People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 208 The night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber【Please subscribe】

"He's on board, what should we do?"

Bai Suzhen looked at the ship and couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Sister, why don't we fly to the ship." Xiao Qing couldn't help but joked when she saw that Bai Suzhen was fascinated by the man.

Bai Suzhen rolled her eyes and said, "Don't be ridiculous. He is just a mortal. It would be bad if he was scared by us."

Naturally, Xiao Qing would not really fly over, but said: "In that case, we can only stay here on a rainy day. If my sister's benefactor is a kind-hearted person, he will definitely not bear to see us get wet."

Bai Suzhen nodded. She admitted that at that moment, she lost her mind when she saw Zhang Jingyun, so she was still calmer than Xiaoqing.

As soon as Xiaoqing cast the spell, the sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds, and then it began to rain. Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing came to the shore and waved to the boat.

Zhang Jingyun was sitting on the boat, looking at the scenery of the West Lake, and suddenly felt a monster doing something, and then it started to rain.

"How come it's raining all of a sudden?"

Zhang Jingyun sighed casually.

But I heard the middle-aged boatman who was holding the boat say leisurely: "Haha, the sky is unpredictable, and people are prone to misfortune and fortune. Maybe my husband is going to have good luck."

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at the boatman. He didn't seem to notice just now. The boatman was extremely stable in his boat. At first glance, one would think that he was an experienced boatman. But if you look closely, you will find that there is something strange about this man. place.

Especially since the boatman also said that he was going to have great luck, Zhang Jingyun knew very well that even the rain was caused by the white snake and the green snake.

And Zhang Jingyun will also fall in love with Bai Suzhen at first sight. For an ordinary mortal, the snake spirit who has been cultivated for nearly two thousand years really looks like good luck.

However, although there was something unusual about the boatman, Zhang Jingyun couldn't see through the boatman's other identity even if he used his golden eyes.

Therefore, either the boatman just said it casually and everything was a coincidence, or the boatman's cultivation level was much better than Zhang Jingyun's and he was a god.

Zhang Jingyun said nothing, preparing to observe a moment or two more, but at this moment, a clear call came to Zhang Jingyun's ears, "Boatman! Boatman!"

"Boatman, someone is calling you on the shore. It seems that they are two big girls." Zhang Jingyun said to the boatman outside.

The latter smiled and said meaningfully, "Call me? How could an old man call me at such an old age? He should probably call me my husband."

Zhang Jingyun poked his head out and saw that it was indeed two people. One of them was wearing a long cyan skirt. It was Xiao Qing who had a big fight a few days ago.

Therefore, the woman in white standing next to Xiao Qing is naturally Bai Suzhen. Zhang Jingyun took a closer look and found that she was elegant and unconventional, as elegant as a fairy, and elegant and outstanding.

Just like the pure and pure snow lotus on the iceberg, it looks like a fairy but is better than a fairy. It is really beautiful and infinitely charming.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes lit up when he saw his appearance: "With such an appearance, let alone Xu Xian, it would be difficult for gods to refuse, right?"

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun didn't care about the age gap at all. As the saying goes, a girl who is in her third year of college holds a gold brick, and a girl who is in her third year of college is ranked among the immortals.

Bai Suzhen is only more than 1,700 years older than herself. Douluo Dalu has already told people that age is not a problem, and race is not a problem either.

Zhang Jingyun said sternly: "It's raining so heavily. They look so embarrassed. Boatman, please do a good job and pull the boat back."

The boatman said with a smile: "I don't care, as long as my husband doesn't mind the trouble, I will row over. It's fate to ride in the same boat, isn't it?"

After saying this, the boatman rowed the boat back.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were already wet. They entered the cabin looking slightly embarrassed and met Zhang Jingyun head-on.

Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen's eyes met, and in an instant, an indescribable feeling came to their hearts. Even Zhang Jingyun felt that his heart was beating faster than ever at this moment.

"Strange, I already know that Bai Suzhen came to repay her kindness. Logically speaking, with my cultivation level, I am not the kind of person who is motivated by sex.

But the moment he and Bai Suzhen looked at each other, there seemed to be a mysterious force that tightly tied the two of them together. "Zhang Jingyun was quite puzzled.

He originally thought it was his imagination, but suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the calm expression on the face of the boatman, as if everything had been expected.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and a golden light flashed in his eyes. He saw a faint red line in front of his eyes, but it disappeared in the next second.

"Isn't this the red line in the legendary monthly exam? Is it possible that the old man holding the boat is the reincarnation of the moon? Everything is not destined, but someone is holding the red line?"

Zhang Jingyun thought of a lot in an instant.

But in Bai Suzhen's eyes, it was a different scene. At this moment, Zhang Jingyun's eyes were clear and unabashedly focused on him, as if he was admiring some treasure.

Bai Suzhen's face turned red and she avoided his gaze, but Zhang Jingyun still stared straight at him, so even Xiaoqing couldn't stand it anymore.

She silently cast a spell with her hands, and the originally extremely stable ship suddenly shook. Zhang Jingyun took advantage of the situation and became unsteady on his feet. He staggered. One hand was on Bai Suzhen's arm, while the other hand touched Bai Suzhen's. Waist.

The tentacles are soft and cool. Bai Suzhen has a graceful figure, and her arms are slender and white. They are gentle to the touch. She can't bear to use more force. Her waist is slimmer, her muscles are ice-cold, and she is not like a human woman.

Zhang Jingyun had to admit.

Bai Suzhen's temptation to him is irresistible. Bai Suzhen is successful in cultivation and is only one step away from attaining Taoism and becoming an immortal.

In fact, Bai Suzhen's cultivation level at this moment has surpassed that of some immortals, but she is not in the immortal class, so she cannot be considered an immortal.

The aura on her body is no longer that of a mortal creature, so it will naturally attract Zhang Jingyun. I am afraid this is the reason why Xu Xian is willing to be a hero.

"Sorry for offending, girl."

Zhang Jingyun stood up and said, "Well, I'd better stand outside. The two girls can have a good rest here."

When he stood on the bow of the boat, Zhang Jingyun changed his eyes. Just now, Xiaoqing cast a spell to shake the boat, but the boatman didn't even move a step.

Bai Suzhen looked at Zhang Jingyun holding an umbrella in the rain and couldn't bear to say to Xiaoqing: "Look at you, he kicked you out. It's windy and rainy outside..."

Xiao Qing whispered: "Sister, why are you feeling so distressed? I don't know there is a saying in the world, true love is only seen in the wind and rain? It's just a good time to see if he is really honest or just pretending."

Bai Suzhen was thoughtful. She had been practicing for many years, and she really didn't know as much about human affairs as Xiao Qing. Now when she heard Xiao Qing's words, she felt that they made some sense.

The corners of Zhang Jingyun's mouth raised slightly.

After a while, Zhang Jingyun didn't even look back. Bai Suzhen urged again and again, and Xiao Qing called out: "Ms. sir, it's raining heavily outside. My lady, please come in."

"Is this convenient?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Xiao Qing said, "We have been able to cross the same boat for a hundred years, and sleep together for a thousand years. How can we bear to let my husband get wet in the rain alone?"

The boatman smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Jingyun entered the cabin and sat opposite Bai Suzhen. The latter said "Xu Xianggong" with slightly red cheeks. Zhang Jingyun asked: "How did the girl know that my surname is Xu?"

"Isn't it written on your umbrella?"

Xiao Qing pointed to the oil paper umbrella and said.

Zhang Jingyun took a look and saw that it really had the word "XU" written on it. This umbrella was given to him by Xu Jiaorong. Zhang Jingyun only took it when he knew it would be of great use.

"Is your husband a local?" Bai Suzhen asked.

Zhang Jingyun: "I am Xu Xian, the betrothed Xu, the immortal, with Chinese characters, who lives in Qiantang County, and is now a doctor at Qingyutang Pharmacy."

"Does your husband still know medical skills?"

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing looked at each other and said.

In the world, the status of doctors is actually very high. Looking at Bai Suzhen's expression, it's like meeting the person you love on a blind date, and she is very satisfied.

Zhang Jingyun said modestly: "I know a little bit, by the way, but I still don't know where the two girls are from? Where are they going by boat?"

"My young lady's name is Bai Suzhen, and she lives in Furong City, Sichuan. When the master was alive, he was the headquarter, and he gained some fame by galloping on the battlefield.

However, after the two elders passed away, the young lady had no one to rely on, so she came to Jiangnan to seek refuge with her relatives. However, she did not expect that even her relatives were no longer alive, and now she could only live temporarily in Qingbo Gate. This trip was just back to Qingbo Gate. "

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were already familiar with this rhetoric. Zhang Jingyun listened to them solemnly fabricate the life story of the snake girl in the general family without revealing it.

"It turns out she is the daughter of the White House, disrespectful."

"Xiangong, why should you be so modest? We met by chance and disturbed you for no reason. I don't know how to thank you, Xianggong Xu." Bai Suzhen said.

"Look at how polite you two are!"

Xiaoqing couldn't help but joke, but at this moment, the boatman's loud voice suddenly sounded, "Qingbo Gate is here!"

Bai Suzhen's face changed slightly. For the first time, she felt that time passed so quickly. She felt extremely regretful for a moment. If she had known better, she would have moved her place farther away.

Xiaoqing cast the spell again, and the rain became heavier than before. Then he and Bai Suzhen were about to go home in the rain. Zhang Jingyun quickly held up the umbrella, then grabbed Bai Suzhen's hand and gave the umbrella to Bai Suzhen and said: "There are unpredictable things in the sky, this umbrella Ask the girl to take it with you."

"How should I return this... Master's umbrella to you?" Bai Suzhen hesitated, and Zhang Jingyun immediately said seriously: "I don't know the address of your residence. When I have the opportunity to go to Qingbo Gate, can I go visit the girl again?"

Bai Suzhen looked at Zhang Jingyun's clear and bright eyes, and for a moment she expected that this day would come soon, and Xiaoqing would provide an assist at the right time.

"Ms. Xu, my lady lives in Shuangcha Lane, Qingbomen. Opposite the Dahongmen Wall of the Temple of Wealth, there is a stone lion outside the wall, which is the Bai Mansion."

Zhang Jingyun cupped his hands and said, "I remember."

Afterwards, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing held umbrellas and left. Zhang Jingyun reviewed the meeting on the boat at the beginning of the day and felt that it went very smoothly.

"Qiantang Gate has arrived!"

The boatman's sonorous voice sounded.

Zhang Jingyun stood up and paid the boatman a hundred copper coins. When he was about to get off the boat, Zhang Jingyun paused slightly and looked at the boatman with a calm face.

"Is there anything else wrong with this husband?"

Zhang Jingyun pondered for two seconds, then bowed and said, "This junior will know that you are an expert just by hearing a few words from the boatman along the way."

At this moment, the sky was clearing up, and the boatman took off his bamboo hat and said: "The old man is just an old man who is punting the boat. He is a man who is superior but not superior to others. My husband is joking."

Zhang Jingyun said: "This junior has no other abilities, but he has always been very accurate in judging people. Today, I am lucky enough to ride on the same boat as my senior."

"My lord, you're welcome. This old man has been boating for so many years and has some experience. I wonder what my lord wants to know from me?"

"This junior has not yet married, but the white girl just now has a noble status and stunning appearance. Senior, do you think I might be worthy of her?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the boatman's expression changed slightly, and he said vaguely: "The beauty of the West Lake in March, the marriage of a thousand miles is tied by a thread, whether you are worthy or not, whether you love or not, your husband should understand in his heart."

Zhang Jingyun knew what happened between him and Bai Suzhen, but he couldn't ask him about it, and he didn't expect the boatman, who was suspected to be the incarnation of Yuekao, to explain.

This is the broken window effect. If you want to break a window, people may not agree. However, if you first say that you want to lift the roof, and they don't agree, and then you say you want to break the window, maybe people will take a step back.

Zhang Jingyun flipped his wrist and took out a token, which was the hush money he had extorted from Ku Shen. He said that he could get inheritance from it and hope to become an immortal.

Zhang Jingyun didn't dare to activate the token easily, but just in time, when he met an expert, Zhang Jingyun asked him to see if there was anything fishy about it.

"Huh? Where did you get this?"

The boatman watched for a moment and couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Jingyun said, "The younger generation met a divine king. He said that I have the root of wisdom and gave me a token. I might be able to become an immortal. I don't know whether it is true or not."

"I think he has a grudge against you. Otherwise, he wouldn't give you this letter talisman. The owner of the letter talisman is a true king who specializes in slaying demons. I'm afraid if he activates the letter talisman rashly, he will regard him as evil. Beheaded."

Zhang Jingyun cursed in his heart, Ku Shen was so stupid. He was derelict in his duty by letting Xiao Qing go. When he found out, not only did he not repent, but he also wanted to silence him?

"This talisman..."

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "It's useless for a junior to get this kind of thing out of thin air, so please ask senior to handle it for you. I'm very grateful."

The boatman stroked his beard and said slowly: "I happen to have some connection with this True Lord. If you can modify the letter talisman a little bit, you can use it if you want to form a fate with that True Lord. How about it?"

"Thank you, senior!" Zhang Jingyun's eyes lit up. He was indeed a warm-hearted god, and he immediately handed over his hand and thanked him.

"take it."

I saw the boatman put his finger on the letter talisman, a faint red light flashed and then calmed down. Zhang Jingyun accepted the letter talisman, and the boatman gradually disappeared.

Zhang Jingyun was a little absent-minded when he returned to Qiantang County. On the one hand, he was thinking about Xinfu. Liang Zi had finally made up with this unfortunate thing called Ku Shen.

On the other hand, it is about when to meet Bai Suzhen. If nothing unexpected happens, the day Zhang Jingyun goes to Bai Mansion to get an umbrella will be the day he and Bai Suzhen get married.

If it were before, Zhang Jingyun might just wonder whether the ending of Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian was doomed from the beginning, and there was a black hand behind it.

Now Zhang Jingyun is 100% sure.

There must be some force behind it, and Yue Lao is here to pull the strings. He and Bai Suzhen successfully fell in love at first sight. The water inside is very deep!

Should we stay away from Bai Suzhen?

Not a reckless hero?

Zhang Jingyun suddenly had a firm look on his face, "That won't work. I'm determined to be the hero. Even if there is a plan, we have to see if they can calculate it faster, or if I can improve my strength faster by adding points to the pacesetter system!"

Three days later.

Zhang Jingyun came to Shuangcha Lane, Qingbomen.

Knocking gently on the door of Baifu.

Half a day later, Zhang Jingyun had put on a red robe. Time passed by, and his cheerful face was now glowing with brilliance.

There was a gentle smile on Zhang Jingyun's lips, holding Bai Suzhen's hand. Bai Suzhen was also dressed in a red robe, with the phoenix on her head swaying, looking indescribably noble and delicate.

Bai Suzhen was more agile than Zhang Jingyun imagined. Within half a day of entering the Bai Mansion, she and Xiaoqing deceived her into getting married.

"The husband and wife bow to each other and send them to the bridal chamber!"

Zhang Jingyun held Bai Suzhen's milky white snow in his hand and couldn't help but mutter: "Miss Bai, I'm afraid I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Bai Suzhen said shyly: "You still call me a girl?"

Zhang Jingyun quickly changed his words: "Madam!"

The candlelight was shining and the bed was creaking and shaking. Zhang Jingyun underestimated Bai Suzhen's cultivation. With more than 1,800 years of Taoism, it was really difficult for her to break through!

Two hours later.

The system beep sounded in my mind.

[Double repair once, attribute points +5]

Zhang Jingyun's body trembled, "How much?"

Opening the system panel, he made sure he read it correctly. There were really five attribute points. Bai Suzhen's cultivation was comparable to that of an ordinary god, and the effect of dual cultivation was great.

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