People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 215 Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa [Please subscribe]

The appearance of the Dragon King caused quite a stir in Qiantang County. Zhang Jingyun also walked to the street and looked up into the sky amidst the exclamations of the crowd.

Sure enough, in the dark clouds above his head, there could be a vague shadow of a white dragon hovering, sometimes revealing part of his body. The shining silver scales made people more convinced that this was the appearance of the Dragon King.

Zhang Jingyun took a closer look and looked through the clouds. What he saw was a different scene. The white shadow hovering in the clouds was not a white dragon, but a white snake that had been practicing for thousands of years.

It's just that this white snake has been blessed with a heaven-defying blessing, absorbing and refining the inner elixir of a thousand-year-old centipede essence that is about to transform into a dragon.

The imperial dragon energy contained in the inner elixir is so precious. It just helps this thousand-year-old white snake transform into a dragon. It moves clouds and rains, and the dragon king appears. It is just a strange phenomenon caused by this white snake when it goes through a tribulation.

However, I saw this vision.

Zhang Jingyun was not surprised at all.

Because this thousand-year-old white snake that is going through a thunderstorm is actually his wife Bai Suzhen, and the key to Bai Suzhen's transformation into a dragon, the dragon ball, was also given by Zhang Jingyun.

Thunder came to the world and fell on Bai Suzhen's true body. Dense thunder and lightning filled the whole body. Bai Suzhen endured the pain of thunder and absorbed the magic power of the refined dragon ball.

Slowly, Bai Suzhen's real body changed. The originally bare white snake's head began to slowly bulge with two fleshy buns.

It seems to contain some mysterious power, which will break out of the body at any time. Even the snake's belly begins to bulge, and its body surface is shining with silver light.

Thunder disasters fell one after another, and Bai Suzhen was extra calm, focusing on absorbing the emperor's dragon energy and refining his magic power. When the dragon beads that Pudu Cihang had cultivated for thousands of years were completely absorbed, Bai Suzhen also reached the key to transforming into a dragon.

A dragon roar sounded.

The world was shaken, and all the people in Qiantang County felt the majesty of the real dragon. A pair of dragon horns grew out of Bai Suzhen's head, and a dragon claw grew out of each of the four bulging places under her abdomen.

Bai Suzhen finally shed her snake body and turned into a dragon. Her cultivation level was better than before, but more importantly, Bai Suzhen's fate changed.

After Bai Suzhen transforms into a dragon, becoming an immortal is just around the corner. Even without Guanyin's guidance and repaying her kindness, she can still become an immortal smoothly.

It is rare to see a snake transform into a dragon within a thousand years. Bai Suzhen was able to successfully transform into a dragon. On the one hand, her cultivation is indeed profound.

Some of the immortals in heaven are not as good as Bai Suzhen. If it were not for the snake body, Bai Suzhen's current strength could be regarded as a loose immortal.

On the other hand, Bai Suzhen's luck is really strong. A few years ago, she had a chance and took the elixir to wash away her demonic aura. This is also the reason why Bai Suzhen was able to conceive and give birth to a child when she was married to a mortal.

Coupled with Zhang Jingyun, a key dragon ball, Pudu Cihang made waves in the court, and the dragon ball accumulated a large amount of imperial dragon energy.

All the above opportunities were obtained by Bai Suzhen. The success of transforming into a dragon was only expected. Zhang Jingyun did not even secretly protect him.

Things will fall into place, that's all.

Zhang Jingyun admired the dragon-shaped Bai Suzhen for a while. It must be said that Bai Suzhen in the white dragon state is much more handsome than the real white snake.

Snakes and dragons are two different levels of beings. Their temperaments are very different, and their feelings are also very different.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Bai Suzhen flying in the sky. The body of the white dragon was lighter and more elegant. It danced and flew in the clouds, and was much more flexible than snakes.

Smacking his lips, Zhang Jingyun suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "In the past, I was also a reckless hero who could keep pace with the undead knight Ning Caichen, the immortal master Dong Yong and other cruel people... Now, I have finally evolved into a dragon knight? Yin Zhiping Call me an expert!"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly slapped his forehead and forgot something: "Good guy, it seems that Ning Caichen, the undead knight, is also mine. There are no monsters or monsters that I dare not practice dual cultivation with."

After sighing for a moment, Bai Suzhen in the sky also ended her appearance in front of people, transformed from the body of a white dragon into a human form, and prepared to return to the security hall with Xiaoqing.

"Sister, what luck did you get this time? You turned into a dragon successfully. We snakes haven't turned into dragons for thousands of years, right?"

Bai Suzhen succeeded in transforming into a dragon, Xiaoqing was also very happy, but she was also curious, why did Bai Suzhen suddenly soar into the sky?

"Xiao Qing, I have to thank the official for transforming into a dragon this time. Do you remember the last time he went to Fuji Temple to squeeze the gods? I gave the official thirty taels of silver, and he bought back two halves of beads that can be made into a ball. In fact, This bead contains a lot of imperial dragon energy and mana!”

"Then it has a very high level of cultivation?"

Bai Suzhen shook her head: "The cultivation level is not too high, it seems that it only has more than a thousand years of cultivation, but this demon has defied nature and cultivated the inner elixir into a dragon ball.

If not, I'm afraid I won't be able to help me transform into a dragon. The official's luck is so good that I can buy a dragon ball for thirty taels of silver. I don't know what to say. "

Hearing Bai Suzhen's words, Xiaoqing had a strange look on her face, "It's absolutely impossible to buy dragon beads for thirty taels of silver.

It seems that the official killed this monster with his own hands, took out the dragon ball, and then gave it to Bai Suzhen with a random excuse to help her transform into a dragon secretly. "

Xiaoqing instantly figured out the cause and effect.

She knew that Zhang Jingyun had magical power, and she promised to keep Zhang Jingyun's secret, but Zhang Jingyun had given Bai Suzhen such great blessings, but she kept the secret while protecting Bai Suzhen.

"Hmph, I have to ask him for some benefits." Xiaoqing's heart moved, and she was about to ask Zhang Jingyun for "hush money" after returning to the security hall.

In the security hall, Zhang Jingyun sat in for consultation as usual.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing finally came back after two days apart. Zhang Jingyun quickly stood up and grabbed Bai Suzhen's hand. He looked concerned, and Xiaoqing next to him confirmed in his heart: his sister married a good man.

"No, I still have to ask for some benefits from him. During this period of time, I am fighting with Wang Daoling and promising him to keep secrets. He and his sister can't be so sweet. I am the only one who will be affected, right?"

Xiaoqing made up his mind not to let Zhang Jingyun go.

In the evening, Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen continued to practice together. It must be said that Bai Suzhen's Taoist practice of nearly two thousand years is indeed very powerful.

The pregnancy did not delay her dual cultivation at all. Sometimes Bai Suzhen became excited, and Zhang Jingyun was worried that the newly reincarnated Wen Quxing would die.

"Amitabha, since my wife is taking care of you like this, it would be a bit ignorant of the times for me to refuse any more!" Zhang Jingyun immediately turned over and turned into a dragon knight.

Inside the house, the sound continued, rising and falling.

The next morning.

Zhang Jingyun got up with satisfaction and went to the consultation. Suddenly Xiaoqing jumped out from the side and blocked Zhang Jingyun's way.

"Xiaoqing, what's the matter with you?"

Xiaoqing looked at Zhang Jingyun and said with a smile: "Guanren, you don't want your sister to know that you are also a cultivator, right?"

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

What a god, the island country’s version of Xiao Qing!

Zhang Jingyun was helpless: "What's wrong with Duan Duan? Xiaoqing, what's the relationship between you and me? If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Okay, then I won't give in. Officer, you see that I have been busy these days and have to keep secrets for you. I always feel ashamed of my sister. There is no credit but hard work..."

Zhang Jingyun understood the meaning and interrupted: "I understand, Xiaoqing, you have indeed contributed a lot to this family. As a brother-in-law, I should also give you some benefits."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun took out a gold brick, weighing a full two hundred taels. When Xiao Qing saw the gold brick, his eyelids raised uncontrollably.

"Are you so rich?"

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said: "Before I started practicing Taoism, I often wondered, what's the point of dealing with these yellow and white things every day?

Imagine having countless gold and silver every day. One day you will get tired of it, so I came up with the idea of ​​practicing Taoism. "

Xiaoqing: "......"

"Are you talking in human language?" Xiao Qing was speechless, "Okay, I'm not asking you for money. You gave my sister a dragon ball to help her transform into a dragon. My cultivation has not improved. Is there anything you can do? ?”

"Well, I am very good at practicing this kind of thing. Now you are asking the right person. What kind of exercises have you practiced?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

"Except for the True Fire of Samadhi, the techniques I originally practiced were all unconventional demonic techniques. Thanks to my sister's respect, I gave her the immortal magic.

The technique I am currently majoring in is the same as my sister's, namely: Jiutian Xuanyuan Dafa, which is my sister's unique skill.

Jiutian is the ninth heaven, which represents the very high place, which is the heaven. Xuanyuan is the Tao, which is the origin of all things in the world.

The name shows that this magical power is at a high level and is the origin of heaven and earth. Therefore, this skill has the powerful power to help all things regenerate. Although I first started practicing this skill with the help of my sister, my progress was still slow.

In addition to the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa and Samadhi True Fire, I can also summon wind and rain, and perform yin and yang calculations, which are all powerful spells. However, my sister also has a powerful magical power called Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, which I have not mastered. "

Xiaoqing talked about the various spells he had practiced, even Zhang Jingyun was secretly dumbfounded. Lishan's mother's inheritance is really awesome!

"First tell me the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa, and then the Samadhi True Fire. These two techniques can be quickly improved in a short period of time. I will explain them to you."

Zhang Jingyun said with confidence.

Xiao Qing had a strange look on her face, "Sister, I have been practicing for two thousand years and still keep me steady. You don't want to cheat on my magic, do you?"

Zhang Jingyun's face turned red and he argued: "Nonsense, how could I lie to you about my magic skills despite my level of cultivation? In fact, I also have inheritance from the Immortal Family.

It's just that neither you nor the lady know about it. I will only tell you one thing about this matter. Don't tell the lady yet. Do you hear it? "

Xiao Qing nodded quickly, Zhang Jingyun flipped his wrist, and a golden fairy sword appeared in his hand. Xiao Qing took a closer look, and his face changed drastically.

"Xuanyuan Divine Sword! You still have such a fairy sword? Is the other flying sword useless? Can you give it to me? I have been practicing for thousands of years and I still don't have a flying sword that I can get my hands on. Isn't it too pitiful? "

Xiao Qing remembered that when Zhang Jingyun defeated him, he used another dark red flying sword, which was also very powerful, so he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity.

"How dare you try to get my flying sword?"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes widened. Xiaoqing took a step forward, held his arm and shook it vigorously. Is it okay to hit someone with the ball? Zhang Jingyun suddenly couldn't bear it and reluctantly pulled out his arm.

After a while.

Zhang Jingyun left with the spell contentedly, at the cost of losing the demon-slaying sword. This flying sword was made of extraordinary materials and was stained with unicorn blood.

After years of cultivation, it can be considered a first-class flying sword.

Xiaoqing has been practicing Taoism for thousands of years, and it really doesn't make sense that he doesn't have a flying sword to protect his body. And as his strength increases, this flying sword is not enough, so there is nothing to feel bad about giving it to Xiaoqing, since it is one of his own.

In the security hall, Zhang Jingyun is preparing to practice magic. Jiutian Xuanyuan Dafa is a practice magic given to Bai Suzhen by Mother Lishan. It is powerful and an immortal method that directly points to the right path. It must be practiced.

Needless to say, Samadhi True Fire.

Xiao Qing only practiced this spell half-way, and could not even hurt Zhang Jingyun, while Bai Suzhen, who also practiced Samadhi True Fire, could scare away the two righteous gods of the underworld, black and white, and impermanence.

Even in Journey to the West.

Samadhi True Fire is a very powerful magical power. Sun Wukong was injured by this fire. The only powerful spells Zhang Jingyun has now are sword control and thunder. Xiao Qing's two spells were delivered in time.

"System, add more!"

Zhang Jingyun first began to practice the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dharma, which has the effect of helping all things reborn. In the original plot, Xiao Qing was seriously injured by Fahai.

Thousands of years of Taoism were almost destroyed in one day.

Bai Suzhen used this method to help Xiaoqing protect her true essence, and then used the Thousand-year-old Zhu Guo to help her restore her true body. Bai Fu, one of the five ghosts, was destroyed by a monk with a peach wood sword. Bai Suzhen also used this method to help her rebuild her true body. physical body.

Therefore, the most powerful thing about this technique is that it can reshape the physical body. If you can help others in this way, it will naturally benefit you more.

After practicing day and night with Bai Suzhen these days, Zhang Jingyun accumulated a considerable amount of attribute points, enough for him to squander for a while.

Zhang Jingyun is practicing intensively here.

On the other side, Bai Suzhen is also busy with her own affairs. The last time she was let go by Zhao Gongming, the founder of Xuan Tan, because Wen Quxing came to earth, Bai Suzhen had a grudge against Wang Daoling.

The two had a deep hatred three hundred years ago.

Now with a new enemy, Bai Suzhen is determined to make it difficult for Wang Daoling to do anything, and everything he does can be achieved.

Wang Daoling was also in disbelief.

"It's strange, what is the origin of this snake demon? It can actually dissolve three spiritual talismans one after another. It seems that we need to ask General Zhao to take action to beat this snake demon into its true form!"

Wang Daoling once again cast a spell to invite the founder of Xuantan.

Bai Suzhen also frantically burned ingots for Zhao Gongming. The two of them fought each other, which alarmed Zhao Gongming. With a flash of light in front of his eyes, the two appeared in the heavenly palace to confront each other.

Wang Daoling took the first step and knelt down to pay homage to Zhao Gongming, "Disciple, I respectfully invite you, Heavenly Lord!" As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Gongming and his four righteous gods appeared.

"Why did you alert this god for no reason?"

Wang Daoling said: "The demon is too rampant and the disciple cannot surrender, so I have to ask the Lord of Heaven for majestic help!"

Zhao Gongming looked majestic and said: "Who dares to be so rampant, a demon? You are so bold, please lead me to subdue him!"

"It's a thousand-year-old snake demon..."

Before Wang Daoling finished speaking, Bai Suzhen appeared and said: "Disciple Bai Suzhen, I would like to bow to the Lord of Heaven again. I wish the Lord of Heaven to be mighty and prosperous!"

"It's you, White Snake! Get up quickly."

Zhao Gongming said with a kind smile.

Wang Daoling looked confused. What happened to Tianjun? He was so polite to a snake demon. He had completely different attitudes from himself.

Sure enough, Zhao Gongming said to Wang Daoling with a straight face: "What's going on? Why did you have a dispute with White Snake? Tell the truth!"

"Disciple..." Wang Daoling was startled.

Bai Suzhen said at the right time: "He defrauded the people of Qiantang County out of their money. He has evil intentions. He drugged the well water and then sold the antidote to make money. Please ask the Lord of Heaven to make the decision and let him return the defrauded money to the people."

Zhao Gongming understood clearly and immediately yelled: "Wang Daoling, how dare you, a beast, to do such an outrageous thing and not pay back the money!"


Wang Daoling's heart was bleeding, and he glanced at Bai Suzhen fiercely. He had great use for the money, but it turned out to be in vain because of Bai Suzhen's words.

"Thank you Heavenly Lord for your help!"

Bai Suzhen said respectfully.

Zhao Gongming smiled and said: "The fish helps the water, and the water helps the fish. This is all within the responsibility of the god. Madam White Lady, please come back first."

"Disciple, resign!"

After Bai Suzhen finished speaking, she returned to the human world.

Just as Wang Daoling was about to argue for himself about the money, Zhao Gongming's face darkened and he warned: "Don't disturb me indiscriminately from now on! Otherwise you will be severely punished!"

"Best farewell to Heavenly Lord!"

"Humph, what a fuss!"

Wang Daoling was so angry that he didn't vomit blood. After a while, all the gods retreated. Wang Daoling returned to the human world and couldn't help but cursed: "Humph, you whisper to a bitch, but you speak in an official tone to me, what the hell!"

Bai Suzhen was in a good mood after breaking Wang Daoling's good deeds. On the other side, in the security hall, Zhang Jingyun had reached a critical moment in practicing Jiutian Xuanyuan Dafa.

Zhang Jingyun growled.

"System, let me see where your limits are!"

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