People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 210 Miracle Doctor Wang Daoling [Please subscribe]

Zhong Kui's Ghost-eating Technique is not just a secret ghost-eating technique. The inheritance received by Zhang Jingyun includes a total of three techniques, namely the Ghost-Eating Secret Technique, the Five Ghosts Soul-Eating Technique, and Zhong Kui's Dharma.

Among them, the ghost-eating secret technique is simple and crude at first glance. You can increase your mana by directly eating ghosts. However, the ghost-eating secret technique also has some restrictions.

Ghost-eating is essentially about refining souls.

The soul is the soul. Devouring other people's souls is against the law of heaven and contaminated with cause and effect. Zhang Jingyun knows the Eight Magic Skills of Ju Ling Sen Jiang.

In addition to being able to capture souls for one's own use, the Soul-Devouring General also has a secret technique of swallowing souls, which can also be used to devour souls and transform them into his own power.

However, swallowing souls has side effects, and they are very serious. There is a high probability that the soul will be affected by the swallowed soul. In serious cases, two consciousnesses may coexist as one body.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyun has never used spirit swallowing from beginning to end, but Zhong Kui's ghost eating method is different from swallowing spirits. As long as the spell meets the conditions, he can swallow other people's souls and transform them into his own cultivation without any sequelae.

Among the various restrictions of the ghost-eating method, the first thing that is clear is that only evil ghosts that are completely contaminated by resentment and murderous consciousness and have no good intentions can swallow them.

If you dare to devour some ghosts who are not bad in nature, they will definitely be contaminated by the cause and effect. It will not be surprising if they ascend to immortality one day and receive thunder and disaster from heaven.

In short, the ghost-eating method must not be abused.

The ghost-eating method is aimed at ghosts, while the five-ghost-swallowing-soul method is aimed at monks. This method can beat evil people and summon five ghosts to swallow their souls, causing them to lose their souls, become sick, and become weak. It is a very overbearing method and can be serious. Otherwise, it will lead to dementia, and this secret method should not be used indiscriminately.

Finally, there is the Zhong Kui method, which is a method of transforming into gods. It can greatly increase the magic power in a short period of time, making it more effective and effective when casting. It also has the effect of protecting the body and exorcising evil spirits. Flexible use can turn danger into safety.

Now Zhang Jingyun can be sure that the boatman is the reincarnation of Yue Lain, and Zhenjun Zhongkui has revealed his identity just now.

Zhang Jingyun was not surprised that Zhong Kui gave him the inheritance for Yue Lao's sake, because the relationship between the two gods was very close.

When Zhang Jingyun was practicing the Maoshan method with Uncle Jiu, he had an understanding of many Taoist gods. As the true exorcist among the three demon emperors, Zhong Kui, Zhang Jingyun naturally knew him very well.

It is said that Zhong Kui had a sister named Zhong Xiaomei. Due to various reasons, she was married eighteen times but never got married in the end.

As her only brother, Zhong Kui was naturally extremely anxious when he saw that his sister could not get married. He had all the magic power and the means to subjugate demons, but marriage could not be solved with magic power alone.

But in the end, Miss Zhong got married.

Among them, Yue Lao made great efforts to pull the red thread, promote a good relationship, and let Zhong Kui put aside a worry, so he was very grateful to Yue Lao.

Zhang Jingyun is also lucky.

If the immortal he met in West Lake was not Yuelao, but some other immortal, it would be difficult for Zhong Kui to give him such honor.

"The secret technique of eating ghosts, the technique of swallowing five ghosts and souls, and Zhong Kui's method. Cultivating these three spells to a level that matches my current state will give me more than a thousand attribute points."

Zhang Jingyun looked at the balance and saw that there were only a few hundred points. He could barely upgrade a secret skill to the seventh level. Without Bai Suzhen, how could he live this life!

"With the inheritance in hand, I can now be said to be a member of Zhong Kui's lineage. Both the Yin and Yang worlds have to give me some face." Zhang Jingyun was in a happy mood.

Then he prepared to go back to Bai Mansion.

In a few days, Zhang Jingyun took Bai Suzhen back to Qiantang to meet his sister Xu Jiaorong and brother-in-law Li Gongfu. From now on, they are a family.

However, Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought of something.

"Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing now live in Qingbo Gate, near Shuangcha Lane. It turned out that that place was the abandoned Prince Qiu's Mansion, and it was also Xiao Qing's territory.

But Xiaoqing led the ghosts from all directions to steal the money from the Qiantang treasury. She had met her brother-in-law Li Gongfu at Prince Qiu's Mansion. At that time, Xiaoqing was wearing men's clothing and was not afraid of being exposed, but Xiaoqing showed up naughtily and scared Li Gongfu. "

Li Gongfu had been to Prince Qiu's Mansion and knew that it was once desolate and abandoned. It was obviously unreasonable for a White Mansion to appear out of thin air after only a few days of absence.

Zhang Jingyun needs a stable daily environment so that he can practice with Bai Suzhen. Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing must not have thought too much about these loopholes. To be cautious, Zhang Jingyun has to deal with these loopholes.

It happened that Bai Suzhen gave Zhang Jingyun one hundred taels of silver. Although he could use his own money, Xu Xian was a poor boy after all. Where did he get the money?

Zhang Jingyun used the one hundred taels of silver to buy a shop. He will open a medicine shop here in the future, with a yard behind it where he will live with Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.

The White House should move out as soon as possible.

Zhang Jingyun flew directly to the Qingbo Gate with his sword, bought some rouge, gouache and beautiful jewelry that women liked, and spent the remaining money before returning to Baifu with a full load.

Bai Suzhen saw Zhang Jingyun buying various gifts, and the smile on her face never broke. Then Zhang Jingyun proposed to move out of Bai Mansion, and Bai Suzhen immediately agreed.

"When you marry a chicken, follow the chicken. When you marry a dog, follow the dog. Wherever the official goes, I will follow. It just so happens that I also know some Qihuang skills and can help the official."

"Madam, you have said before that you know the art of Qihuang. I wonder which doctor you learned it from?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly asked.

Bai Suzhen blinked her eyes and said to Zhang Jingyun: "The officials may not believe me when I tell you, but I got advice from Master Guanyin of the South China Sea.

In addition to the Qihuang technique, sister Xiaoqing and I also have many skills. In the future, officials will gradually know about them. "

"Then we'll talk about it later."

Zhang Jingyun nodded, and Bai Suzhen was half-truthful. She had indeed received guidance from Guanyin, but Qihuang's technique basically relied on magic power.

Two days later, Zhang Jingyun and others moved into their new home, and then went to see Xu Jiaorong and Li Gongfu. When they saw Bai Suzhen's appearance, they couldn't help but admire her.

Li Gongfu secretly gave Zhang Jingyun a thumbs up. Usually, his impression of his brother-in-law was that of a nerd and a child. He never expected that he would get married so quickly and marry a fairy-like woman.

The drug store has not yet opened. Zhang Jingyun doesn't care too much about the business of the drug store, but he still needs such a place for practice.

Zhang Jingyun's strength is even worse than that of Bai Suzhen. When he meets that old monk Fahai in the future, he will not have the initiative with this strength.

In addition, there were various gods involved. Zhang Jingyun thought that if he could practice peace of mind with Bai Suzhen for a few years, Zhang Jingyun would not be too afraid of the gods personally descending to earth.

Opening a drug store is on the agenda, and Zhang Jingyun has to go to Qingyu Hall to say hello to Yuan Wang. After all, Yuan Wang is a nice outsider and treats himself well.

Sure enough, Zhang Jingyun said that he wanted to open a pharmacy. Wang Yuanwai had no objection and supported Zhang Jingyun's decision.

"Hanwen, you have helped me a lot before, and with your medical skills, you are indeed capable of opening your own pharmacy."

Wang Yuanwai was not worried that Zhang Jingyun's opening of a drug store would affect his business. In fact, Wang Yuanwai was a rare doctor with medical ethics.

In his words, if no one comes to the drug store, it means everyone is healthy. This is what he dreams of.

Wang Yuanwai also told Zhang Jingyun that he would personally come to support the opening of the drug store, and from now on the two drug stores would help each other and treat each other as brothers.

"This Wang Yuanwai is really a good person."

After hearing what Wang Yuanwai said, Bai Suzhen couldn't help but sigh, there are more bad people than good people in this world, and there are very few people like Wang Yuanwai.

Seven days later, the drug store opened.

Although Wang Yuanwai personally visited the store and helped promote it, the new drug store opened and Zhang Jingyun was so young, many people had a wait-and-see attitude.

In medicine, the older you get, the better you become.

If there is an old doctor in a medicine shop who is eighty or ninety years old, and some banners are placed in the shop, outsiders will think that he is more reliable than the younger one.

The business of the drug store was deserted, but Zhang Jingyun didn't care. He still attended the clinic every day. After get off work, he climbed into Bai Suzhen's bed and worked hard.

Zhang Jingyun enjoyed it, but Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were very anxious. These two sisters secretly observed Zhang Jingyun every day.

Afraid that he would be disheartened because of the lack of business, Bai Suzhen always remembered that she was here to repay her kindness. Promising her with her body was not enough. She also had to work hard to realize Zhang Jingyun's dream of becoming a doctor and run a drug store.

Zhang Jingyun sat in front of the consultation table with a relaxed look on his face. He worked hard at night and used attribute points to upgrade his skills during the day.

As attribute points continue to be consumed.

The Ghost-Eating Secret Technique was quickly upgraded to the seventh-level entry level, consuming a total of 320 attribute points. Zhang Jingyun still wanted to continue upgrading, but his cultivation was only at the early stage of Void Refining, so he could only sigh slightly in the end.

This scene was completely different in the eyes of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing pitied Zhang Jingyun and said: "Sister, there is no business in the shop, and the officials are almost dying of anxiety."

Bai Suzhen was also very distressed. She shook her head and said, "What a poor official. The drug store is open and the shopkeeper is invited. Why is there no business?"

Zhang Jingyun can now increase fifty attribute points through daily practice. After upgrading a new spell to the seventh level of entry, the remaining attribute points can upgrade another spell to the sixth level of perfection.

"Practice the Five Ghost Soul Swallowing Technique. This spell requires specific training conditions and requires the assistance of ghosts from the five directions."

Zhang Jingyun is not worried at all, because by coincidence, Wufanggui is working in the medicine shop right now. Xiaoqing has already subdued Wufanggui. They got married before, and Wufanggui was busy presiding over the ceremony.

"But if I let ghosts from five directions assist me in my practice, it will definitely alarm Xiao Qing. Before I defeated Xiao Qing, I specifically changed my aura form, so she wouldn't be able to recognize it. I guess I can't hide it when I cast a spell."

Zhang Jingyun thought for a moment, he was a cultivator, there was no need to tell Bai Suzhen about this too early, he liked the current way of getting along with her very much.

Of course, if Bai Suzhen encounters danger in the future, Zhang Jingyun will still come to help. This is the woman he is marrying.

Zhang Jingyun finally decided to practice Zhong Kui's Dharma first, and then practice the Five Ghost Soul Swallowing Technique in the future. Anyway, there would be no difference.

However, Zhang Jingyun was just preparing to practice.

Suddenly, a rickety old woman walked into the store. With the support of a young and beautiful girl, she staggered into the pharmacy holding her stomach.

The drug store shopkeeper who had just been hired by Xiao Qing, his eyes lit up when he saw a patient, and he greeted enthusiastically: "Old man, do you want to take medicine? Please give me the prescription."

The old woman raised her head and looked pale, and said: "Shopkeeper, I don't have a prescription. I just came to buy two bottles of panacea for one tael of silver each."

"A panacea?" the shopkeeper said with a frown, "I'm sorry, old man, the store doesn't sell the medicine you mentioned. What disease are you treating? Our doctor and Wang Yuanwai of Qingyu Hall are as close as brothers. Why don't you give it to me?" Mr. Xu, can you take a look?"

"I treat diarrhea. The Mr. Xu you are talking about is..." The old lady turned her head and her eyes fell on Zhang Jingyun, "Huh? Are you not a Taoist priest from Maoshan?"

Zhang Jingyun turned his eyes after hearing this.

He was indeed a Maoshan Taoist priest in the first two worlds, but in this world, Zhang Jingyun is a simple and reckless hero.

"Are you looking for that Maoshan Taoist priest?"

The shopkeeper reacted.

Zhang Jingyun stood up, walked to the two of them and asked, "What Maoshan Taoist priests? Do they even care about diarrhea?"

The shopkeeper quickly explained: "It's like this. A few days ago, a Taoist priest from Maoshan came to Qiantang County. Everyone calls him Wang Daoling, the miracle doctor."

"What happened to the panacea?"

The old lady said at the right time: "The panacea that Maoshan Taoist personally refined can cure all kinds of diseases, especially diarrhea. It is very effective."

Zhang Jingyun has a weird face. He is making elixirs to cure diarrhea. What kind of Maoshan Taoist is this? Is he serious?

When the old lady saw that Zhang Jingyun was not a Taoist priest from Maoshan, she turned around and walked out of the medicine shop. Within a few steps, she heard a burst of noise again. It turned out to be the Taoist priest from Maoshan, and the miracle doctor Wang Daoling happened to be promoting near the medicine shop.

Wang Daoling was wearing a yellow Taoist robe. He was about forty and slightly fat. At this moment, he was setting the bones of a middle-aged man, and there was a clicking sound.

The man shook his neck. His bones were originally dislocated, but after Wang Daoling's treatment, they healed instantly. Zhang Jingyun didn't take it seriously, but this Wang Daoling didn't look like a Maoshan Taoist priest.

Sure enough, after a large number of people gathered to watch the fun, Wang Daoling took out a bottle of elixir and said to everyone: "Everyone, watch out, this is the panacea. After you eat it, you will be free from all diseases!"

After a round of sales, a lot of panacea were sold. The old lady just bought a bottle, and Wang Daoling continued to promote panacea water.

Seeing Zhang Jingyun leaning in front, he said enthusiastically: "Hey, little brother, this Ten Thousand Spirits Water is more effective than the Ten Thousand Spirits Pill. You are lucky today, let me try it for you."

Zhang Jingyun took the Wan Ling Shui and drank it in one gulp. A smile suddenly broke out on Wang Daoling's face. Then he accidentally saw Bai Suzhen standing at the door of the drug store. He quickly looked away and continued selling medicine.

Wait for Zhang Jingyun to return to the drug store.

Bai Suzhen looked anxious and took Zhang Jingyun's hand: "Official, why did you just drink that Maoshan Taoist's Wanling Water? What should I do if something goes wrong?"

Zhang Jingyun said casually: "He is so popular about the Wan Ling Dan and Wan Ling Water. How can I know if they don't work if I don't try them myself?"

Bai Suzhen stopped talking.

In fact, she had just recognized Wang Daoling. As Zhang Jingyun judged, Wang Daoling was not a Maoshan Taoist priest at all.

Three hundred years ago, Wang Daoling was a toad spirit with a thousand years of Taoism. When he was teasing other female demons, he was severely punished by Bai Suzhen.

Just now, Wang Daoling recognized Bai Suzhen and discovered the relationship between Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen, so he took the initiative to give him Wanling Water.

Bai Suzhen's worries were seen by Zhang Jingyun. She recognized Wang Daoling's identity, and her own eyes could not detect even the goblin.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyun took the initiative to drink Wanling Water. He just wanted to try it and take the opportunity to study how this fake Maoshan Taoist priest deceived people.

The result was that Wan Ling Shui was just a powerful laxative, but Wang Daoling used a unique formula, so he could only rely on a specific antidote for treatment.

In the evening, Zhang Jingyun did not practice double cultivation with Bai Suzhen. Instead, he went out to follow Wang Daoling. He followed him around the alley and suddenly bumped into Bai Suzhen.

"Madam? Why are you here?"

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