People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 214 Bai Suzhen turns into a dragon【Please subscribe】

"Wenquxing descends to earth?"

Originally, Zhang Jingyun was a little worried about Bai Suzhen. After all, the three spiritual talismans Wang Daoling requested had great origins and were given by the Patriarch of Xuantan.

Even for Zhang Jingyun, it is not easy to invite such talismans, but Wang Daoling can. It seems that Zhang Jingyun still underestimated this person.

However, he was worried just now, but now it is different. Zhang Jingyun is not worried about Bai Suzhen being in danger at all, because after Wenquxing descended to earth and reincarnated into the fetus in Bai Suzhen's belly, no one in heaven and earth dared to touch Bai Suzhen.

At this time, even if Fahai comes in person, no matter how powerful he is in slaying demons, if he dares to hurt the fetus in Bai Suzhen's belly, he will be stained with huge consequences.

The gods in heaven know better.

Wenquxing is one of our own, and when we find out that he is the reincarnation, what kind of god would embarrass Bai Suzhen? Therefore, Zhang Jingyun is not worried about the three spiritual talismans of the founder of Xuan Tan.

However, Bai Suzhen obviously hasn't realized this yet. Wen Quxing's reincarnation cannot be counted based on her cultivation level. Zhang Jingyun only knew this half by prediction and half by guessing.

"What did you gain from going to Fuji Temple today?" Bai Suzhen took a rest for a while and felt much better, so she asked.

Zhang Jingyun said: "Fuji Temple is indeed very lively. There are so many people that I can't even walk away. I don't know if it's crowded enough to attract gods.

But it was not in vain, I thought I had squeezed into the gods, so I made eighteen wishes in front of Lu Zu. I originally wanted to make them, but I vaguely heard someone telling me to get out. "

Bai Suzhen covered her face and chuckled: "I really do have you, officer. I don't think you need to call me Xu Xian in the future. Wouldn't it be better to just call me Xu Yuan? If I were Lu Zu, I would tell you, a greedy mortal, to get out."

"Madam, you dare to ask me to get out? You are so bold. You have to wait for me to give you a blow!" Zhang Jingyun was about to take off his pants and swing the stick, but at this moment, Bai Suzhen's expression suddenly changed.

She sensed the aura of the talisman.

"It's Wang Daoling. This smelly Taoist priest came so fast." Bai Suzhen was anxious. The power of the talisman should not be underestimated. Xiao Qing had already hidden outside. Now Bai Suzhen was only worried about Zhang Jingyun.

Although the role of the three talismans is to subdue demons, Zhang Jingyun has been with Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing for such a long time, and his body is contaminated with demonic energy. If he does not stay away, he may be accidentally injured by the heavenly soldiers and generals.

However, if Zhang Jingyun hides outside at this time, firstly, he may not have enough time, and secondly, it may easily arouse Zhang Jingyun's suspicion.

Bai Suzhen thought about it and came up with a bold idea, that is, after Wang Daoling cast the magic talisman, she would personally go to heaven to explain the cause and effect to the founder of Xuantan.

After all, Bai Suzhen is also a disciple of Lishan Mother, and has received guidance from Master Guanyin. The Taoism she practices is also orthodox to the Immortal family. The founder of Xuantan is not an unreasonable person, and will definitely be fair and just.

At that moment, Bai Suzhen whispered to Zhang Jingyun: "Official, please go back to the room first, and we will have an in-depth communication later."

Zhang Jingyun pinched Bai Suzhen's cheek and teased: "It should be me who plays Bai Suzhen in the third scene. How dare you make fun of me?"

"Okay, officer, go back to your room quickly. I'll be back in a moment. Remember, you must wait for me in the room." Bai Suzhen said emphatically.

Zhang Jingyun agreed, but after he entered the room, he soon noticed that Bai Suzhen had set up an isolation formation outside the room. No matter what happened outside, the room would not feel it.

After a while, Wang Daoling arrived.

In the room, Bai Suzhen didn't know about the breath isolation formation, and he could see it clearly. However, Zhang Jingyun already knew that the spiritual talisman crisis was near or not, and it was not his turn to take action, so he didn't care.

Wang Daoling was quietly lurking outside the medicine shop, and he was seen carefully taking out three natural talismans from his arms.

As Wang Daoling muttered words.

The spiritual talisman in his hand instantly flew up to the sky above the medicine shop. Almost at the same time, the spiritual talisman burned into ashes, and powerful mana rippled out instantly.

The magic power instantly enveloped the security hall, forming a closed space similar to a barrier. At this moment, Bai Suzhen had no choice but to escape.


Thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

The weather was fine, but suddenly it started to rain. Zhang Jingyun was sitting in the room, everything was calm, but what Golden Eyes saw was a different scene.

The black thunderclouds were like gods descending to earth. Bai Suzhen seemed to have been waiting for a long time. After looking up at the sky, she immediately cast a spell and flew away.

Through a cloud and mist, Bai Suzhen's figure appeared. Oncoming was a group of heavenly soldiers and generals. The leader of the deity, who had a black face and a thick beard, wore an iron crown on his head and held an iron whip in his hand. It was Zhao Gongming, the founder of Xuantan who had bestowed three spiritual talismans.

Seeing Bai Suzhen, Zhao Gongming was not surprised, "Someone has ordered three spiritual talismans to collect you. Do you still want to escape? Why don't you kneel down and die!"

Zhao Gongming is also survived by four righteous gods under his command: Xiao Sheng, the Heavenly Lord of Treasures, Cao Bao, the Heavenly Lord of Nazhen, Chen Jiugong, the messenger of wealth, and Yao Shaosi, the Immortal Official of Lishi.

Ordinary talismans are very powerful if they invite heavenly soldiers. Wang Daoling's three talismans are even more outrageous. They directly invite the God of Wealth Zhao Gongming and his four subordinates to catch the monster.

With such power, an ordinary mountain spirit wild monster would probably be scared to death, but Bai Suzhen is not an ordinary little monster. She is only one step away from becoming an immortal. At the same time, she is also a disciple of Lishan Mother, so even if she faces Zhao Gongming, the God of Wealth, Still acting calm.

Bai Suzhen lowered her head and saluted: "Disciple Bai Suzhen, please greet Zhao Xianjun! May the Immortal Lord be powerful and prosperous."

Zhao Gongming was stunned. He thought he was just catching a monster, but he didn't expect that the monster was prettier than the fairy, and Beier was polite and spoke nicely.

"Oh? Do you know me too?"

Bai Suzhen said: "The Immortal Lord is responsible for the treasure house of heaven, and he is known as the God of Wealth. Who in heaven and on earth does not respect him, and who does not hope that you, the Immortal Lord, will bring blessings and wealth to them?"

When Zhao Gongming heard this, he put away the magic whip. He seemed to be in a much better mood, and a smile appeared on his face.

"You are telling the truth, hahaha!"

Zhao Gongming was flattered with a smile on his face. At this moment, he heard Xiao Sheng, the Treasure-recruiting Heavenly Lord next to him, saying: "Tianjun, we are here to be demons...Tianjun!"

After being reminded by his subordinates, Zhao Gongming came back to his senses. He cleared his throat and spoke majestically: "Huh, bold white snake, why do you come to the world to cause trouble if you don't hide in the mountains to practice?"

"Immortal Lord Mingcha!" Bai Suzhen explained quickly: "This disciple did not come to the world to cause trouble, but to repay kindness."

"Repay a favor? Repay a favor for what?"

"This is to repay the life-saving grace of my family officials in the past. This is also something that Master Guanyin of the South China Sea knows. Please investigate it clearly." Bai Suzhen said.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva?" Zhao Gongming became cautious. It was not because he was afraid of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, but that he had to be careful when it came to Buddhism. If he was not careful, he would be involved in right and wrong inexplicably.

"In that case, why did you join forces with Green Snake to harm Xu Xian's life?" Zhao Gongming immediately confirmed whether the reason for inviting the three magic talismans was true or false.

"Xianjun Mingcha, those are all nonsense told by bad people. Xu Xian is my husband, my benefactor, and will be the father of my children in the future.

I loved him and it was too late to repay him. How could I harm him? Moreover, since the disciple came to the world, he has never killed any living being. Instead, he has practiced medicine to help the world and saved many people's lives. "

When Zhao Gongming heard this, it didn't sound like he was lying to him, but when Bai Suzhen mentioned the child, Zhao Gongming paid extra attention.

Yet it was the reason for his extra attention.

Zhao Gongming suddenly discovered that things were not simple. There was a new life in Bai Suzhen's belly, and it had a great origin. Zhao Gongming deduced that Bai Suzhen's child turned out to be the reincarnation of Wenquxing.

Good guy, Zhao Gongming calls him a good guy.

Fortunately, I was cautious and asked Bai Suzhen more. If he had to slay demons and delay Wenquxing's reincarnation, it would be troublesome.

Zhao Gongming was not afraid of trouble, but it was different from the past. Some troubles could be avoided without getting involved, so he immediately changed his attitude.

"Look at this white lady who came to the world to repay kindness and do good deeds, does she look like a bad person?" Zhao Gongming asked his four subordinates.

What scenes have these four people not seen before?

As soon as Zhao Gongming spoke, the four of them understood instantly: "Tianjun, we can't see it. How can a bad person look like this?"

"Yeah, good eyesight!"

Zhao Gongming said to Bai Suzhen with satisfaction, "I don't think you are a bad person. I think you are dedicated to doing good and have no evil virtues. I will not pursue you this time and take back the three spiritual talismans!"

With a wave of Zhao Gongming's hand, three spiritual talismans were instantly received into his hand. After thinking about it, Zhao Gongming said again: "But since you have Taoism, you should practice hard to achieve positive results, and don't be greedy for the world to avoid losing all your efforts. ,do you know?"

Zhao Gongming gave meaningful advice.

However, Bai Suzhen was only happy to have survived this calamity, so she could not notice the deep meaning in it. She just thanked him and said, "Thank you, Immortal Lord, for your guidance. Disciple, please keep it in mind."

"Okay, put aside your dignity and return to heaven to resume your life!"

Zhao Gongming said no more and returned to the Tiangong with his four righteous gods. A moment later, Bai Suzhen also returned to the security hall and entered Zhang Jingyun's room.

"Officer, I'm here!"

After surviving the disaster, Bai Suzhen was very happy and threw herself directly into Zhang Jingyun's arms, about to start her daily practice as before.

But Zhang Jingyun stopped Bai Suzhen.

"What's wrong, officer?" Bai Suzhen was puzzled.

Zhang Jingyun said: "It seems that there is still a gap between my lady's medical skills and mine. I deliberately didn't say anything just now. I didn't expect that my lady really didn't know."

"What do you know?" Bai Suzhen said coquettishly: "Please stop tempting me, sir. Tell me what I didn't notice."

A smile flashed across Zhang Jingyun's face and he said, "Madam, you are pregnant, do you know? Our son must be the reincarnation of Wenquxing in the sky."

"How did Wen Quxing become our son? Officials, please don't talk nonsense, or you may offend the gods." Bai Suzhen quickly clasped her hands together and begged the gods for forgiveness.

After a while, Bai Suzhen reacted.

"Am I pregnant?"

Just now she told Zhao Gongming that Zhang Jingyun was the father of her future child, but she just said that and didn't know that she was pregnant.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a prophecy.

"Or is it that Wu Wealth God not only brings blessings and wealth, but also does the job of sending his son to Guanyin?" Bai Suzhen couldn't help but mutter!

Bai Suzhen was overjoyed by the sudden good news.

Her relationship with Zhang Jingyun has also changed again. From now on, she is not only Zhang Jingyun's wife, but also the mother of their common child.

"By the way, madam, I also brought you a gift. I have used all the thirty taels you gave me. I don't know if you like it or not."

Zhang Jingyun took out two semicircular beads.

Bai Suzhen was quite curious. The gift of thirty taels was already extremely precious. As long as Zhang Jingyun was not deceived, he would be very happy.

Then, Bai Suzhen picked up two semi-circular beads. They were separated into two pieces and closed into a ball. When they were separated, they were transparent and dull. When they were closed, they revealed a golden light. Hair could be seen within a hundred steps at night.

Bai Suzhen breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the quality of this item, at least thirty taels of silver were well spent. Bai Suzhen then tried it with magic power.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't try it. Once you try it, you will be shocked. When Bai Suzhen injects magic power into the ball, a stream of pure magic power pours into her body, which is also mixed with the dragon energy that snakes like Bai Suzhen dream of.

These changes almost made Bai Suzhen lose her composure: "Official, from whom did you buy this dragon...bead?"

"I bought it from a Taoist with phoenix eyes, turtle back, and eyebrows on his temples. He said that this thing is destined for me. I happen to know something about antiques and treasures, and I know that this thing is indeed worth thirty taels of silver, so I bought it for my wife. , could it be that I lost money?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

"No, we made a profit wherever we lost. Let alone thirty taels, even if it is three hundred taels, three thousand taels is still worth it!"

Before Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth, Bai Suzhen said: "Guanren, I like this gift very much. I happen to have a child. I plan to go to the temple with Xiaoqing in the next few days. Is it okay?"

"My wife wants to go, how could my husband refuse? I just need to remind Xiaoqing to take care of you, and I need to be careful not to be too bumpy on the road."

"Don't worry, sir, I'll be back soon."

Bai Suzhen can't wait to refine the dragon beads, absorb the imperial dragon energy in them, and transform the white snake body into a dragon body, which is the so-called dragon transformation.

Transform into a dragon.

Bai Suzhen didn't have much confidence at first.

It is said that it is very difficult for a carp to jump over the dragon's gate and transform into a dragon. It needs to survive a thunderstorm. Even with Bai Suzhen's cultivation level, there is no guarantee that she can survive it safely.

But with the Dragon Balls, things have turned around. The dragon energy in the Dragon Balls can weaken the Thunder Tribulation, because the closer the species is to the orthodox dragon clan, the easier it is to transform into a real dragon, so some fairies with dragon bloodline have unique conditions. .

Secondly, this dragon ball contains a large amount of mana, which has been accumulated by Pudu Cihang for thousands of years. Bai Suzhen can absorb and refine it to deal with the dilemma of insufficient mana when the thunder disaster comes.

It can be said that with this dragon ball.

Bai Suzhen is at least 90% sure to survive the thunderstorm. If Xiaoqing is on the side to protect the law, Bai Suzhen will be even more assured.

Zhang Jingyun knew that Bai Suzhen couldn't wait to transform into a dragon, so he readily agreed. Xiaoqing, who returned to Qingcheng Mountain, also returned to Qiantang County after the magic talisman expired.

Two days later.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly noticed a change in the sky. The water surface of the Qiantang River was uneven, as if the entire river was trembling. This is what happens when a river collapses. In addition, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder flashed from time to time.

The people of Qiantang County are worried.

Until everyone saw a white shadow in the sky, surging in the clouds. At first glance, it looked like a white dragon flying above the clouds and making rain.

"The Dragon King has appeared!"

All the people knelt on the ground cheering.

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