People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 234 Mission Rewards [Please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun did not return to the main world immediately.

Bai Suzhen is about to give birth to a child, and it is a critical moment. Zhang Jingyun must be by her side. Although Bai Suzhen has become almost an immortal, the pain of giving birth has not diminished.

Amid bursts of painful screams.

The veins on Bai Suzhen's forehead popped out, and she clenched her fists tightly, "Official!" Zhang Jingyun quickly held Bai Suzhen's hand and continued to deliver magic power.

During the birth, Bai Suzhen lost all her magic power. Zhang Jingyun delivered the magic power at the right time. As time passed, she finally heard a baby's cry.


In the dark, a feeling of blood connection emerged in Zhang Jingyun's heart. Even though he knew that this child was the reincarnation of Wenquxing, the affection between father and son was still there.

"Official!" Bai Suzhen's face gradually turned rosy. When Wenquxing came into the world, she seemed to be relieved of her burden, and her lost mana gradually recovered. She, who was already close to the immortal realm, recovered very quickly.

"Thank you for your hard work, ma'am. When you return to your peak, you will become an immortal just around the corner." Zhang Jingyun knew that it was only a matter of time before Bai Suzhen would become an immortal.

"That day, Mrs. Chen and I went together to beg for a child. The Bodhisattva is so kind and compassionate and always responds to requests. I personally saw that Mrs. Chen was pregnant with a dragon and a phoenix. There happened to be a statue of Wenquxing when she was begging for a child. I didn't expect that Wenquxing actually deigned to be reincarnated. Become my son.”

Pictures from the past emerged in Bai Suzhen's mind.

Mrs. Chen is the wife of Chen Lun, the magistrate of Hangzhou. Seeking a child in this world does not mean going to the temple to worship the Bodhisattva and then going home. The couple will get pregnant as soon as they get married.

In fact, the person seeking a child is already pregnant, but due to secular concepts, many families want to give birth to a son to pass on the incense.

Mrs. Chen was already pregnant at that time. After praying to the Bodhisattva, she gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. It was because of the Bodhisattva's favor that two souls, a boy and a girl, were reincarnated into her belly.

Bai Suzhen Xu is destined.

Reincarnated by Wenquxing.

Wenquxing will always protect Bai Suzhen when she is pregnant. When Wenquxing returns to her place in the future, she will not forget Bai Suzhen's kindness. In short, it is a good thing.

Even if Zhang Jingyun ascends to become an Immortal Queen in the future, enters the Heavenly Court, and ranks among the Immortal Class, he may also benefit from Wenquxing's light. This is the so-called immortal fate.

But now the two of them can't count on Wenquxing. He is just a child, and Bai Suzhen and Zhang Jingyun have both reached the threshold of immortality, so there is no need to pin all their hopes on Wenquxing.

"Master, I want to stay in the world for another two years and see our children more." Bai Suzhen couldn't help but said while looking at the children.

Zhang Jingyun nodded. After ascending to immortality, it will not be easy to come to the human world. After all, the human world has its laws, and the immortal world has its rules.

Not surprisingly.

Zhang Jingyun still named his son Xu Shilin. After all, Wen Quxing had to go through the process to get the top prize before returning to heaven, right?

"It's a pity that Xiao Qing's Taoism is too far behind. Otherwise, it would be great to become immortals together." Bai Suzhen thought of Xiao Qing and felt slightly regretful.

Xiaoqing's Taoist practice for thousands of years, even with the blessing of dual cultivation, is still far behind Bai Suzhen who just left Qingfeng Cave in Qingcheng Mountain, and becoming an immortal is even further out of reach.

"You sisters have always had a fate with Guanyin Bodhisattva. When we leave this world, why not let Xiaoqing practice with Guanyin Bodhisattva so that he can attain enlightenment as soon as possible."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly remembered that Xiao Qing in the original plot had followed Guanyin Bodhisattva to practice in the South China Sea for twenty years after Bai Suzhen was imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda.

In the later stage, Xiaoqing is like a god of war. Monsters such as Jinbo Dharma King are no match for her, and she has a great chance of attaining enlightenment and becoming an immortal.

Another month passed.

Bai Suzhen's cultivation level has returned to its peak. Even after experiencing various previous crises, Bai Suzhen's state of mind has undergone a transformation, and her cultivation level has improved a bit compared to before.

"The Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa has been cultivated to the extreme. After becoming an immortal, I still have to pay my respects to Old Mother Lishan in the New Year and seek more inheritance of the immortal way."

At this point, Bai Suzhen's cultivation has been difficult to improve, and all kinds of magic spells have reached the state of transformation, and she is only left in the human world for her son.

"Ding! We are about to return to the main world!"

The beep sounded again, the system task was completed, and Zhang Jingyun also needed to return to the main world. The matter of becoming an immortal obviously could not be completed in this world.

But Zhang Jingyun is not in a hurry about this.

In his opinion, the gods in this world are very strange. The gods are not as strong as imagined, and Bai Suzhen is not as weak as imagined.

Immortals like Ku Shen are mediocre in strength. In the beginning, Xiao Qing forced the opponent to the point where he didn't want to fight, and his strength can already be described as weak.

There is also the White Ape Immortal Official in Heaven.

The White Ape Immortal Official was responsible for guarding the elixir of Our Lady of Yaochi. Bai Suzhen stole the elixir from heaven at that time. The White Ape Immortal Official was caught off guard and snatched the jar containing the elixir from his hands. Unfortunately, in the end, he was used by Our Lady of Yaochi for being too arrogant. Trapped.

None of this is the point.

What Zhang Jingyun is talking about is the level of combat power of the gods. Some are too big and the bottom line is too low. The strength of Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen is actually better than that of many gods.

As for becoming an immortal, in Zhang Jingyun's opinion, it may be equivalent to gaining a heavenly establishment, but the strength has not improved much.

In other words, even if Zhang Jingyun breaks through the realm and reaches a realm above the realm of refining the void, he will still not be considered an immortal without being guided by heaven. There is a big gap between this and Zhang Jingyun's imagination.

Returning to the main world is imminent.

Zhang Jingyun didn't want this either. He went to Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing to explain briefly, and then communicated with the system to return to the main world.

"Ding! Start returning."

A system notification sounded in my mind, the next second. Zhang Jingyun disappeared. When he closed and opened his eyes, the world had changed.

real world.

The system prompt sounded in Zhang Jingyun's mind, "Congratulations to the host, the system task has been completed, the rewards are being settled, please wait..."

Various memories flashed through Zhang Jingyun's mind quickly, like a slideshow, until he had browsed through all the memories.

[Current Progress: The Legend of the New White Snake]

[Task bar: Task 1, Grass Python Hero: Get married to Bai Suzhen, transform into a grass python hero, and give birth to a child. The task has been completed.

Mission 2: Defeat Fa Hai, seize his golden bowl, and change Bai Suzhen's fate of being suppressed under Leifeng Pagoda for twenty years. The mission has been completed]

[System rewards have been distributed, please check]


The two tasks are not difficult for Zhang Jingyun, especially the first one. Even if he does nothing, he can complete the task. It is a simple win.

Originally, Zhang Jingyun was worried about whether there would be any conflicts in marrying a wife who is 1,800 years older than him, but after seeing the system tasks, he decided to marry her.

Zhang Jingyun felt there was no problem at all.

What's wrong with getting older? He hurts people even more.

The second task is relatively difficult, defeating Fahai and seizing the golden bowl. Fahai is a frontman of Buddhism, and he also has a treasure given by the Buddha. Zhang Jingyun defeated him, which also caused a lot of trouble.

"Let's see what rewards there are for the two tasks..."

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. He opened the data panel and saw various exercises and spells, all of which had basically reached the eighth level of perfection.

"Well, the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Great Technique, the Light Gathering Method, and the Supreme Purity Thunder Technique have reached their peak. Except for the Thunder Technique, which has the ninth level and belongs to the Immortal level, the other two techniques have reached their peak."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his mind that Bai Suzhen would be able to obtain the follow-up skills of Jiutian Xuanyuan Dafa in the future when he goes to visit Old Mother Lishan, but he can't point it out now.

Needless to say, there are countless spells. Zhang Jingyun turned his eyes to the rewards of this system mission.

For the first task reward, as the panel opens, you can see that there are four rewards, and Zhang Jingyun can choose one from them.

"The four-choose-one reward mode is pretty good." There are many system reward modes, including directly issuing a reward, the four-choose-one mode, and the lottery mode.

Among them, the lottery mode is also divided into random lottery and semi-random lottery. The former, as the name suggests, randomly draws one from all the rewards. There is a possibility of winning a waste reward, and it is also possible to win a big prize. The risk is relatively high. The latter generally cannot be drawn. No big prize, but stability is the key.

Zhang Jingyun did not expect to win a grand prize in the four-choose-one mode, but this time it was beyond his expectation. The four rewards were all of high quality.

The first reward made Zhang Jingyun's eyes light up. Talent type: Breaking the Illusion Golden Eyes, from the natural stone monkey in Huaguo Mountain in Journey to the West.

The natural stone monkey in Huaguo Mountain is naturally Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, the great sage who defeated the Buddha in battle and the Golden Eyes of Destruction are his innate skills.


Some people may be unfamiliar with the mention of the Golden Eyes. After all, when it comes to Sun Wukong's eye skills, everyone knows that he has flaming eyes and golden eyes.

However, in the original work of Journey to the West, the Golden Eyes of Destruction are Sun Wukong's real natural divine eyes, which are much stronger than the fiery eyes and golden eyes refined by Taishang Laojun.

The Golden Eyes of Breaking the Illusion can see through the false phenomena in the world, and it doesn't matter whether the cultivation level is high or low, it can see through everything.

As for the fiery eyes, many people suspect that the Sun Wukong's PoWu Golden Eyes were smoked out by Taishang Laojun's Bagua Furnace, causing him to shed tears when facing the wind. He is also particularly sensitive to smoke, which is not the same as the PoWu Golden Eyes. Something of a class.

"It's a pity that Sun Wukong has not developed the effect of the Golden Eyes of Deception to its extreme. If it is just to see through the opponent's cultivation and true body, it is not that necessary."

PoWu Golden Eyes is extremely famous. Sun Wukong was born, his gaze went straight to heaven, alarming the Jade Emperor, but his performance was not so amazing later.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the second reward, skill category: Divine Machine Hundred Refining, one of the eight magical skills, the skill of refining magic weapons inherited by Ma Xianhong.

This skill is very eye-catching in the world among one person. A magical weapon that others took more than ten years, decades, or even a lifetime to refine can be made in an instant with a magical machine.

In addition to refining magic weapons.

If the Shen Ji Bai Lian is combined with another eight magical skills, the magical weapon called the Self-cultivation Furnace can also be used to refine people as a magical weapon. Of course, this is not harmful to people, but makes people have higher potential and become more perfect. , so it’s called self-cultivation.

The great thing about the Self-cultivation Furnace is that it allows people to easily cross the boundary between ordinary people and strangers. If this is placed in the world of immortal cultivation, it probably allows people without spiritual roots to have spiritual roots and can practice normally.

"Eight Wonderful Skills... Even though I am about to become an immortal, these skills are still eye-catching. They are indeed unique."

However, the world level of one person is not too high, and it is incomparable with Journey to the West. If he really had to choose one of these two skills, Zhang Jingyun would definitely choose the Golden Eyes.

Calm down your mind.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the next reward, which was an item, the light of the spiritual treasure, which contained the essence of the spiritual treasure. When combined with the magic weapon, the level of the magic weapon could be improved.

"There is such a thing?"

Zhang Jingyun was quite surprised.

Magical weapons and spiritual treasures are not on the same level. Immortals mostly use magical treasures, while gods and their like use spiritual treasures. There are even many gods who do not even have spiritual treasures, and are so poor that they can compete with Kushen.

"I don't know if the light of this spiritual treasure integrated into Xuanyuan Sword can upgrade it." Zhang Jingyun was not sure.

The Xuanyuan Divine Sword was given to him by Yan Chixia. It was a magical weapon. In the White Snake World, it could even compete with Fahai's Golden Bowl.

Fahai's golden bowl was given by Tathagata Buddha. It contains spirituality and is considered a spiritual treasure. Therefore, the Xuanyuan Sword is by no means a magical treasure. However, there are many levels of spiritual treasures, acquired spiritual treasures, innate spiritual treasures...

Zhang Jingyun looked at the last reward, the skill: Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, also known as the Eight Nine Xuan Gong. The skill practiced by Yang Jian has the ability to move and change, and has endless wonderful skills.

Master Yuding once said, "If you have mastered the Eight or Nine Mysteries, you will be able to live freely in the world." This can explain the power of this mysterious skill.

The eight-nine mysterious power is the magical power of interpretation. In Taoism, the maximum yin number is eight, and the maximum yang number is nine. The multiplication of eight and nine is the maximum number in Taoism. Therefore, there are nine palaces and eight trigrams in the heaven and earth, and seventy-two periods.

The Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques are not only the method of the Jindan Dao, but also include infinite wonderful ways and various magical powers. Yang Jian's seventy-two transformations are derived from the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques.

However, unlike Sun Wukong's seventy-two transformations, Sun Wukong's seventy-two transformations are only a transformation technique to avoid three disasters, and the two cannot be confused.

In Journey to the West, when Yang Jian fights against Sun Wukong, he always beats Sun Wukong in terms of changes, which is due to the Nine Transformations Mysterious Skill.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the introduction to the exercises.

If the magic skill reaches the ninth level, you can only stay in Niwan Palace. If the soul is immortal, the physical body will not die. If the soul escapes, it will be safe, and the body can be resurrected indefinitely. With the changes in the wind, it can be called immortal.

The Nine Transformations Xuan Gong focuses on the cultivation of the physical body and is ranked first. After completing the nine transformations, it is said that the physical body can become a saint. Zhang Jingyun does not know whether it is true or not.

Among the four rewards, Zhang Jingyun hesitated briefly. The Golden Eyes that can see through illusions are not necessary for Zhang Jingyun. Although the Golden Eyes are not as good as the Golden Eyes that can break illusions, the effect is actually pretty good.

In the final analysis, the divine machine is inferior to that of an immortal, and has no advantage over other rewards. As for the light of the spiritual treasure, Zhang Jingyun might still choose it if there was no Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique.

But since there is Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique, the result is clear. As long as you practice this technique to the extreme, do you need to be afraid of Lingbao? The direct physical body is stronger than the Lingbao.

It's just that although the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique is powerful, it is extremely difficult to practice and the conditions are extremely harsh. Yang Jian has great opportunities and a strong enough background to practice it to the sixth level. Even so, there are many gods who are more powerful than Yang Jian.

Zhang Jingyun finally chose Nine Turns Mysterious Technique. It didn't matter if the technique was difficult, he still had a system. Then came the second task reward. A lottery roulette appeared in front of his eyes, and random draws began.

The bonus wheel spins and then freezes.

Item reward: Heaven-raising bottle.

Zhang Jingyun casually clicked on the reward introduction...

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