People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 243 Beautiful sister-in-law【Please subscribe】

PS: Xiang Cheng is the protagonist’s senior brother and has been modified.

"First-level spiritual stones, a total of 475 pieces, a complete set of second-level talisman master inheritance, a talisman pen, several talismans, and a first-level low-grade robe."

Zhang Jingyun sorts out Xiangcheng's "legacy".

Zhang Jingyun was slightly startled when he saw that there were only 475 low-grade spiritual stones. This amount of spiritual stones was quite poor for a Talisman master in the late stage of Qi training.

However, after seeing a first-class low-grade robe, Zhang Jingyun immediately understood. This first-class low-grade robe had appeared in the memory of his predecessor. In the market under the jurisdiction of the Golden Sword Sect, a magic weapon shop sold this robe. The selling price is as high as 1,500 first-level spiritual stones.

The price of the robe is considered expensive among all kinds of magic weapons. This is still a first-level low-grade robe, which costs more than a thousand spirit stones. For the Qi refining period, the most expensive top-grade robe costs tens of thousands of spirit stones. stone.

This kind of top-quality robe is extremely luxurious for monks in the Qi Refining Stage. If there are so many spirit stones, there is a high probability that they will buy a Foundation Establishment Pill to protect them when they break through the Foundation Establishment Stage, right?

Although in the Golden Sword Sect, using the Foundation Establishment Pill to build a foundation means that a disciple with insufficient qualifications, a weak foundation, and an extremely talented disciple can break through the Foundation Establishment level just by relying on his own practice. What kind of Foundation Establishment Pill is needed?

This was beyond Zhang Jingyun's expectation.

In other immortality novels, a foundation-building pill often requires all one's best efforts and many hardships before one is lucky enough to obtain it.

Even if there is no Foundation Establishment Pill.

Even the monks dare not break through the foundation building stage.

Now that I think about it, if I don’t need the Foundation Establishment Pill to break through the realm, this is the normal state, right? The first person in the world of immortality to break through the foundation-building stage, where did he get the foundation-building pill?

If everyone wants to take the Foundation Building Pill to achieve breakthrough, then why do they need qualifications and talents? It is obviously unreasonable to be unable to break through the realm without the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Xiang Cheng’s net worth.

Zhang Jingyun estimated that it was reasonable to have two thousand spirit stones. Spending fifteen hundred yuan to buy a robe was probably for going out on adventures.

As for the inheritance of the second-level Talisman Master left to Xiangcheng, it is still a complete set, including practice experience and several precious Talisman painting techniques.

Even if he sells Xiang Cheng to inherit the second-level talisman master's inheritance, he probably won't be able to get it together. Zhang Jingyun guesses that this is what Xiang Cheng gained in exchange for his life while exploring the ruins.

"Hey, a Talisman Master, why take such risks? In the end, even if you get what you want but lose your life, your wife will have to ask someone else to take care of her.

This is me. You are a good judge of people. I will definitely take care of things after collecting your things. I will personally go and take care of your wife. " Zhang Jingyun sighed.

Senior brother Xiang Cheng has a higher level of cultivation than his predecessor. He is a seventh-level qi-training monk. He is similar in age to his predecessor, so there is a high possibility of building a foundation.

Learned from the memory of the predecessor.

The predecessor had advised Xiang Cheng more than once to practice with peace of mind and wait until his cultivation reached the foundation building stage before exploring the ruins. After all, he was only a Talisman Master at the seventh level of Qi training, and the risk of venturing outside was too great.

However, Xiangcheng went anyway.

He just said that he liked the feeling of adventure, and in turn advised his predecessor that as long as he went out to explore the ruins, he would like this feeling. Even traveling outside frequently would help to break through the realm.

The predecessor has been stuck at the sixth level of Qi training for so many years. It's not that he has never thought about going out. It's just that he doesn't want to take too many risks due to his cultivation.

Results to the end.

Xiang Cheng was still "excited" to death.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head slightly and thought: "It's a pity. If it were in other worlds, this injury could be cured in minutes, so there would be no need to ask me to take care of Xiangcheng's wife."

With Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level, even if Xiang Cheng died, as long as his soul did not dissipate within three days, Zhang Jingyun could use the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa to resurrect him.

But things are different now.

Zhang Jingyun's cultivation in the Immortal Realm is temporarily unavailable. Even if he can forcefully unlock it, it is obviously not worth it for someone who is not a relative or a friend.

Moreover, Xiang Cheng used the precious Flowing Light Talisman and rushed back to the Golden Sword Sect from thousands of miles away to explain his funeral affairs, and many outer disciples could see it.

Xiang Cheng, an outer disciple who was almost dying, immediately recovered as good as before after coming out of Zhang Jingyun's residence.

That's really getting yourself into trouble.

Zhang Jingyun had just arrived, and he was not a kind person. Besides, his predecessor had warned Xiang Cheng many times. What could he do if the latter refused to listen?

To be able to do this, in Zhang Jingyun's opinion, is the end of benevolence and justice, and it is also a happy ending for Xiang Cheng.

Zhang Jingyun's acceptance of his inheritance meant that he had agreed to Xiang Cheng's dying instructions and could take care of his mortal wife for him.

As for why Xiang Cheng entrusted such an important matter to Zhang Jingyun, for one thing, his predecessor had a pretty good relationship with Xiang Cheng.

The two have known each other for more than twenty years in total. Ten years ago, they practiced talisman painting together and often exchanged experiences in talisman painting.

Erze Xiangcheng felt that his predecessor was trustworthy, and this was also due to his character. Although his cultivation speed in recent years was very different from that of when he was fifteen years old, his predecessor still practiced hard.

If you practice diligently without hesitation, you can endure loneliness.

Among the few outer disciples who were acquainted with Xiang Cheng, he was the only one who did not go to Qianxiang Tower to find Kun Xiu to relieve his tiredness. Qianxiang Tower's Kun Xiu skills were extremely high, gentle and considerate, and he was the best in the city.

The predecessor can resist temptation.

He is indeed one of the few decent men.

Under various considerations.

Xiang Cheng just entrusted this important task to Zhang Jingyun. In fact, Zhang Jingyun was also quite puzzled. Since Xiang Cheng cared so much about his Taoist companion in the mortal world, why didn't he take her over earlier?

The outer disciples of the Golden Sword Sect live in a large area, and they inherit the remaining fourth-level spiritual veins of the sect. The spiritual energy is very abundant. The Taoist companions in the world are also mortals, so it is of great benefit to absorb the spiritual energy regularly.

Although he was confused, since Zhang Jingyun had accepted Xiang Cheng's inheritance, he would definitely take good care of his wife as agreed.

Of course, Zhang Jingyun also had his own considerations. When he first entered the world of cultivating immortals, although he inherited the memories of his predecessor, his understanding of this world was still minimal.

This time I just had a look around.

"Speaking of which, the inheritance that Xiang Cheng left to himself, plus the Talisman Master inheritance that he exchanged for his life, can be converted into five thousand spiritual stones.

Five thousand spiritual stones are a considerable amount of wealth for the disciples in the late stages of Qi training, and not all outer disciples at the ninth level of Qi training can afford the Foundation Building Pill. "

Zhang Jingyun realized that if his cultivation level could still be used, this inheritance worth five thousand spiritual stones would indeed be dispensable.

But for the predecessor.

So many spiritual stones and the things he was asked to do are also a great gift to his predecessor. Now that Zhang Jingyun has taken over his predecessor's identity, he should also express this "great gift" in order to feel at ease.

As for how to express it, Zhang Jingyun could only say: "Brother Xiangcheng, I will support your wife, so don't worry about it! By the way, I haven't heard that Xiang Cheng has a son. If I only support his wife, the trouble will be less.


Time flies and two days pass.

Zhang Jingyunzhang rushed to Fufeng County in a hurry. Since he was a disciple of the Jinjian Sect, Xiangcheng's hometown was also within the sixteen counties under the sect's jurisdiction.

I don’t know if I don’t go out.

Only when I went out did I realize that the world of cultivating immortals was much larger than I thought. Jinjianmen governed sixteen counties, and the area of ​​each county was not comparable to that of a county in the real world.

It takes two and a half days to get from Jinjianmen to Xiangcheng's hometown in Fufeng County. Fortunately, monks in the Qi Refining Stage don't have to ride horses like Dou Emperor. Zhang Jingyun rode the flying crane that his predecessor bought from Fangshi and was about to fall apart. Although he is temporarily unable to use the magic power of shrinking the earth into an inch, he has also seen the vastness of the world of immortality.

Bang bang bang!

Zhang Jingyun knocked on the door gently.

"The same goes for Xiang Cheng. He is at the seventh level of Qi training and has a certain status among the outer disciples. Why do you let your wife live in a place like this?"

Zhang Jingyun was confused. Before Xiang Cheng died, what he cared about most was the wife he left in the world. It was for her that Xiang Cheng did not hesitate to give all his money.

Logically speaking, his wife should be extremely favored, but what Zhang Jingyun saw was that Xiang Cheng firstly did not take his wife to the sect's residence, and secondly, he did not buy a mansion for his wife in his hometown.

With a creak, the door slowly opened from the inside, and then a crisp voice sounded in Zhang Jingyun's ears: "Who are you looking for?"

Zhang Jingyun looked forward and saw that there was no one there. He looked down and was happy. He saw a porcelain doll-like little girl with braids, her head raised and her body unsteady as she asked.

"I'm looking for Liu Lixia, is she at home?"

Zhang Jingyun squatted on the ground and asked softly.

"Are you looking for my mother? Are you my father?" The little girl looked like she was about three or five years old, and she wanted to recognize her father as soon as she opened her mouth.

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "Not yet, where is your mother?"

"Oh, I'll go find..."

The little girl took a few steps that she didn't recognize, and Zhang Jingyun quickly went to help her. At this moment, a pair of slender hands grabbed the little girl in time, or they were too worried about her, so they went faster and almost bumped into Zhang Jingyun. in his arms.

"Are you Liu Lixia?"

Liu Lixia showed a slightly apologetic smile, put down the little girl, looked up at Zhang Jingyun, nodded and asked softly: "Who are you?"

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but be startled when he saw Liu Lixia's face, "Is this Xiang Cheng's wife Liu Lixia? How can she... be so beautiful?"

The woman in front of him really shocked Zhang Jingyun. How to describe her beauty? Zhang Jingyun instantly thought of two words, the new moon is shining brightly, and the flowers and trees are piled with snow.

This face is beautiful and refined, with a pointed chin, a pale complexion, just like the back of the hand, smooth and crystal clear, and a small cherry mouth that is even more deft and straight.

This is not the most stunning thing. Liu Lixia's appearance is already considered a stunning beauty, but the lively and charming aura about her is something Zhang Jingyun has never seen before.

You're welcome to say that.

Ever since Zhang Jingyun saw Liu Lixia for the first time, he had wanted to treat her...ahem, even though he was already Xiang Cheng's wife.

That’s not right, Xiang Cheng is already dead.

Zhang Jingyun put aside the messy thoughts in his mind. It was all the fault of the system that blocked his cultivation, so that Zhang Jingyun could not keep his true intentions, and the spiritual platform was empty.

"But she's really pretty..."

Zhang Jingyun frowned, Liu Lixia was very beautiful, but which of the women he had in other times was not stunning in the world?

How come...

Do you want to make a mistake when you see Liu Lixia?

Liu Lixia was weird, she could confuse herself, so she suppressed the heat in her heart, and Zhang Jingyun introduced herself: "Zhang Jingyun, an outer disciple of the Golden Sword Sect, Xiang Cheng is my senior brother."

Liu Lixia's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard Xiang Cheng, "It turns out to be Master Zhang, but what can you tell me about my husband?"

Alas, I have neglected the immortal master.

Jinjianmen and Fufeng County are separated by thousands of mountains. The immortal master has worked hard to come here, and he must be tired. Please come in and have a rest. I will make tea for you, and then talk slowly. "

Liu Lixia greeted Zhang Jingyun into the house.

Zhang Jingyun felt that it was a bit of a shock to suddenly tell her the bad news, but to be honest, Xiang Cheng was really lucky to have such a wife.

"Eh? Spirit Gathering Array!"

As soon as he entered the hospital, Zhang Jingyun noticed something strange. The spiritual energy in the courtyard was obviously stronger than outside, about three to five times more intense. The concentration became higher as you went inside.

When it comes to the reception room, the rich spiritual energy is not much worse than the outer door of the Golden Sword Gate. The spirit gathering array alone will definitely not have this effect.

Zhang Jingyun subconsciously turned on his golden pupils and scanned them. Sure enough, he saw five spirit stones placed in the core area of ​​the spirit gathering formation in Liu Lixia's room.

Liu Lixia is a mortal who cannot absorb spiritual energy to practice, so the five spiritual stones in the spirit gathering formation basically do not consume much, and can last for several years.

"It seems that Xiang Cheng used this method to allow Liu Lixia to have a good living environment at home. He even considered that the spirit stone would be eye-catching in the mortal world, so he left the breath gathering formation." Zhang Jingyun saw through this. layout.

No wonder I didn't feel anything outside the door. After I came in, I realized that there was a whole other world. It was like two different worlds when I entered and exited.

Liu Lixia may not be able to feel the changes, after all, she can only passively accept the nourishment of spiritual energy, but Zhang Jingyun is a practitioner and will definitely be able to detect it.

"Xiang Cheng really cares about his wife!"

Before coming here, Zhang Jingyun was still confused as to why Xiang Cheng didn't take his wife over, but now he suddenly understood everything.

It’s not just the thrill of being hidden in a golden house.

And Liu Lixia is really not suitable to be exposed in front of other people. If it were Zhang Jingyun, he would probably do the same.

Look at Liu Lixia again, bending over her waist to make tea for Zhang Jingyun. Viewed from the side, with her perfect figure and natural straight curves, the strong feeling of wanting to possess her completely comes to mind again.

"How can this be done? Xiang Cheng used all his wealth to ask me to take care of his wife. Am I worthy of his request if I have such an idea?"

Zhang Jingyun instinctively thought, but then he changed his mind. Xiang Cheng was dead, but Liu Lixia was still young. Wouldn't he be sorry for Xiang Cheng's entrustment by leaving her alone for the rest of her life?

Since taking care of.

Why can't we follow through?

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Jingyun finally couldn't help but say, "Senior brother Xiangcheng and I have been friends for many years, and we are similar in age. Since we are fellow Taoists, we should be called sister-in-law."

Liu Lixia moved her hands for a moment and said with a smile: "I am just a mortal, how dare you let the immortal master call me this..."

"Sister-in-law, Senior Brother Xiang is very good to me."

Zhang Jingyun didn't lie. Xiang Cheng gave all his wealth to him. His opponent treated him very well, so it was reasonable to call him sister-in-law.

After hearing this, Liu Lixia no longer refused, and just said: "In that case, I will go up to you and call you, Uncle Immortal Master."

Zhang Jingyun nodded in agreement, Liu Lixia made some tea, and worked on some fruit plates to greet Zhang Jingyun and tell some things about Xiangcheng.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Jingyun finally said: "Sister-in-law, stop working, actually I came here to tell you something.

Senior Brother Xiangcheng, because he went on an adventure a few days ago, he encountered a terrible trap. He tried his best to return to the sect with difficulty. In the end, he died. Before he left, he asked me to take care of you. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Lixia felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

At this moment it seemed like the sky had fallen.

Zhang Jingyun could only comfort him: "My condolences!"

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