People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 222 Prince Liang, you don’t want to either [please subscribe]

Chapter 222 Prince Liang, you don’t want to either... [Please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun's expression changed slightly. If this had not happened, he, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing would be able to practice peacefully while living in the security hall.

Although Baoan Tang is not big, it sees many patients every day. Treating illnesses and saving lives is a meritorious deed. Coupled with tempering one's character in the world of mortals, it is reasonable to say that ascending to immortality is just around the corner.

It's just that there are some things that Zhang Jingyun can't control. If he hadn't seen these four treasures, he wouldn't have paid much attention to the name of Prince Liang's Mansion, and Zhang Jingyun wouldn't have deliberately made any inferences.

But when these four treasures were placed in front of him and Zhang Jingyun used magic calculations again, he realized that trouble was coming and it was too late to avoid it.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and sighed.

It would be great if he knew all the plots, and he could completely avoid them in advance, but he doesn't know everything about the stories related to the Legend of White Snake.

The White Snake repays a favor, the meeting on the broken bridge, and the appearance of the Dragon Boat Festival. Zhang Jingyun is familiar with these classic stories, so he can naturally predict them in advance.

But like what happened today.

To be honest, Zhang Jingyun couldn't avoid it in advance. Who knew that Bai Suzhen would ask Xiaoqing to steal the treasure, and it would also involve Prince Liang's house.

Although Bai Suzhen had made careful preparations and investigated the situation in Prince Liang's palace, she knew that these four treasures were tribute from the barbarians and had been secretly withheld by Prince Liang.

Because of this, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing were convinced that even if the treasure in Prince Liang's mansion was lost, they would not dare to announce it. Even if they knew that the treasure was stolen by them, they would not dare to do anything to themselves because they were worried that the matter would be exposed.

However, a wise man will always make mistakes.

Even if Bai Suzhen can calculate well, sometimes she will make omissions, and this omission may cost herself a heavy price.

Seeing Zhang Jingyun's expression was wrong, Xiao Qing lowered her head, feeling as if she had done something bad and was caught red-handed, and did not dare to look directly into Zhang Jingyun's eyes.

Even Bai Suzhen felt a little uneasy at this moment. For a practitioner, uneasiness is not an illusion, but a warning from heaven.

However, Bai Suzhen was pregnant, and her spells sometimes didn't work. She was anxious to figure out what to do but had no clue. She had no choice but to give up.

"Officer, I asked Xiao Qing to borrow these four treasures from Prince Liang's Mansion. Now that they are on display, I will ask Xiao Qing to return them. I don't think Prince Liang dares to make a big fuss about them." Bai Suzhen said.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "Madam, it's already too late, and you may not know how much trouble this matter will cause today."

When Xiao Qing heard this, his expression finally changed: "Officer, what happened? That Prince Liang is just a powerful person in the world, what threat can he pose to us and other practitioners?"

"Who is the King of Liang? He is a flatterer. He can only stir up troubles in the court. He will know his fate after he has committed many evil deeds.

Alas, I was too negligent this time and forgot that you sisters have been practicing in the mountains for many years and do not have a thorough understanding of the human world. "

Zhang Jingyun's words left Bai Suzhen and Zhang Jingyun confused. Both of them were good at competing in spells, but they were not so good at dealing with the human world.

For example, some of the problems encountered by the Security Hall before. The people of the Three Emperors Patriarch Association wanted to blame the Security Tower. It seemed that they had evil intentions.

However, under the management of Bai Suzhen, Bao'an Tang was really in the limelight. Bai Suzhen wanted to make Zhang Jingyun famous, but she didn't understand that any beauty in the forest would be destroyed by the wind.

All in all, it's still not low-key enough.

Zhang Jingyun didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing before, after all, how much trouble he could cause in the mortal world, but this time it finally made Zhang Jingyun feel troublesome.

Just listen to Zhang Jingyun say, "Prince Liang's Mansion is not scary, but you sisters don't know that you have to pay attention to your background when you come out to hang out. You can't just fight and kill."

"Background? We have it too!" Xiao Qing was puzzled: "My sister studied under Old Mother Lishan. She is a respected deity and received guidance from Guanyin Bodhisattva."

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

"If you don't have this background, you can't just go to Lishan Mother and Guanyin Bodhisattva if you encounter trouble, right? King Liang once funded the expansion of Jinshan Temple and had a close relationship with the abbot of Jinshan Temple. Do you know this?"

"I don't know." Bai Suzhen shook her head.

Xiao Qing also said: "Jinshan Temple, is it powerful?"

"The presiding Fahai of Jinshan Temple is said to have boundless power. The sea splits and the mountains collapse. Therefore, he is named after the sea of ​​​​Fa. He is also successful in cultivation and is one step away from attaining the status of Arhat."

"Fahai..." Bai Suzhen recited this name, feeling an inexplicable feeling, as if she had been entangled in her previous life.

"Sister is only one step away from becoming an immortal." Xiao Qing said at the right time: "What can Fahai do no matter how powerful he is?"

"Xiaoqing, don't sit in a well and look at the sky!"

Zhang Jingyun reprimanded in a low voice: "The lady is not the only one with background, there are countless people with deep opportunities inside and outside the Three Realms, don't underestimate anyone.

Fahai is different from ordinary monks. His cultivation has already reached the level of attaining Arhat status, and he has been able to ascend long ago. "

"Then why is he still here in the world?"

Xiao Qing was puzzled. Zhang Jingyun glanced at her and thought: "Isn't this just to catch you and my wife? Otherwise, he would have become a Buddha long ago."

"He naturally has his own reasons for staying in the world. Let's try not to mess with him. Behind my wife, there is Old Mother Lishan and Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But Fahai is a direct disciple of Tathagata Buddha, and it involves Buddhism. It's hard to say which side Guanyin Bodhisattva will take. Do you understand? "

Bai Suzhen's complexion changed slightly: "It's my fault that you are so powerful, officials. If I hadn't asked Xiaoqing to steal the treasure from Prince Liang's Mansion, it wouldn't be like this."

Zhang Jingyun comforted: "It's not that bad. Fahai is just the worst outcome. There is still room for maneuver now.

King Liang originally funded the expansion of Jinshan Temple, and Fahai owed him a favor. King Liang would not use this favor easily. Moreover, King Liang fainted when he learned that the treasure was stolen, and he did not care about looking for Fahai now. "

"No matter what, I did something wrong in this matter. Xiaoqing and I will listen to the officials on what we should do in the future," Bai Suzhen said.

Zhang Jingyun held Bai Suzhen's hands and said sternly: "I feel reassured by the lady's words. Husband and wife are of the same mind, and they can cut through metal. Even Fahai is not that scary."

"Then who am I..."

Xiaoqing spoke timidly from the side.

In fact, she also bears a lot of responsibility for this matter. At least if she hadn't been so arrogant when stealing the treasure and didn't even bother to disguise herself, she wouldn't have been so passive.

Now, the guards of Prince Liang's Mansion have all seen Xiao Qing, and they can recognize him as soon as they meet him. Even if Xiao Qing can quibble, so many people have seen the four treasures displayed openly in the Patriarch Temple. Anyone who is interested will soon know Know.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Xiao Qing and said jokingly: "You will only cause trouble for me. At most, you will be a maidservant."

"What does a maid do?"

Xiaoqing looked at Bai Suzhen and asked.

Bai Suzhen's face was slightly red, and she whispered something in Xiaoqing's ear. The next second, Xiaoqing turned visibly red.

"If the officials don't dislike it, that's fine!"

Xiaoqing's voice was barely audible at the end. Zhang Jingyun wanted to tease her, but suddenly there was a warning in his heart.

Zhang Jingyun quickly calculated and soon came to the conclusion, "It's better to come early than to come by chance. People from Prince Liang's Palace have already come to Hangzhou."

"What! Why are they moving so fast?" Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing looked at each other and subconsciously became worried.

"Don't panic. I have just calculated that the people coming from Prince Liang's Mansion are Prince Liang's son Liang Lian and some of his bodyguards. Their main purpose of coming to Hangzhou is to find famous doctors to treat Prince Liang."

"A famous doctor in Hangzhou? Isn't that you, the official?" Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing looked strange. What a coincidence. Now in Hangzhou, only Zhang Jingyun is the most famous and can be called a famous doctor.

Liang Lian probably never dreamed that the woman who went to Prince Liang's house to steal the treasure a few days ago was the woman next to Zhang Jingyun.

"Liang Lian will definitely come to ask me to treat Prince Liang, and people from Prince Liang's palace will also inquire about the stolen treasure.

We displayed the treasures in the Patriarch Temple with great fanfare. The news would never be hidden from Liang Lian, and it was only a matter of time before he discovered it. " Zhang Jingyun affirmed.

"so what should I do now?"

"Put away the treasures first. No matter what, the four treasures are the leverage of Prince Liang's Mansion and cannot be handed over easily.

Prince Liang's Mansion is in Lin'an, and it is imperative to go to Lin'an. Be prepared, and hope that this matter can come to an end in Prince Liang's Mansion. "

Zhang Jingyun hopes this is the case.


Liang Lian came quickly.

As soon as he arrived in Hangzhou, he learned through the prefect Chen Lun that there was a famous doctor in Hangzhou who could even cure the incurable Hedinghong poison.

"Doctor Xu Xianxu really has such ability?" Liang Lian looked delighted, even the imperial doctor was helpless against the poison of crane crown red.

Chen Lun nodded: "This is what I saw with my own eyes. People from the Three Emperors Patriarch Association framed Xu Xian, but Xu Xian was able to cure the poison of Hedinghong.

The person responsible for the poisoning still didn't believe it and denied it in every possible way, claiming that no one in the world could detoxify the Hedinghong poison, so the poison he had administered was not Hedinghong.

In this kind of case, it would be difficult to pronounce a verdict if the evidence of the crime is not caught face to face, but Dr. Xu Xian's ability is beyond our imagination.

He personally took the crane-crested red poison and was cured of it, proving that the poison was curable. He then listed many evidences of the man's crimes and finally settled the matter. "

"He is a talented person. Please recommend him to Magistrate Chen. I would like to ask him to go to Lin'an to treat my father." Liang Lian said politely.

"Wherever, Mrs. Xu's medical ethics are obvious to all, and she would never do anything to save someone." Chen Lun told the truth.

"Well, then I will leave this matter to you, Magistrate Chen. If Xu Xian can really wake up my father, I will take care of Magistrate Chen's promotion.

In addition, I have something else to ask Magistrate Chen to help me find out about the four treasures that have appeared in Hangzhou. Remember, don't make it public. "

"I wonder which four treasures they are?"

"Fire Divine Bead, Mutton Fat Jade Purity Vase, God Juntian Playing Music Pictures, and Hourly Bagua Furnace! These four treasures are extremely involved. We must not reveal that they are related to Prince Liang's Mansion... Magistrate Chen, are you still listening?"

As Liang Lian was talking, he noticed that Chen Lun had a strange look on his face, because the names of the four treasures he mentioned were so familiar.

"Mr. Liang, if the official heard correctly, most of the gentry in Hangzhou City know the news about these four treasures."

"What? How did they know?"

Liang Lian's expression changed greatly. The four treasures were tributes. If word spread, how could there be peace in Prince Liang's palace? The confiscation of the family and the extermination of the clan are just around the corner.

When pushed into a desperate situation, one can only rebel.

"That's it..."

Chen Lun told Liang Lian everything, and the latter was really surprised and happy when he heard that the owner of the treasure was Xu Xian's wife.

"Take me to see Xu Xian quickly!"


Inside the security hall.

Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen seemed to be waiting for someone. Xiao Qing stood aside with wandering eyes. When Liang Lian and others rushed into the security hall, the guards of Prince Liang's Mansion immediately recognized Xiao Qing when they saw him.

"Mr. Liang, it's her!"

Liang Lian raised his hand to signal the guard to say no more, and then said to Chen Lunming: "Prefect Chen, this must be Dr. Xu Xianxu?"

"It's Xu Xian."

Zhang Jingyun stood up, cupped his hands to the two of them and said, "I'm Xu Xian, with Chinese characters, Mr. Chen, who is this young master?"

"In Xia Liang Company, I heard that Dr. Xu has four rare treasures that have amazed the gentry of Hangzhou. Can you show them to me too?"

"Master Liang traveled thousands of miles just to see the treasure?" Zhang Jingyun's expression remained unchanged and he asked calmly.

"Also, I heard that Dr. Xu has superb medical skills. My father has been feeling unwell recently due to some thieves, so he asked Dr. Xu to look at him. The consultation fee is good."

"Treating people is a matter of duty. Please wait a moment, Master Liang. We will set off as soon as we are ready." Zhang Jingyun said without hesitation.

Liang Lian was quite surprised, "I'm glad, Doctor Xu, but I still have to ask for help regarding the treasure. It just so happens that Magistrate Chen is here. For Magistrate Chen's sake, it can open Liang's eyes."

"Young Master Liang is overly worried. You can look at the treasure at any time, but your father is not feeling well. Isn't it appropriate to look at the treasure now?

Why don't I take the treasure with me, and when the patient is cured, Mr. Liang will take his time to take a look at it. Besides, my wife is worried if I go out alone, so she has to follow me. "

Zhang Jingyun's words made Liang Lian confused, thinking, if the other party was really a thief, he wouldn't be so bold, right?

"In that case, let this girl come too. One more is more, and two more is also more." Liang Lian pointed at Xiao Qing and said.


Zhang Jingyun readily agreed.

Although Liang Lian didn't know what Zhang Jingyun was paying attention to, he knew that as long as Zhang Jingyun, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing entered Prince Liang's mansion, he would have the final say whether they would live or die.

"I wonder how Doctor Xu plans to treat my father?" Liang Lian asked curiously on the way. Although he was happy to get the news about the treasure, Prince Liang's illness also made him quite worried.

"Your Majesty has a head illness, just prick the acupuncture points with golden needles." Zhang Jingyun said casually. The latter was wondering whether to let Zhang Jingyun treat the illness first after returning to Prince Liang's Mansion, or to capture the three people to interrogate the whereabouts of the treasure.

After much thought, Liang Lian did not alert the enemy. Three days later, when he returned to Lin'an City, Zhang Jingyun was taken to treat King Liang.

Just three shots later.

King Liang, who had been sleeping for several days, slowly opened his eyes and became conscious. As soon as he saw Liang Lian, he told him to find the stolen treasure.

King Liang finished speaking.

Liang Lian shouted sharply: "Get it for me!"

Several steel knives were about to be placed on Zhang Jingyun's neck. At the same time, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing appeared in front of everyone.

Bai Suzhen blew gently, and everyone dropped their weapons. Xiaoqing held a long sword and put it on Liang Lian's neck: "How dare you hurt my officials?"

When Prince Liang saw his son being captured, he couldn't help scolding him: "Bold witch! This is Prince Liang's palace! You are not allowed to be presumptuous!"

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing disagreed.

Zhang Jingyun pushed away the steel knife in front of him and said seriously: "Prince Liang, you don't want to see your son's body in two parts, right?"

King Liang: “…”

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