People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 239 The Realm of Earthly Immortals【Please subscribe】

"The Golden Buddha was repaired so quickly?" Bai Yun was quite surprised when he saw the intact Golden Buddha with no trace of brokenness.

Zhang Jingyun hesitated for a moment, then said truthfully: "Master, I don't know something. The magic weapon I just used to repair the Golden Buddha has an extraordinary origin. I only know some of its abilities after I have used them..."

Zhang Jingyun told Zen Master Baiyun that there was a magical imprint on the golden Buddha. The latter was not angry, but smiled heartily.

"Amitabha, the donor has told me frankly, which proves that he has no desire to covet the most precious treasures of Buddhism. I guess this is the fate of Buddha. Restoring the Golden Buddha is cultivating Buddha. I wonder if the donor is willing to practice Buddhism?"

Baiyun suddenly asked.

Zhang Jingyun smiled slightly, "I don't have to. There was a Zen master who said that I have wisdom and wanted to accept me as his disciple, but I refused."

"My master is very capable. You have wisdom, so you are definitely more suitable for practice than me." Shifang next to him said with relief when he saw that the golden Buddha had been repaired.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "It doesn't matter what my ability is. That Zen master has returned to Lingshan after becoming a Buddha. If I were willing to practice Buddhism, I would have practiced with him long ago."

"When conditions arise, they gather, and when conditions end, they disperse. Don't force it." Baiyun is not as stubborn as Fahai. It is Zhang Jingyun's own choice whether to practice Buddhism or not.

The next morning.

Zhang Jingyun gave the remaining food to the two of them. Baiyun was successful in cultivation and could eat or not. His cultivation in Shifang was simple, but he still couldn't live without the desire to eat.

In the past, when Baiyun and Shifang traveled together, Shifang was so hungry that he couldn't bear to talk, and even asked Baiyun, his master, to beg him for alms.

He can compete with Uncle Jiu in his treatment of his disciples.

"Wow! Nothing happened to you. Are the monsters in Lanruo Temple showing kindness?" At this moment, a voice came into the ears of several people.

Zhang Jingyun had long noticed that someone was approaching, and the person coming was none other than Yan Chixia, the swordsman who had crossed paths with the three of them at the market yesterday.

Zhang Jingyun went crazy as soon as he saw Yan Chixia. He obviously knew Qiu Yiye's appearance, but he stared at the bearded man's name.

"Are you having breakfast? I haven't eaten either, so you don't mind joining us. I'll bring my own bowls and chopsticks, so you don't have to greet me." Yan Chixia shamelessly ate a meal when she saw that the food was ready-made.

"You knew there were monsters in Lanruo Temple and you didn't warn us. Why did you show up here so coincidentally to see if we were dead and to take advantage?"

Zhang Jingyun directly exposed Yan Chixia's purpose. Yesterday at the market, he accidentally cut open Shifang's trunk, exposing the golden Buddha. It was absolutely impossible not to be moved.

However, Yan Chixia's face did not turn red as she ate and said, "I see you are not mortals. It doesn't matter if you remind me or not. If you need my help in any way, you can pay me to hire me. I'm very capable."

"Oh? How powerful is it?"

Seeing Zhang Jingyun's skeptical look, Yan Chixia was simply questioning her own professional level and quickly tried to prove it.

"Don't think that I am just the best swordsman in the world. That is just a one-sided view of me by secular people. In fact, I am still a mage!"

"The best swordsman in the world? The last person who competed for this title was almost sucked dry by the tree demon." Zhang Jingyun instantly thought of Xiahou Swordsman.

"Eh? Do you know my uncle Xiahou?"

Yan Chixia's eyes lit up. The person Zhang Jingyun was talking about was clearly the swordsman Xiahou. He had received guidance from Xiahou when he was practicing Taoism with old Yan Chixia.

"What spells do you know?"

Zhang Jingyun asked, changing the subject.

Yan Chixia opened her mouth and said, "That's a lot. I don't know anything about Kunlun magic, Qimen Flying Armor, and sword control."

"Idiot, you know more magic than you do well. You are here today. There will be a fierce battle in the evening which will be good for you." Zhang Jingyun rolled his eyes. This guy has the same problem as Zhiqiu Yiye. He knows magic well. No matter how old or young, no one is proficient!


Yan Chixia agreed casually, and then reacted, "Huh? Why do I listen subconsciously when you speak?

Besides, it's very dangerous for you to fight monsters here. I won't stay here. If you can't defeat me, I will have to help you. If I don't have any money then, won't I lose money to death? Do not stay! Do not stay! "

With a determined look on her face, Yan Chixia had breakfast and was about to pat her butt and leave, until Zhang Jingyun's voice sounded from behind.

"If you dare to come tonight, I will skin you!"

For some reason, Yan Chixia was aroused subconsciously. Zhang Jingyun's words sent chills down his spine, but he still said bravely: "If you can't come, I won't come. If you come, I will be your grandson."

Zhang Jingyun didn't say anything and allowed Yan Chixia to leave. After he left, Bai Yun asked, "Donor Ning, do you have any history with this little mage?"

"A hundred years ago, he was a post-academic scholar of the Kunlun sect, named Zhiqiu Yiye. Yan Chixia is the name of another friend of mine, and he is considered a descendant of mine.

I don’t know why he was reincarnated, even I have forgotten it, but I believe that he will definitely come in the evening. "Zhang Jingyun said slowly.

"Amitabha!" Bai Yun began to close his eyes and rest his mind, gathering strength to prepare for the fierce battle at night. The monsters were ferocious and could not tolerate any omissions.

Zhang Jingyun sensed through the souls of Xiaozhuo and Xiaodie that they had relayed his instructions to the thousand-year-old tree demon.

"What? Who did you say you met last night?" The thousand-year-old tree demon suddenly stood up, and the few little demons waiting around him were caught off guard and flew away by the strong magic power of the tree demon.

"Going back to grandma, he said he was Ning Caichen."

Xiaozhuo quickly replied.

Xiaodie on the other side also spoke at the right time and said: "Grandma, who is this person? He is so bad. He has such a high level of cultivation and still bullies me in different ways. He is such a bad man!"

The thousand-year-old tree demon snorted coldly: "That's right, Ning Caichen specializes in picking out beautiful female ghosts, regardless of life or death. I didn't expect that he hasn't gotten up yet!

Over the past hundred years, I have never forgotten his great kindness. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have used the art of splitting and transforming to rebuild. Today he has come to harm you again. It's time to settle old and new grudges together! "

Xiaodie's face turned red after hearing the thousand-year-old tree demon's words. She originally thought that Zhang Jingyun was giving her special treatment, but she didn't expect that he was just like this. He was a man who liked female ghosts.

"Grandma's cultivation is as high as the sky. This person is so arrogant. I think it would be easy to subdue him, absorb his yang energy and blood, and improve my cultivation to a higher level."

Xiao Zhuo said from the side.

The thousand-year-old tree demon rolled his eyes and said seriously: "Don't be careless, this person could destroy my foundation a hundred years ago and prevent me from rebuilding it.

After a hundred years, his cultivation will definitely improve a lot. It just so happens that Master Heishan has been looking for him. Tonight, I will ask Master Heishan to help me and work together to surround and kill this person! "

"Grandma, there is a monk in Lanruo Temple." Xiaodie did not forget to remind, and the thousand-year-old tree demon nodded: "It will be tough for the two to join forces, but if I open the extreme demon world, what a waste!"

The thousand-year-old tree demon confidently believes that today is different from the past. He has many methods now, and a mere Zhang Jingyun is not enough to scare him.

As the sun gradually sets.

The demonic energy in Lanruo Temple was also extremely strong. Zhang Jingyun clearly sensed a powerful aura that broke through the boundary between Yin and Yang and descended from the underworld to the world.

"Ning Caichen, why don't you come out and die!"

The angry voice of the old Black Mountain demon sounded. Over the past hundred years, he could never forget the nuclear bomb that was thrown into the underworld, which caused him serious injuries.

There is no immortal power in the world of Yin and Yang, and the old demon from Black Mountain is one of the strongest monsters. Being injured by two monks whose cultivation level is far lower than his own is simply a shame and humiliation for him.

"Ning Caichen, do you still remember me? A hundred years ago, you beheaded my true body, took away my inner elixir, and made me use the secret technique of split body transformation. You deserve to die!"

The voice of the thousand-year-old tree demon came next.

Before Zhang Jingyun showed up, suddenly a slightly funny head popped out from the middle of the ground. It was Yan Chixia who had left and returned during the day.

"Grandma, damn it. I just listen to what others say. If I don't listen, I always feel like disaster is about to happen."

Yan Chixia gritted her teeth and muttered, suddenly feeling that the surrounding atmosphere was a bit strange, until he looked up and felt two sets of eyes falling on him, like bright lights in the dark night, extremely dazzling.

"The thousand-year-old tree demon and the old Black Mountain demon from the underworld are in bad luck because of your coaxing. Is this the big battle that man said? Are you sure it's not a suicide?"

Yan Chixia saw that the situation was not good and prepared to run away. At the same time, two figures came from far away and stood in the void in an instant.

Among them, the old and thin one is Zen Master Baiyun. He is holding a vajra Zen staff for subduing demons, a string of Buddhist beads on his neck, a rosary bracelet on his wrist, a token of subduing demons hanging on his waist, and a Cihang cassock on his feet. He is dressed in shining Buddhist treasures.

Yan Chixia almost drooled when she saw this scene, "The old monk is so rich? One, two, three, four, five plus the golden Buddha, a total of six magic weapons?"

Turning her eyes, Yan Chixia looked at Zhang Jingyun again, "Although he doesn't have a magic weapon, why do I always feel that he is more powerful? Oh, it's because he offended the thousand-year-old tree demon and the old black mountain demon at the same time and is still alive!"

Both the thousand-year-old tree demon and the old black mountain demon are extremely cruel. Offending two of them at the same time and still not dying is enough to show how powerful this person is.

"Dryad, I accidentally spared your life last time. Not only did you not repent, but you also became a more powerful person. This time I spared you even more.

And you, the old monster from Montenegro, I haven’t seen you for a hundred years. Do you think I’m still afraid of you? These two monsters, no matter how high or low the sky is, are still here. They obviously don't take me seriously and are preparing to catch the monsters! Dawei Tianlong! "

The momentum around Zhang Jingyun surged, dragons roared, and a strong wind suddenly blew up in Lanruo Temple. Yan Chixia was almost excited to see this scene.

"I wish it was me standing in the sky!"


"The ultimate demon world!"

The voice of the dryad resounded throughout Lanruo Temple. As soon as he finished speaking, a blue light curtain rose from the woods of Lanruo Temple and encompassed the entire temple.

"How dare you, evildoer, be so presumptuous!"

Baiyun holds the Vajra Demon-Suppressing Zen Staff and uses his magic power. The Buddha's light shines brightly, illuminating half of Lanruo Temple, allowing everyone to clearly see the barrier covering Lanruo Temple.

"Monk, don't think that your magical power can defeat me." The thousand-year-old tree demon disappeared, and his voice seemed to come from outside.

"Tree Demon, you kill innocent people indiscriminately and act against nature. I, Bai Yun, will come to subjugate you today. This is called karma! Donor Ning, leave the Dryad to me!"

Zhang Jingyun nodded and flew up to meet the old black mountain demon. The latter's body was a black mountain, and he could travel underground with the help of the Jidao Demon Realm in Lanruo Temple.

After hearing Bai Yun's words, the old Black Mountain demon laughed and said: "Karma? Do you really believe that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil?

What a bullshit cycle of nature, do you know that after a wicked person dies, he can be buried in a grand ceremony, and there are still people writing books and praising him? "

Zhang Jingyun did not refute, but Bai Yun said: "So what, they will be sent to hell and suffer all kinds of pain and get evil retribution."

The old demon from Montenegro laughed and said, "You are so naive. Hell is darker than the human world, and the same goes for evil people. As long as they have strength, evil people will also be rewarded. I am running rampant in the underworld, how can I not know? There is no end to the sea of ​​suffering, and I will find the shore again." Whichever suits you better, old bald donkey!"

Bai Yun's eyes widened in anger. Although he looked like an angry Ming Wang, his Buddha's heart was obviously unstable. He was very angry at the words of the old Black Mountain demon. At this moment, the attack of the tree demon arrived.

"The extremely evil world is lawless!"

The magic power of the thousand-year-old tree demon shook the waters behind, and the river water turned into a waterspout, attacking the white clouds. In this area, there is no Buddhism, and there is no heavenly principle. With the blessing of the extreme demon world, the power of the demon magic is doubled.

Bai Yun danced the Zen staff to repel the water dragons in the sky, but even if he danced the Vajra Subduing Demons with the Zen staff airtight, he could not escape being covered by the river water.

"It's just a small skill, but you dare to do the same thing. You are not qualified to play with water in front of me." Zhang Jingyun's voice suddenly came out.

"The water overflows the golden mountain!"

This spell was taught to him by Bai Suzhen. Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing used it together to flood the Jinshan Mountain and force the Fahai to retreat.

Zhang Jingyun is now using it to deal with the thousand-year-old tree demon, which is simply killing a chicken with a sledgehammer! Bai Yun received help from Zhang Jingyun, took a breather, and then continued to compete with the thousand-year-old tree demon.

"Ning Caichen, you dare to cast spells distractedly in front of me?" The old Black Mountain demon was furious when he saw that Zhang Jingyun didn't take him seriously.

“Dark clouds cover the sky and move mountains to fill the sea!”

In an instant, the area of ​​800 miles around Lanruo Temple was completely transformed into a lightless barrier, which was similar to the extremely evil world of thousand-year-old tree demons.

Not only that, the ground of Lanruo Temple suddenly cracked, and a black mountain rose from the ground. The surrounding land seemed to soften, and countless arms reached out from the ground to grab Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun stepped continuously, as if he was stepping on the Gang to fight, but in reality he was using his magical power to shrink the ground into an inch. Every time he stepped, he moved across the air, and Zhang Jingyun could not be touched by the outstretched arms on the surface of the earth.

Not only that, no matter how powerful Zhang Jingyun is now, he will not avoid fighting forever. He points his fingers to the ground with his thoughts.

Point to the ground and turn it into steel!

The ground condensed, and it solidified like steel for a moment. The outstretched arm of the Black Mountain Old Demon and the rising Black Mountain stopped abruptly. Zhang Jingyun flicked his finger again, and a sword light chopped the arm and the Black Mountain into pieces.

"I have been cultivating for ten thousand years and I still can't break your spell? Break it for me!" the Black Mountain old demon roared sternly, and the ground, which was harder than steel, actually meandered in a strange pattern.

This world is not filled with gods and Buddhas;

The Black Mountain Old Demon's ten thousand year cultivation is the ultimate. Zhang Jingyun's spell was forcibly broken, but this does not mean that the Black Mountain Old Demon is stronger than him.

"Point the ground into steel!" Zhang Jingyun cast the spell again.

The old demon from Heishan was in high spirits: "Do you think the same spell is still useful to me? Ning Caichen, I will suck your soul dry!"

"What about this magic? Samadhi True Fire!"

The true flames in Zhang Jingyun's mouth were clearly the true fire of Samadhi, and the fire in Taishang Laojun's Bagua furnace was the comparison fire. However, Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level was still low, and the true fire of Samadhi was not that powerful.

But it is still effective against the old monster from Montenegro.

But just after he used the finger to turn the ground into steel, the ground solidified, and the Black Mountain Old Demon's body merged with the earth, and the finger to turn the ground into steel actually formed a protective shield for him.

The old Black Mountain demon mocked: "Haha, Ning Caichen, although you have many spells, you don't know how to adapt them. How can you still hold on to such spells?"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes flashed with fierceness.

Referring to the fact that the earth becomes steel and the true fire of samadhi conflict with each other, how could he not know it? The Black Mountain Old Demon's body has been roasted red by the real fire, and the temperature in Lanruo Temple has risen a lot out of thin air. He has not noticed the abnormality yet. After all, his ten thousand years of cultivation is no match for scientific theory.

"The water overflows the golden mountain!"

The river water poured backwards, forming a sky-wide curtain of water. The air waves rose, and the water and fire could not be contained. The river hit the red body of the old Black Mountain demon at an unstoppable speed.

With a loud bang, the Black Mountain Old Demon's indestructible body shattered into countless fragments and swept away in all directions.


The old demon of Black Mountain seemed to be condensing his body and recovering, but it was already too late. Zhang Jingyun stretched out one hand to snatch away the inner elixir of the old demon of Black Mountain. His soul burst into black light and was caught by Zhang Jingyun's other hand.

Then, Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth and swallowed his soul. It was Zhong Kui's ghost-eating technique and the five-ghost soul-eating technique. For a monster like the old demon of Heishan who caused trouble, this was the fate he deserved.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun felt something in his heart.

"Swallowing the soul of the old demon from Black Mountain, my soul has transformed. Now I can break through the realm. Above the fourth level of cultivation is the realm of earthly immortals!"

Zhang Jingyun's heart was filled with waves.

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