People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 198 The door to the world of adventure【Please subscribe】

In the dark, something seemed to be broken. Zhang Jingyun looked at the ghost eye curse on Hua Ling's back, and the dark red pattern was slowly fading.

A few minutes later, Hua Ling's back was tender and smooth, and there was no longer any ghost eye pattern. Zhang Jingyun enjoyed admiring it for a while before moving his eyes away.

"Hua Ling, how do you feel?"

Hua Ling pulled up her clothes to cover her smooth back, listened to Zhang Jingyun's question, felt it carefully, and said uncertainly: "It seems that my body is a little lighter."

"It seems it has been resolved."

Zhang Jingyun breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, it was an immortal sword that could completely cut off the curse of an evil god in an unknown world.

Hua Ling blinked her watery eyes and thought, Zhang Jingyun really did what he said, and if he could solve the bad omen on her body, he would definitely solve it.

After so much effort, Zhang Jingyun barely expended the curse, but Hua Ling was mentally exhausted and fell asleep soon after.

Until I wake up.

Zhang Jingyun is studying the inner elixir of the six-winged centipede to see how he can maximize the use of the essence of heaven and earth contained in it and transform it into his own cultivation.


Just then a voice came.

Zhang Jingyun put away the inner elixir and walked into Hua Ling's room. At this moment, Hua Ling turned her back to the mirror and turned her head to look at her back.

And on her back, the ghost eye mark that had clearly disappeared yesterday unexpectedly reappeared unknowingly, like a gangrene attached to the bone.

Zhang Jingyun's face darkened. There was such a thing. Even the Xuanyuan Sword couldn't completely cut off the connection. Obviously, the evil god from this other world was too difficult to deal with.

"Is it possible that the ghost cave curse can only be cut off from the source? Given time, we still have to go to Kunlun Mountain to explore the roots of the snake god."

Zhang Jingyun couldn't lift the curse for a while, which made Partridge Whistle's idea half-empty, but he still had an alternative.

That is to let the flower spirits practice together.

As you embark on the path of spiritual practice, as your realm gets higher and higher, your ability to resist the curse will become stronger. Anyway, you won't die young at the age of thirty or forty like other Taoist monks who moved mountains.

It's just that Hua Ling is at most an ordinary person who knows martial arts. His progress in both cultivation and internal strength is slow. If he wants to increase his speed, he can only use the old method.

"Dual cultivation?" Hua Ling looked innocent.

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "Yes, if you practice dual cultivation together, you will soon be able to embark on the path of cultivation. Then the curse on you will not easily affect you."

Zhang Jingyun explained.

The latter thought for a moment and nodded without hesitation, "I am willing. Senior brother said that you will definitely take good care of me. I will listen to you. When will we start?"

Zhang Jingyun coughed lightly and said, "The earlier the better, today is fine too. I wonder if Miss Hua Ling would like to share the table with me tonight?"

When Hua Ling heard this, she immediately lowered her head.

At night, the wind was very noisy.

Zhang Jingyun originally thought that Hua Ling's martial arts was mediocre. After practicing dual cultivation, it was the first time he could increase one attribute point, and it would definitely be less than one after that.

Unexpectedly, perhaps it was the curse of her family that allowed Hua Ling to always absorb ethereal power from Zhang Jingyun during the dual cultivation process. The attribute points of the dual cultivation were exactly one point each time.

Zhang Jingyun subconsciously thought to himself: "Am I trying to steal the snake god's wool? The increase in dual cultivation is all due to the curse of the snake god?"

Although I don't know what the principle behind this is, it is an unexpected gain after all. I originally just wanted to do a good thing and help a girl.

Now it seems that good people have to do it to the end.

Unknowingly, I have stayed in this world for nearly a month, and my dual cultivation with Hua Ling has been unexpectedly smooth. Hua Ling's strength has been advancing by leaps and bounds.

Zhang Jingyun has also benefited a lot, his attribute points have increased sharply, and he has two months left to enter the next mission world, so he can use this time to improve himself as much as possible.

"In terms of magic skills, I have reached the sixth level, especially the Shangqing Thunder Technique and the Shushan Sword Control Technique, which have reached the sixth level of perfection.

The realm corresponding to the sixth level of perfection is the peak of refining the gods, so other spells should also be upgraded to the corresponding levels, and then prepare for promotion to the realm of refining the void! "

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and he took out the red inner elixir, which was the essence of the six-winged centipede's thousand-year practice, and then threw it directly into his mouth.

If Yan Chixia saw Zhang Jingyun using the inner elixir like this, she would be so shocked that she would tear off her beard and eat it alive. Wouldn't she be afraid of exploding to death?

Zhang Jingyun is naturally not afraid.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to absorb the inner elixirs of these monsters, you must either refine them into elixirs, or use magic power to slowly absorb them.

Refining an elixir requires rich experience in alchemy and the collection of other auxiliary medicines. If the alchemy fails and a precious inner elixir is wasted, Zhang Jingyun has not learned alchemy yet, so naturally he does not need to consider these things.

Slowly absorbing magic power takes a lot of time, often a year and a half. For other people, it is normal, but Zhang Jingyun is different.

When the power of the inner elixir was suddenly released in his body, Zhang Jingyun also began to practice more, and the power of the inner elixir helped him resist the energy siphon.

Using attribute points to upgrade skills is not without cost. Doesn't it take decades to practice every powerful spell?

Therefore, if he wants to reach the peak level in an instant, Zhang Jingyun will have to pay something. Now that he can withstand this price by taking inner elixirs, Zhang Jingyun will definitely not hesitate.

With a large amount of attribute points consumed.

Zhang Jingyun's skill bar keeps changing.

[Removing mountains and reclaiming seas to complete six levels of perfection]

[The infinite universe of heaven and earth is perfected at the sixth level by borrowing the Dharma]

【Six Levels of Perfection of Body Holding Technique】

[The sixth level of earth escape technique is perfect]


As each spell was raised to the perfect state, Zhang Jingyun could clearly feel the power of the inner elixir gradually dissipating in his body, and finally completely exhausted.

Zhang Jingyun also stopped to practice more.

I looked at the data panel.

Most of the spells have been upgraded to the perfection level, and there are still some talismans that have not reached the sixth level of perfection, but Zhang Jingyun has a feeling that even a brand new talisman can be mastered without adding any upgrade points.

It's just for the way of talismans.

Zhang Jingyun felt that the pinnacle skill of the Talisman Way, Tongtian Lu, which he had longed for before, was actually an ability that would naturally arise from practicing various talismans to a certain level.

It's just that this kind of ability is something that those who have mastered it will look down on, and those who haven't mastered it will flock to it. It is conceivable that the other eight magical skills also have this characteristic.

In the eyes of a true person who has become an immortal.

These are all tricks.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and stopped thinking about these things. Whether it was the Eight Magic Skills or the way to create chaos, whatever he could use was a good thing.

There is nothing to worry about when you can upgrade with attribute points.

At this time, Zhang Jingyun suddenly slapped his forehead: "I forgot to improve the other two skills. Those are also good things."

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved.

A skill appeared out of thin air on the data panel.

[Not yet introduced to the Sanskrit for Life]

Life-seeking Sanskrit sounds are Pudu Cihang's specialty, and they have the power to confuse people's hearts. Unless they meet people like Zuo Qianhu, who are naturally righteous, otherwise the monks will be deceived by the Sanskrit sounds if they don't check for a while.

This skill can be used when necessary.

Zhang Jingyun spent 280 attribute points in one breath before upgrading a brand new spell from beginner to sixth level.

With a sudden shock in my mind.

It seems that Zhang Jingyun has been practicing the Sanskrit Sound for Life since he was a child. He has been practicing hard for hundreds of years before he has reached the current state of the Sanskrit Sound for Life.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun felt that his current achievements were all due to his own efforts and a little help from the system.

Wait until you come to your senses.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the data panel subconsciously.

[Attribute points: 208]

The corner of Zhang Jingyun's mouth trembled. What the hell, the attribute points were used faster than running water. At first, it cost a thousand or hundreds of points.

Now that I have upgraded some spells to the highest level and upgraded the Life-Calling Mantra from scratch, my attribute points are almost at the bottom.

More than two hundred attribute points are simply not enough to upgrade a non-entry-level spell to the sixth level of perfection. Zhang Jingyun originally wanted to upgrade the Zhangliu Golden Body to the full level.

After consuming two hundred attribute points.

[The six-foot-long golden body is completed in five levels]

Looking at the attribute points again, there are eight left.

Without attribute points, it would be difficult to upgrade any skill, let alone break through the realm of refining the void. Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun could accumulate attribute points at a high speed.

It’s another month.

Zhang Jingyun not only practiced double cultivation with Hua Ling at night, but also doubled his points with Dong Xiaoyu during the day, and his attribute points increased rapidly.

After having enough attribute points, Zhang Jingyun added eighty attribute points to Zhang Liujin.

The skill bar flashes four times in succession and finally freezes.

[The six-level golden body of six feet is perfect]

This Buddhist magical power was obtained from the memory of Pudu Cihang Yuanshen. The two hundred and eighty attribute points in the front and back sutras finally reached the sixth level of perfection.

Zhang Jingyun was shocked.

The rich Buddha's light filled every part of Zhang Jingyun's body, making Zhang Jingyun look like a golden Buddha. And that's not all, as Zhang Jingyun clasped his hands together.

Zhang Jingyun flew up automatically.

The Buddha's light on his body turned into some kind of substantial body, and Zhang Jingyun instantly turned into a six-foot-tall Buddha sitting cross-legged in the void, and the sound of Buddha filled the sky.


Dong Xiaoyu yelled and broke away from Zhang Jingyun. Originally, Zhang Jingyun used the spirit-binding general to bring Dong Xiaoyu with him. Now Zhang Jingyun used Zhangliu Golden Body, and even Dong Xiaoyu couldn't withstand the impact of the Buddha's light.

"Take it!" Zhang Jingyun quickly withdrew his magical power.

What is certain is that Pudu Cihang did not develop this magical power to the level of Zhang Jingyun, otherwise Zhang Jingyun at that time could be seriously injured by a single confrontation.

Dong Xiaoyu's breath was a little unstable when she was exposed to the Buddha's light, so Zhang Jingyun took her into his body to nourish her. She would not be able to practice both for a while.

Zhang Jingyun thought about this Buddhist magical power for a while, wishing to find a powerful monster to try it out. However, in the zombie real world, there is no thousand-year-old monster as strong as Pudu Cihang.

It was at this moment that Zhang Jingyun suddenly remembered that after leaving A Chinese Ghost Story and returning to the main world, he still had something useless.

"The door to the world of adventure!"

This is the most precious reward Zhang Jingyun received in the previous world. It can open a door and lead to a random world to gain adventure.

In the world of adventure, there is no danger to life, and there are no system tasks. You can return to the original world at any time. Zhang Jingyun has never opened this door.

"You have enough time, let's go now."

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and his eyes suddenly shook. A bronze door appeared out of thin air. The door was engraved with mysterious and complex patterns. Even Zhang Jingyun felt dizzy just looking at it.

This is the door of adventure. As the door opens, Zhang Jingyun is instantly sucked into an unknown world, and then the bronze door closes and disappears.


Zhang Jingyun only felt that some obstacle had been broken through. Originally, there was a crystal barrier in front of him, which was chaotic and separated the two worlds.

But then a bronze door opened.

Zhang Jingyun instantly broke through the barrier and entered the world. When he opened his eyes again, he had already stepped on the ground, and the rich fire spirit flowed into his mouth and nose.

"Good guy, this level of aura of heaven and earth is more than twice as rich as the world of Mr. Zombie, and even A Chinese Ghost Story is not like this."

Zhang Jingyun was surprised, "Where is this?"

Although the spiritual energy is rich, most of it is the energy of fire spirits. This shows that this place is relatively close to the volcano, which is of great benefit to those who practice fire-attribute techniques.

However, even if you practice other skills in this environment, you will definitely enter the world faster than Mr. Zombie, but Zhang Jingyun is not here to practice it.

"Where's Qi Yu? It's not the kind that steps on your feet?"

The place where Zhang Jingyun was was in a passage. It was extremely narrow at first and only then could people pass through it. After walking dozens of steps, it suddenly opened up and entered an empty cave.

Zhang Jingyun stepped on something, and when he lowered his head, he saw a fiery red vine with fruits as red as blood.

Zhang Jingyun looked weird, was he really stepping on his feet? He moved away, picked the red fruit from the vine and held it in his hand.

A warm feeling surged into the palm of my hand.

Zhang Jingyun raised his eyebrows, and there was a strange force that seemed to be breaking away from the red fruit and pouring into Zhang Jingyun's hands. It was very gentle.

"What a treasure!"

Zhang Jingyun looked at the crimson fruit with his golden eyes. It contained extremely pure power. What was commendable was that this power was peaceful and could greatly improve his skill without going crazy.

If you are seriously injured, after taking this fruit, you will most likely recover as before, and your skill will still improve a lot.

"It can enhance skill but not magic power, which means this thing is a martial arts treasure. So this is a martial arts world?"

Zhang Jingyun guessed that even if it were a world of martial arts, it must be a world of high martial arts that could produce a treasure of the level of crimson fruit.

"The world of high martial arts will not be..."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought about something. The crimson fruit can enhance one’s skills and heal wounds. How come this thing is so similar to the Blood Bodhi in Fengyun World?

Blood Bodhi is a special fruit that grows in Lingyun Cave. There is nothing special about it in appearance, but Blood Bodhi contains special energy. After taking it, it can not only restore a person's physical strength and injuries, but also greatly increase his skill. It is the dream of countless martial arts people. of treasure.

"If this is the Blood Bodhi, then isn't this the Lingyun Grotto in the Leshan Giant Buddha? The most treasured place in the Fengyun World?"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes lit up, saying that it was the most treasured place was actually not an exaggeration at all. After all, there were too many opportunities hidden in Lingyun Cave.

Blood Bodhi is unremarkable here.

In addition, there are the Aohan Six Techniques to restrain Qilin's blood, the Snow Drinking Sword that can emit forty meters of sword light, the Tomb of the Yellow Emperor and the Dragon Vein of Nine States, Wu Wuwei's top ten martial arts, and the Fire Qilin, one of the four auspicious beasts that is full of treasures!

"This is a treasure trove!"

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