People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 212 Invite the Immortal Family [Please subscribe]

The magic talisman descended from the sky, and Zhang Jingyun felt it in his heart.

Although Wang Daoling was originally a toad spirit for thousands of years, after being beaten back to his original form by Bai Suzhen three hundred years ago, he has now become a human again and has indeed become a disciple of Maoshan.

After all, Zhang Jingyun also practiced the Maoshan Dharma of the Shangqing Dynasty, so Wang Daoling opened the altar and prayed for spiritual talismans to the founder of Xuantan. He could also sense it.

What makes Zhang Jingyun strange is that.

"Why did the Patriarch of Xuantan give the spiritual talisman?"

The founder of Xuantan is also known as Zhao Xuantan, Zhao Shenjun, Xuantan Zhenjun, etc. His name in the world is even more famous, that is, Zhao Gongming.

Yes, this person is Zhao Gongming, who defeated the Twelve Golden Immortals in "The Romance of the Gods" and studied under the Tongtian Cult Leader.

Zhao Gongming is a successful Taoist and has three younger sisters, namely Yunxiao, Qiongxiao and Bixiao. The magic weapon he uses is the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls.

When King Wu conquered the Yin Dynasty, Zhao Gongming was originally a master of Jiejiao who lived in Luofu Cave in Mount Emei. He was invited by the Yin Shang Taishi Wen Zhongli to assist King Zhou of the Yin Dynasty.

Zhao Gongming was highly skilled in art, but the immortals and generals of the Zhou Dynasty were no match for him. They were defeated one after another. Jiang Ziya had no choice but to ask Lu Ya to assassinate him with magic.

After the fall of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, Jiang Ziya named Zhao Gongming as: Jinlong Ruyi Zhengyi Longhu Xuantan True Lord, also called Xuantan True Lord and Xuantan Marshal.

The Patriarch of Xuantan also commanded four immortals: "Xiao Sheng, the Treasure-Zun Tianzun", "Cao Bao, the Nazhen Tianzun", Chen Jiugong, the Lucky Messenger, and Yao Shaosi, the "Lishi Immortal Official".

These four immortals specialize in welcoming good luck, receiving blessings, and doing business. Zhao Gongming became the God of Wealth because his subordinates were four and related to the god responsible for wealth.

Therefore, it is difficult for a spirit of the level of the founder of Xuan Tan to ask him to personally drop three spiritual talismans due to his status as Wang Daoling.

Zhang Jingyun immediately calculated carefully.

Wang Daoling invited three spiritual talismans from the founder of Xuantan, definitely to deal with Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing. These two people have a close relationship with Zhang Jingyun. Using Maoshan magic and the Kunlun magic tricked from Zhiqiu Yiye, the cause and effect can be deduced. .

After a moment, Zhang Jingyun understood.

"Good guy, it turns out that there is a reason for me. That Wang Daoling, under the guise of Xu Xian, said that the white snake and the green snake were greedy for life, which might be detrimental to them. The founder of Xuantan gave them spiritual talismans to help them subdue the demons."

Zhang Jingyun was speechless after learning the truth. Wasn't this deceiving the gods? If the founder of Xuantan knew that Wang Daoling had lied to him, he would probably be furious.

Just at this time, a middle-aged man walked into the drug store. After looking around, his eyes fell on Xiaoqing and muttered: "The man said that he would give the letter to a woman who looks like a fairy. It must be her, right?"

In terms of appearance, Xiaoqing is also stunning in the human world, but in front of Bai Suzhen, any woman will be eclipsed. However, Bai Suzhen happened not to be in the medicine shop today, saying that she went to the temple to worship the Bodhisattva.

The middle-aged man looked around and stepped forward, "Girl, someone asked me to give you this letter."

It was just a letter, but the man was sneaky. Xiaoqing frowned and took the letter and opened it, but the man had already turned around and left the drug store.

"What a pair of blue-and-white goblins, they dare to exchange flour for the bag, steal the panacea, and frame this Taoist. If you have the guts, don't hide in the dark, but compete openly and openly. If you two are not eradicated, it will be difficult to eliminate them." The hatred in my heart!"

Xiao Qing read the letter and immediately felt angry: "Humph, this Wang Daoling dares to challenge us openly? I, Xiao Qing, will accompany you to the end!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Qing was about to fight Wang Daoling. However, at this moment, a figure happened to block in front of Xiao Qing. It was Zhang Jingyun.

The anger on Xiaoqing's face disappeared, and she forced a smile and said: "Guanren, I just want to go out for a while, and the medicine store will be left to Guanren."

Zhang Jingyun did not let go and looked at her hand, smiling and saying: "Xiaoqing, who sent you a letter just now, are you literate? Can I help you read it?"

"Need not!"

Xiaoqing hid the letter behind her back, and by standing up, she fully displayed the fullness of her chest to Zhang Jingyun. It can be said that it was spectacular.

"Why did you react so loudly?"

Zhang Jingyun asked, and Xiao Qing quickly explained: "No, thank you for your kindness. It's just that my sister and I are both literate, so we don't bother the officer."

"Oh, since Xiaoqing can read, forget it, but you have to pay attention to safety when you go out. We just formed a relationship with that Wang Daoling, so be careful if you encounter him."

Xiao Qing's expression remained unchanged, but she thought in her heart, "What a coincidence. I went out this time to teach that toad spirit a lesson."

Xiao Qing would only think about these words in her heart, and did not dare to tell Zhang Jingyun at all. After all, Zhang Jingyun was a mortal, and it would be bad if he was frightened.

"Don't worry, officer, I'll be fine."

Xiao Qing said that he was about to bypass Zhang Jingyun and fight, but Zhang Jingyun was not at ease. He had just opened his golden eyes and read it, which was Wang Daoling's letter of challenge.

Originally this letter was meant to be given to Bai Suzhen. It was Bai Suzhen who beat him back to his original form three hundred years ago, so Wang Daoling's revenge was also directed at Bai Suzhen.

Wang Daoling has more than 1,300 years of Taoism. If Bai Suzhen were to challenge, it would be 1,800 years of Taoism versus 1,300 years.

Obviously, the advantage lies with Bai Suzhen.

Zhang Jingyun won't be too worried.

Bai Suzhen possesses the realgar sword and the inheritance of the Immortal Family, so she will not lose to Wang Daoling no matter what, but Xiao Qing is different.

She has only practiced Taoism for a thousand years now, and does not have a fairy sword. Even if she knows some magic, it is still far behind Maoshan's method.

Zhang Jingyun naturally wouldn't let Xiao Qing take risks.

"No, the person who sent the letter just now is sneaky, and there is something fishy at first glance. And Xiaoqing, your face doesn't look right either. Is there something you want to hide from me?"

"!" Xiaoqing immediately denied.

But she was subconsciously in awe in front of Zhang Jingyun, so she seemed unconfident when speaking. Zhang Jingyun was immediately ready to grab the letter and expose her.

Xiao Qing panicked and felt that the letter could not be read by him, because Wang Daoling's letter stated that the two of them were goblins, and Zhang Jingyun would be suspicious if they saw it.

"Okay, sir, I do have something to hide from you. The people in the drug store are very arrogant. Sir, please come with me to the room and listen to my explanation." Xiaoqing changed the subject and said.

"Okay!" Zhang Jingyun nodded.

After a while, Zhang Jingyun and Xiao Qing returned to the room. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Xiao Qing suddenly spitting a puff of white smoke into his face.

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

"Xiaoqing, what are you doing?"

Zhang Jingyun hesitated for two seconds and asked.

Xiao Qing suddenly looked at Zhang Jingyun in confusion. She just said that there were too many people, but she was actually afraid that others would see her casting a spell to stun Zhang Jingyun.

Xiaoqing will definitely go to fight Wang Daoling. Zhang Jingyun has not let her leave, so he has no choice but to cast a spell to stun her.

However, the strange thing is that after being hit by her spell, Zhang Jingyun acted like a normal person and even greeted him with a smile.

For a moment, Xiao Qing felt that Zhang Jingyun's smile was extremely weird. She had never thought about it and could not believe that Zhang Jingyun was not what he appeared to be.

Even thinking that during this period, she and her sister had always regarded Zhang Jingyun as an ordinary person, but in fact his official was far stranger than they imagined, Xiao Qing had a creepy feeling.

"'t you Xu Xian?" Xiao Qing couldn't help but said, Zhang Jingyun shook his head helplessly, "Why not?"

Xiaoqing felt a chill running down her spine: "Who are you, and where have you taken my officials? If you don't hand over the officials, my sister and I will not let you go!"

"Forget it, my affairs cannot be known to outsiders. Since you have discovered it, the only thing I can do is..." Zhang Jingyun said meaningfully.

Xiao Qing immediately pointed a sword at Zhang Jingyun. Compared to Bai Suzhen, Xiao Qing was actually a militant. Throughout the plot, he fought dozens of fights, big and small, and was called the god of war.

Seeing that Xiao Qing was serious about it, Zhang Jingyun stopped scaring her. Suddenly, his aura changed, and Xiao Qing instantly felt familiar.

"This aura...are you the real person from back then?" Xiao Qing instantly remembered that the Xu Xian in front of her was the real person Xu who forced her to return the money from Qiantang.

"But, even if you were the real person back then, you shouldn't have taken our officials away, right?" Xiao Qing couldn't help but say.

During this time together, Xiaoqing saw clearly that Bai Suzhen and Zhang Jingyun were in love with each other, so she had to protect the official no matter what.

"The beautiful West Lake is beautiful in March, and a marriage of thousands of miles is tied by a thread. That was not the attitude you and my wife had when you fooled me into getting married."

At this point, Zhang Jingyun also admitted his identity. As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaoqing's eyes widened. These secrets that only officials knew were unknown to outsiders.

"So the official is a real person?"

Xiaoqing's mind was shocked.

The two similar faces merged into one at this moment. After a while, Xiao Qing accepted the fact, but there were more doubts in his mind.

"Since the real person knows that my sister and I are snake monsters, why do we want to get married to my sister? Do you want to take advantage of my sister's falling in love to relax her vigilance before becoming a monster?"

Xiaoqing couldn't help but ask.

"What are you thinking about!"

Zhang Jingyun was speechless. Bai Suzhen was so good, but he didn't even have time to love her. How could she get rid of the demon? Isn't that something wrong with your brain?

"Sister doesn't know the true identity of the real person yet. No, I have to tell my sister the truth." Xiao Qing suddenly said.

Zhang Jingyun immediately stopped him and said, "No."

Xiaoqing stared and said, "Why not? You and your sister are married and you still have reservations about her. Do you really want to harm your sister?"

Zhang Jingyun had a strange expression on his face: "How long have you known my wife, and you're just turning towards her like this? And just don't tell her for the time being. I will be honest with you in the future."

Xiaoqing was still hesitating.

Zhang Jingyun said in time: "Wang Daoling has already come to our door. The situation is critical. Now is not the time to talk about this."


Xiao Qing still wanted to speak but was interrupted by Zhang Jingyun: "Stop it, Xiao Qing, you don't want your sister to know that you stole official money and almost caused my family to be implicated, right?"

Xiaoqing puffed up her cheeks and said angrily: "Humph, didn't the real person say that this matter is over? Why are you bringing it up again!"

"That doesn't count. Today, you are going to fight Wang Daoling by yourself. If my wife finds out, she will be very angry, right?"

"You...were more approachable as the official before, but now you're bad! Okay, I'll keep your secret for now, but if you do something detrimental to my sister, don't blame me for falling out."

Zhang Jingyun naturally would not give Xiao Qing this opportunity. Then Xiao Qing asked how to deal with Wang Daoling. Seeing her fierce fighting spirit, Zhang Jingyun seemed to want to recover the loss he had suffered from Wang Daoling.

"With your thousands of years of Taoism, you won't be able to win against Wang Daoling, but losing is not easy. You can try his skills first. I will protect you secretly and you will be fine." Zhang Jingyun said.

Xiao Qing suddenly became happy: "Okay, let's go and fight that stinky toad spirit. I have to beat him until he reveals his true form."

"Follow me and ride the sword."

Zhang Jingyun thought, and the flying sword came out in response. With Xiaoqing, he could only fly on the flying sword, and arrived near the target a moment later.

Xiaoqing flew over alone.

In the woods, Wang Daoling had been waiting for a long time. He was dressed in a yellow Taoist robe, carrying a sword on his back, and looked Xiao Qing up and down.

"Hmph, it is indeed a goblin, a poor Taoist king named Daoling, known as Maoshan Taoist Priest. Do you know what our Maoshan Taoist priests are best at?"

Xiao Qing said sarcastically: "Of course I know. Isn't your best skill poisoning well water and selling fake medicines?"

"Fart, Pindao is selling real medicine!"

Wang Daoling broke through the defense, then calmed down and said: "Listen carefully, our Taoist priests from Maoshan are best at catching monsters!"

"Okay then, catch yourself first!"

"Don't be so talkative. I couldn't bear to beat you until you showed your true colors because of your appearance. In fact, it's very easy to let me spare you."

Xiaoqing asked: "Then what do you want?"

"As long as you come back with me and be my wife!" Wang Daoling said this without blushing. Even Zhang Jingyun, who was hiding in the secret, felt ashamed.

"court death!"

Xiaoqing drew his sword to challenge, but Wang Daoling was not only unafraid, but also dealt with Xiaoqing calmly. Most of the spells he used were Maoshan methods, which were perfect for restraining monsters.

"No, Xiaoqing will suffer if this continues. Wang Daoling relies on the Maoshan Method to control Xiaoqing, so I will use the Maoshan Method to defeat the Maoshan Method."

Zhang Jingyun thought together, then formed seals with his hands, stamped the ground with his right foot repeatedly, and shook his head to create an afterimage, which was Maoshan's magic technique.

It’s just that this time Zhang Jingyun invited not gods, but aliens. In a sense, it may be more practical than those gods who are in the immortal class, so some people call it: Immortal Family!

There are five kinds of immortals: Huhuangliubaihui.

Zhang Jingyun did not ask the immortal family to take over his own body, but to take over Xiaoqing's body to help her career skyrocket. Because Xiaoqing is a green snake, the immortal family Zhang Jingyun invited was naturally her own family - Liuxian!

Xiaoqing gradually fell into the disadvantage and suddenly her body trembled. The next second she felt something pouring into her body, and she vaguely seemed to see Tai Nai.

"A mere toad spirit dares to be arrogant in front of me. You, a junior, are useless!" Xiao Qing's voice suddenly became vicious, not only scolding Wang Daoling, but also himself.

After Wang Daoling saw the strange scene in front of him, a strange color appeared on his face. Xiaoqing's combat power increased instantly, and even he could not match him.

"What a snake demon, you can actually invite the immortal family to take over. It seems that I have to get rid of you today. Look at the magic talisman, it's as urgent as the law!"

Wang Daoling threw out the talisman, and Xiao Qing paused. The talisman was given by the gods, and its power was unpredictable. If Wang Daoling really sacrificed the talisman, I'm afraid the immortal family would not be his opponent.

However, after the mana fluctuated, the spiritual talisman turned into fly ash, and Wang Daoling fled away with a rainbow light, leaving no trace of the spiritual talisman.

I think so.

Wang Daoling coaxed and deceived before inviting three talismans. They must be used on Bai Suzhen, so how could they be wasted on Xiaoqing? This time he was just here to test them.

If the two green and white snakes can be taken down without using magic talismans, then that would be the best. If not, then the only option is to activate the magic talismans.

"Toad spirit, where are you running away!"

Xiao Qing chased after him, and Zhang Jingyun's voice rang out: "Don't chase after the poor bandit, he has backup, and the time has come for the immortal in you."

As soon as the words fell, Xiaoqing's body became light.

After the Xianjia left the body, the super-god state just now ended completely. Xiaoqing also realized that she didn't see Tai Nai just now, it was Zhang Jingyun who took action in secret.

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