People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 213 Wenquxing descends to earth【Please subscribe】

April 14th, Security Hall.

Zhang Jingyun was reminded by Tao Ren, the shopkeeper of the medicine shop, to first take a bath and change clothes, and then burn incense to worship the founder of the medicinal materials industry.

However, when Zhang Jingyun was paying homage, he was suddenly startled. The patriarch in the portrait seemed familiar, and Zhang Jingyun reacted the next second.

"Born with golden wood, Taoist bones, fairy wind, crane crowning turtle's back, tiger's body, dragon's gills and phoenix eyes pointing to the sky, eyebrows drawn into temples and neck to trim cheekbones.

The forehead is broad and the body is round, the emperor's beam is straight, the complexion is white and yellow, and there is a black mark on the left corner of the eyebrow like a turtle, and the body is eight feet and two inches long. He wears the Huayang scarf! Isn't this Lu Zu? "

Zhang Jingyun is proficient in medical skills, but he does not know that Lu Zu is actually the founder of the medicinal materials industry. Regardless of his current status as a doctor, even if he is not, Lu Zu's status alone is worthy of his worship.

At that moment, Zhang Jingyun bowed respectfully three times.

Tao Ren, the shopkeeper, saw that Zhang Jingyun didn't seem to understand the rules of the industry, so he reminded him from the side: "You can make some wishes while paying homage to the ancestor. The ancestor is very good."

"Is there still this matter?"

How could he miss this rare opportunity to make a wish to Lu Zu, so Zhang Jingyun immediately decided to worship the ancestor again.

Tao Ren stopped him quickly and said with a funny look on his face: "A sincere heart will lead to success. The official has already paid homage to the Patriarch today, and it will not be effective if he does it again."

Zhang Jingyun felt a little regretful. If he still has a chance next year, he must pay homage to Lu Zu and mention some small wishes, such as becoming an immortal together with Bai Suzhen, Fa Hai being seduced by women, and Wen Quxing being reincarnated as his son...

"Officials, there is no need to be sorry. Today is a special day. There is no point in worshiping the portrait of our ancestor. You can also go to Fuji Temple to try your luck." Tao Ren said at the right time.

"Fuji Temple? Where is that place?"

Zhang Jingyun is not familiar with the place and has never heard of it.

April 14th is the birthday of our ancestor. Many local people will go to Fuji to watch the excitement, burn incense and pray for blessings. There is a famous place called crowding the gods.

Zhang Jingyun became interested: "Tell me about it."

Tao Ren said: "That is to say, our ancestor loved being lively and getting close to beautiful women, so he would come down to earth in person on his birthday every year.

The ancestor will become an ordinary person and crowd together with many people who are pilgrims to the mountains. If they are destined, they will crowd with him, so it is called crowding the gods. "

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but laugh. This patriarch is really interesting. As the saying goes, a dog can change...ahem, the patriarch has never forgotten his original intention and likes beautiful women.

Isn't this a coincidence?

Zhang Jingyun thought: "Me too!"

Tao Ren said, "Every April 14th is the time when the incense at Fuji Temple is at its peak. Many people come here to pray for the ancestor and make wishes. If the person who makes the wish happens to be crowded with the gods, it is guaranteed to be a safe house and good luck. Avoid evil, seek wealth and gain wealth, seek children and gain children.”

"Ask for a son and you will get a son?"

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. In the past, he didn't care much about having offspring. After all, he had traveled through many heavens and worlds, and he already had countless offspring. The reputation of being a pacesetter in breeding was by no means in vain.

But in this world, having a child is very important, because this child is very likely to be a Wenquxing.

If Wenquxing was reincarnated into Bai Suzhen's belly, then Zhang Jingyun would be the father of the son, and it would be easy to become an immortal in the future. Even in heaven, Zhang Jingyun would still have a high status. Who wouldn't respectfully call him Wenquxing's father when he goes out?

"My lord, would you like to visit Fuji?"

Tao Ren said with a smile, with Zhang Jingyun's behavior, he could tell the other person's heartbeat at a glance. Sure enough, Zhang Jingyun immediately went to Bai Suzhen to inform him of the matter.

"Do you want to join in the fun, officer?"

Bai Suzhen was not very interested in meeting Lu Zu. In fact, Bai Suzhen and other fairies did not have a very good impression of Lu Dongbin.

This man was suave and had played three roles with Bai Mudan, which made Bai Suzhen and other weirdos not have a good impression of him.

Zhang Jingyun said: "Madam, my name is Xu Xian, which means that I may meet gods. If I meet the ancestor, I will respond to my requests."

Bai Suzhen said angrily, "Guanren, I don't want you to meet a fairy. He is a romantic fairy and will lead you astray."

Zhang Jingyun's thoughts changed and he said: "Madam, don't worry, I won't go to that three-player White Peony show, I will only..."

Zhang Jingyun paused as he spoke.

Bai Suzhen asked curiously: "What will happen?"

Zhang Jingyun hooked Bai Suzhen's delicate chin and said, "Of course it's Bai Suzhen who knows three plays!" As soon as he finished speaking, he kissed Bai Suzhen on the face.

Bai Suzhen's face turned red and she smiled: "I hate it! Well, officer, then you go and come back early, and I will bring you thirty taels of silver."

"Why do I bring so much money?"

Bai Suzhen pointed her slender fingers on Zhang Jingyun's head, "If the official goes to see the fun, can't he buy me something as well?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized that he had never given Bai Suzhen anything since they got married. Unexpectedly, Bai Suzhen had to take the initiative to give Zhang Jingyun money to buy some gifts for him.

"Madam, wait for me to come back."

Zhang Jingyun decided to give Bai Suzhen a precious gift, but when talking about the gift, Zhang Jingyun suddenly remembered some of the stupid things Xu Xian did in the original plot.

In the original plot, Xu Xian also went to Fuji to watch the gods, but the gods were not crowded. Instead, he met Maoshan Taoist Wang Daoling on the road.

After Wang Daoling deceived him for a while.

The last gift that Xu Xian bought with thirty taels of silver was actually three demon-subduing talismans that Wang Daoling defrauded from Zhao Gongming, the founder of Xuan Tan.

Bai Suzhen was speechless after thinking about this.

Naturally, Zhang Jingyun would not make the same mistake as Xu Xian. After bidding farewell to Bai Suzhen, he went to Fuji Temple. The road to Fuji Temple was packed with people.

What you can see is the huge crowd.

Zhang Jingyun mingled in the crowd. He did not deliberately use golden eyes or use magic to find Lu Zu. After all, with Lu Zu's cultivation level, even Zhang Jingyun couldn't see it as long as he didn't want to be discovered.

Squeezing the gods is a fate.

Zhang Jingyun corrected his attitude and just let things go. It would be better if he could squeeze Lu Zu. If he couldn't squeeze him, he wouldn't be disappointed.

Surrounded by the crowd, Zhang Jingyun came to the statue of Lu Zu, and like others, burned incense, prayed for blessings, and expressed his wishes.

I don’t know what other people wish for, but Zhang Jingyun made the best plans anyway, just like he used to put things worth a whole house in his shopping cart, hoping that he might be the lucky one who empties his shopping cart.

Zhang Jingyun made more than a dozen wishes in one breath. On the eighteenth, Zhang Jingyun was as pious as ever: "Please Lu Zu give me a son who is the reincarnation of Wenquxing."

An extraterrestrial voice came to my ears.

It seemed vaguely like: "Get out!"

Zhang Jingyun curled his lips and then left Fuji Temple. On the way home, he was thinking about what gift to prepare for Bai Suzhen.

Naturally, Zhang Jingyun would not consider those things in the world that could be bought with gold and silver. Perhaps Bai Suzhen did not have too many expectations for herself, and she was very happy just thinking that Zhang Jingyun could wear some beautiful jewelry, rouge and gouache.

"Yes!" Zhang Jingyun suddenly remembered something. When he fought against Pudu Cihang in A Chinese Ghost Story, he cut the dragon ball condensed in his body into two halves.

The dragon beads condensed by Pudu Cihang's thousand years of cultivation contain extremely powerful power, but Zhang Jingyun has never absorbed and refined them.

Although Bai Suzhen has practiced Taoism for 1,800 years, it is difficult for her to go further except becoming an immortal, but this dragon ball has extraordinary effects.

Pudu Cihang's dragon beads were transformed from ordinary inner elixirs into dragon beads after being nourished by dragon energy. Pudu Cihang also almost succeeded in transforming into a dragon.

If Bai Suzhen refines dragon beads and absorbs dragon energy, she may be able to transform into a dragon first and then become an immortal. This will definitely have a deeper foundation.

Even if Zhang Jingyun absorbs and refines this dragon ball, it will not improve much, but it will be more useful to Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen is his wife, a dragon ball, Zhang Jingyun will definitely be willing to give it up, he can even imagine Bai Suzhen's happy look.

However, at this moment, a voice sounded from behind, "This official, please stay!" Zhang Jingyun suddenly stopped.

It was not a good sign to stay in the Xianxia World. Fortunately, this was not the World of the Gods, otherwise Zhang Jingyun would have run away without even looking back.

The voice behind him sounded familiar. Zhang Jingyun turned around and his eyes narrowed slightly. This man was wearing a yellow Taoist robe, with rat eyes and a short chin. Wasn't he Mao Wang Daoling or someone else?

"calls me?"

Wang Daoling nodded and said: "That's right, it's you, Mr. Xu. I'm looking for you because my family is safe and my life is at stake. Are you interested?"

Zhang Jingyun interrupted: "Not interested."

Then he turned around and left. Wang Daoling hurriedly said: "Master Xu, please stay. You and I are very destined!"

"Only ghosts are destined to you."

"Hey, I think it's a ghost who has a destiny with you."

A few days ago, Wang Daoling had already competed in person. The Green Snake alone was very powerful, and he could also use Maoshan's magic to invite the gods. Plus Bai Suzhen, Wang Daoling himself was definitely no match.

Therefore, they can only rely on the spiritual talismans given by the ancestor of Xuantan. These three demon-subduing spiritual talismans are enough to beat Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing into their true colors.

However, if you want to use these three talismans in the right place, you have to use the people around Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, so Wang Daoling took aim at Zhang Jingyun.

He wanted to trick Zhang Jingyun into buying these three talismans, but Wang Daoling had already calculated that he only had thirty taels. This guy needed both money and demons.

Wang Daoling originally thought that Zhang Jingyun was easy to deceive. After all, he was a mortal, and he could be fooled by scaring him with gods, gods, and ghosts.

It's a pity that he doesn't know Zhang Jingyun's ability at all: "You don't have to say anything, you have strange power and chaos. You don't have to tell me these things. Farewell!"

"Xu Xian, your wife is a monster!"

Wang Daoling said quickly when he saw Zhang Jingyun was about to leave. As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun paused in his steps without any emotion on his face.

"On the contrary, you say that my wife is a monster? Well, even if you are right, what does she want from me? I am a mortal, and I have grown old in a wasted time. Why would a monster want to stay with me forever?"

"She is greedy for the mortal world, and people are people and monsters are monsters. People and monsters can't be together. Do you understand?"

Zhang Jingyun sneered and said, "I don't understand, and I don't want to understand. If she really wants to harm me, I, a helpless mortal, can't resist.

The fact is that my wife did not harm me, she loves me very much and treats me with every possible care. Why would a monster treat me so well? "

"She must have something up her sleeve!"

Wang Daoling couldn't help but said.

"A woman treats a man sincerely, thinks about him at every turn, and always helps him do things. Even if she has some agenda, I don't care."

Wang Daoling didn't expect Zhang Jingyun to be so decisive, so it would definitely be impossible to use Zhang Jingyun to use the three talismans against Bai Suzhen.

"Xu Xian, aren't you even afraid of monsters?"

Wang Daoling finally tried, and Zhang Jingyun said: "You are wrong, I am very afraid of monsters, but I am not afraid of my wife, and she is not a monster."

Zhang Jingyun turned around and left.

Behind the scenes, Wang Daoling yelled: "Xu Xian, you are so addicted to women, you will pay the price one day, it is too late to regret now!"

"I'm happy to indulge in women!"

Zhang Jingyun was in a good mood and left Fuji Temple. Wang Daoling looked at the three talismans in his hand and seemed to have some doubts about life.

"Grandma, you can't even cure a mortal?"

Wang Dao was very spiritual. Since he couldn't use Zhang Jingyun, he simply broke the pot and went directly to activate the spiritual talisman given by the ancestor of Xuan Tan.

At the same time, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, who were playing chess, felt something in their hearts. Bai Suzhen's cultivation was not much worse than that of ordinary gods. It was easy to sense when someone wanted to target them directly.

Bai Suzhen immediately figured out who wanted to harm her.

After a moment, Bai Suzhen's face showed a strange look: "It's that Maoshan Taoist priest again. He actually had contact with officials."

"That Maoshan Taoist priest is really evil. Wait, sister, you said he has contact with officials?" Xiao Qing suddenly realized.

If Wang Daoling wanted to harm Bai Suzhen and her, Zhang Jingyun would definitely not stand idly by. At this time, Bai Suzhen smiled and said: "Then Wang Daoling also wanted to use the officials to harm us. Unexpectedly, the officials were not able to help, but instead made him very angry." light."

Xiaoqing's thoughts changed, "The official didn't take action. Could it be that he thought Wang Daoling couldn't hurt my sister and me, so he didn't take it to heart?"

At this time, Bai Suzhen's expression suddenly changed: "Oh no, Xiaoqing, Wang Daoling failed to use officials and decided to do it himself. He has three demon-subduing talismans deceived from the founder of Xuan Tan!"

Xiao Qing's expression changed: "Then we..."

"You are too shallow to resist the magic talisman. You must leave here to avoid it. You might as well go back to the Qingfeng Cave in Qingcheng Mountain first."

"What about sister?" Xiaoqing asked worriedly.

Bai Suzhen said: "My Taoism is not afraid of magical talismans. As long as you are safe, I can also get through this disaster safely."

Although Xiaoqing was helpless, he still had to leave. However, as soon as he went out, he bumped into Zhang Jingyun who had just returned.

"Guanren, you are finally back. My sister is in trouble. You must save her." Xiao Qing knew that Zhang Jingyun had profound cultivation and couldn't help but say.

Zhang Jingyun sensed that it was indeed Wang Daoling who was quarreling with him. It seemed that the other party was coming to invite a fight in person.

"You should leave Qiantang County first. The further away the better. Your sister and I will be fine here." Zhang Jingyun reassured Xiaoqing.

The latter could only leave Qiantang first.

Zhang Jingyun pushed the door open and saw Bai Suzhen. The magic talisman was approaching. She seemed calm and relaxed, but in fact she was very nervous.

"If it's really not possible, we can only meet the founder of Xuantan. The worst we can do is move out our master Lishan's mother. She only said that she was not allowed to reveal her identity to other people, and she also didn't say that she couldn't reveal her identity to gods." Bai Suzhen thought to herself.

Zhang Jingyun entered the room at the right time, and before he spoke, he suddenly felt a divine light in front of him penetrate directly into Bai Suzhen's belly, and the latter sensed it.

"Sir, I have some discomfort in my stomach."

Bai Suzhen frowned.

Zhang Jingyun was thoughtful, and then he felt his pulse. It turned out to be the Xi pulse. It seemed to have been there for a while, but what was that divine light just now?

In Kunlun Dharma, there is a method of observing people and looking at their breath. When Zhang Jingyun used the Dharma to look at Bai Suzhen's abdomen, he felt that the charm was extraordinary and the breath was indescribably precious.

"Could this be Wenquxing descending to earth?"

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