People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 201 Heavenly Sword Tomb of the Yellow Emperor【Please subscribe】

Sword Master, whose real name is Dugu Jian, was born to be a swordsman. He learned swordsmanship at the age of five, excelled at it at the age of seven, became famous with one sword at the age of nine, and suddenly realized the way of swordsmanship at the age of thirteen.

In order to seek the peak of swordsmanship, the sword master went to Japan alone to find half heart, and thus met his lover Miyamoto Yukirei, with whom he jointly created the Holy Spirit Sword Technique.

This Holy Spirit Sword Technique originally only had twenty-two moves, but over the years the sword master has worked hard and tried to create a twenty-third move.

Now it seems that this move has been successful. Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. Sword Twenty-Three is probably the ultimate swordsmanship in Fengyun World. The time and space are frozen, and there is only this sword in the world.

However, although the sword intent that Zhang Jingyun felt just now was strong and definitely the pinnacle of swordsmanship in the world, that sword intent was not the complete version of Sword Twenty-Three.

Sure enough, just when Zhang Jingyun was confused.

He felt a completely different sword intent again. The sharpness of this sword intent was definitely not worse than the sword intent just now, and it was even unique in a certain sense.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun placed his martial arts soul on the heaven and earth, and could clearly feel the battle between these two peerless swordsmen thousands of miles away.

That's right, it's a competition, not a life and death battle.

Although the two men's sword intentions were in a fierce confrontation, there was no murderous intention in them. Zhang Jingyun could even feel a sense of sympathy for each other.

This shows that the owners of the two swords must know each other and are close friends in the field of swordsmanship. The first person is undoubtedly a sword master, so who is the second person?

Zhang Jingyun's mind changed. In the world of wind and cloud, there was only one person who could compete with the sword master in the field of swordsmanship without falling behind.

"Wulin myth, nameless?"

The sword master's sword intention is unyielding and full of fighting spirit, while the nameless sword intention carries an inexplicable meaning and a kind of otherworldly indifference.

"Why do these two people get together to compete in swordsmanship?" Zhang Jingyun was quite curious. Anyway, the Yellow Emperor's tomb in Lingyun Cave will not escape. If the two swordsmen decide to compete in the competition, it will be difficult to see them again.

Even though he was thousands of miles away, Zhang Jingyun could detect that the sword master was not in good health. Otherwise, his sword intention would not be filled with reluctance.

At this time, the sword master was almost exhausted. Perhaps the competition with Wuming's sword power would be his last chance in life.

Zhang Jingyun stood up and felt the direction, "It's so far away, even if I fly with my sword, it would take half an hour.

I just passed by and the day lilies over there were all cold. It seems that I can only learn from the master Ziyang of the past and use the secret technique of picking qionghua from thousands of miles away. "

Ziyang Zhenren's journey to pick qiong flowers is like the Yang God. For Zhang Jingyun and other Lianshenzhen Zhenren, this realm is no longer far away.

Following Zhang Jingyun's thoughts, the soul left the body, but unlike before, Zhang Jingyun now not only has the magical effects of the Taoist soul, but also the magical machine of the martial arts soul.

Therefore, in just a moment, Zhang Jingyun's soul was thousands of miles away. The soul stood in the void, shining brightly. The main body was sitting firmly in Lingyun Cave, protected by the fire unicorn, and there would be no danger.

The original Sword Master suffered such a big loss and used his last strength to leave his body to kill Xiong Ba. As a result, because his physical body was not in place, Bu Jingyun died with one push.

The place where Zhang Jingyun was was the training ground of the Sword Master. There were two people talking in the room, obviously the Sword Master and Wuming.

"Wu Ming, what are you doing here?"

The sword master's voice was calm, but the sword intent on his body was not as calm as his face, because the test just now told him that Wuming's skills had improved a lot.

Think about yourself again, your body is about to run out of fuel and energy, and if you don't show your sword will, you will be no different from a waning old man.

At this time, the nameless voice also slowly sounded: "Sword Master, I hope you will not fight to the death with Xiong Ba tomorrow."

Zhang Jingyun thought thoughtfully. It turned out that the outside world had already reached the eve of the decisive battle between the Sword Master and the Xiongba. At this time, Xu Fu and his ilk were still nowhere to be seen.

"Don't want to fight Xiongba? Give me a reason." The sword master was not angry, but still calmly said to Wuming.

"Now that the world will be unified, although Xiongba is ruthless, he can at least keep all the martial arts factions calm. Isn't this great?

If Xiongba is defeated by you, the world will be in chaos. At that time, all factions in the world will be leaderless, and all living beings will be in ruins. "Wu Ming said in a deep voice.

"Haha!" I heard the sword master say with a wanton smile: "What a big joke. I killed Xiongba just to do justice for heaven, how could all the lives be ruined?"

"For the sake of my fellow martial arts fellows, I hope you will think twice. You have been living in seclusion in an ice cave these years, practicing the Holy Spirit Swordsmanship just to make a name for yourself.

It's just that one general's success has caused thousands of bones to wither. If it's because of your own selfish desires, then the common people are too innocent. Also, I just observed your complexion..."

Wuming paused as he spoke. The sword master's eyes narrowed slightly, his heart unwavering. He knew that his situation could not be hidden from Wuming's eyes.

"Your life is about to end. Even if you can defeat Xiongba, you will still die after all. Your life is like a broken lamp gradually going into darkness. Heed my advice, let go of everything and be free."

The sword master listened to Wuming's words.

But he did not change his mind because of this, "If it were not for the sword, maybe I would just live a mediocre life, everything is for the sword!

Wuming, don’t use the world to restrain me. Xiongba, I’m determined to kill you. If you want me to give up the decisive battle with Xiongba, you have to kill me! "

As soon as he finished speaking, countless sword energy surged from the sword master's body. Wuming was the first to bear the brunt. He was in the storm of sword energy but remained motionless, as if the collapse of the sky and the earth had nothing to do with him.

After a while, Wuming sighed.

Looking at the state of the Sword Master, one can tell that he has made up his mind. Unless Wuming really kills the Sword Master on the spot, no one can stop him.

"What a pity. You have used your true energy rashly today. Even if you fight to the death with Xiongba tomorrow, how can you win with your condition?"

Wuming has seen through the reality of the Sword Master.

If the sword master hadn't inspired a sword fight just now, maybe he could have tried his best to drag Xiongba to his death, but now his physical condition was already very bad.

Wuming sighed and left the room.

Only the Sword Master was left to watch them leave. Even though his life was about to expire, the fighting spirit in the Sword Master's eyes still did not diminish.

"Master, in my opinion, if Xiongba dies, he will die. Even if his life is ruined, it has nothing to do with the Sword Master. Why do you have to force the Sword Master to take action?"

Beside Wuming, Jian Chen asked in confusion.

"Compared to the grievances between the two people, who do you think is more important? No matter how evil the tyrant is, he can at least restrain the various factions in the martial arts world. If the sword master kills him, isn't he the sinner who caused the ruin of all living beings?" Wuming said.

"Haha, I think what the Sword Master said just now is right. He uses the world's common people to morally kidnap others. Does Wulin Shinhwa know how to do this kind of thing?"

A voice suddenly sounded from outside.

Wuming's hair suddenly stood up, and the sword energy on his body was soaring. It was completely different from the calm and calm look he had when he faced the Sword Master just now.

"How is it possible that someone in this world can approach me without me noticing? You must know that I have reached the realm of Heavenly Sword. Even if you can hide it from me, you can't hide my sword intention!"

Wuming was wary. No one had ever been able to escape Tianjian's perception. Today's situation had never happened to him in his life.

"There is a saying in the legend of swords. Metaphysical swords are unparalleled in ancient times. Ten thousand swords respect you and treat them like gods. Your realm of heavenly swords is worth seeing."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun's figure appeared.

Wuming's pupils shrank, and he saw Zhang Jingyun walking away from the sky, stepping into the void step by step, exuding some mysterious morality.

"The body of the soul! What advice do you have?"

Wuming felt a shiver in his heart, even though he had great martial arts skills, he still didn't dare to act rashly when facing Zhang Jingyun, so he deserved to greet him politely first.

"I can't speak of advice. I just happened to hear you talking to the Sword Master, and I saw you talking about the common people in the world, so I couldn't help but come out and say a few words."

Wuming was undecided. When he was talking to the Sword Master just now, he didn't notice anyone approaching. He was afraid that Zhang Jingyun was more capable than he thought.

"I thought that by preventing the Sword Master from decisively fighting the tyrant, I could save the world from disaster. Could it be that I did something wrong?" Wuming asked in a deep voice.

"Is it okay to pluck a hair and benefit the world?"

Zhang Jingyun asked.

Nameless without thinking.

"What's wrong with plucking a hair and benefiting the world?"

"Okay, I'll kill you and benefit the world, right?"

Wuming frowned: "Everyone has ten fingers. If cutting off one finger can bring peace to the world, I am willing to give up one finger."

"Okay, how about cutting your arm to benefit the world?"

Wuming was speechless for a moment, but Zhang Jingyun refused: "If I cut off your legs, chop off your head, or take your life, would you be willing?

So in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with plucking a hair and benefiting the world. You want to save the world. Others can’t care about you, so don’t care about others. "

The sword master was deceived by people like Wu Ming. He said that the world is not the world, it is all moral kidnapping, and he talks about the righteousness of the common people. Why is he still playing erhu everywhere?

"That's it for now, let's take care of ourselves."

After Zhang Jingyun said this, his figure gradually disappeared.

Seeing this situation, Wuming quickly asked: "Senior, don't you know your surname?"

Senior Zhang Jingyun can bear this sound. In terms of training time, Zhang Jingyun is better than him, and in terms of cultivation level, he is not weaker than him.

"Zhang Jingyun!"

Zhang Jingyun replied casually and returned to his physical body. As his soul returned to his position, he made a sword with his fingers, and the slight swing caused the sword energy to move abnormally.

"Is this the Heavenly Sword? It's really extraordinary!"

The Heavenly Sword is a realm. Zhang Jingyun used some attribute points to understand some of the mysteries of the Heavenly Sword.

"Tomorrow the sword master is going to die. It just so happens that he picked up the soul of a sword master for nothing, and he has many capable generals under his command."

Zhang Jingyun thought that tomorrow the Sword Master would challenge Xiong Ba. If nothing else happened, Bu Jingyun would touch his body and be wiped out. He could take advantage of this opportunity to use the Soul-Restraining General to take back the Sword Master's soul.

The next day.

The sword master headed towards Tianxiahui alone.

Everyone he passed was turned a blind eye. Several angry warriors scolded the Sword Master for being arrogant and then rode their horses directly through the Sword Master's body.

At this moment, the sword master is already the body of the soul.

As of last night, he had not fully understood Sword Twenty-Three, but after competing with Wuming, he suddenly had an epiphany. The sword master who thought he had reached the end of his life burst out with amazing potential.

With an unyielding will to fight, the sword master finally realized the twenty-three swords of destroying heaven and earth before he died, so his soul left his body and rushed to Tianxiahui.

"Everyone, the time for the decisive battle has passed and the Sword Master has not yet arrived. Besides, it is getting late. I suggest that the decisive battle be postponed. Everyone should rest first."

In the main hall of Tianxiahui, Xiongba announced in high spirits, while Qin Shuang, the eldest disciple beside him, stepped forward and said loudly: "Everyone has seen it!

The Sword Master was afraid that I would help Shenwei so he did not dare to go to battle. The various sects present testified that Wushuang City was indeed defeated without a fight. I thought that the outcome was already decided! "

Everyone present was in an uproar.

At this moment, a golden light flashed across the hall, and a group of golden souls flew into the sky with unmatched power: "Excuse me, please wait!"

The body of the Sword Saint's soul spanned time and space. In an instant, the world was quiet, time and space solidified, and hundreds of people from all factions present were frozen.

Even Xiong Ba couldn't move.

Frozen in time and space, Xiong Ba's body was unable to move, but his consciousness was awake. Seeing the sword master's spirit coming out of his body to attack him but unable to resist, Xiong Ba's heart suddenly went cold.

At the foot of the mountain, the sword master's forehead was covered with fine sweat.

Although the soul is strong outside the body, he has just entered this realm and does not know that the soul and the body complement each other. The sword master's body is almost exhausted, and the soul is like a rootless tree.

However, the sword master was determined to kill Xiong Ba, and even if he died, he would have to take Xiong Ba away. However, the sword master never expected that there was an instant noodle with a very bad mind.

"Brother Bu, please don't touch the Sword Master. He is now using his spirit to leave his body to kill the tyrant. If you touch him, the Sword Master will be wiped out." Jian Chen reminded kindly.

However, when Bu Jingyun heard this, he immediately went crazy, "What? The sword master is killing Xiong Ba? I will not allow Xiong Ba to die in the hands of others!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bu Jingyun slapped the Juggernaut with his palm. The Juggernaut's physical body shifted and his soul was instantly unstable, and he disappeared in the hall in an instant.

"Sword Master!" Jian Chen looked confused.

He looked at Bu Jingyun and was dumbfounded. He had met this respectable swordsman master with his master Wuming last night, and was he harmed by Bu Jingyun today?

"Bu Jingyun, you are such a good disciple of Xiong Ba!" Jian Chen couldn't help but say. Bu Jingyun looked at his hands and regretted being impulsive.

In the distance, Zhang Jingyun had a panoramic view of everything, "I just slapped you, but I don't blame your wife's child for being Jian Chen's! Be careful."

Shaking his head, Zhang Jingyun's eyes darkened, and he decisively used Julingshuang. After a violent fluctuation of the soul, a group of souls appeared in Zhang Jingyun's hands, which was none other than the Sword Master.

The Juggernaut's physical body was reduced to ashes.

After collecting the Sword Saint Soul, Zhang Jingyun changed his eyes. There would still be a bloody storm in the world, but this had nothing to do with him.

The soul turned into a stream of light and streaked across the sky.

Appeared again in Lingyun Cave.

"I'm not dead yet? Where is this?"

The sword master asked blankly when he regained his consciousness.

"Dead, but not completely dead. The physical body is gone, and only the soul is left alive. But this is also a good thing for you. You don't have to be bound by the physical body anymore."

Zhang Jingyun's voice sounded. Unlike others, the realm of the Sword Master has transcended the physical body. Instead, the body is bound by the sword. The body of the soul is more conducive to his understanding of the supreme sword.

"Could it be that an immortal enlightened me?"

The sword master marveled at Zhang Jingyun's immortal methods.

"Immortal? It's so difficult to become an immortal. I happened to be passing by today and Tianxiahui will save you. Soon you will know everything."

Zhang Jingyun told him the restrictions on Ju Ling's dispatch and stated that he was a cultivator of immortality. The sword master was stunned at first but then accepted it calmly.

"Dugu Jian, pay your respects to Lord Shangxian!"

Conquering the Sword Master was expected, but the next thing Zhang Jingyun had to do was to open the Yellow Emperor's Tomb under Lingyun Cave and get the Nine Provinces Dragon Vein.

Zhang Jingyun is a professional in tomb robbing.

After the thieves dug a hole and lit a windproof candle in the southeast corner, Zhang Jingyun sneaked into the Yellow Emperor's tomb and muttered: "The Yellow Emperor is above!

My junior, Zhang Jingyun, is a fellow practitioner of Kung Fu with you, and I can be considered as half of your disciples. Today, I specifically ask you to give me dragon veins to help my disciples practice. If the candle does not burn out, will I take it as your consent? "

In the southeast corner, the candle flame remained motionless.

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