People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 221 The stolen treasure from Prince Liang’s Mansion【Please subscribe】

"Xiaoqing, I will help you practice tonight."

Zhang Jingyun's words made Xiaoqing tremble in her heart, and then for some reason, her face turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even his words were stuttering, "Guanren, I...this is too sudden. My sister is not at home. If she agrees, then I have no problem."

Zhang Jingyun looked strange: "My wife is not at home, what does it have to do with me helping you practice? And why do you need my wife's consent?"

"Guanren, I know that my sister has a deep love for you, but this kind of thing cannot be decided by Guanren and me in private. I have to respect my sister's opinion." Xiao Qing said coyly.

Zhang Jingyun: "???"

Feeling that he and Xiao Qing were not talking about the same thing, Zhang Jingyun subconsciously asked: "Xiao Qing, the practice you think is not between me and my wife..."

"Official, you know it and you still say it!"

Xiao Qing lowered her head and looked shy.

Zhang Jingyun felt like he was struck by lightning when he saw her reaction. Good guy, Bai Suzhen actually told Xiaoqing about practicing dual cultivation with herself.

So much so that Xiaoqing thought that Zhang Jingyun was talking about practicing dual cultivation with her, and looking at her, she didn't seem to be in conflict with it. Instead, she said that as long as Bai Suzhen agreed, it would be fine.

"So what is Xiaoqing hinting at me?"

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but think in his heart, "Maybe Xiaoqing has had this idea for a long time, and is he expressing his position to me today?

Sigh, why is my mind suddenly getting more and more confused? I am just thinking about dual cultivation. Today I am obviously going to help Xiaoqing recover her damaged cultivation! "

Zhang Jingyun slapped his forehead and almost forgot about the business, "Xiao Qing, we will discuss this matter later. In fact, I came to you tonight because I wanted to take advantage of the full moon night to help you recover your cultivation."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Qing's expression changed instantly, from being shy just now to becoming extremely flustered. Thinking of what he just said, it was totally wrong and she wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

"My lord, just recover your damaged cultivation slowly. Why bother my lord? It will be Xiao Qing's fault if you get hurt again."

"With your cultivation, you won't be able to harm me. Alright, concentrate on gathering your energy, guard the mourning platform, and operate the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa."

As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, Xiaoqing started to use the exercises. Compared with the exercises she practiced before, the ones she practiced now were inherited from the orthodox immortal family, and she had the hope of becoming an immortal.

However, Xiaoqing has been practicing Jiutian Xuanyuan Dafa not long ago, and his Taoism will not change much in a short period of time, so he needs external help.

The night of the full moon is the most suitable day for most alien spirits to practice. Monsters who are successful in practice will swallow inner elixirs on the night of the full moon and absorb the moon essence to improve their skills.

Just one day of practice is worth more than a month of hard work. It takes time and effort to achieve human form. Xiaoqing will also practice on this day, but the moonlight essence she absorbs is also very limited.

After Xiao Qing practiced his skills, Zhang Jingyun also formed a seal and silently recited the mantra "Lighting and Gathering Qi". In an instant, Xiao Qing felt that the moonlight essence above his head became extremely rich, as if it was a holy land for cultivation.

Not only that, Zhang Jingyun also uses the technique, which is the same as Xiao Qing's Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa, leading the moonlight above his head to pass into Xiao Qing's inner elixir.

As a bunch of rich moonlight poured into the inner elixir, Xiaoqing opened her mouth and inhaled fiercely. A strong wind suddenly blew up in the courtyard. The inner elixir filled with essence sank into Xiaoqing Cherry's small mouth extremely smoothly. .


Xiaoqing made a sound almost of enjoyment.

The essence Zhang Jingyun injected into her was so rich that it had a strange aroma in her mouth, so much so that she was reluctant to swallow it.

After completely digesting the essence of the inner elixir, Xiao Qing slowly opened her mouth, spit out the inner elixir, and continued to inject the essence from Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun injected the essence into Xiao Qing nine times in a row. The moon above his head seemed to dim a bit. Xiao Qing finally reached the limit. The inner elixir was full and full of moonlight essence. If he continued to inject it, it would only overflow.

"Officer, thank you for your help!"

Xiaoqing looked at Zhang Jingyun and thanked him.

Zhang Jingyun restrained his breath and stopped running the exercises. As soon as the light gathering method stopped, the moonlight essence above his head suddenly dispersed eight or nine layers. Xiao Qing now only felt that this kind of cultivation efficiency was extremely slow.

"Tonight's practice is enough to make up for your damage and even improve it. Unfortunately, this kind of practice method will have no effect after the second time. You will still have to rely on yourself in the future."

Zhang Jingyun said harmoniously.

Xiaoqing's eyes were complicated, and Bai Suzhen was very good to her, so she was devoted to Bai Suzhen. No matter what Bai Suzhen did, she would follow him without hesitation.

Now Zhang Jingyun is so kind to her.

Xiao Qing couldn't help but have the idea that she was willing to go to hell for Zhang Jingyun. No matter what Zhang Jingyun asked her to do, Xiao Qing had no complaints.

"Guanren, why are you so nice to me?"

Zhang Jingyun looked strange: "What are you talking about? We are a family. Could it be that one day your sister and I are in trouble, will you abandon us?"

"Of course not. I just risked my life. Thousands of years of Taoism will be destroyed in one day. I will no longer become an immortal in this life, but I still have to protect officials and people."

Xiao Qing's words were resounding. After hearing this, Zhang Jingyun showed a smile on his face, "It's late at night, go back and stabilize your cultivation."


Three days later, Bai Suzhen came back.

Zhang Jingyun could feel that Bai Suzhen had undergone some changes after being in seclusion for several days. Her breath became more ethereal and ethereal, and she felt like she wanted to ride the wind back home. Zhang Jingyun knew it immediately.

Bai Suzhen is one step closer to becoming an immortal.

She originally wanted to become an immortal and come to the mortal world, originally to repay her kindness, but unknowingly, she deviated from her original intention. Now she feels curiously back to the way she was before meeting Zhang Jingyun in the West Lake.

"Why do officials look at me like this?"

Bai Suzhen blinked and said.

"My wife has changed a lot since before."

"It was Guan Ren's words that suddenly made me realize. How could being together in this mortal world compare to being able to ascend to immortality with Guan Ren?

During the two days of retreat, I thought carefully about what I had done before. Several times, I even thought that I would rather give up this Taoist practice and no longer become an immortal. I have practiced hard in Qingfeng Cave for more than 1,700 years, but my mental state has not changed yet. Living among enemies for more than half a year shows that the world of mortals is really scary. "

Bai Suzhen said with lingering fear.

Zhang Jingyun nodded, "The little hermit is hiding in the wild, the big hermit is hiding in the city, the wife is practicing in Qingfeng Cave, it is a pity that she has made progress in her Taoism, but her state of mind is not.

Well, in this way, I also have a meditation method, which specializes in spiritual cultivation. Spiritual cultivation is like a mind-centering ape under the Five-Finger Mountain, which will be of great use to the lady. "

Bai Suzhen was curious, "A skill that specializes in cultivating the mind? The official knows so many exquisite secret techniques. I wonder which sect of Xuanmen the official comes from?"

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while and said: "When I first started practicing Taoism, I was considered a disciple of Maoshan, and later I learned some Kunlun magic from a post-academic scholar.

Recently, by chance, I got the inheritance of Zhong Kui's Dharma lineage. Actually, I don't know which sect it belongs to, but the most powerful inheritance, the lady should also understand. The Yellow Emperor was practicing this technique in the beginning! "

Zhang Jingyun winked at Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen understood immediately and said angrily: "Does the official want to imitate Huangdi? Hum! Xiaoqing and I will not agree, so just give up on this idea."

"What does it have to do with Xiaoqing..."

Zhang Jingyun was sweating profusely, even though he had done nothing, he still felt like he had done something wrong. No matter how he thought about it, he felt very wrong.


Time passes slowly.

Three months passed by in a flash, and Bai Suzhen's belly had not changed significantly. However, due to her pregnancy, her spells became erratic and inoperable.

Zhang Jingyun was a little worried. If the spell didn't work, he would be very passive when encountering strong enemies. However, after all, Bai Suzhen was protected by Wenquxing, so it wasn't a big problem.

Zhang Jingyun has been accumulating attribute points, first upgrading the spells he had practiced before, and then preparing to cultivate a powerful magical power.

Nowadays, Zhang Jingyun does know a lot of spells, but there are only two that can be called magical powers.

One of them is still a Buddhist magical power with a six-foot golden body, and the other one is a new one from Bai Suzhen and has never been practiced.

It is easy to practice shrinking the ground to an inch, flying up to the sky and entering the earth. The speed is so fast that it is even stronger than Sun Wukong's Somersault Cloud.

But what kind of cultivation is Monkey King, the Monkey King? He is not even a bit better than Zhang Jingyun. No matter how slow Sun Wukong is in somersaulting, Zhang Jingyun can't catch up now.

Because they have to concentrate on practicing many techniques, most of the affairs in the Security Hall are left to Xiaoqing and Wufanggui to handle, while Bai Suzhen takes the time to manage the Three Emperors Patriarch Association.

The three of them have their own division of labor, and they have cured many illnesses and saved many lives. In addition, Bao'an Tang had cured the Hedinghong poison before and became famous, and there was an endless stream of people seeking medical treatment and medicine.


Zhang Jingyun has also been named a famous doctor in Hangzhou. Although treating illnesses and saving people may delay his practice, there are pros and cons. Saving people is a merit. Zhang Jingyun can clearly feel that the merit has added to his body and he can practice more freely.

Even Zhang Jingyun felt that.

If the three of them live quietly like this, forgetting their identities as monster monks, and without the interference of old monk Fa Hai, they will naturally attain enlightenment and become immortals.

However, there were some things that had been clearly arranged by a hand in the dark. The peace that Zhang Jingyun wanted was quickly broken.

This day is a special day for the Three Emperors Patriarch Association, which is the birthday of Shennong. According to the usual practice, the Patriarch Association first invites local gentry to a banquet at the "Ancestor Temple" and also brings out antiques and treasures for everyone to appreciate.

There has been little publicity in the Three Emperors Patriarchs Association in the past three months. In fact, because of the security hall, members of the Three Emperors Patriarchs Association have long complained.

After holding back for three months, these people finally took action. They deliberately expanded the scale of the event, pretending to welcome the new leader, but in reality they wanted to humiliate Zhang Jingyun and force him to resign as leader.

Zhang Jingyun didn't notice these people's little moves, but Bai Suzhen, who was in charge of managing the Patriarch Association, had already understood what these people were thinking.

The members of the Three Emperors Patriarch Association wanted to make Zhang Jingyun look bad, but Bai Suzhen disagreed, so she decided to find some precious antiques to slap them in the face.

Zhang Jingyun would not know about this.

Otherwise, she could easily take some treasures from Cixi's tomb from the system space, which would be enough for these superficial people who have never seen the world to envy them for a while.

However, it turned out that Bai Suzhen had no treasures, so she asked Xiaoqing to find someone to borrow some and return them after Shennong's birthday.

However, Xiao Qing said that it is so hard to borrow something, but it is so easy to just steal the treasure and just put it back quietly after the display is over.

Bai Suzhen thought about it. A treasure that can calm everyone must be a rare treasure in the world, and it is impossible for normal people to lend it to others.

It won't cause any trouble if you steal it and use it first, then change it back after use. To be on the safe side, choose a target carefully.

Bai Suzhen was very thoughtful. Even if she was caught stealing something, she had to ensure that the owner would not pursue the matter, so that there wouldn't be any trouble.

As for why the owner didn't pursue the case.

There is only one possibility, and that is that his treasure also came from an evil source. In this case, the target will be very easy to choose.

At that time, he was the prime minister of the country and the king of Liang.

Bai Suzhen calculated that there were four treasures hidden in the Liang Prince's Mansion, namely: the Fire God Bead, the Mutton Fat Jade Purity Vase, the Hourly Bagua Furnace, and the God Juntian's Music Picture.

The reason why these four treasures can be called rare treasures in the world is that they are almost magic weapons and have some magical power.

The Fire God Bead can make water boil without fire.

The mutton-fat jade purification bottle is a Buddhist instrument. According to folklore, both Guanyin Bodhisattva and Taishang Laojun possess this treasure, which can make dead trees spring again.

God Juntian plays music, as long as the picture is unfolded, the music of Shengge will be played in the picture. As for the hour Bagua furnace, also known as Laojun furnace, sandalwood can be raised according to the hour.

These four treasures are the most precious things in Prince Liang's Mansion. Bai Suzhen dared to let Xiaoqing steal them, even though she knew that the treasures were stolen from Prince Liang's Mansion, she did not dare to tell them.

Because these four treasures were withheld by King Liang from the tributes paid by the barbarians, if this spread, the whole family of Prince Liang's house might be raided and beheaded.

This is absolutely a mortal sin.

The background of this world is almost the Song Dynasty. What kind of thing is the Song Dynasty like? I am the only one who can give tribute to others. Who dares to give tribute to me?

The few tributes were a miracle. King Liang actually hid four of the most precious ones. It was really not enough to satisfy his anger without killing them.

Sure enough, it was because Prince Liang's Mansion did not dare to say anything, that Xiao Qing did not even disguise himself when he went to steal the treasure. However, the guards at Prince Liang's Mansion were still very strong. There were two groups of people taking turns guarding the treasure house. Xiao Qing did not sneak in to steal the treasure alone at all. opportunity, so she grabbed it instead.

He directly cast spells to injure the guards, loaded up the treasures, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

Sure enough, the treasure was stolen, and the palace did not dare to announce it. Prince Liang's son Liang Lian told Queen Liang the bad news, and the latter was so angry that she fainted.

For this reason, Prince Liang's Mansion could only search for famous doctors while secretly sending people to track down the stolen treasures. On this day, Liang Lian heard that a famous doctor had appeared in Hangzhou...


"Sister, you don't know that after I showed the treasure, those people couldn't take their eyes away. All the members of the Three Emperors Patriarch Association worked hard to search for the treasure, but they were too embarrassed to show it."

Xiao Qing said proudly.

Bai Suzhen warned: "Don't be too proud. The treasure came from a wrong place. Now that the display is over, we still have to send it back quickly."

"Why give it away? I stole it based on my ability, so I didn't return it to them. And weren't these treasures also secretly taken away by Prince Liang's Mansion? How dare they say it?" Xiao Qing said confidently.

"No, if it causes trouble for the officials, it will be counterproductive." Bai Suzhen said, she had a bad feeling.

"What trouble are you causing me?"

Zhang Jingyun appeared at the right time, practiced hard for half an hour, and finally perfected the ability to shrink to an inch. It can be said that his current achievements are all due to his own hard work!

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun suddenly glanced at the four treasures in front of him, and the rich treasure aura went straight into his eyes.

This kind of treasure is absolutely the best in the world.

Seeing Zhang Jingyun, Xiaoqing's eyes dodge a little, as if she had done something bad. Zhang Jingyun subconsciously pinched his fingers and almost vomited blood.

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