People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 202 The Eighth World [Please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun's candles are naturally not electronic candles. Isn't using such fake candles to bully honest people? He used genuine windproof and waterproof special candles.

There is no filthy smell in the Yellow Emperor's Tomb. In ordinary ancient tombs, due to many years of absence from the sun, many objects in the tomb will rot and generate poisonous gas. This is not the case in the Yellow Emperor's Tomb.

The hole that Zhang Jingyun made was not very big, and a circle could be seen within a foot. It would be impossible for an ordinary person to pass through such a small cave, but after all, Zhang Jingyun had the full inheritance of Faqiu Tianguan.

After a crackling sound of bones, Zhang Jingyun's body size actually shrank a lot. He looked quite strong at first, but now he is tall and thin.

As soon as his body moved, Zhang Jingyun used the bone-shrinking technique to sneak in and directly entered the Yellow Emperor's tomb. As soon as his feet landed on the ground, Zhang Jingyun returned to his normal body shape.


With a few clicks, he lit up the lamp on the wall. In an instant, the Yellow Emperor's tomb was as bright as day, and there was no filthy smell inside.

Looking around, the Yellow Emperor's tomb is simpler than expected. It does not have such a complicated and luxurious tomb layout, it is just a simple tomb.

And there wasn't even a coffin in the tomb. What caught your eye were four large characters with flying dragons and phoenixes on the stone wall: Tomb of the Yellow Emperor!

Right below the four characters engraved with the tomb of the Yellow Emperor is a throne carved from bluestone. On the throne sits a skeleton holding a sword.

"Disciple Zhang Jingyun, pay your respects to Huangdi!"

When Zhang Jingyun saw this person, he bowed respectfully. Descendants of Yan and Huang, descendants of the dragon, even the blood flowing in his body should also bow in this way.

As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, an invisible force suddenly arose in the tomb chamber, and the aura of heaven and earth seemed to fluctuate.

The Yellow Emperor has a spirit, and even if he dies, he will transform into a dragon soul to protect the land of Kyushu under his feet. Zhang Jingyun's worship can be regarded as recognized.

There is no coffin in the tomb. The Yellow Emperor is sitting on the throne, holding the Xuanyuan Sword in both hands. His bones have been buried here for thousands of years and have been baptized by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. When they are full, the spine turns into the dragon veins of the Nine Provinces, which is the supreme treasure of luck.

Zhang Jingyun turned his eyes and looked at Huang Di's spine. At first glance, it looked no different from white bones, but in his golden eyes, the precious light shot straight into the sky.

The mysterious and mysterious Qi lingers on this spine, and the endless fluctuations of Tao Yun make Zhang Jingyun feel that he has benefited a lot from just one glance.

The sacred object has been obscured, and the Yellow Emperor's spine turned into dragon veins. It is called the most precious treasure in Kyushu. Naturally, ordinary people cannot see the true face of the dragon veins.

"excuse me!"

Zhang Jingyun stepped forward and sorted out the Yellow Emperor's bones, took off the spine and put it in his hands. Instantly, he felt as if the spiritual platform was clear and his mind was empty.

Not only that, as the dragon vein was held in his hand, Zhang Jingyun clearly felt that his soul was more closely connected with this world.

Even many complicated martial arts problems become easier to practice with the blessing of Dragon Vein, and they can be solved in no time.

"Good guy, this is to directly fill up the understanding, which is equivalent to opening the state of enlightenment. Even an ordinary person can become a martial arts genius with the dragon vein."

Zhang Jingyun's heart trembled. This kind of treasure of luck is the essence of the world. It is the kind that can be encountered but not sought. It is extremely rare.

"Well, it can also gather spiritual energy all the time. For a cultivator like me, getting the dragon vein is like getting a spiritual vein. Wherever I go, there is the best cultivation cave."

Zhang Jingyun must admit that a treasure like dragon vein would break the rules in any world and could easily destroy the balance of the world.

No wonder it was ruined by the author.

Logically speaking, this kind of treasure is related to luck and is the most important treasure in the world. It cannot be destroyed no matter what, but there is no way. The author needs the dragon vein to be destroyed, and no force can stop it.

"By the way, there seems to be a dragon soul in the dragon vein. What is it called the Hunshimo?" Zhang Jingyun looked at the dragon vein and suddenly thought of something.

The dragon vein is the right way to restrain the evil spirits and heretics in the world. If the dragon vein is destroyed, the dragon will die, demons will come, and the land of Kyushu will be robbed.

Zhang Jingyun felt that in the deepest part of the dragon vein, there was indeed a very evil force, and it was in the form of a soul.

Just because of the isolation of dragon veins.

Zhang Jingyun could not use Ju Ling to arrest the general.

"Forget it, I won't destroy the dragon vein anyway. No matter how powerful the demon is, it has nothing to do with me." Zhang Jingyun accepted the dragon vein with peace of mind.

As for the remains of the Yellow Emperor, Zhang Jingyun naturally would not let the body of this great man be exposed here. Instead, he took out a good coffin from the space and buried it.

Looking back at this golden sword, Huang Di has passed away for thousands of years, and his bones have always been holding this golden sword.

Zhang Jingyun picked it up and took a look. He saw that the sword was more than three feet long and was golden in color. The sun, moon and stars were engraved on one side of the sword, and mountains, rivers, and vegetation were engraved on the other side. On the hilt, there were inscriptions on the art of farming and animal husbandry, and on the other side, the strategy of unifying the four seas.

Judging from the appearance, there is no doubt that it is the Xuanyuan Sword. The other Xuanyuan Sword owned by Zhang Jingyun, which was given by Yan Chixia, is almost the same as it.

It's just that the two Xuanyuan Swords are similar in appearance. As for the reality inside, they are completely different. The Xuanyuan Sword given to him by Yan Chixia can cut yin and yang. It does have endless divine power and is a peerless flying sword second to none.

But this Xuanyuan sword in the tomb of Huangdi.

Zhang Jingyun picked it up and swung it a few times. It was ordinary. Although the sword was made of rare materials, it was still a common sword.

"It seems that the symbolic significance is greater than the practical significance. No wonder the Xuanyuan Sword in the TV series was chopped into pieces by Nie Feng holding the Snow Drinking Knife."

Zhang Jingyun placed the Xuanyuan Sword next to the remains of the Yellow Emperor. This sword symbolized the Yellow Emperor's life, and it was better to stay with the Yellow Emperor.

Later, Zhang Jingyun found a secret treasure land with excellent Feng Shui pattern, and then buried the Yellow Emperor's coffin underground, completely isolated from the world.

Zhang Jingyun estimated that Huang Di could never have imagined that there would be a catastrophe thousands of years after his death. Xiong Ba and others were fighting for the dragon's veins, but his bones were chopped into pieces by Nie Feng with a casual sword.

This time, Zhang Jingyun personally arranged the burial of the Yellow Emperor. Even if later people could find this tomb, they would never be able to find the remains of the Yellow Emperor.

After doing this, Zhang Jingyun returned the same way.

In Lingyun Cave, Zhang Jingyun was practicing with the dragon vein in his hand. This place was originally the place where spiritual energy gathered, but now with the blessing of the dragon vein, the spiritual energy was ridiculously rich.

Both Juggernaut and Dong Xiaoyu have benefited a lot from their practice. Both of them are soul bodies. Although Dong Xiaoyu has practiced longer than Juggernaut, in terms of realm, he is not as strong as Juggernaut's martial arts spirit.

He has already taken the initial step into refining the spirit of martial arts. In the world of A Chinese Ghost Story, he can be considered a master, probably at the level of Zhiqiu Yiye.

Dong Xiaoyu's cultivation is still stuck at the peak of Qi refining. The step of refining God depends not only on chance, but also on some talent, which cannot be forced.

However, such a long period of dual cultivation with Zhang Jingyun has given Dong Xiaoyu a good foundation. With the creation of a holy land for cultivation in Dragon Vein, her cultivation has shown signs of breakthrough in the past few days.

"This is an unexpected bonus."

Zhang Jingyun was overjoyed. Dong Xiaoyu's cultivation level. Originally, dual cultivation could only add 0.8 attribute points at a time. If he broke through to God Refining, it would be 1 point at a time.

"Miss Dong is about to break through. I don't want to disturb you, so I will stop practicing sword practice for the time being." The sword master was awakened by the fluctuations in Dong Xiaoyu's body and said.

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "You don't have to rush to practice for a while. You are freed from the shackles of the physical body, and your lifespan is no longer limited. You can slowly comprehend it."

The body of the soul has a lifespan of at least three to five hundred years. With the sword master's talent, it is not too difficult to break through the realm within three to five hundred years.

"Hmm, I almost forgot. There are many opportunities in Lingyun Cave. They are of little use to me. They may be more suitable for you to comprehend." Zhang Jingyun suddenly said.

"Oh? I wonder who inherited it?"

"The warriors from all directions are invincible."

The Sword Master's pupils shrank, and there were waves in his heart. It was not that he had never heard of Wu Wudi's name, but it was too loud.

Warriors from all directions are invincible in all directions.

Just like his name, Wu Wudi's martial arts is known as the top ten martial arts. The top ten are knives, spears, swords, halberds, sticks, fists, palms, legs, claws, and fingers. Each one dares to be called the strongest.

There is also the Xuanwu Zhengong, which is Wu Wudi's summary of his top ten martial arts and divided them into the supreme martial arts of the external family and the internal family, which is extremely mysterious.

"Fire Qilin, go find the top ten martial arts."

Zhang Jingyun shouted.

The fire unicorn roared and jumped in front of Zhang Jingyun, letting him ride on his back, and then spread its hooves and quickly shuttled through the complicated passages of Lingyun Cave.

After a while, Huo Qilin broke into a stone room, and what he saw was the dense engravings, either words or graphics, on the walls of the stone room.

Just taking one look at it made me feel a bang in my mind, and a large amount of martial arts inheritance poured into my mind. If an ordinary person was caught off guard and saw the mural here, his mind might explode and die.

Ordinary people often cannot bear the martial arts that are too advanced, but for Zhang Jingyun, even the top ten martial arts cannot affect his mind.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and his soul unexpectedly left his body and secretly entered the world of martial arts carved in murals, where he began to compete with Wu Wudi's martial arts inheritance.


As the soul trembled, the world in front of him transformed into figures one after another, bold and rough, using different weapons.

As Zhang Jingyun's martial arts soul suddenly appeared, the figures using different weapons instantly began to besiege Zhang Jingyun.

Following a long roar, a piece of sword light came over, the sword technique was mysterious, one move after another, cutting through the void, as if coming from the sky, with an invincible meaning.

Then the light of the sword changed and turned into a spear. The man swung his arm and the spear came out like a dragon. The layers of the spear shadow seemed to pierce the sky.

Zhang Jingyun didn't have a sword in his hand, so he dealt with it with his bare hands, but his moves were ever-changing. Zhang Jingyun could handle all kinds of martial arts he had learned in the past, and even the Xuanwu real skill was still unable to do anything to him.

As the swords and guns changed, they suddenly turned into swords and halberds. The figure in this spiritual world was obviously Wu Wudi, the warrior from ten directions.

When Wu Wuwei's top ten martial arts are displayed one by one, Zhang Jingyun's many martial arts, Nine Yin, Nine Yang, Six Meridians Divine Sword, Dugu Nine Swords... also appear one after another.

In the end, only a crisp sound was heard.

Zhang Jingyun's soul broke through this spiritual world, and he had learned Wu Wudi's top ten martial arts, and even defeated Wu Wudi's spiritual brand.

Zhang Jingyun turned to look at the Sword Master beside him. There was still a big gap between the Sword Master and Wu Wudi. The impact of the Xuanwu True Skill on the Sword Master would not be small.

But the sword master has a firm mind.

After all, his sword heart will not be affected by outsiders.

For several days in a row, Dong Xiaoyu had achieved a breakthrough in divine refining. Zhang Jingyun tried dual cultivation with her a few more times, and sure enough, each time he gained an attribute point.

The Sword Master remained motionless and looked at the murals in the stone chamber until the ninth day when a loud roar came. The Sword Master broke through the barrier and his martial arts spirit shone brightly.

"The realm has been stabilized. It seems that the harvest is not small." Zhang Jingyun saw at a glance that the Sword Master was virtual and real, his soul was condensed, his realm was stable, and his brilliance was restrained.

He is considered a real master in the world of wind and cloud. The current sword master will not lose easily even if he encounters Emperor Shitian.

If you want to defeat the Sword Master, you must not only defeat him in martial arts, but also destroy his will and make him put down his sword. It is easy to kill people, but difficult to destroy his will.

"The top ten martial arts are indeed first-class martial arts, but I have lived for swords in this life, and only swords are my favorite." The sword master said in a deep voice.

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "If you have any other mundane matters, you can deal with them in the past few days. It may be difficult to come back after a while."

The sword master was stunned for a moment, then said: "The physical body has been lost, and the blood connection between me and the Dugu family has become less important. Dust will return to dust, earth will return to earth. If you take one more look at Wushuang City, you will follow the Immortal!"

The sword master's soul turned into a stream of light and flew out of Lingyun Cave. Dong Xiaoyu was in a stable state, and Zhang Jingyun didn't have much time in this world.

"Logically speaking, I should collect the dragon essence and phoenix blood for my use, and then I will have almost the opportunity of Fengyun World.

However, the dragon essence and phoenix blood are only for immortality, and in addition to increasing the skill, they have no great effect on me, and are not as precious as the dragon vein. "

Zhang Jingyun thought for a moment and suddenly made up his mind: "The most important thing in this world is the Dragon Vein. Since the Dragon Vein is in my hands, I will take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make further progress."

It seemed that Zhang Jingyun's determination was felt.

The dragon vein in his hand suddenly bloomed with holy light, gentle and peaceful, which penetrated directly into the heart, making Zhang Jingyun's soul more in tune with the world.

That's right.

Zhang Jingyun is preparing to break through the realm of refining the void!

Lingyun Cave is the place where the spiritual energy of the Fengyun world gathers, and the dragon vein is the most precious treasure of luck in the Kyushu world. The right time and place are all on Zhang Jingyun's side.

"The advantage lies with me. If I don't break through the refining of the void now, how can I break through? At the fourth level of cultivation, the combination of refining the void and the Tao is already the last step. Once successful, daylight promotion is just around the corner."

Thinking of this, Zhang Jingyun's will was stronger than ever. Although he had a long life and could easily live for a thousand years, this was not the way of immortality after all.

Only immortals can achieve true freedom.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jingyun immediately activated his skills. The thunder method that had already reached the sixth level of perfection seemed to have hit some kind of shackles, and it was just a tiny bit short of breaking the bottleneck.

"Huh?" At this moment, Zhang Jingyun exclaimed, and the dragon vein in his hand suddenly hung above his head, turning into a whirlpool of spiritual energy, drawing the spiritual energy from a thousand miles away here.

The spiritual energy around Zhang Jingyun is so rich that it is almost dripping, so thick that it is ridiculous. It can be said that Zhang Jingyun has never fought such a rich battle since he started practicing!

Suddenly something inside me broke.

Zhang Jingyun's body lightened up, and there was God's will in the dark. The soul suddenly burst out with rays of light, colorful, and the majestic sun burst out from the Taixu Xuanguan orifice, collapsed and dispersed, and was full of brilliance. This meant that Zhang Jingyun had broken through. The realm of refining the void.

The combination of refining the void and the Tao is more consistent with the great road of heaven and earth. Although this combination is not like Taoist Hongjun, it is still a crucial step in the immortal way.

The dragon's veins were still circling above his head.

Unknowingly, Zhang Jingyun had been sitting cross-legged for half a month, his cultivation in the realm of refining the void was stable, and the voice of the system was heard in his mind at the right time.

"The eighth world is about to open..."

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