People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 231 Meeting God Ku again【Please subscribe】

"Is that smelly monk Yuan Fahai dead?"

After learning the news, Xiaoqing was surprised and happy, and couldn't hold back the joy on her face. After all, she didn't have any good impressions of Fa Hai.

Bai Suzhen, on the other hand, had an eighteen-hundred-year grudge. Although she hated Fahai, she felt quite complicated when she heard that her mortal enemy had ended up like this.

"With Fahai's cultivation, if he doesn't want to die, no one in this world can do anything to him. It's all his own choice." Zhang Jingyun comforted him.

Bai Suzhen nodded, and suddenly spoke again: "Fahai's death is a good thing for us, but for some reason, I always have a bad feeling..."

Zhang Jingyun frowned. His cultivation had reached the current level. Such bad premonitions were often not groundless, but a dark omen.

"I have calculated several times that Fahai is indeed dead. He will not embarrass us again. I didn't calculate the bad premonition that the lady mentioned."

Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level is no worse than Bai Suzhen's. He has practiced Jiutian Xuanyuan Dafa to the eighth level of perfection, and is only one step away from ascending to immortality.

In the true sense of the word, Zhang Jingyun has reached the end of the fourth level of Taoism. He has reached the perfection of practice and is almost invincible in the human world.

Even if Bai Suzhen is at the peak of her level of cultivation, she may not be as accurate as Zhang Jingyun when using the yin and yang wheel to deduce heavenly secrets.

Zhang Jingyun didn't expect Bai Suzhen to be in any danger. There were only two possibilities. First, Bai Suzhen just had a whim, and her premonition was wrong.

Second, there is something beyond Zhang Jingyun's ability to calculate that affects the calculation results. It is still unclear what Bai Suzhen's final result will be.

Even the yin and yang wheel could not calculate anything, so Zhang Jingyun no longer struggled, and concentrated on practicing with Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing to increase his strength.

Bai Suzhen's pregnancy spells sometimes failed to work, and her vitality would be severely damaged after giving birth to a child in the future. The method of double cultivation can lay a solid foundation for Bai Suzhen, and she has extraordinary potential to become an immortal in the future.

Xiao Qing only has a thousand years of Taoism. One practice will only increase three attribute points. Zhang Jingyun's cultivation is much better than hers, so during this period, Xiao Qing's progress is visible to the naked eye.

With the blessing of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.

Zhang Jingyun has enough attribute points to upgrade his skills. He has learned various techniques and skills, and it is not a small expense to upgrade to the eighth level.

In the past, dual cultivation would only increase a little at a time. Even if Zhang Jingyun was exhausted in bed, he didn't have so many attribute points to upgrade his skills.

However, with the improvement of cultivation level, some techniques and skills can no longer keep up with Zhang Jingyun's pace, so most of the upgrades are frequently used spells.

Bai Suzhenhui's spells were inherited from Lishan's old mother and were inherited from the orthodox immortal family. Zhang Jingyun naturally practiced everything he could, such as shrinking the earth into an inch, Samadhi True Fire, Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dharma, the art of calling wind and rain, and a special immortal method. Curse, Zhang Jingyun will rise to perfection.

The art of summoning wind and rain is a spell in the Tiangang method. As the name suggests, it can change the weather. When Zhang Jingyun first met Bai Suzhen at the Broken Bridge in the West Lake, she and Xiaoqing used this spell to create a rain and then successfully shared a boat with Zhang Jingyun. .

Zhang Jingyun can actually call for wind and rain, but he needs to open an altar, burn books and pray, which is the formal process of praying for rain in Taoism. If it is submitted to the Jade Emperor, he will naturally send thunder and lightning to rain.

Now that we have magic, it saves us a lot of trouble. We don't have to alert the Jade Emperor, and we don't have to ask the God of Thunder and the Mother of Lightning. We can just rely on ourselves.

After Zhang Jingyun had perfected the Samadhi True Fire, he tried it on Bai Suzhen. The power was indeed powerful, with the power of burning mountains and boiling seas.

However, no matter how powerful the Samadhi True Fire is, it cannot hurt Bai Suzhen, because Bai Suzhen is protected by Wenquxing, so any spell is useless to her.

Zhang Jingyun has been practicing for several days.

Until his sister Xu Jiaorong came to her with an uneasy look on her face, Zhang Jingyun knew from the look on her face that something had probably happened to Li Gongfu again.

Sure enough, Xu Jiaorong took Zhang Jingyun's hand and said, "Hanwen, you know the prefect, can you ask him for a favor?"

Zhang Jingyun knew Chen Lun, the prefect of Hangzhou. Chen Lun's wife was pregnant but had difficulty giving birth. They searched all over Hangzhou for all the famous wives, but they were unable to do anything.

In the end, it was Bai Suzhen who took over the trouble. In her dream, she pretended to be Guanyin Master and instructed Chen Lun to go to the security hall to find Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun gave Chen Lun's wife two pills, both of which were prepared by Bai Suzhen in advance. As expected, Chen Lun's wife gave birth to twins successfully. Chen Lun was naturally grateful to Zhang Jingyun.

"What happened, do you still need to ask Chen Lun to come forward?" Zhang Jingyun asked, and Xu Jiaorong explained the cause and effect.

It turned out that Li Gongfu made great contributions to the last case of Qiantang County's treasury being stolen. Later, he caught the criminal thief and became famous again.

Because of his great reputation and strong ability, he would always think of Li Gongfu whenever he encountered a big case. Recently, several strange cases have occurred in Qiantang County. Many virgins were mutilated and their blood was sucked dry by some monsters.

The case was so bad that Chen Lun was alarmed and ordered Magistrate Yang of Qiantang County to arrest the murderer as soon as possible.

Li Gongfu is the chief arrester of Qiantang County, and it falls naturally on him to catch the murderer. However, this time the murderer is cruel and cunning, and there has been no progress for several days.

If the murderer could not be caught, Magistrate Yang was afraid of Chen Lun's accountability, so he naturally shied away from responsibility first. If Li Gongfu could not catch the murderer within three days, Magistrate Yang would remove Li Gongfu for poor handling of the case.

Seeing that three days were coming, Li Gongfu didn't even see the shadow of the murderer. He had to bear the blame for Yang Zhixian after working so hard on the case. It was really frustrating.

Xu Jiaorong had no choice but to come to Zhang Jingyun. After all, Li Gongfu could not be blamed if the murderer could not be found. She hoped that Chen Lun could say something fair.

"Sister, don't worry. Magistrate Yang is just trying to scare people. There are so many cases that cannot be solved. Can't they all be blamed on the arrester?

On Chen Lun's side, if the trouble really comes to that level, I will ask him to help with the conversation. Now it's better to go home quickly. " Zhang Jingyun comforted.

Xu Jiaorong felt relieved. She was about to leave when she saw Zhang Jingyun also packing his things and following him. He asked in confusion: "Han Wen, what are you doing?"

"My brother-in-law is in trouble. How can I just stand by and watch? I will go back with my sister to see what kind of madman commits crimes one after another and is so arrogant!"

The murderer sucked people's blood and semen, and also chose virgins to kill. Zhang Jingyun knew as soon as he heard that it was not a human being, but some kind of monster in Qiantang County.

Li Gongfu has some abilities, but not too many. He is limited to ordinary people. He is helpless when encountering monsters and monsters.

"Hanwen, you are not a doctor who can solve the case. Don't be in danger again..." Xu Jiaorong disagreed, but Zhang Jingyun had already gone out.

Li Fuzhong.

Li Gongfu couldn't help but wonder when he saw Zhang Jingyun: "It's a small matter in the first place, but alerting Han Wen is already very troublesome. Why did you bring Han Wen back?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "Brother-in-law, there is no need to blame my sister. I came here on my own initiative. In my opinion, the case of killing the virgin does not look like it was done by a human being."

"What else could it be if it wasn't a human thing?"

Li Gongfu asked subconsciously.

"It could be a monster!" Zhang Jingyun said in surprise: "Some monsters are so bold that they will devour the essence and blood of boys and girls to improve their cultivation. If they are such monsters, my brother-in-law will naturally not be able to catch the murderer."

"Monster!" Xu Jiaorong exclaimed.

Li Gongfu had the previous experience and was relatively calm: "If there are really monsters, Han Wen, you should stay away from this place of right and wrong."

Zhang Jingyun said: "My wife is a Taoist and knows some Taoist magic. If she had not been pregnant, she would have been able to help her brother-in-law catch the evildoer herself.

I learned a few tricks from her, and I also knew some magic. I also asked my brother-in-law to take me to see the mutilated body of the virgin to determine whether it was the work of a monster. "


Li Gongfu hesitated and agreed.

When Zhang Jingyun saw the girl's body in the morgue, he immediately noticed the strong evil spirit on the body and concluded that it was the work of a monster.

But what kind of monster it is is still uncertain.

"Has anyone seen what a monster looks like?"

Zhang Jingyun asked, so many virgins were mutilated, maybe someone saw something, and sure enough, Li Gongfu nodded.

"It was none other than what I saw with my own eyes. I saw it had a green face, fangs, and legs all over its body. Because the night was too dark, I wasn't sure whether it was a human or a monster.

Now that I hear you say it, it really doesn't look like a human being. I don't know what it is specifically. "Li Gongfu said with some fear.

"Did any of the families of the murdered virgins have a door god?" Zhang Jingyun asked after thinking for a while. Li Gongfu frowned slightly, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"There is a family who is a miser. On the door is not the door god but the Ku god. Other families don't even have a door or a door god."

"Ku Shen..."

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved.

"Okay, let me take a look first. My brother-in-law will stay at home for a while." Li Gongfu couldn't be of much help in catching monsters, so Zhang Jingyun could go alone.

As for the family named Zhou mentioned by Li Gongfu.

Zhang Jingyun stopped and watched, and sure enough, he saw two lifelike portraits of God Ku on the gate, but his eyes instantly turned cold.

"I never had time to ask God Ku for an explanation for what happened last time. This time we can solve it together."

Before Zhang Jingyun met Bai Suzhen, he had been living in his sister's house. At that time, Xiaoqing stole the treasury silver and caused a lot of trouble to Li Gongfu. In the end, Zhang Jingyun got Xiaoqing to return the stolen treasury silver.

The God of Warehouse was supposed to guard the warehouse and be on guard against evildoers, but this guy neglected his duty and let Xiao Qing go without hesitation. Zhang Jingyun happened to catch him.

Zhang Jingyun only wanted to ask him for hush money. After all, Ku Shen neglected his duties and almost caused Li Gongfu to be punished by Yang Zhixian. This matter was also related to Zhang Jingyun.

In the end, Ku Shen was lucky, and he pretended to agree to the request and gave Zhang Jingyun a talisman, saying it was a chance. In fact, the talisman had been manipulated, and activating it rashly would cause trouble.

Later, it was Yue Lao who helped connect Zhang Jingyun and allowed him to obtain the inheritance of Zhong Kui's dharma lineage. However, the rift between Zhang Jingyun and Ku Shen remained unresolved.

"Ku Shen, come out and see me!"

Zhang Jingyun immediately cast a spell to make Kushen appear.

"Hmph, who disturbed this god without authorization?"

To invite the gods to appear, practitioners need to open an altar and offer incense. It is very impolite to directly activate the God of Ku by casting spells like Zhang Jingyun.

"Lord Kushen, long time no see!"

Zhang Jingyun said calmly.

"Why...when did you return to Qiantang? Why didn't you tell me so that I could fulfill my duty as a landlord?"

Ku Shen swallowed the word "thing" in his stomach. He had given Zhang Jingyun the talisman to trick him, but now that the other party appeared in front of him intact, Ku Shen decisively gave in and his attitude changed drastically.

"Let's put aside the matters between you and me for the time being. I came here today to ask if this family has an eight-year-old daughter who was killed by a monster. Does Ku Shen know what kind of monster it is?"

Upon hearing this, God Ku immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You have asked the right god. I happened to see the monster that killed the virgin."

Zhang Jingyun frowned: "Why don't you take action to stop it? You are still a god, accepting the incense but doing nothing?"

"Oh, you are so unfair to me! I was wrong when you let the green snake go last time, but this time the girl was killed and I cannot rely on me.

People with the surname Zhou don't put a portrait of the door god on their door, but instead let the god guard the house. Isn't this nonsense? This god only cares about money, and guarding against monsters is the door god’s job.

Besides, that monster has a good background and has a good background. I have already fulfilled my duty to guard the storehouse of incense from him, and I have to help him guard his family. Isn’t it a difficult task for a strong god? "

"What kind of monster is it?"

Ku Shen has this kind of virtue. Zhang Jingyun is not surprised. He may neglect his duties even within his responsibilities, let alone outside his responsibilities. At this time, Ku Shen only heard Ku Shen say: "He is the son of the Golden Cymbal Dharma King of Phoenix Mountain!"

"King of Golden Cymbals?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly had an impression.

In the original plot, King Jinbo has been in the spiritual world for several years and is considered a powerful monster. His cultivation level may not be as good as that of Bai Suzhen, but it is not easy for him to dare to call himself the King.

"Xu Xian, I have informed you of the identity of the monster. If there is nothing else, I will leave." God Ku said and was about to return.

How could Zhang Jingyun just let him go and said immediately: "Wait a minute, God Ku, you can put the Zhou family's affairs aside for now. Last time you used a sleight of hand to plot against me, should there be an explanation?"

When Ku Shen heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he still couldn't escape, "Well... I don't know that there is a problem with that letter talisman. How about I change it to a new letter talisman for you?"

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

The ghost will also ask for his bullshit talisman.

Zhang Jingyun looked at God Ku up and down. To be honest, God Ku was considered poor among the gods, and he didn’t have anything decent...

Suddenly, Zhang Jingyun's eyes fell on the golden mace in Ku Shen's hand. It could be used by gods. This golden mace could be considered a good magic weapon.

"You...what do you mean?"

Ku Shen had a bad premonition in his heart and subconsciously tightened the golden mace in his hand.

"Master Kushen, I don't have any magic weapon. I think this golden mace is quite spiritual. I wonder if I can give it to you?" Zhang Jingyun asked with a smile.

"Huh? Are you kidding me? This golden mace is my only magic weapon. If you want to take advantage of it, you have to kill me!"

Kushen said suppressing the anger in his heart.

Zhang Jingyun didn't say anything. He held a ball of thunder in his left hand and a ball of fire in his right hand. The thunder was the Thunder Method of the Supreme Purity and the fire was the True Fire of Samadhi. Kushen's eyelids jumped when he saw it.

"You... calm down. Killing a god is a serious crime. The Jade Emperor will not let you go. Isn't it just a golden mace? I am destined to give it to you, so I will give it to you!"

God Ku reluctantly handed over the golden mace.

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