People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 209 Zhong Kui’s Ghost-eating Technique【Please subscribe】

A wedding feast is held in the Huatang today. The lanterns are hung in the hall and decorated with colorful decorations. The five ghosts are carrying the feast happily, and the firecrackers are blasting like spring thunder.

With the help of Xiaoqing, he led five ghosts to decorate the Bai Mansion with lanterns and colorful decorations. Even the wedding ceremony was extremely solemn.

"A piece of sandalwood ~ carve a saddle!

"Newcomers, step up and stay safe every step of the way!"

Bai Fu's voice rang in Zhang Jingyun's ears, "Bow down to heaven and earth!" As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen bowed down at the same time.

"Two thanks to Gaotang!"

Bai Suzhen and Zhang Jingyun's parents both died, so they just bowed respectfully to the memorial tablets. Finally, they bowed as husband and wife and were sent to the bridal chamber.

This set of marriage process was extremely smooth. I don’t know how many times Bai Suzhen, Xiaoqing and others rehearsed it in private, but it went really smoothly.

But what surprised Zhang Jingyun.

Double cultivation with Bai Suzhen actually increased five attribute points in one go. Even though Zhang Jingyun had experienced great storms, he was a little dumbfounded at this moment.

Originally, he had already made a lot of money when he traveled through time and became Xu Xian. By virtue of his good deeds in his previous life, he got a thousand-year-old snake demon with profound virtues to come and repay his kindness.

He picked up a beautiful wife for nothing, but he didn't earn a lot of money for it. However, after practicing double cultivation with Bai Suzhen once, Zhang Jingyun realized that he still underestimated Bai Suzhen.

From the perspective of cultivation level, Zhang Jingyun's strength is quite different from Bai Suzhen's. Bai Suzhen's level is already very close to that of a god.

Therefore, in terms of the effect of dual cultivation, there is not much difference between Bai Suzhen and Shenxian, which also opened the door to a new world for Zhang Jingyun.

"It turns out that dual cultivation of increasing one attribute point at a time is far from the limit. Snake demons like Bai Suzhen, who have almost become immortals, are the best candidates for cultivation."

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but feel a little excited.

The increase of five attribute points made him impatient. With Bai Suzhen's soft call, he started the dual cultivation mode again.

It's just Zhang Jingyun's surprise.

Why wasn't Bai Suzhen shocked?

"It's strange. The official seems to be gentle and weak, but why is he so energetic in bed, as if he is a different person?" Bai Suzhen was quite surprised.

Judging from Zhang Jingyun's performance just now.

Bai Suzhen can only say that she likes it very much.

Snakes are inherently lustful. At the beginning, she took into account that Zhang Jingyun was a mortal, and was afraid that she would tire out the official's body, so that she would not be able to repay her kindness, but would end up killing her benefactor.

Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun surprised Bai Suzhen, and it could even be said to be an unexpected joy, and the bed began to shake again.

Bai Suzhen told Zhang Jingyun with concern that this kind of thing should stop in moderation, but she soon threw these instructions behind her.

Several times in a row.

Even Bai Suzhen also fell into a temporary dullness.

Not only was Zhang Jingyun's physical strength beyond his imagination, but also his own changes. Every time he practiced double cultivation, a mysterious power surged out of his body, making his mana cultivation, which had not increased for a long time, take a further step forward.

In fact, this power has the effect of refining the soul and solidifying the foundation, making Bai Suzhen feel extremely peaceful, as if the path to immortality is right in front of her eyes.

This is not an illusion. The practice techniques of Xuannv Sutra are very effective even for Bai Suzhen. After all, even the original Huangdi practiced them.

But Bai Suzhen always thought that Zhang Jingyun was a mortal. Among the rewards Zhang Jingyun received before, there was a breath-condensing technique that could hide his cultivation. He could not break through the real realm without exceeding his three realms.

Bai Suzhen is at most one level higher than Zhang Jingyun, so ordinary gods would think that Zhang Jingyun is an ordinary mortal, but the Yue Lao incarnation she met last time seemed to have seen through his true level.

Closer to home, Bai Suzhen has improved her cultivation and has not thought about Zhang Jingyun at all. Instead, she thinks it is the result of repaying her kindness.

The kindness he received more than 1,700 years ago was finally repaid, so his cultivation has improved, and everything is the same as what Master Guanyin said.

Of course, Bai Suzhen's feelings for Zhang Jingyun are quite sincere. Not to mention that she was in a trance when she first saw Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun's words were deeply engraved in her mind.

Just say that in the past three days, Bai Suzhen sighed all night long, feeling extremely worried. If Zhang Jingyun didn't come to her to take an umbrella, what kind of relationship would there be between the two of them?

Fortunately, it was difficult to survive three days.

Zhang Jingyun finally came to visit, and Bai Suzhen seized the God-given opportunity. With Xiaoqing's cooperation, they got married and entered the bridal chamber in less than half a day.

Three poles in the sun.

Zhang Jingyun struggled to get up from Bai Suzhen. This was the first time since Zhang Jingyun obtained the system that he practiced so unscrupulously.

Open the data panel to view.

This night, fifty attribute points were increased.

The practice of the Xuannv Sutra is originally nine times. Practicing more than nine times would be harmful. However, Zhang Jingyun's understanding of the Xuannv Sutra over the years has exceeded the limit of the technique.

He actually broke through the limitations of the technique and practiced it ten times, and the results of each practice were perfect, adding five attribute points each time, for a total of fifty points.

"Guanren, weren't you a scholar before? Later, you specialized in medical skills. Why are you physically stronger than some martial arts practitioners?"

Bai Suzhen put on her clothes shyly and asked curiously. Zhang Jingyun lifted up his pants and said, "I practiced some martial arts by the way when I was studying. Madam, please don't think that I am a weak scholar."

Bai Suzhen opened her red lips lightly and couldn't help but murmured: "As you did last night, you were stronger than an ox. Who dares to say that you are a weak scholar?"

"What did the lady say?"

Zhang Jingyun pretended not to hear the inquiry.

Bai Suzhen changed the topic: "I'm asking the officials. How come you choose to give up your official career and not become an official if you are well-educated?"

"My wife doesn't know something." Zhang Jingyun explained: "No matter whether you are a good or bad official, people will scold you. A bad official will be scolded by good people, and a good official will be scolded by bad people.

There are many bad people these days, and it is difficult to be a good official. I don’t want to be a bad official, so I don’t want to be an official. I want to be a doctor to help the world and save people, so as not to be scolded. "

Bai Suzhen's eyes lit up, "It's really rare for an official to be so sober. I also know a little about Qihuang's technique, and I will definitely help the officials from now on."

Zhang Jingyun held Bai Suzhen's hand and sighed: "I am so virtuous and capable that I can be invited by the lady. I will definitely live up to the lady from now on!"


Zhang Jingyun stayed in Baifu for three days.

In just three days, his attribute points have increased by 150 points. This is definitely the fastest increase in Zhang Jingyun's attribute points in history.

"According to this growth rate, from now on, I will no longer have to worry about lacking attribute points. I can provide them with any skill I practice."

Zhang Jingyun didn't have many attribute points left, and Bai Suzhen's cultivation effect could be as good as five Bai Yuokui's, which was simply terrifying.

It wasn't long before his cultivation level broke through to the realm of refining the void. Many of his techniques and skills were still at the sixth level of perfection, and he could now gradually upgrade to the seventh level.

The attribute points consumed by the seventh level of exercises and skills made Zhang Jingyun, who was lamenting that he couldn't use up the attribute points, almost vomit blood in an instant.

The realm of refining the void corresponds to the seventh and eighth levels of the technique. Each level has four small realms, namely entry, proficiency, proficiency, and perfection.

Each small realm upgrade has forty attribute points, which is twice as much as the fifth and sixth levels.

Looking at it this way, if Zhang Jingyun had not practiced double cultivation with Bai Suzhen, Zhang Jingyun would definitely have been in an attribute point crisis, because upgrading the technique from the beginner level to the eighth level of perfection, which corresponds to the perfection of the realm of virtual refining, would consume a total of 600 attribute points.

There are at least dozens of exercises and spells practiced by Zhang Jingyun. The dual cultivation plus one attribute point at a time is far from enough.

"The gold-eating beast!"

Zhang Jingyun is quite helpless. The attribute points will increase exponentially as the skills are advanced. In the fourth level of cultivation, refining essence, refining energy, refining spirit, and refining void, the attribute points will increase from five to ten, and then to Twenty points, and finally forty points in the realm of refining the void.

If you ascend to immortality, you still don't know how many attribute points you need to upgrade the skills after becoming an immortal. Even if you practice double cultivation with Bai Suzhen for a year, it may not be enough.

"Oh, it's been three days, and my sister and brother-in-law still don't know that I'm married. Madam, how about I invite you to meet them when I go back to report?"

Zhang Jingyun said suddenly.

Bai Suzhen also knew that Zhang Jingyun was an older sister. Logically speaking, Xu Jiaorong should have been informed about such a big event as getting married.

However, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were afraid of an accident, so they kept trying to trick Zhang Jingyun into getting married first.

Zhang Jingyun knew it very well, but in the face of beauty, which practitioner could withstand such a test? In fact, he was happy to let Zhang Jingyun practice in Baifu every day.

But in Bai Suzhen's eyes, Zhang Jingyun is an ordinary person with some rare good qualities. It would be abnormal if he indulged in women all day long and didn't even think about his only sister.

That's why Zhang Jingyun said goodbye.

Bai Suzhen was not surprised.

She knew that Zhang Jingyun was a doctor at Qingyutang Pharmacy, and Xu Jiaorong had always wanted Zhang Jingyun to open his own pharmacy, so Bai Suzhen asked Xiaoqing to get 100 taels of silver and give it to Zhang Jingyun.

"Madam, you and I are getting married, and I should support you, so how can I accept your money? Then I'm just a pretty boy who's just a freeloader!"

Zhang Jingyun said righteously.

Bai Suzhen smiled: "What did the officials say? Husband and wife are one, and with your medical skills you can open your own pharmacy.

This money should be regarded as lent by me to the official. At worst, the official will pay it back to me after he earns the money. Official, you don’t want me to follow you and live with someone else, right? "

Zhang Jingyun looked strange, Xiaoqing was very quick and stuffed two ingots of silver directly into Zhang Jingyun's arms, each ingot was fifty taels, totaling one hundred taels.

"Then I will accept it. I will return it to my wife if I earn some money in the future." Zhang Jingyun skillfully collected the money and left the Bai Mansion.

On the road.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly took out two ingots of silver and looked at them. He twitched the corner of his mouth and saw that they were two ingots of official silver. He didn't know which yamen Xiaoqing stole them from.

"Well, in the original plot, the idiot Xu Xian just took two ingots of official silver and went back. He happened to meet the brother-in-law who was responsible for the theft of official silver, and then he was killed by his brother-in-law.

In fact, his brother-in-law Li Gongfu was also rescuing Xu Xian. Theft of official silver was no small matter. Xu Xian was holding two ingots of official silver. Many people saw it. Later, it was Li Gongfu who arranged for Xu Xian to be exiled to Suzhou. "

Zhang Jingyun remembers some plots, being exiled to Suzhou, where is this punishment? It's obviously a reward. It's okay for Li Gongfu to be a brother-in-law.

Knowing the plot, Zhang Jingyun would not be stupid. Although the two ingots of official silver were not stolen from Qiantang County, it was still very troublesome to spend them.

Zhang Jingyun directly touched the silver with his hand, and the official silver mark disappeared immediately. No matter how he spent it in the future, there would be no trouble.

In Li Mansion, Xu Jiaorong was extremely worried.

Zhang Jingyun didn't come home for three days, and he wasn't at Qingyu Hall either. Xu Jiaorong was just such a younger brother, so it would be strange if he didn't worry.

"elder sister!"

Zhang Jingyun opened the door and told Xu Jiaorong all the reasons and consequences while he was blaming her. When Xu Jiaorong learned that his younger brother was married, his first reaction was: Will he be deceived?

In her impression, Zhang Jingyun was still a child. Although he had some medical skills, he was still a poor boy. How could a rich lady fall in love with him?

It wasn't until Zhang Jingyun took out one hundred taels of silver and told Xu Jiaorong that this was the money his wife had given him to open a medicine shop that Xu Jiaorong believed it.

Qing Yu Tang.

Wang Yuanwai was still thinking about setting a red thread for Zhang Jingyun, and looked for a few good girls for him to choose from. Zhang Jingyun had no choice but to tell Wang Yuanwai about the marriage.

"What? A fairy-like woman has fallen in love with you?" Wang Yuanwai was shocked, "And is she willing to pay for you to open a medicine shop?"

Zhang Jingyun said modestly: "My wife has quite a lot of money. I didn't want to accept it, but I was afraid that she would be unhappy, so I had no choice but to accept it."

Wang Yuanwai: “…”

After greeting his relatives and friends in Qiantang County, Zhang Jingyun did not go to Qingbo Gate immediately. Instead, he took out the inheritance talisman given to him by the boatman who might be Yue Lao.

"When I blackmailed God Ku, it was reasonable for God Ku to retaliate against me. I will definitely settle this grudge with God Ku if I have the opportunity in the future.

Now there should be no problem with this inheritance talisman. It's time to see which true monarch's inheritance is in the talisman. "

Zhang Jingyun immediately activated the letter talisman.

As a black and red aura was released, an evil ghost formed in front of Zhang Jingyun. Strictly speaking, he was a person who looked more like an evil ghost than an evil ghost.

This man has unkempt hair, a curly beard, and a terrifying face. He wears a horn belt on his head, wears a blue robe, with one arm exposed, and leather-bound feet.

I saw a divine light sweeping across Zhang Jingyun's body. When he learned the identity of the true king in front of him, Zhang Jingyun instantly showed a shocked expression.

"Leopard head with ringed eyes, iron face and curled temples, and a very ugly appearance. He is actually the True Exorcist, Zhong Kui?" Zhang Jingyun muttered in his heart.

However, the next second, the incarnation of Zhong Kui in front of him seemed to have an insight into Zhang Jingyun's thoughts, and looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "Who are you?"

Zhang Jingyun bowed respectfully and said: "Disciple Xu Xian, who lives in Qiantang County, got this talisman by chance and asked the True Lord to give me the method to bring down demons and eliminate them!"

"Well, it's so rare to be favored by Yue Lao. I see that you are handsome and upright. Have you thought clearly about learning from me?"

Zhong Kui was so ugly that he was said to be able to scare ghosts into tears. It was thought that only such a ruthless man could travel between the Yin and Yang realms to kill demons and frighten ghosts.

Zhang Jingyun is also a Taoist. Naturally, he knows very well about Zhong Kui. This is the true exorcist among the three demon emperors. He is the only all-purpose god among the Taoist gods and can respond to all requests.

Needless to say, the three demon-subduing emperors are very famous. They are: the demon-subduing emperor Guan Shengdi, the demon-slaying emperor Zhenwu emperor, and the exorcist true emperor Zhongkui.

Zhong Kui's inheritance was definitely a rare opportunity. Zhang Jingyun immediately knelt down to accept it, and the next second a beam of golden light disappeared into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Zhang Jingyun has acquired Zhong Kui's magical power, which is called Zhong Kui's Ghost-eating Technique. If he practices it with concentration and achieves success, he can use the talisman to visit Zhong Kui in the underworld.

"Zhong Kui's method of eating ghosts? It is said that if Zhong Kui burps, there will be ghosts in his stomach. Others can catch the ghosts and use magic weapons and spells to kill or injure them. Zhong Kui directly eats the evil ghosts. No wonder the ghosts are afraid of him."

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