People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 230 Falling into the Netherworld【Please subscribe】

It was not easy to mobilize the people around Jinshan Temple to leave. After all, no one wanted to leave the place where they lived. But when Zhang Jingyun promised each person two taels of silver and compensate for any damage at the price, things became very simple.

All that's left is money!

Fortunately, what Zhang Jingyun does not lack most is money.

As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, Fahai turned his eyes and looked around Jinshan Temple. The flood was surging. Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, a white dragon and a green snake, joined forces to flood Jinshan Mountain. Many low-lying houses were submerged by the flood. , but not a single figure could be seen.

When Fahai opened his Dharma Eyes, not only the flooded houses, but also all the low-lying places around Jinshan Temple could not see any human beings at all.

Zhang Jingyun is right.

The only ones who were flooded now were his Jinshan Temple disciples, and several figures were wailing continuously. Zhang Jingyun mobilized in advance to let the people leave, just to avoid karma. Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing could not be said to have violated the rules of nature.

The disciples of Fahai were not so lucky. Although the master led them into the door and practice was personal, the monks of Jinshan Temple were influenced by Fahai in exactly the same way.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing came to the door.

Zhang Jingyun asked Sengmi who was coming outside, and if she was his wife. Sengmi would have said that he didn't know, but that was all. But they all said it was not the case, and asked Zhang Jingyun to recite sutras in peace.

Recite Nima’s Mahua Sutra!

Zhang Jingyun watched this group of people struggling in the flood without feeling any burden in his heart. In addition, these people were also considered cultivators. They were affected by the fighting and were not like ordinary people who would violate the rules of heaven.

Sure enough, Fahai's eyes turned red when he saw this scene: "Amitabha! Xu Xian, you are greedy for human lust and have an affair with Bai Suzhen.

Now that it has harmed a Buddhist disciple, the law of heaven cannot tolerate it! I have been ordered by the Buddha to protect the dignity of the Dharma. Your actions are against the laws of heaven and will be punished by heaven! "

Zhang Jingyun looked as normal and asked: "God's punishment? If heaven does not allow love, why have Bai Suzhen and I been destined for thousands of years?"

"This is a bad fate!" Fahai roared.

"Master Guanyin didn't say that this was an evil fate, Fa Hai, what qualifications do you have to say that? As everyone knows, all things in the universe will come into existence when fate gathers, and will perish when fate falls apart.

There is a reason for the existence of love, but you, on the other hand, are no longer able to concentrate on observing the precepts, humbly worship the Buddha, and you can't bear to let it go! At this point, no matter how much power you have, you can't escape the sea of ​​suffering! "

Zhang Jingyun's every word is like a needle pricking into Fahai's heart. This is the fact. Because of his own selfish interests and public revenge, he wanted to lure Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing into committing a crime of heaven. In the end, his plan failed, and it was his Jinshan Temple who suffered. disciple.

"Fahai, you have become evil with your obsession and have wasted thousands of years of cultivation. Whose eyes have you been in the way of and what Buddha's business has it been affected by your love for me and Bai Suzhen?"

I see all the compassion of Buddhism as cold-blooded and ruthless. If you still have a shred of conscience, look at these disciples who are suffering because of you and you will know that you have made a big mistake. If I were you, I would not be able to become a Buddha in this life and would not dare to see the Tathagata. Buddha! "

Fahai's body trembled, and the Qinglong Zen staff in his hand fell to the ground with a "bang". Zhang Jingyun's words made his Buddhist heart faintly collapse, just like a Taoist who loses his Taoist heart and will never be able to attain Taoism in this life.

"Namo Amitabha!"

A Buddha's chant sounded, like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, resounding in everyone's hearts. Even Zhang Jingyun was cleansed by the Buddha's chant and felt inexplicably relaxed.

At the same time, a figure appeared in front of his eyes. Zhang Jingyun took a closer look. He saw that the figure had a dragon bun on his head and a plain robe. His eyebrows were like small moons and his eyes were like twin stars. His jade face was filled with joy and his lips were a little red. He was holding a pure bottle of nectar. The weeping willow tree solves eight difficulties, saves all living beings, rescues sufferings and finds a voice, is praised by all, and has boundless magical power. He is the great benevolent and compassionate Guanyin Master of the South China Sea.

As soon as Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared, shrouded in Buddha's light, it fell on Fahai, giving the confused and helpless Fahai a glimmer of reason.

"Fa Hai, meet Master Guanyin!"

"Xu Xian pays homage to Master Guanyin!"

"Disciple Bai Suzhen pays homage to Master Guanyin!"

Fahai made great achievements in rebuilding Jinshan Temple and promoting Buddhism. He was accepted as a disciple by Tathagata Buddha and was given a golden bowl. Guanyin Bodhisattva was also a disciple of Buddha, so Fahai did not need to be called a disciple.

Zhang Jingyun has learned mostly Taoist magic and has little to do with Guanyin Bodhisattva. A polite bow is enough to respect him.

Because Bai Suzhen had received guidance from Guanyin Bodhisattva, she called her her disciple, while Xiaoqing followed Bai Suzhen's title and became closer to each other.

"Bai Suzhen, I instructed you to go to the human world to repay your kindness, but why did you get into a dispute with Fahai?" Guanyin Bodhisattva said, his eyes falling on Bai Suzhen.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. Although Guanyin and Fahai were from the same sect, Fahai had not yet become a Buddha and could not enter Guanyin's Dharma eyes. However, even so, she could still feel the protection of Fahai with this opening.

Bai Suzhen's expression was calm: "The disciple was wronged. It was Fahai who separated the disciple and the officials over and over again. The disciple has already stated that it was Master Guanyin who gave the instruction, but he still refuses to let me go and insists on putting the disciple to death."

Guanyin Bodhisattva heard this and looked at Fahai: "Fahai, is what Bai Suzhen said wrong?"

Fahai's heart trembled and he knelt on the ground and said, "Fahai was enlightened by the master to conquer demons and eliminate demons in the world. Bai Suzhen repays the favor, but she does not necessarily have to marry Xu Xian. There is a difference between humans and demons. The disciple just doesn't want to She messed up the rules and regulations and caused future troubles."

Guanyin Bodhisattva frowned slightly. She already knew the reason. However, Fahai insisted that Tathagata Buddha asked him to slay demons. Although it was a public revenge, Guanyin Bodhisattva could not say it clearly.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun suddenly said: "I am reporting that Fahai is telling the truth. The Buddha asked him to slay demons. At the same time, he also told him that the main thing is to persuade the monsters with good intentions, and not to use the golden bowl to subdue them forcefully.

Fahai did this to avenge his private revenge in the name of Buddha. If Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't believe it, he could have invited Buddha and others! "

"Master Guanyin, there is no need to alarm the master for some minor matters, right? The grievances between Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen and I have been sorted out and can be resolved by ourselves."

Fahai said quickly.

Guanyin took a deep look at Fa Hai. Sure enough, if Fa Hai was not in a wrong, how could he be afraid of disturbing Tathagata Buddha?

"How do you want to solve it?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva asked.

Fahai looked at Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen and gritted his teeth and said: "Guanyin Bodhisattva is here, I won't argue with you anymore. As long as you return my golden bowl, I will let you go this time, and I will not go to Jinshan Temple again."

Zhang Jingyun naturally shook his head: "If you can't pay back the golden bowl, even if you invite Tathagata Buddha here, I won't pay it back. At worst, I'll ask the Jade Emperor to judge what's right and wrong."

"You!" Fahai was trembling with anger.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Zhang Jingyun twice and said, "I don't know when Emperor Zhong Kui got you as his disciple. I didn't want to dwell on the grudge between you and Fahai.

It's just that the golden bowl is a spiritual treasure given by the Buddha. You have Zhong Kui's Dharma lineage, so it is useless to use it. It is better to return it to Fahai. I can guarantee that Fahai will not target you and Bai Suzhen again. "

Zhang Jingyun suddenly felt that if he said no, he would offend this compassionate Bodhisattva, although she did not show any dissatisfaction on her face.

"Is this a magical method? At that moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva seemed to want to see through my true identity. Maybe she didn't understand when she, an ordinary person, had such powerful cultivation."

Even so, Zhang Jingyun still had the system nearby, and was not afraid of Guanyin Bodhisattva's detection. He even said firmly: "To be honest, Master Guanyin, I also know a little bit about Buddhist magical powers. When I saw this golden bowl today, I felt like I was the same." It’s destined, so I can’t return it to Fa Hai.”

"Nonsense, you are the one who teamed up with Green Snake to deal with Lao Na that day. You are obviously a master of Taoist magic. When did you gain the magical power of Buddhism? How dare you lie to Master Guanyin in front of you!" Fahai scolded angrily.

"There is no need to tell you about the Buddhist magical powers that I know, but since you won't let me go, I will let you give up completely."

A golden light flashed across Zhang Jingyun's body.

Guanyin was stunned by the nearly substantial Buddha's light, "A six-foot-long golden body! But it is an extremely authentic six-foot-long golden body. Could it be passed down from the Buddha himself?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva had a strange expression on his face. He looked at Fa Hai and then at Zhang Jingyun. Those who didn't know it thought they were brothers.

"Amitabha, take care of your own affairs." Guanyin Bodhisattva whispered the Buddha's name, and then returned to the South China Sea Purple Bamboo Forest.

Fahai sat down on the ground, his face turned ashen. He knew that his golden bowl would never come back, completely.

"Did Master already know what I did and he was dissatisfied with me, so he sent other disciples to take away the golden bowl given to me... Master abandoned me?"

Fahai has completely failed at this point.

Zhang Jingyun, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing looked at each other and cast spells at the same time to leave Jinshan Temple without even looking at Fahai again.

"Guardian, you actually know the magical powers of Buddhism?"

Bai Suzhen asked curiously with bright eyes.

"Didn't I tell you, Madam, that I killed a goblin who brought disaster to the country and the people, and the dragon beads in his body were used by Madam. It was from him that I got the six-foot-long golden body and magical powers. After practicing for several years, I achieved some success."

Zhang Jingyun said truthfully.

Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing were shocked, "Guanren, we work very hard to practice a spell. Without hundreds of years of intensive practice, it is difficult to achieve success. How do you know so many spells and still be proficient in them all?"

Zhang Jingyun chuckled and said, "Isn't that all thanks to Niangzi and Xiaoqing? Without you, how could I have practiced so many spells to the level I am today."

Amidst the exclamations.

Zhang Jingyun picked up Bai Suzhen and went to bed quickly. The grudge between him and Fa Hai finally came to an end, so of course he had to celebrate.

"I..." Xiaoqing's face turned red when she saw what was happening in front of her. She was only a thousand years old, how could she withstand such an impact?

"Sister, officers, you guys should have a good rest, I'm going back first." Xiaoqing held the corner of her clothes and whispered softly before leaving.

But at this moment, a strong hand stretched out from the bed tent, firmly grasped Xiao Qing's wrist, and dragged Xiao Qing to the bed.

"Xiaoqing, where do you want to go? My wife said that we are a family, and a family should lie neatly on the same bed."

As Zhang Jingyun's cultivation became more and more sophisticated, he became more and more courageous. However, both Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing were born as snake demons. They were unconventional and did not care too much about the rules and regulations of the world. This gave Zhang Jingyun the opportunity to be arrogant. .

Inside the bed tent, a battle is about to begin.

After a moment, Bai Suzhen exclaimed and called: "Xiaoqing, hold on to the official, you and I will subdue him together, don't let him turn over!"

Zhang Jingyun was full of fighting spirit, "A green snake demon and a little white dragon, my husband is proficient in knowledge, I will definitely teach them to each other tonight!"

"Look at us flooding the golden mountains!"


Early morning on the third day.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but rub his waist.

It has to be said that Zhang Jingyun can make him hand over the gun, plus Xiao Qing, if Zhang Jingyun's body had not undergone transformation, he would really be unable to withstand it.

"However, my record of one against two is not bad, and I have added a total of 72 attribute points." Zhang Jingyun was quite proud to see Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing still sleeping soundly.

Went out to bask in the sun.

The fatigue on his body also disappeared.

Zhang Jingyun thought together and took out a magic weapon, a purple-gold alms bowl, which he grabbed with one hand. It was a size larger than Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.

This magic weapon is the golden bowl given to Fahai by the Buddha. It is purple-gold, simple and solemn. Although there is no special and conspicuous pattern, when you put it in the palm of your hand, it seems that a cool spiritual spring is pouring into the spiritual platform.

"Tathagata Buddha said that this golden bowl has a great origin. Could it be... that it was the golden bowl that he used to trap the six-eared macaque in Lingshan Mountain?"

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. If it were the golden bowl, it would be very powerful. You know, except that the six-eared macaque is not as indestructible as King Kong, its other magical powers are the same as those of monkeys.

Even when the six-eared macaque transformed and escaped in advance, it was absorbed by the Tathagata's Golden Bowl, and it could also show its original shape. It could be fired instantly with zero forward movement, and its power was far stronger than the golden bowl given to Fa Hai.

Moreover, for Tathagata, a magic weapon of this level would not be easily given to Fahai, even though he had made great contributions to rebuilding Jinshan Temple.

Zhang Jingyun looked carefully at the purple-gold alms bowl in his hand, and suddenly thought of another famous alms bowl, and judging from its size, it looked more and more like it.

"Is this the bowl Tang Monk begged for?"

Zhang Jingyun had a strange look on his face. Before Tang Monk learned the scriptures, the Tang Dynasty King Li Shimin gave him a purple gold alms bowl, which was similar to the kind that was ordered to beg for food. Anyone who saw him had to give him some food. Later, Tang Monk and his party arrived at Lingshan, and the purple gold alms bowl was used as a beggar. The personnel who took the true scriptures were given to Anuo and Kasyapa, which was equivalent to being confiscated by the Buddha.

In the hands of Tang Monk, the purple gold alms bowl is a rice bowl, but in the hands of Tathagata Buddha, this purple gold rice bowl is different. Following Tang Monk to learn scriptures is considered meritorious, and it can be a treasure if you practice it casually.

Zhang Jingyun felt that Tathagata was not so generous when he gave the golden bowl that suppressed the six-eared macaque to Fahai. It made sense to send Fahai away with a begging bowl that was "confiscated" from others. Thinking about it, it made sense.

"This golden bowl was refined by Fahai Sacrifice into his own magic weapon. If you want to take it away completely, you have to erase the imprint of Fahai's consciousness in the golden bowl."

Zhang Jingyun immediately began to erase Fahai's imprint. For dozens of days, apart from practicing with Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, Zhang Jingyun spent the rest of his time worshiping the golden alms bowl.

Finally, the last trace of Fahai's spiritual imprint was wiped away by Zhang Jingyun, and he naturally became the new owner of the golden bowl.

The golden bowl has a detection function. On a whim, Zhang Jingyun prepared to use the golden bowl to check Fahai's situation. Following his thoughts, Fahai's figure appeared in the golden bowl.

However, the next second, Fa Hai, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing, suddenly lowered his head, his breath was vague, and his soul left his body and flew into the netherworld.

"Fahai passed away on his own?"

Zhang Jingyun was quite surprised. With Fa Hai's cultivation level, almost no one could kill him, unless Fa Hai himself did not want to live and would pass away and fall into the netherworld.

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