People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 220 Help Xiaoqing practice [Please subscribe]

"How could you be poisoned by Hedinghong for no reason?" After hearing Zhang Jingyun's judgment, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing couldn't help but said.

Others also gasped.

Just because this poisonous milk with red crane top is the first of all poisons, it will kill you, and there is no cure. The two grandsons have been begging for a living. The older woman is still blind, and the little granddaughter has not yet arrived. Ten years old.

Everyone present sympathized with him.

"Guanren, what should I do?" Xiao Qing asked.

Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen couldn't help but look at each other. In fact, although the poison of Hedinghong cannot be cured by ordinary medical skills, it may not be possible for practitioners.

"Carry the person to the backyard first."

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while and said.

It is impossible not to save people, because of this incident, Zhang Jingyun always felt that something was unusual, as if someone was deliberately targeting the Security Hall.

Moreover, even if they were to save people, they would probably have to use magic. Of course, such mysterious methods could not be revealed easily, so Bai Fu and others carried the two of them to the backyard.

In the backyard, Bai Suzhen looked at Zhang Jingyun and said: "My lord, it seems that the poison of Crane Crown Red can only be cured by magic. I have deep cultivation and can use dragon beads to absorb the toxin to revive them."

"Sister, you are pregnant and cannot act rashly. It is better for me to use the inner elixir to absorb the toxins." Xiao Qing said suddenly from the side.

"No, Xiaoqing, you barely have a thousand years of Taoism. If you use the inner elixir to revive these two people, I'm afraid you will lose at least fifty years of Taoism."

Bai Suzhen refused without hesitation.

"Madam, Xiaoqing, you two should stop arguing. This matter is revealing to be weird. I will use gold needles to suppress the toxins first. It will not be too late to discuss countermeasures after figuring out the cause and effect."

Zhang Jingyun said at the right time.

Bai Suzhen's cultivation level is no worse than that of some gods. To a certain extent, she can seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, predicting things that are not good for her and taking precautions against them.

She didn't pay attention to the suddenness of this incident. Now after Zhang Jingyun reminded her, Bai Suzhen also realized that the matter was not simple.

The most suspicious thing is that the grandfather and grandson who were begging for food were on another street far away from Baoan Tang. They were also unconscious after the onset of the disease. However, these enthusiastic people did not go to the nearby Zhang's Pharmacy, but instead went to the nearby Zhang's Pharmacy. Wouldn't coming to Baoantang arouse suspicion?

"Officials, please use golden needles to prick the acupoints first to suppress the toxins. I will use magic to calculate the cause and effect." After Bai Suzhen said to Zhang Jingyun, she used magic to calculate.

Zhang Jingyun also took out golden needles and prepared to prick the acupoints. The poison of Hedinghong is generally recognized as incurable, and this highly toxic poison has been kept secret throughout the ages.

But in fact, the poison of Hedinghong is arsenic, which is impure arsenic trioxide, red, also called red vitriol or red letter stone.

Heding Red Poison is a vague term for arsenic. In the main world, arsenic is not incurable and can be cured as long as it is treated promptly.

In comparison.

Paraquat, the elixir of weeding that was taken out of business by the common people, is a real poison with no cure, and there are basically no examples of people who have survived.

Zhang Jingyun used gold needles to seal the patient's heart veins. At least for a short period of time, these two people would not die from the poison.

Moreover, Zhang Jingyun judged the degree of poisoning and used gold acupuncture points combined with detoxification methods to slowly detoxify the two of them with ordinary medical skills.

But time waits for no one now.

Bai Suzhen quickly figured out the cause and effect, "Official, I didn't expect that this incident happened because of me."

Bai Suzhen blamed herself. It turned out that the cause of the incident was that she always wanted to make the security hall famous, so she repeatedly used magic to save people in the name of Zhang Jingyun.

The one with the greatest impact was half a month ago, when the wife of Hangzhou magistrate Chen Lun had a difficult delivery for two days, and all the wives in Hangzhou were helpless.

Chen Lun's wife was about to die on her bed, so Bai Suzhen pretended to be Master Guanyin and instructs Chen Lun in her dream to send someone to look for Zhang Jingyun.

As expected, Chen Lun sent someone to invite Zhang Jingyun the next day. Although Zhang Jingyun looked confused, Bai Suzhen had already arranged everything and arrived at the place. As for giving Chen Lun's wife two pills, it was enough.

In the end, things turned out just as Bai Suzhen expected. Chen Lun's wife gave birth to twins successfully. Chen Lun, the prefect, was grateful to Zhang Jingyun and promised to recommend Zhang Jingyun to join the Three Emperors Patriarch Association.

The Three Emperors Patriarch's Association is a non-governmental organization voluntarily formed by well-known drug stores in Hangzhou, and the position of leader has always been taken in turn.

The establishment of the Three Emperors Patriarchs Association has played a positive role in the development of medical skills. Many famous doctors in the association do have real talents.

Zhang Jingyun didn't care about these worldly things, but at that time Bai Suzhen only wanted to help Zhang Jingyun become famous, so she was particularly active.

In order to join the Three Emperors Patriarchs Association and become famous, Bai Suzhen proposed that the Baoan Tang free clinic would provide free medical treatment to the people of Hangzhou for thirty days.

Unexpectedly, it was Bai Suzhen's original behavior that attracted the prying eyes of villains. The thirty-day free clinic at Baoantan Hall caused a sharp decline in the business of major drug stores.

Not everyone has the kind of ambition that Wang Yuanwai has, hoping that the business of drug stores will be deserted, so that no one will get sick in the world.

Most pharmacies still aim to make money, so Bao'an Tang's thirty-day free clinic was completely offended by these colleagues. The key point is that Bao'an Tang is not a formal member of the Three Emperors Patriarchs Association at this time, and they can't control it.

That's why what happened today.

Someone from the Patriarch of the Three Emperors would secretly plot against Bao'an Tang and inject the poison of Crane Crown Red on the begging ancestors and grandchildren. They would only wait for the person to die and then report it to the officials, saying that Bao'an Tang had cured the person to death.

Even if this doesn't do anything to the security hall, after all, which drug store has never killed someone? But at least it can make Baoantan’s reputation plummet.

As for the grandfather and grandson who were poisoned.

He is a beggar anyway, no one will care if he dies.

Zhang Jingyun sighed, sometimes it is like this, the human heart is more terrifying than some demons and ghosts, even when a living person will do whatever it takes.

Already more like a monster than a monster.

Bai Suzhen felt guilty. She had good intentions and just wanted to make Zhang Jingyun famous, but instead she caused Zhang Jingyun a lot of trouble. She was obviously repaying her kindness, but now she seems to be here to take revenge.

Zhang Jingyun comforted: "My wife is doing it for my own good, what can I do wrong? It's all my fault for those insidious and evil people in the Three Emperors Patriarch Association.

I see that since its establishment, this organization has deviated from its original intention of promoting medical skills. Instead, it has gradually become a tool for drug stores to make money and protect their interests.

From this point of view, it’s okay not to have such an organization. I want my husband to cure the two grandsons first, and then look for opportunities to uncover the evil thieves who poison people. "

Bai Suzhen softened her attitude. Zhang Jingyun said this, which made her feel better. She was repaying the favor. If it backfired, it would make Bai Suzhen wonder whether it was a mistake for her to come to the mortal world.

"Actually, you have done so many things for me, and I have seen them all without rejecting them. So if you really want to decide whether it is right or wrong, I am also responsible."

"Officer..." Bai Suzhen was moved.

"Sister, officer, if you don't take action, these two grandsons will really be hopeless." Xiao Qing couldn't help but remind them when they were still tired.

"You girl, are you going to be gone if you don't want to?"

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but nodded Xiao Qing's forehead and said, "Since you are so active, I will leave the task of detoxifying to you."

"Me?" Xiaoqing said in surprise.

Bai Suzhen also said quickly: "Officials can't do this. This will damage Xiaoqing's moral integrity. I'd better do the poisoning myself."

"My wife has misunderstood. I am not bullying Xiaoqing, but a human life has great merits. Even if Xiaoqing will damage his Taoism, he will make up for it at worst. I am doing this for her own good." Zhang Jingyun said slowly.

Xiao Qing was doubtful, "Really?"

"Can I lie to you?" Zhang Jingyun asked sideways.

Afterwards, Xiao Qing finally spit out the inner elixir. The thousand-year inner elixir blooming with green light entered the bodies of the old woman and the little girl successively, absorbed the toxins, and finally returned to Xiao Qing's body.


Xiao Qing's complexion quickly changed between blue and black, absorbing the poison of Hedinghong, even if Xiao Qing had a thousand years of Taoism, he would feel uncomfortable.

"Saving people is a great merit, and it is not necessary for me, but it often has unexpected benefits for strange spirits." Zhang Jingyun said.

Some monsters will be destroyed by the gods in one encounter, while some monsters will be transformed by the gods, and it is not a bad idea to be ranked among the immortals.

In the original plot, Xiaoqing also used inner elixirs to save people. Later, he received the guidance of Master Guanyin and practiced beside him for twenty years. This is the creation of merit.

"Is Xiaoqing okay?" Bai Suzhen asked with concern, and the latter slowly let out a breath of black breath, "I just lost fifty years of Taoism, and the officials have to compensate me."

Xiao Qing glared as he spoke, and Zhang Jingyun chuckled and said, "Okay, I'll just accompany you. Come to my room tonight."

Xiaoqing's face turned red, "Bah! How dare an official say such a thing in front of my sister? Huh, I'll ignore you."

Bai Suzhen looked strange when she saw Xiao Qing's reaction: "Guan Ren, actually Xiao Qing is not young anymore. If Guan Ren wants to take care of Xiao Qing..."

Zhang Jingyun quickly stopped: "Let's not talk about this for now, the patient is awake." At the right time, the old woman who was begging for food moved, and the girl next to her also opened her eyes.

"Where am I?"

the little girl asked timidly.

Zhang Jingyun said: "This is Baoantang Pharmacy. Did you and grandma eat something?"

"My grandma and I ate buns given by someone. They were big and delicious. After eating the buns, I couldn't remember anything." The little girl said.

"What kind of person can I hear?"

Zhang Jingyun asked softly, then stretched out his right hand and touched the little girl's head, carefully feeling the memory in the little girl's mind.

"It's a man in blue..."

Zhang Jingyun soon determined the identity of the poisoner. He was the second-in-command of the Three Emperors Patriarch Association and the well-known Dr. Zhang.

“Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts!”

When Bai Suzhen was sighing, a team of police officers arrived. The leader looked very familiar. It was his brother-in-law Li Gongfu who was the head catcher.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Li Gongfu pulled Zhang Jingyun aside and asked in a low voice: "We were assigned by the prefect to come to you to confirm a case of misdiagnosis and death. Tell your brother-in-law honestly that you didn't kill the person, right?"

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved: "If no one reported it, my brother-in-law would not come in person. I want to know who knew someone was dead in the security hall so quickly?"

"It's Zheng Jiesheng, the leader of the Three Emperors Patriarch Association, and Dr. Zhang. They insist that Bao'an Tang misdiagnosed and killed the person."

Li Gongfu frowned: "Listen to what you mean, is there someone framed? Don't worry, as long as you walk and sit upright, my brother-in-law will not let you be wronged."

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, Bao'an Tang did not kill anyone, they underestimated Bao'an Tang's medical skills.

In addition, the brother-in-law cannot let the two reporters go and falsely accuse them of the same crime, but Dr. Zhang is most likely the murderer who poisoned people. If the brother-in-law searches his house, he may be able to find poisons such as Hedinghong. "

"False accusation, these two people must be guilty of unclear crimes. If they still hide the crane top secretly, then the crime will be increased to one level. The Chinese text will wait a moment. We will go back to arrest Zheng Jiesheng and Doctor Zhang." Li Gongfu led people to search the security hall. After finding no dead body, he returned to the Yamen.

In the afternoon of the same day, Zhang Jingyun was invited to the Yamen. The prefect Chen Lun personally greeted the great benefactor who saved his wife and children. "Doctor Xu, this situation is already clear to me. It is completely a villain's scheme. We have arrested the prisoner and brought him to justice." , and restore Dr. Xu’s innocence.”

"Thank you Magistrate Chen, but I didn't expect that the Three Emperors Patriarch Association would not even tolerate free clinics, and would even do such a crazy thing.

In my opinion, the Three Emperors Patriarch Association has deviated from its original intention and is no longer aiming to spread medical skills. If such an organization loses its roots, there is no need to stay. "

"This..." Chen Lun said hesitantly: "Having said that, the Three Emperors Patriarch Association has made contributions to the medical skills of Hangzhou City after all. It would be a pity if it was banned."

Just as he was talking, Chen Lun suddenly changed the subject and said: "It would be better to do this. Doctor Xu's medical skills are highly recognized by our government and his character is obvious to all. Why not ban the first rotation mechanism of the Three Emperors Patriarchs Association and let Doctor Xu be the leader? ?”

"This..." Zhang Jingyun quickly refused: "I'm sorry that my abilities are limited, but I can never bear the responsibility of being the leader."

"Doctor Xu, why should you be too humble? Those who are capable work hard. I am heartbroken that the Patriarch of the Three Emperors will end up in the same situation as he is today. As long as you are willing to be the leader, I will fully support you." Chen Lun said slowly.

Zhang Jingyun's thoughts changed. Chen Lun's status was extraordinary. It didn't matter whether he was the leader or not, but Bai Suzhen had always hoped that she would become famous.

This is indeed a rare opportunity.

"That's fine! Then I'd rather be respectful than obey your orders." Zhang Jingyun agreed, and Chen Lun didn't treat him as an outsider: "Madam would like to thank Dr. Xu personally, and we will pay a visit in person when we have the opportunity."


The poisonous crisis of Hedinghong will be over.

Zhang Jingyun told Bai Suzhen about the news that he was about to serve as the head of the Three Emperors Patriarch Association. The latter was naturally happy and felt that he was looking forward to his husband's success.

"Madam, in fact, for us cultivators, these worldly reputations are not important. How can you and I live together in the mortal world compare to living the same life as heaven and spending countless years together in the immortal world."

Bai Suzhen's heart trembled, remembering that day when she went to heaven and was trapped in a heavenly and earthly net by Our Lady of Yaochi. Bai Suzhen told Our Lady that she was devoted to the Tao.

However, the Holy Mother of Yaochi mercilessly criticized Bai Suzhen, saying that she had not given up her ordinary heart and was ups and downs in the world. How could she say she was devoted to the Tao?

Bai Suzhen suddenly realized that when she came to the mortal world, besides repaying her kindness, did she still remember that her original intention was to ascend to immortality?

"Being greedy for the mortal world, could it be that I have fallen into a demonic barrier?" Bai Suzhen couldn't help but wonder in her heart. Zhang Jingyun didn't say anything. In fact, Bai Suzhen had already fallen into a demonic barrier due to obsession without knowing it.

Bai Suzhen came down to earth to repay her kindness, just to become an immortal. However, as time passed, Bai Suzhen even wanted to give up becoming an immortal, which shows that her Taoist heart is indeed weak.

Zhang Jingyun also intentionally or unintentionally criticized Bai Suzhen. After all, it is better for him to ascend to immortality alone than for two people to become a pair.

Afterwards, Bai Suzhen took the initiative to propose to Zhang Jingyun that she wanted to retreat for a period of time. Zhang Jingyun agreed, and then called Xiaoqing into the room that night.

"Officer...Sister is not here, what do you want?" Xiao Qing pinched the corner of her skirt, and for some reason her eyes were evasive as she spoke.

"Didn't you lose fifty years of cultivation during the day? Tonight is the full moon, I will help you practice!" Zhang Jingyun said without changing his expression.

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