lead Zuo Qianhu and Fu Qingfeng into Cihang Hall suddenly, a dazzling Buddhist light suddenly appeared around Cihang Hall.

The next second, the entire Cihang Hall was enveloped by the Buddha's light. The midnight hour had arrived, the Tengu eclipsed the moon, and the lunar energy came, but it was blocked by the Buddha's light above the Cihang Hall.

"Is there any change?" Zhang Jingyun's expression changed drastically.

The Tengu eclipsed the moon, and the Taiyin energy disrupted the Danding's vitality. This was a good opportunity to weaken Pudu Cihang, but now Pudu Cihang didn't know what means he used to prevent the Taiyin energy from coming.

The Buddha's light covered the sky and the sun, and bursts of Buddha's voice were heard in the ears, unknowingly disturbing people's nature. At this moment, the door of Cihang Hall suddenly opened.

"Fellow Taoist He Fang, come in and meet me!"

Zhang Jingyun calmed down, and now he understood that Pudu Cihang had already discovered his traces and deliberately used secret methods to resist the Tengu Eclipse Moon.

"It seems that in this battle, we are facing Pudu Cihang in its prime. Grandma, you just want to take advantage and miss a flaw?"

Zhang Jingyun didn't know where the mistake was.

"Master, what should I do?" Fu Qingfeng asked.

Zhang Jingyun's heart skipped a beat, "Just go in and take a look. I'm not afraid of the old Black Mountain demon, so why should I be afraid of him?"

As soon as they finished speaking, the three of them flew into the Cihang Hall. What they could see were rows of court ministers, all of whom had their bodies eviscerated and eaten their flesh and blood, leaving only their skins.

"You monster, you have harmed so many court ministers!" Zuo Qianhu's heart trembled. The evil deeds Pudu Cihang had done were far beyond his imagination.

"A mere mortal dares to be so presumptuous!"

Pudu Cihang's voice seemed to come from outside the sky, and then a strange force swept towards Zuo Qianhu. Zhang Jingyun's hand seal seal eliminated it and made it invisible.

"You monster, you still dare to use tricks in front of me?"

Zhang Jingyun said coldly.

"Hahahaha, I'm just a disciple of Maoshan. I don't know how much I've eaten. Have you forgotten that thousand-year-old zombie king?

Maoshan disciples are a scourge in the eyes of this Abbot. How dare you cause trouble? But this is fine, eating Maoji will greatly increase my abbot's cultivation. "

Pudu Cihang's words are astonishing.

Zhang Jingyun trembled and Mao Ji was eaten by him. It turned out that he had been noticed by Pudu Cihang since then.

Pudu Cihang actually came to Zhang Jingyun specifically in the name of traveling, and even used his own condensed thousand-year dragon beads to resist the Tengu Eclipse Moon.

"What a good fortune. Not only was it not suppressed by the emperor's dragon energy, but it also condensed the dragon beads. If you give it a few more decades, you may not be able to transform into a dragon!"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes flashed with golden light, and he saw through the illusion. Pudu Cihang's body was a thousand-year-old centipede spirit, but inside his body, he condensed into a golden dragon ball.

This is why he can resist the dragon's energy.

Hiding next to the emperor will actually help him practice. After he succeeds in practice, he can even steal the sky and change the sun to become a real dragon. In the end, he can transform into a dragon by eating the emperor.

"If you have knowledge, then die!"

Pudu Cihang didn't expect Zhang Jingyun to see through his true identity so easily. He was wary and was about to kill him immediately.

"You audacious reptile, you are worthy of transforming into a dragon!" Zhang Jingyun's voice was like a bell, and even Zuo Qianhu was shocked to the point of eardrum pain.

As for Pudu Cihang, who was hiding deep in the hall, he was so frightened by Zhang that he almost showed himself, just because Zhang Jingyun carried the power of a true dragon.

Although Pudu Cihang has condensed the dragon beads, it is still very different from the real dragon blood flowing in Zhang Jingyun's body.

"The mighty Tianlong!"

Zhang Jingyun shouted loudly, and the hall trembled. A giant centipede with a head as big as a truck appeared after being frightened by the dragon's power.

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