People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 233 The End of Return [Please subscribe]

Before you know it, another month has passed.

Bai Suzhen's body became weaker and weaker. Counting the time, it was almost time to give birth. At this time, she became more and more like a mortal.

Even when giving birth to a child, all cultivation is lost. In fact, it is no different from ordinary people, and the pain suffered by that time is no less than that of ordinary people.

Childbirth is indeed very dangerous for women, but after all, Bai Suzhen has the body of a true dragon, and she has the protection of Wenquxing in her belly, so there will definitely be no problem.

So Fahai told Bai Suzhen that the last disaster was not to give birth to a child. Zhang Jingyun thought about it and considered various unexpected situations.

"Recently, only the centipede spirit has died in my hands. His father is the Golden Cymbal Dharma King of Phoenix Mountain. Could it be that he would cause trouble when my wife gives birth to a child?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought of something.

The centipede spirit ran out with the Golden Cymbal Dharma King on his back, otherwise the Golden Cymbal Dharma King would not have allowed him to wantonly kill virgins and practice demonic methods in the human world.

After all, this heinous act was so serious that it might alarm the Jade Emperor in heaven and send heavenly soldiers and generals down to earth to catch the monster.

Even the Golden Cymbal Dharma King would not dare to do this.

Naturally, he would not just watch his son commit suicide, but Zhang Jingyun subdued the centipede essence quickly and steadily, and even the King of Golden Cymbals could not detect it in such a short period of time.

"Well, the chance of King Jinbo coming to cause trouble is low, but he is not a good monster. In Fahai's eyes, he is a very suitable candidate for using the golden bowl to control monsters, and he will never be killed by mistake.

So to be on the safe side, I took the initiative. Instead of waiting for the Golden Cymbal Dharma King to find the centipede spirit on his head, I might as well take him away together. The father and son should be in good order. "

Zhang Jingyun finally decided to go to Phoenix Mountain. Jin Bo Dharma King controls all the monsters in Fenghuang Mountain. All monsters who become spirits in this mountain must report to Jin Bo Dharma King and become one of his followers.

Because of this, most people who venture into the Phoenix Mountain alone will feel a little pressured when faced with the Golden Cymbal Dharma King and the demons of the Phoenix Mountain, and do not dare to be too showy.

But none of this mattered to Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun's eyes suddenly turned dark, and then with a little finger, a dark red soul appeared in front of him, floating up and down.

This soul was the centipede essence refined by the golden bowl. Zhang Jingyun originally wanted to use the golden bowl to refine him for seventy-seven forty-nine days before his body and mind would disappear.

Who would have thought that the centipede spirit was worse than expected, but within a month, the physical body was refined by the magic power of the golden bowl, and the soul was about to collapse.

Zhang Jingyun happened to think of a trip to Phoenix Mountain, so he spared Centipede Jing's life and used the spirit-detaining general to imprison him in front of him.

"Thank you, God, for sparing my life!"

Centipede Jing's soul quickly thanked him.

Today, he has clearly understood his situation and does not dare to have the slightest thought of disobedience to Zhang Jingyun. As long as he does not throw himself into the golden bowl for refining, he will agree to kill his own father without hesitation.

Zhang Jingyun spoke at the right time, "Don't be too busy thanking me. I'm keeping you alive because you are still useful. I'm asking if you are willing to help me?"

"This is my honor. No matter what happens, just follow the Immortal's orders!" Centipede Jing knelt on the ground and said with a sincere face.

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "Okay, my job is simple. I need to cast a spell to get you up, and then use your identity to enter Phoenix Mountain to meet your father, King Jinbo."

Centipede Spirit's face lit up with joy: "Please don't worry, Immortal, this is a trivial matter. As long as I return to Phoenix Mountain, no one will dare to stop me."

Zhang Jingyun was quite satisfied.

The centipede spirit then asked, "I don't know why Master Shangxian went to Phoenix Mountain to meet my father. My father still loves me very much. He will agree to all my requests."

Zhang Jingyun glanced at him and said calmly: "If you die in my hands, your father will definitely come to take revenge one day. As the saying goes...cutting the grass must remove the roots!"

Centipede Essence: "......"

Centipede Jing never thought that just now he secretly swore in his heart that as long as Zhang Jingyun spared his life, he would kill his own father, but the next second Zhang Jingyun made this request.

"Huh? You don't want to?"

Zhang Jingyun looked down at him and asked.

Centipede Jing's soul trembled. How could he agree? That was his biological father. He had raised him since he was a child and cared for him with care and guidance. Now he was allowed to plot against his father?

"Master Shangxian, my father has dominated the country for many years and regarded himself as the Golden Cymbal Dharma King. He has indeed killed many innocent lives. Even the demons under his command were often killed and injured by him. How can he come to this day?" , it’s also a matter of time, sooner or later, I am willing to obey the order of the Immortal.”

Centipede Spirit said decisively.

Zhang Jingyun looked satisfied. After using Ju Ling to send generals and control Centipede Jing's soul, he would never disobey his orders again.

"But..." Centipede Jing said with a slightly painful expression: "He is my father after all. Can you please ask the Immortal to keep him alive for the sake of me leading the way for you, so that my father's soul will not be lost?"

"Your father's evil deeds are not as bad as yours, and he won't lose his soul, but his cultivation will definitely not be preserved, and it is inevitable to reveal his true form."

Zhang Jingyun's words made Centipede Jing breathe a sigh of relief.

Even if he is not in a state of despair, he is worthy of his biological father. When he leads Zhang Jingyun into Phoenix Mountain, he will not feel any burden.

At noon, Zhang Jingyun used the magic power of shrinking to an inch and came to the Phoenix Mountain area. He felt a strong demonic aura from a long distance away.

"Lord Immortal, I will show you the way!"

Centipede Jing's spirit took the initiative and said.

Zhang Jingyun nodded, and then his eyes went dark, and he used the secret technique of detaining the spirit to let the centipede spirit attach itself to his body.

This secret technique, after controlling the possession of the soul body, can use the soul body's abilities during life, and the breath will become the same as the soul body.

Now, apart from his different appearance, Zhang Jingyun has the same cultivation and aura as Centipede Jing before he was born. Of course, this is not over yet.

I saw Zhang Jingyun cast the spell again, and his appearance and figure changed to varying degrees, becoming exactly like the Centipede Spirit in the blink of an eye.

"My transformation technique, combined with Ju Ling's dispatching generals, is enough to confuse the fake with the real. King Jin Bo, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive this disaster."

Zhang Jingyun examined it for a moment and made sure that there were no omissions, then walked up to Phoenix Mountain openly. The little demons he met along the way saluted: "I have met the young village master!"

Jin Bo Dharma King is the master of Phoenix Mountain, and his only son is naturally the young master of the village. Using his identity, he climbed the Phoenix Mountain without any setbacks.

Soon, Zhang Jingyun saw the Golden Cymbal Dharma King, who was sitting cross-legged in the cave to practice with a golden cymbal on each side of his body.

These two golden cymbals are a pair. When they are struck together, they produce a soul-stirring sound that disturbs people's minds. They can also be used as melee weapons in battles.

Because of the characteristics of the golden cymbals, during the battle, if they are shot together suddenly, the soul-stirring sound will distract the opponent's mind. It is definitely a sneak attack weapon.

"You evil deed, where have you gone?"

Jin Bo Dharma King opened his eyes and saw Zhang Jingyun. He immediately cursed and spat on him, looking like he hated iron but not steel.

Before Zhang Jingyun could say anything, King Jin Bo said in surprise: "I have been out for a few months, and my cultivation has improved a lot, but my breath is impetuous and my foundation is unstable."

Zhang Jingyun spoke, his voice was that of a centipede, "It's better than being locked up by you, right? You don't know how good it is outside. I practice with the blood of virgins every day, and I naturally progress very quickly."

Dharma King Golden Cymbal: “………”

It can be seen that Dharma King Jin Bo became furious instantly: "You evil obstacle! Do you want to die? You can do whatever you want in the spiritual world in the name of your father. How dare you do evil in the human world? What if the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals come down to capture you? !”

King Jinbo was shocked and angry, "Fortunately, you returned to Phoenix Mountain in time and risked your life for your father. I can keep you safe for a while. From now on, you will stay on the mountain and not be allowed to leave even half a step!"

The centipede spirit shook his head and said, "It's too late. There are no heavenly soldiers or generals coming down to capture me, but I have lost my body. Thanks to Master Xu's respect, I lured him to see you so I can survive. I'm sorry, dad!"

"???" Dharma King Jin Bo looked confused.

"Evil! What kind of Master Xu are you talking about, and why is your body destroyed? Aren't you standing in front of me properly?"

Zhang Jingyun used Julingshuijian to retrieve the centipede essence, and his aura changed accordingly, and his appearance and body returned to normal.

"I am Xu Xian, written in Chinese. A few days ago, the son of the Dharma King massacred more than ten virgins in Qiantang County, but I cast a spell to subdue them. Only the soul remained."

Zhang Jingyun said slowly, and the King of Golden Cymbals was stunned. Then he felt unbearable pain and anger, and subconsciously grasped the golden cymbal with both hands.

"Xu Xian, he just killed a few virgins, but you are so cruel, and now you dare to appear in front of me openly, I will kill you!"

The King of Golden Cymbals had a vicious look on his face.

Zhang Jingyun's expression remained unchanged: "As expected of father and son, you and Centipede Jing are the same species. In this case, I don't have the burden to subdue you."

"You still want to subjugate me? Do you have this ability?" The Golden Cymbal King flashed his figure and attacked Zhang Jingyun with the golden cymbals in both hands.

Before he could get close, he clapped the golden cymbals in his hand. The sound was deafening and breathtaking, but Zhang Jingyun had already prepared a way to deal with it.

"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth to recite the mantra, and the Sanskrit sounds sounded like the Buddha's heart at first glance. However, the Buddha's heart contained a bewitching meaning similar to the golden cymbal.

This is the Sanskrit sound that demands life!

It was already terrifying when used by Pudu Cihang. Zhang Jingyun's current cultivation level is more than ten times better than that of Pudu Cihang, so the power is naturally overbearing.

The Golden Cymbal Dharma King was affected by the Sanskrit sound. In order to resist the life-threatening Sanskrit sound, he had a solemn face and a fierce attitude. He kept clapping the golden cymbals with both hands. The terrifying sound waves formed circles of sound waves in the cave, and the life-threatening Sanskrit sound. Crazy collision.


The golden cymbal Dharma King's cave was affected by the collision of sound and waves. The boulders fell rustling and dust flew up. The two of them also turned into auras and broke through the cave to stand above Phoenix Mountain.

"What an evil way that deceives people's hearts! Buddhist methods can be used. Today, I will definitely kill you to avenge you!" The golden cymbal Dharma King became more and more courageous as he fought, and the sound waves produced by the golden cymbals in his hands became louder and louder each time.

Zhang Jingyun was calm and unhurried. Although the life-demanding Sanskrit sound was strong, empty words and white teeth were still unable to defeat the magic weapon of the golden cymbal. It was the suffering of all the monsters in Phoenix Mountain!

Under the influence of the fight between the two, many monsters couldn't bear it and showed their true colors. However, there are several powerful monsters in Phoenix Mountain who have practiced for more than a thousand years and can barely resist. There are even signs of coming to help.

Seeing this, Zhang Jingyun suddenly stopped the life-threatening Sanskrit chant, and then his momentum changed and he was bathed in the Buddha's light. He spoke like a bell: "The Tathagata Buddha of the West is here, and you evildoers haven't shown their true colors yet!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun sat cross-legged in the sky, with the Buddha's heart in full swing. The sky changed suddenly, flowers fell from the sky, and golden lotuses surged from the ground. It was a six-foot-long golden Buddha.

The golden Buddha clasped his hands together, and the Buddha's light suddenly appeared. His magical power was so strong that even the King of Golden Cymbals could not withstand it even if he raised his golden cymbal to resist.


The King of Golden Cymbals continued to vomit blood, and the Buddha sat cross-legged, and then struck him with a palm until his original shape was revealed. He was also a centipede, but his body was slightly larger than his son.

Zhang Jingyun withdrew his magical powers, used his backhand to sacrifice the golden bowl, and subdued the King of Golden Cymbals. After a set of procedures, the demons in Phoenix Mountain reacted and it was over.

"Listen up, you outliers. Anyone who has done many evil things, such as King Jincymbal and his son, are examples. If you don't want your Taoism to be ruined, just practice cultivation and don't come out to harm others!"

Zhang Jingyun casually warned the demons of Phoenix Mountain, then turned around and returned to the Security Hall. He didn't know whether dealing with the Golden Cymbal King would help Bai Suzhen.

"Hey, my wife isn't here?"

Zhang Jingyun sensed it and didn't see Bai Suzhen. After asking the shopkeeper, he learned that Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing went out to relax on a whim and said they would be back in the evening.

However, it was less than an hour after noon.

Bai Suzhen returned to the security hall with a panicked look on her face. Even Xiaoqing was uneasy and hesitated to speak after seeing Zhang Jingyun.

"Madam, what's wrong?"

Zhang Jingyun asked, and Bai Suzhen's voice trembled: "Official, I may know what the calamity Fahai mentioned is."

Zhang Jingyun was shocked, and Bai Suzhen said frankly: "The day I came down the mountain from Qingfeng Cave, I accidentally bumped into Emperor Zhenwu.

The Holy Emperor originally wanted to send the tortoise and snake generals to subdue me, but then he let me go because I wanted to go to the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea and seek guidance from Guanyin Master.

However, in order to prevent me from lying and gaining his trust, the Holy Emperor made me swear on the spot that if I had not come here to seek advice from Master Guanyin, I would have been imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda and I would not leave the tower unless the water in the West Lake dried up.

That day I really wanted to deal with the Holy Emperor so I said that. The Holy Emperor made me swear, and I could only follow the experiment and go to Guanyin Bodhisattva for guidance.

But about the Leifeng Pagoda, I just said it casually. I never knew there was such a tower in West Lake. I didn’t bump into it until I went out to relax today, and I felt that I was doomed. "

Zhang Jingyun frowned and said, "I remember that after my wife bid farewell to the Holy Emperor, she did meet Guanyin Bodhisattva and received the guidance of the Bodhisattva before she met me."

"That's it. How can you still feel doomed even though you've already complied with your oath?" Bai Suzhen was also quite puzzled.

"Don't worry, I'll use the golden bowl to see."

Today is different from the past. Zhang Jingyun has received the golden bowl and can understand everything that happened in the past. He only needs to look at what happened after Bai Suzhen and Emperor Zhenwu separated.

Zhang Jingyun saw the picture through the cotton gold bowl, and saw the existence of Emperor Zhenwu. Naturally, Zhang Jingyun did not dare to investigate, so he could only look behind him.

I saw that after Bai Suzhen and Emperor Zhenwu separated, they were preparing to go to the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea. Not long after she left, she was followed by two figures, who were two divine generals under Emperor Zhenwu.

Bai Suzhen was originally heading to the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea. On the way, she unexpectedly learned that Master Guanyin would appear at the Golden Summit of Mount Emei, so she prepared to wait in Mount Emei.

The two generals looked at each other and turned around before returning. Zhang Jingyun now understood that it was Emperor Zhenwu who sent someone to monitor Bai Suzhen after she left to see if she was lying.

As a result, Bai Suzhen changed her direction midway and did not go to the South China Sea. The two divine generals did not care about Bai Suzhen meeting Guanyin Bodhisattva in Mount Emei, and went back to resume her life.

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth, Bai Suzhen was good at everything, but she was careless and easily swore an oath, but she didn't pay attention to it and inadvertently cast the curse, thus giving herself a disaster for no reason.

"The Holy Emperor actually thought that I didn't go to the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea, so he decided to follow his oath and imprison me in Leifeng Pagoda. This is so unfair!" Bai Suzhen was about to cry but had no tears.

Zhang Jingyun chuckled: "It is better to know the cause and effect than to be kept in the dark. This matter is not difficult. I will ask Master Zhongkui, the Holy Emperor, to intercede, and my wife will go to see Guanyin Bodhisattva, and the matter will be solved."

"Thank you, officer!"

After Bai Suzhen finished speaking, she turned into a spiritual light and disappeared.

Zhang Jingyun set up the altar and wrote to Emperor Zhongkui, who was also the Three-Volt Demon Emperor. It was very convenient for him to speak. In addition, Guanyin Bodhisattva confirmed that Bai Suzhen had indeed seen him in Mount Emei, and the disaster naturally subsided.

When Bai Suzhen returned from the purple bamboo forest in the South China Sea, she suddenly felt a lightness on her body, and somehow her fate subsided naturally.

"Official!" Bai Suzhen was overjoyed and was about to speak when she suddenly felt unwell in her stomach. When Zhang Jingyun saw this, his heart moved. Wenquxing was about to come to the world. After giving birth to a child, Bai Suzhen would probably complete her merits and become an immortal.

at the same time.

The system prompt sounded in Zhang Jingyun's ears: "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the system task and meeting the standards for returning to the main world. Do you want to return immediately?"

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