People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 199 The Spirit of Martial Arts【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun is basically sure that this is the world of Fengyun, and the place he is in is the most dangerous place in the world, Lingyun Cave.

Rumors that there is a fire unicorn in Lingyun Grottoes have long been spread. Leshan folk say that if water floods the knees of the Buddha and the Lingyun Grotto is burned, a fire unicorn may be born.

However, everyone else thought this place was a Jedi place. As a time traveler, Zhang Jingyun naturally knew that Lingyun Cave was the most treasured place in Fengyun World.

"Now I don't know what the situation is like in the outside world, how far the world of Xiong Domination will develop, and whether he will turn against Fengyun..."

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but think that at the beginning of the world of wind and cloud, the most impressive thing was the comment given by Ni Bodhisattva to Xiong Ba.

The prophecy of "Jin Lin is just an object in the pond, it will transform into a dragon when encountering storms", and the prelude to the stormy story begins.

It can be said that the two sentences given by the Clay Bodhisattva played a leading role in the whole story, but at the beginning he only said the first two sentences.

And precisely because of what he said in the first two sentences, he revealed the secret and his face was covered with poisonous sores. He had to use the fire monkey to suck the poison from his face to survive.

As for the two prophecies given by the Clay Bodhisattva at the end, "The roar of the dragon in the sky will shake the sky, and the wind and clouds will swim in the shallow water" also foreshadows the ending of Xiongba. Perhaps he had calculated it at first but did not dare to say it.

Fengyun’s worldview is actually very exciting.

There are many forces, including the imperial court, Japan, Fuyu Kingdom, Western Desert, Miao people, etc., with some history interspersed, and people like "Xu Fu".

As a famous alchemist during the Qin Shi Huang period, Xu Fu was supposed to be ordered by the First Emperor to hunt phoenixes and refine the elixir of immortality for the First Emperor.

As a result, Xu Fuli used the most elite troops in the Qin Dynasty to kill the Phoenix but took the blood of the Phoenix himself. From then on, he became immortal, traveled around various dynasties, and then changed his name to Emperor Shitian and claimed to be a god. It was really fun.

There are several people like Xu Fu in Fengyun World, and every one of them is a god-like existence. In addition to people, the settings of the four auspicious beasts and even the "Sword Realm" in the different space are quite attractive.

As for Zhang Jingyun.

He came to this world just to gain opportunities. Zhang Jingyun had no interest in participating in the disputes in the world unless it was beneficial.

Now, Zhang Jingyun will not leave Lingyun Cave. He can only be seen flashing, moving quickly through the complicated secret passages in Lingyun Cave, looking for something.

Soon Zhang Jingyun stopped.

The location where he is now is another cave, which is larger than the cave of Blood Bodhi. There is a platform covered with grass in front of him, and two black and thick chains can be seen scattered on the ground.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes flashed with golden light.

These two chains alone are made of special materials, and the spiritual energy contained in them is much richer than some famous magical weapons.

When I walked over and took a look, I saw a withered skeleton in the grass. It looked like it was a man. I don't know how many years it had been left here.

The chains on the ground were obviously locked on him. When he saw this, Zhang Jingyun knew that this was the place where Nie Feng's ancestor Nie Ying died.

Nie Ying is the ancestor of the Nie family, the forger of the Snow Drinking Knife, and the founder of the Nie family's martial arts. The Nie family's Bingxin Jue, Nie family footwork, and Aohan Six Jue were all created by Nie Ying.

And Nie Ying is also the source of the Nie family's crazy blood.

Many years ago, Nie Ying used the Snow Drinking Sword to fight the Fire Qilin. Although he injured the Fire Qilin with the Snow Drinking Sword, he accidentally drank the Fire Qilin's blood.

The blood of the fire unicorn is very different from other auspicious beasts. Phoenix blood, dragon blood, and dragon turtle blood all have the magical effect of immortality. Although the blood of the fire unicorn can enhance the skill, its blood also contains magic.

Therefore, after Nie Ying returned home, her body underwent drastic changes. First, her power increased dramatically, reaching an unbelievable level.

But what's even more frightening is that an inexplicable and strong murderous intention spreads in Nie Ying's blood, making him murderous from time to time.

Nie Ying was filled with murderous intent and his temper was erratic. When he found that the murderous intent in his body was gradually reaching its peak, it was no longer possible to control himself.

The demonic nature in Huo Qilin's blood was always angry and angry, so when Nie Ying was still rational, she left at night without saying goodbye for fear of hurting her lover.

Later, Nie Ying locked herself in Lingyun Cave. While restraining the demonic blood of Qilin, she also studied martial arts and created the Bingxin Jue to try to suppress the crazy blood.

Until Nie Ying's death a few years later.

The martial arts and the origin of crazy blood in the cave here are Nie Ying's last words for future generations. He hoped that future generations would never be troubled by Qilin's crazy blood again.

Zhang Jingyun glanced around and could see that the walls, including the floor, were all engraved with the Nie family's martial arts secrets using Nie Ying's strong internal force during his lifetime.

"Using his fingers as a pen to write martial arts secrets on the stone wall, it seems that Nie Ying's martial arts has reached a very high level."

Zhang Jingyun saw that the writing of various martial arts was rigorous and neat, and it was clearly done in one go. Being able to use his inner strength to write so many words in one breath was already a fantasy in Jin Yong's martial arts world.

After all, Wang Chongyang couldn't even write so many words on the slate with his fingers, mistakenly thinking that he had really lost to Lin Chaoying.

The Nie family has a lot of martial arts knowledge. The first thing Zhang Jingyun looked at was not the Six Aohan Jue that Nie Ying had repeatedly deduced and had become almost perfect, but the Bingxin Jue.

"My heart is as clear as ice, I am not shocked when the sky falls, I am calm in all changes, my spirit is calm..." Zhang Jingyun looked at himself, and the words on the stone wall seemed to come alive and poured into Zhang Jingyun's mind.

Not long after, Zhang Jingyun had finished reading the Bing Xin Jue, and he was thoughtful. The next second, he actually started practicing the Bing Xin Jue route for the first time.

Zhang Jingyun is no stranger to martial arts practice.

Whether it's Swordsman or Slaying the Dragon, Zhang Jingyun has obtained a large number of magical secrets, and his own martial arts has already reached the state of perfection.

Zhang Jingyun has always felt that his martial arts has reached a point where there is no further progress, and that the realm of martial arts has reached its limit.

Indeed, in Jin Yong's ancient martial arts world, Zhang Jingyun's martial arts realm is like a god, and he can break the void and go away at any time.

But this is a stormy world.

The realm of martial arts and gods is far from the limit of martial arts. Zhang Jingyun even knows better that some powerful martial arts in Fengyun World are more powerful than some spells.

Therefore, the martial arts left by Nie Ying are also of great use to Zhang Jingyun. By comparing Nie Ying's understanding of martial arts, he can probably determine what level his martial arts is in this world.

"In the realm of heaven and man, he is no weaker than Nie Ying!"

It didn't take long for Zhang Jingyun to learn the Bingxin Jue, and he naturally came to the conclusion that even Nie Ying at his peak was not necessarily better than Zhang Jingyun.

This is just a matter of martial arts skills.

"Six Secrets of Aohan!"

At this time, Zhang Jingyun turned his eyes and looked to the other side. This martial art was also famous. Nie Feng could easily perform the terrifying special effects of the 40-meter sword with the Six Aohan Jue and the Snow Drinking Knife.

After careful consideration for a moment, from a skill perspective, there is nothing about Aohan Six Jue that surpasses Zhang Jingyun's own martial arts knowledge.

In fact, from the perspective of the concept of martial arts, each world has studied martial arts to the extreme. The reason why the power is so different is that the world gap is too big.

The Six Aohan Jue is a technique adapted to the world of wind and cloud, and it is most powerful when used. If Zhang Jingyun deduces the techniques he has learned according to the principles of the Six Jue of Aohan to adapt to the world of wind and cloud, he will also be able to shock the heavens and others.

However, Zhang Jingyun didn't have this in mind at first. Deducing martial arts requires attribute points, and he doesn't have many attribute points.

On the other hand, this world has already produced so many martial arts that have reached their peak, so just learn them directly.

Don't say that a practitioner can never surpass the person who created the technique. That's because he has no system. Zhang Jingyun doesn't reject anyone who comes.

For powerful martial arts, Zhang Jingyun can learn it if he can, but if he can't, he will write it down first, and then use attribute points to slowly upgrade it in the future.

However, Zhang Jingyun still underestimated himself.

His martial arts had already reached a bottleneck and could not break through. Now that he came to Fengyun World and was exposed to the secrets of higher-level martial arts, the bottleneck became brittle.

"With this feeling, can my martial arts be able to reach another level?" Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but think as he felt the changes in his body.

He had long since given up on the martial arts training system. He had been paying more attention to the practice of magic power over the years, and now the opportunity to break through was an unexpected blessing.

"It doesn't matter, the realm of martial arts gods and humans is quite different from that of Emperor Shitian, Xiao Sanxiao and others. It's time to see what the realm is above heaven and humans."

Zhang Jingyun was so blessed that he started to use the Changchun Kung Fu. In Jin Yong's martial arts world, this everlasting Changchun Kung can achieve eternal youth and immortality. Now it is naturally more useful in the world of wind and cloud.

However, after practicing for a while, Zhang Jingyun still felt that there was still a lot to add to this skill. If he had not seen the unique skills of the wind and cloud world, he would never feel this way.

As if he were familiar with the road, Zhang Jingyun was able to optimize the starting method route without relying on attribute points, which was due to his years of experience in Taoism.

As the saying goes, one method can lead to all methods.

With a high level, I can see other exercises more clearly. All kinds of insights came to my mind. It didn't take long for the Everlasting Eternal Spring Kung Fu to take on a new look.

At the same time, a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth poured in, which was absorbed and refined by Zhang Jingyun, and finally integrated into the limbs and bones to transform his body.

The effect of this kind of cultivation is no different from that of cultivating immortals, so the essence of the world of high martial arts is not much different from that of cultivating immortals.

Zhang Jingyun even felt that the speed of cultivation was not fast. At this speed of cultivation, it would probably take three to five years to break through to the realm of martial arts gods and humans.

Who can bear this?

Zhang Jingyun flipped his wrist and took out a Blood Bodhi. At that time, he picked four Blood Bodhi in total in the cave full of vines. The healing effect was useless to Zhang Jingyun, so it was only suitable for improving his skill.

Open your mouth, and blood will pour into your belly.

The next second, before Zhang Jingyun could taste it, Blood Bodhi turned into pure power and poured into his dantian, continuously strengthening Zhang Jingyun's cultivation.

It only takes a moment.

Zhang Jingyun's already strong internal strength surged again. His muscles instantly bulged, his bones vibrated, and the sound of his blood flowing was like an endless river.

Not only that, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth actually entered the body again, and the internal and external linkage simultaneously strengthened Zhang Jingyun's physical body. Faintly, his body seemed to be undergoing transformation.


The airflow left traces on the surrounding stone walls. This was a phenomenon caused by the unconscious escape of the true energy in Zhang Jingyun's body. If the true energy was fully mobilized, it would be easy to crack mountains and crack rocks.

Zhang Jingyun's consciousness was clear, and not a single change in his body escaped his eyes. Even though he was already close to being a real person in Lianxu, he never thought that this body could undergo qualitative transformation.

"If this continues, won't my physical body be about to surpass the body of a demon?" Zhang Jingyun's Taoist practice does not focus on the physical body. If he is lucky enough to be able to directly ascend in the physical body, he will be very lucky.

The power of one Blood Bodhi was quickly refined, and Zhang Jingyun ate three more in succession. At this point, all the Blood Bodhi was consumed.

Zhang Jingyun's body transformation is also coming to an end. Thanks to the nourishment of Blood Bodhi and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, his body actually exudes a refreshing fragrance.

If you are in the world of demons.

This fragrance is enough to drive demons and monsters crazy. Zhang Jingyun's current body is more nutritious than human medicine and is full of the essence of heaven and earth.

Taking a bite of Zhang Jingyun's flesh and blood will not have the same effect as Tang Monk's flesh, but it will at least be worth a month or two of practice.

"Mad, I want to try it."

Zhang Jingyun took a sniff and found that the smell was really fresh. Even if he stopped running the technique, the fragrant smell would not dissipate immediately.

Let’s look back at the realm of martial arts.

Zhang Jingyun was slightly surprised after feeling it carefully. A lot of changes had indeed taken place. After entering the realm of martial arts in Fengyun World, it turned out to be about the cultivation of the soul.

If there are others like Zhang Jingyun who break through the bottleneck of the realm of martial arts and heavenly beings and go further, they will condense the soul.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but think of the Sword Master.

The sword master's soul left his body and went to the world to kill the tyrants. However, because his physical body was touched, the soul's weapons were destroyed, and the soul finally dissipated.

The sword master has touched the true meaning of this realm. Compared with the physical body, the soul of martial arts is the most important. If the soul is not destroyed, there will be no complete death.

The soul of martial arts and the realm of spiritual cultivation are similar to each other. Zhang Jingyun has already condensed the soul, so it is easier to break through the realm.

Others want to take this step, and it is extremely difficult. Even if they can take it, they are either extremely talented, or like Xu Fu, they have accumulated a lot of experience.

Breaking through the martial arts soul, Zhang Jingyun continued to study, trying to explore more mysteries of this realm. With a thought, the soul came out of the body.

A little man appeared above Zhang Jingyun's body. His appearance was the same as his own, but his solemn expression and infinite mysteries emerged from his body.

The soul can speed up the physical body to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and practice to become more in tune with heaven and earth, so a strange scene appears deep in Lingyun Cave.

There are two Zhang Jingyuns, one big and one small, sitting cross-legged to practice. As their practice gradually gets better, the spiritual energy of the entire Lingyun Cave seems to be stirred by it.

In the end, a whirlpool formed.

It caused quite a storm in Lingyun Cave.

Finally, the change in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was so great that it directly woke up the auspicious beast sleeping in Lingyun Cave, that is, the fire unicorn.

When Fire Qilin opened its red eyes and smelled a fragrance that made even the depths of its soul cheer for joy, it drooled.

Fire Qilin: Thank you for the gift of nature.

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