People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 200 Twenty-three Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Swords【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun cultivated the martial arts soul in a retreat place. As the soul absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and fed it back to his body, he added a trace of unicorn blood contained in the blood bodhi.

It actually caused some kind of transformation in his physical body.

In the world of demons, such flesh and blood bodies are no longer mortal bodies. Even the bodies of some demons are not as powerful as Zhang Jingyun.

It's a pity that the blood of Qilin contained in Blood Bodhi is still too little, and the blood of Fire Qilin in Lingyun Cave contains demonic nature, otherwise Zhang Jingyun would definitely go to Fire Qilin to borrow some Qilin blood for use.

However, the tree wants to be still but the wind does not stop.

Before Zhang Jingyun could do anything to the fire unicorn, the fire unicorn came to him first. A wave of scorching fire hit his face, and Zhang Jingyun woke up instantly.

He took a closer look and saw that the lion's head, antlers, tiger's eyes, elk's body, dragon scales, and ox's tail were all integrated into one body. The tail was hairy like a dragon's tail, with one horn carrying flesh, and the whole body was red.

"Fire Qilin? Isn't this guy sleeping all the time?" Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and then he easily stepped back dozens of feet in a flash.

The fire unicorn did not expect that the opponent was so fast. It only swept a large distance in an instant, but it was much more powerful than the person it had eaten before.

Zhang Jingyun observed the fire unicorn at close range for the first time. It was larger than an ordinary horse, with four thick hooves and a flying figure. Anyone who saw it at first glance would be attracted by the image of the mythical beast in myths and legends and forget that it is essentially a beast. A ferocious beast.

The four auspicious beasts in the Fengyun World are actually the same, and there is no kindness at all. Perhaps the dragon turtle is more humane and a bit special. The other three auspicious beasts are essentially the same as the ferocious beasts and monsters.

Zhang Jingyun could clearly see the violent murderous intent in Huo Qilin's eyes. He probably couldn't wait to eat Zhang Jingyun.

"So it turns out that you were attracted to me by the scent of meat on my body. If it had been a few days later and the scent of meat on my body had dissipated, you might not have shown up."

Zhang Jingyun understood the cause and effect after observing for a while. Although Huo Qilin was violent and murderous, his thoughts were not complicated and he could easily guess them.

Sure enough, after a brief moment of surprise.

The fire unicorn spread its hooves and rushed towards Zhang Jingyun again. The dragon followed the cloud and the tiger followed the wind. When the fire unicorn moved, it set off waves of scorching fire, which was extremely oppressive.

With such a large body and a speed that could break through the sky, he could still maneuver with ease even in this cave that was not too spacious, chasing Zhang Jingyun in hot pursuit.

Zhang Jingyun's heart was surging. The fire unicorn was a rare animal in all the worlds. It was not easy to encounter one. Of course, he had to greet him well.

"Since we are in the world of martial arts, I will not bully you. I will not use Taoist techniques or magical weapons. I will use my flesh and blood body to deal with your Qilin body."

Zhang Jingyun was in high spirits. After dodging several times, he suddenly turned into a ray of blue light and flashed past the fire unicorn. One person and one unicorn passed by each other.

Zhang Jingyun could even see a flash of panic in Huo Qilin's huge eyes. It was simply unbelievable that a human could surpass him in speed.

However, this fire unicorn has lived for who knows how many years and can cope with any situation. The moment Zhang Jingyun passed by, it opened its mouth and spat out.


A ball of fire actually shot towards Zhang Jingyun.

"Xiaoyao Yufeng!"

Zhang Jingyun felt a chill in his heart. He looked like an immortal, able to ride the wind and walk freely. This supreme light skill was created by Zhang Jingyun in combination with Lingbo Weibu and other Xiaoyao sect's superior light skills.

It is said that the Xiaoyao sect really had such a light skill. It was created by Xiaoyaozi who took Liezi's meaning of "walking on the wind" and combined it with the essence of the Xiaoyao sect.

It's a pity that after Xiaoyaozi left the Xiaoyao sect, the magical skill of Xiaoyao Yufeng was also lost. The skills created by Zhang Jingyun only had the same name, but the content was completely different.

Zhang Jingyun used his superior light skills to dodge the fireball, but Huo Qilin's attack failed. Repeatedly, how could Zhang Jingyun not launch a counterattack?

hold head high!

Accompanied by a thundering roar, true energy filled the air, Zhang Jingyun danced with his hands, and the strong and surging true energy in his body was squandered, and a dragon shadow was created.

The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

Only when this unique skill of the Beggar Clan falls into the hands of Zhang Jingyun can it be considered as completely breaking away from the scope of ordinary martial arts and possessing the power of subduing dragons and tigers in a true sense.


The Fire Qilin was knocked backwards by the power of the Dragon Subduing Palm, and its majestic and tall body hit the stone wall in the corner of the cave, kicking up a cloud of dust.

The fire unicorn had rough skin and thick flesh. After being knocked away by the palm force, although it screamed, it turned over and stood up in the next second, its blood-red eyes full of dissatisfaction.

"If you don't accept it? Then I'll beat you until you submit!"

The strong wind was blowing on Zhang Jingyun's body, and the momentum was frightening. The true energy was almost real, and it made the green-gold robes make a hunting sound.

I saw the dragon shadow in Zhang Jingyun's left hand and the elephant in his right hand. The true energy in his body was rushing down like a flood, and the dragon-elephant shadow in his hand was so rich that it turned into substance.

Another magical skill that Zhang Jingyun has practiced to the extreme, the Dharma-protecting magical skill passed down from the Tantric Sect of the Western Regions, with a total of thirteen layers of Dragon-Elephant Prajna Skill.

Each level of this skill has the power of one dragon and one elephant. The completion of the thirteenth level is the power of thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants. However, this skill is easy to learn but difficult to master. It takes twice as long to master each level as the previous level.

It takes a thousand years of life to reach the thirteenth level.

Zhang Jingyun can naturally ignore the requirements by relying on the system. He has already perfected the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, and today is the first time he used it on the Fire Qilin.


Huo Qilin screamed repeatedly. Although he did not break his defense, he was hit by Zhang Jingyun's thousand-year-level internal force attack, which was really painful.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the embarrassed Huo Qilin. This guy was not slow in speed and strength, but he was not conscious enough so his attacks were not very planned.

Huo Qilin's anger was a deterrent to others, but to Zhang Jingyun it was just impotent rage, and his unrelenting killing was of no use.

"Huh? This guy is quite smart!"

Zhang Jingyun saw Huo Qilin's weakness at a glance. Unexpectedly, after a moment of fighting, Huo Qilin also realized his own shortcomings.

Slowly, the fire unicorn's attack began to change. It attacked again and raised its claw so fiercely that it actually contained several changes and was quite organized.

However, these changes still do not threaten Zhang Jingyun. In addition to his internal strength, Zhang Jingyun is also proficient in the Chinese martial arts Neijiaquan, and his melee skills are also fully equipped.

Therefore, considering the advantages of scale armor and sharp claws, Fire Qilin still could not take advantage of Zhang Jingyun. After more than a hundred moves, Zhang Jingyun hit the mountain with a stick and directly hit Fire Qilin to the wall.


Fire Qilin rolled over and roared, its four thick hooves digging at the ground in annoyance, feeling angry because it couldn't beat Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but feel funny when he saw this scene. Although Fire Qilin has lived for thousands of years, his wisdom is at most the level of a child.

"If in the world of demons and monsters, such a stupid Qilin would have been taken as a mount by the powerful powers of all parties, that is, in the world of wind and cloud, this guy is lucky.

Its essence and blood cannot make people immortal like dragons and phoenixes. Instead, they have demonic qualities that can easily make people go crazy. No wonder you, the only one of the four auspicious beasts, can survive to the end. Your desire to live is already full. "

Zhang Jingyun looked at the fire unicorn in front of him and thought to himself, with his cultivation level close to that of Master Lianxu, it wouldn't hurt to take a mount, but such a stupid unicorn would be worse than wielding a sword if he took it out like a fool.

"Forget it, you should just live your life honestly. Lingyun Cave is more suitable for you than the outside world." Zhang Jingyun waved his hand to signal Huo Qilin not to mess with him.

However, after Huo Qilin was severely beaten by Zhang Jingyun, he actually targeted Zhang Jingyun and would come over to fight with Zhang Jingyun from time to time.

Several times in a row, Zhang Jingyun also became angry.

"What a beast, you really think I can't kill you?" Zhang Jingyun pointed his sword, and the void in front of him suddenly rippled.

Fire Qilin's eyes widened. After being beaten so many times, this was the first time it saw Zhang Jingyun perform such a weird move. For a moment, it didn't dare to step forward.

The next second, Zhang Jingyun became a little empty.

A dark red divine sword appeared in front of him out of thin air, and then turned into a strange rainbow light and cut through the Fire Qilin's scales with a clang.


The fire unicorn jumped three feet high and even bled. Although it was extremely angry, it was even more afraid of Zhang Jingyun's flying sword controlled by Zhang Jingyun.

"He who doesn't know is fearless. You brought it to the door yourself, so don't blame me for being rude. From now on, you will be my mount!"

Zhang Jingyun used taming skills to tame the fire unicorn.

After Huo Qilin felt the control on the spiritual level, he somehow aroused the demonic nature in his body, and then broke free frantically.

"Is this the demonic nature contained in the Fire Qilin?" Zhang Jingyun had a hunch that the Fire Qilin might run away after seeing how powerful he was, but it looked like it had demonic nature and would probably kill anyone it met.

Zhang Jingyun sighed, he was not convinced if he was beaten lightly, and he went crazy if he was beaten too hard. For now, he could only completely surrender the Fire Qilin.

With a move in his heart, Zhang Jingyun's face was full of compassion, and the peaceful Buddha's light shrouded his body. The next second, Zhang Jingyun rose into the sky and transformed into a golden Buddha.

"In the Namo Utmost Bliss, the Tathagata Buddha of the West is here. You evil beast, why don't you take refuge quickly!" The sound of the Buddha's rolling voice made Huo Qilin confused in his eyes.

I have to say, magic is still useful.

Huo Qilin's brain has never seen such a scene. He used a six-foot-long golden body to pretend to be the Tathagata Buddha to shock it, and then combined with the taming technique, he completely controlled the fire Qilin with three strikes, five divisions and two.


Huo Qilin's eyes gradually became clear.

The look in Zhang Jingyun's eyes was a little more kind. Zhang Jingyun flew up and sat on Huo Qilin's generous back without any violent resistance.

"Oh, I originally wanted to live in peace with you, but I didn't expect you to insist on recognizing me as your master. It will only cause trouble for me!"

Zhang Jingyun rode the fire unicorn for a while and then came down. He had just been beaten severely by Zhang Jingyun and cut through his scales with a flying sword. The fire unicorn was also a little tired.

"My sword..."

Zhang Jingyun lowered his head and looked at the flying sword in his hand. He had two flying swords, namely the Demon Slayer and the Xuanyuan Sword. If he had used the Xuanyuan Sword just now, half of Huo Qilin's life would have been lost.

However, if you use the demon-slaying sword to cut through the scales of the fire unicorn, it will inevitably be contaminated with the unicorn's blood. The blood of the fire unicorn is not only effective on humans, but also on magical weapons.

The red light on the demon-slaying sword is stronger than before, which seems to be an improvement, but based on Zhang Jingyun's connection with Feijian, he can feel that the demon-slaying sword is also contaminated with the demonic nature of the fire unicorn.

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth: "It is enchanted, but it is not completely enchanted. The most important thing about a flying sword is that it is connected with the owner's mind. This demonic nature is not conducive to the sacrifice of the flying sword and must be removed."

It is not easy to remove the demonic nature from Qilin's blood. Nie Ying could not do it in his entire life. Although Zhang Jingyun is powerful, it still takes a lot of time.

Before I knew it, a month had passed.

Zhang Jingyun sat cross-legged in Lingyun Cave to practice the flying sword. After using his magic power all night long, the demonic nature of the flying sword stained with Qilin's blood was basically removed.

The blood marks on the spine of the demon-slaying sword are deeper than before, and the blade is gleaming. In the world, it is definitely comparable to the snow-drinking sword and other magical weapons. It is also unique among the flying swords of cultivators.

On the other side of the cave, the fire unicorn was half asleep and half awake. It had a special rhythm and seemed to be practicing. Zhang Jingyun had indeed given it a technique.

How can a fire unicorn be considered a mythical beast if it has demonic nature in its blood? Let it practice the exercises on its own to slowly eliminate its demonic nature, and one day it will be able to completely restore its appearance as a divine beast.

"There are still many opportunities in Lingyun Cave at the moment, such as the Blood Bodhi, Fire Qilin, and Nie family inheritance. Should I look for Wu Wudi's top ten martial arts, or the Nine Provinces Dragon Vein in the Yellow Emperor's tomb?"

Zhang Jingyun was thoughtful.

Wu Wudi is really awesome. He created his own top ten martial arts and is called the top ten warriors. He boasts that he possesses an unrivaled magical power - Xuanwu Zhen Gong.

Wu Wudi did not take the world's warriors seriously. He once defeated Emperor Shitian, who had lived for more than a thousand years, with his Xuanwu true skills. Later, he became anonymous and the dragon disappeared.

Wu Wudi's martial arts inheritance was very helpful to him, but Zhang Jingyun was still more concerned about the dragon veins in the Yellow Emperor's tomb than the martial arts inheritance.

The so-called dragon vein is the backbone of the Yellow Emperor.

Dragon Vein gathers the luck of the entire land of China and is a supreme treasure in the true sense. Dragon Vein can not only be used as a weapon, but also has the special effect of suppressing demonic nature and demonic ways.

In the original plot, Nie Feng used the characteristics of dragon veins to suppress the demonic nature of crazy blood in his body. In addition, dragon veins also have the effect of improving the user's skill.

Anyone who gets Dragon Veins will feel that their skills are constantly improving. Although the improvement is not large, the advantage is that it can continue to improve.

If someone practices with dragon veins for tens or even hundreds of years, their skills will be incredibly powerful, and Xu Fu and his ilk may not be their opponents.

It's a pity that the dragon vein was destroyed in the original plot, so people will never know the upper limit of this Kyushu treasure.

Fortunately, the dragon veins have not been destroyed and are still in the Yellow Emperor's Tomb. With Zhang Jingyun's unique professional advantage as a folk archaeological enthusiast, wouldn't it be easy to enter the Yellow Emperor's Tomb?

"I remember that in addition to the precious dragon veins in Huangdi's tomb, the Xuanyuan sword he used was also the most powerful weapon in the Fengyun world, right? Why is no one stronger?"

Zhang Jingyun said, in the original plot, Nie Feng and others only focused on snatching the dragon's veins, but turned a blind eye to Xuanyuan Sword. Could it be that Xuanyuan Sword is ruined?

Shaking his head, Zhang Jingyun didn't think too much. He was about to use the sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui secret technique to explore the location of the Yellow Emperor's tomb.

However, at this moment, Zhang Jingyun's soul was shaken, and the Qi of Jiuzhou was stirred up. A shocking sword intent suddenly aroused from nowhere outside Lingyun Cave!

This sword intent destroyed the heaven and earth, and solidified time and space. Even Zhang Jingyun's martial arts soul was separated from the surrounding world for a moment.

"There is only one person with this kind of sword intention in this world. The sword intention reveals unwillingness and unyielding. It can only be the Sword Master's Sword Twenty-Three."

Zhang Jingyun looked into the distance, his gaze seemed to penetrate time and space, witnessing the grace of a generation of sword masters.

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