People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 238 Repairing the Golden Buddha【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun counted with his fingers and figured out that the dragon's pulse and Zen Master Baiyun's battle with the thousand-year-old tree demon were somehow related to him and his apprentice Shifang.

When they were in the market during the day, the Golden Buddha was exposed, so Zen Master Baiyun and his disciples were targeted. At night, more than a dozen people followed them to Lanruo Temple.

The thousand-year-old tree demon was concerned about the strength of Zen Master Baiyun, but the others were just blood food that came to their doorsteps, so they immediately arranged for female ghosts to seduce these gangsters who were preparing to kill people and steal goods.

Zen Master Baiyun knew that these people brought it upon themselves. After all, if they had not been greedy and had not thought of robbing the Golden Buddha, they would not have come to Lanruo Temple.

However, Zen Master Baiyun is a true eminent Buddhist monk. Even if these people are guilty, they should not die of being devoured by the thousand-year-old tree demon.

"The monster is causing trouble, I'm going to slay the monster!"

Baiyun suddenly opened his eyes, flew up, grabbed the Vajra Subduing Demon Zen Staff, flew out of the room, and tossed and turned in the temple with an elegant figure.

"Master, what should I do?"

Shifang shouted anxiously behind him.

Bai Yun flew towards the depths of Lanruo Temple without looking back and said: "Keep an eye on the golden Buddha here and don't wander around! You will go back as a teacher."

"The Golden Buddha protects the body, and there are no taboos!"

Shifang could only hug the golden Buddha tightly to comfort himself. The golden Buddha escorted by the master and the apprentice was a treasure. As long as the golden Buddha stayed with him, no monsters could hurt him.

Baiyun flew to the backyard of Lanruo Temple in an instant. The ancient trees and weeds in the backyard were green, and the evil spirit was many times stronger than the front yard.

Apparently, he was close to the monster's lair.


Baiyun threw the Vajra Demon-Suppressing Zen Staff at the right time. The pure Buddhist magic power caused the Zen staff to break through the air and nail it to the empty ground in front of him.

Wow! The golden ring on the Zen staff trembles constantly, frightening the surrounding monsters. This kind of Buddhist magic weapon is extremely lethal to monsters.

Bai Yunfei landed on the top of the Zen staff and stood firm. Looking around, he felt that the sky was full of monsters, but he couldn't see the monster's true body.

"You are not bad at Taoism, you can avoid my eyes!" Bai Yun's heart moved. The monsters in Lanruo Temple were really powerful, so he immediately became cautious.

The tree demon's ability to hide his body is indeed very good. He suffered a loss at the hands of Zhang Jingyun a hundred years ago. This time he also learned to be humble. As long as he doesn't show up, no matter how powerful Monk Baiyun is, he can't do anything to him.

However, the thousand-year-old tree demon still underestimated Baiyun. Monk Baiyun not only had an endless supply of magic weapons, but also had extremely superb spells.

Baiyun has practiced cultivation all his life and turned his blood into gold. He is already considered an Arhat in the human world. It is only a matter of time before he becomes a Buddha one day.

Sure enough, I saw Bai Yun's broad earlobe trembling, and it turned out to be the Buddha's Heavenly Ear. The Heavenly Ear is the wisdom that can indirectly understand the thoughts of sentient beings and the pain, joy, good and evil cause and effect of their thoughts through sound, and can also understand the Buddhas in the ten directions. , in response to the thoughts of all sentient beings, no matter how powerful the thousand-year-old tree demon's ability to hide its body is, it cannot completely abandon the delusions of selfish thoughts.

Therefore, in front of Tian Er Tong, the tree demon lost track of him, and Zen Master Baiyun caught up with him on tiptoe, but he did not bring the Vajra Demon Subduing Zen Staff with him.

If Zhang Jingyun were here, he would immediately understand that Bai Yun was showing weakness to the enemy and deliberately did not take the Vajra Demon Subduing Zen Staff. In fact, he still had a magic weapon on him.

After a while, white clouds flew to a forest.

The evil spirit in the woods is extremely dispersed, as if there are monsters in all directions, and the white clouds have their eyes wide open, like the angry King Ming's Dharma, and the magic power is circulating around him.

"Stars abound!"

Baiyun took off the string of Buddhist beads around his neck and shouted loudly, then threw a string of Buddhist beads in all directions. The whole forest banged and exploded.

One hundred and eight beads, all containing Buddhist magic power, beat the entire forest to almost pieces. Only then did all the beads return to Bai Yun's hands and gather into a pile. Then they turned his hands and turned into a bunch again, hanging them back on his neck.

"Run away?" Bai Yun didn't expect the tree demon to be so cowardly. It was just a face-to-face encounter, without even showing his true body, and he actually retreated directly.

"This monster is so cautious. Could it be that he fell into the hands of some master before?" Bai Yun subconsciously thought in his heart.

Naturally, the thousand-year-old tree demon didn't know that Bai Yun had guessed it right due to some combination of circumstances. A hundred years ago, he was almost beaten to death by Zhang Jingyun. After rebuilding, he was better than before, so he naturally had to be more careful.

Seeing the tree demon retreating, Bai Yun shook his head, bowed with one hand and returned to his residence, taking the Vajra Demon-Suppressing Zen Staff away with him.

On the other side, Zhang Jingyun also gained something.

He knew how the thousand-year-old tree demon survived, and also knew that troubled times encouraged it to improve its Taoism. In addition, he used the ghost pool to make its Taoism advance by leaps and bounds.

The ghost pool is not a magic weapon, but a demon method. A one-foot-long and wide pool is arranged with a demon pattern formation, and is instilled with demon magic to form the ghost pool.

The female ghost under the Millennium Tree Demon is still in the same old routine. She is responsible for seducing men from all walks of life. After luring them into the Ghost Soul Pool, the Ghost Soul Pool will remove everyone's yang energy, essence, blood and even souls, and turn them into the most suitable source for the Millennium Tree Demon to absorb. energy for it to absorb.

The growth of the Millennium Dryad is similar to planting trees. To plant trees, you need fertile soil, a suitable climate environment and sufficient water sources. For Dryad cultivation, the fertile soil is the treasure land of Lanruo Temple, and the suitable climate is the rich and rich land today. The spiritual energy and water source are naturally this ghost pool, which is so nutritious.

Over the years, I don’t know how many men have been seduced into the ghost pool by the female ghosts of Lanruo Temple. They thought it was a wine pond and a meat forest, and pairs of beautiful legs that were so white that they were dazzling were actually knives to seduce souls.

"I want you to do something for me."

Zhang Jingyun controlled Xiaodie's soul and said.

"We?" Xiaodie was confused, Zhang Jingyun waved, and the door to the room opened automatically in the next second, and Xiaozhuo fell in unexpectedly.

Xiaodie looked at Xiaozhuo and was displeased: "Master, it's enough for me to help you, why do you need her to get involved? This woman is very bad!"

As the two female ghosts with the highest KPI under Dryad, Xiaodie and Xiaozhuo are sworn enemies, even when they come to Zhang Jingyun.

Seeing Xiaodie's tea-smelling look, Xiao Zhuo didn't care about anything else and directly hugged Jingyun's arm, not caring about the spring sunshine.

"I wonder what you want me to do for you, sir?" Xiao Zhuo glanced at Xiao Die disdainfully, and even rubbed Zhang Jingyun's arm thoughtfully as if to demonstrate.

"Hmm~" Zhang Jingyun's arms felt soft, "Simple, you can go back together later and tell the thousand-year-old tree demon that I, Ning Caichen, am back, and neither he nor the old Black Mountain demon can escape."

"It turns out that the young master's name is Ning Caichen..."

Xiao Zhuo suddenly reacted, "What did you say? Are you here to deal with grandma?" After that, she looked at Xiaodie in disbelief: "Are you being bribed?"

"I told you, he is the master!"

Xiaodie said with a smile, Xiaozhuo subconsciously wanted to run away, but was suddenly caught in Zhang Jingyun's hand, and used the spirit arrester to arrest him as his "spirit".

"Master...Master!" Xiao Zhuo said timidly.

"Are you really confident to subdue grandma?" On the other side, Xiaodie couldn't help but said. She and Xiaozhuo were the closest people to the thousand-year-old tree demon. Naturally, they knew how powerful the tree demon was today.

"A hundred years ago, I was the one who beat the tree demon until he used the art of splitting and transforming." Zhang Jingyun's words made Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Die's expressions change greatly.

"Are you the one who caused trouble in the underworld? You made Master Heishan furious. Grandma couldn't find you and was slapped a few times by Master Heishan." Xiaodie suddenly thought of something.

Zhang Jingyun raised his eyebrows. I had never heard of this. He just threw a nuclear warhead in the underworld, and the old Black Mountain demon was not dead. What a big deal.

"Okay, you two should go back quickly. The thousand-year-old tree demon was forced to retreat by Monk Baiyun. You tell him that I am coming. The thousand-year-old tree demon has suffered a loss once, and there is a high probability that he will ask the old demon from Montenegro to help out. Just in time, he can defeat them in one go. Catch them all in one fell swoop," Zhang Jingyun said.

Xiaodie and Xiaozhuo looked at each other and felt excited. If they could really succeed, they would no longer have to be coerced by the tree demon. They would have their own bodies and could be reincarnated and start a new life.

After Zhang Jingyun finished explaining, he returned to the previous room. Monk Baiyun had just arrived at the door and stretched out his hand to signal Zhang Jingyun to go in first, "Donor please."

Zhang Jingyun was not polite and returned the favor and entered the room. Then the two of them exchanged words about the situation they had just encountered. Only Shifang was restless.

"The donor also encountered a fierce ghost?"

Bai Yun asked, Zhang Jingyun nodded: "I met them. They are two female ghosts who turn into monsters to seduce men to absorb Yang Qi and blood essence."

"In my opinion, the donor is definitely not a person who is greedy for beauty. The donor did not subdue the two female ghosts. He always had his own plans."

Zhang Jingyun has a weird look on his face. Is he not greedy for beauty? What else can you be greedy for? As for Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Die, they have also been subdued.

But there is no need to tell Bai Yun these things.

"The monster in Lanruo Temple is a thousand-year-old tree monster with profound spiritual knowledge. I am going to make a complete break with this monster tomorrow night." Zhang Jingyun said his plan.

"Amitabha, I am willing to lend a helping hand." Baiyun put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name without hesitation.

"A hundred years ago, the Thousand-Year Dryad suffered a heavy blow. It was saved from death by using the art of splitting and transforming, so we are extra cautious."

Zhang Jingyun's words cleared up Bai Yun's doubts: "No wonder the tree demon didn't show up when it encountered me but just retreated. I don't know which Taoist friend can have such a skill."

"it's me."

Zhang Jingyun didn't seem to see Bai Yun's shock, but continued to speak: "A hundred years ago, if I hadn't let down my guard, I wouldn't have let it continue to harm people and grow to the point it is today."

"It's great that the donor has such a heart. With the nature of the tree monster, I'm afraid that a very powerful monster will be invited tomorrow night. This battle will be dangerous!"

Baiyun was a little worried about Shifang, but when he thought that Shifang was protected by a golden Buddha and there were no taboos, he didn't pay too much attention.

"I know what kind of monster he will invite tomorrow night. It is a demon king from the underworld. His body is a black mountain, named Black Mountain Old Demon!"

"Old Demon of Black Mountain!" Bai Yun was suddenly shocked. "It is said that the Old Demon of Montenegro has practiced Taoism for ten thousand years. I don't know if it is true or not."

"Ten thousand years of Taoism is indeed an exaggeration, but it still exists for thousands of years. It is difficult to become an immortal in this world.

The Black Mountain Old Demon is the closest to becoming an immortal in this world, but master, there is no need to worry. Although my skills are shallow, I can still deal with the Black Mountain Old Demon. I just need to help me contain the Millennium Tree Demon when the time comes. "

Although one against two, I think I can win in the end, but since I have helpers around me, why not? It's better to be cautious.

"I will do my best!"

After Baiyun finished speaking, he said to Shifang: "Shifang, you must not leave my side tomorrow night. If necessary, you will need to use the Golden Buddha! Do you understand?"

"Ming...understand!" Shifang felt a little guilty.

Bai Yun only thought that Shifang was timid and afraid of monsters, so he didn't think much about it, but Zhang Jingyun felt that something was wrong with this guy.

In the original plot, Shifang smashed the Golden Buddha, but Baiyun was deceived as a result. He won't smash the Golden Buddha so quickly this time, right?

Zhang Jingyun took a closer look with his golden eyes.

Subconsciously, he twitched the corner of his mouth and wondered what kind of golden Buddha there was. The golden Buddha behind the cloth turned into wood, and the real golden Buddha no longer knew where it was.

"Zen Master Baiyun, after hearing that you praise the Golden Buddha so much, I wonder if you can let me see the most precious Buddhist treasure?" Zhang Jingyun said decisively.

The Golden Buddha was lost, and Shifang was hiding it now. It would be too late to tell him later during the battle. Zhang Jingyun certainly couldn't just watch him cheat people.

"Okay, Shifang, let's take the Golden Buddha and show it to the donor!" Baiyun said generously. Only Shifang had a miserable look on his face, wanting to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

"Master, the golden Buddha is lost."

Shifang pulled the piece of cloth to reveal the wood inside. Baiyun stood up suddenly, looked at Shifang and said, "You idiot, if you didn't tell me that you lost the golden Buddha, are you planning to give me a surprise tomorrow?" "

"It's still early, let's go look for it together. The room is so big, we can't lose it." Zhang Jingyun said in time.

Baiyun nodded, and then Shifang took him to look for it. Wherever he went, he must remember that the Golden Buddha was his most powerful treasure and there was no room for loss.

After a while, the golden Buddha was found.

It turned out that Shifang accidentally threw him out of the attic and fell into the grass. There were snakes in the grass. Snakes are extremely cold and their blood is filthy. By chance, the Golden Buddha was contaminated with snake blood and its magic power was weakened and fell into pieces. Three quarters.

"This...this! Shifang, what a good thing you did!" Baiyun was heartbroken. It's too late to repair the Golden Buddha now. He has lost his most powerful magic weapon. He only has a 70% chance of winning against the thousand-year-old tree demon tomorrow night. He had a clear chance of winning. Ninety-nine percent of it.

"Master Shifang did not intentionally damage the Golden Buddha. If Master can trust me, I can repair the Golden Buddha." Zhang Jingyun said suddenly.

"The donor still knows how to refine weapons?" Bai Yun was surprised.

"Try it." Zhang Jingyun took the broken golden Buddha, then made a seal with his hand, and put the broken golden Buddha into three pieces into the heaven-raising bottle.

It can be felt that under the powerful nourishing effect of the Yangtian Bottle, the Golden Buddha is repairing quickly. It only takes a moment to make up for the cracks. In less than half an hour, it has been restored to its original state.

Zhang Jingyun's expression changed.

"Why, it can't be repaired? It doesn't matter. Even if I don't have the Golden Buddha, I still need to protect Shifang with one hand, and I can still deal with the thousand-year-old tree demon! Let's repair the Golden Buddha another day."

Bai Yun comforted Zhang Jingyun and said.

"That's not the case. I have repaired the Golden Buddha, but it seems to have undergone some changes." Zhang Jingyun smiled bitterly and took out the Golden Buddha.

He really just wanted to help Bai Yun casually, but he didn't expect it. The effect of raising the sky bottle was extraordinary. After repairing the magic weapon, there was a trace of imprint in the magic weapon.

Now as long as Zhang Jingyun is willing.

He can easily activate the Golden Buddha to fight against the enemy.

Zhang Jingyun swore that this was the first time he repaired the magic weapon, and he had no idea that there was such a thing, nor was he deliberately trying to dazzle the golden Buddha in the white clouds.

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