People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 244 Sister-in-law is naturally charming【Please subscribe】

Chapter 244 Sister-in-law...naturally charming【Please subscribe】

This news was like a bolt from the blue to Liu Lixia. She never expected that the news brought by Zhang Jingyun turned out to be the news of her husband's death.

"How could this happen? He was an immortal master, how could he die? Uncle immortal master, are you mistaken?" Liu Lixia's face turned pale.

Zhang Jingyun sighed, "Sister-in-law, my condolences, these are senior brother's ashes, and some relics left for sister-in-law, they are all here."

Xiang Cheng's body has been cremated by Zhang Jingyun. Among the legacies he left behind, all those useful for cultivating immortals have been left by Zhang Jingyun, and the remaining unused items have been left to Liu Lixia.

Seeing things and thinking about people, Liu Lixia's eyes turned red, and finally she couldn't help crying, and then her big tears couldn't stop flowing down. The confused little girl beside her didn't know why Liu Lixia was crying, but she still followed her. Cry with me.

Both the big and small cried heartbrokenly.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the little girl. She had red lips, white teeth, and pretty features. She looked a little like Xiang Cheng, but he had never said that he had a daughter.

"Sister-in-law, is this my senior brother's daughter?"

When the crying gradually stopped, Zhang Jingyun asked.

"How could he bear to abandon us? Duo'er is only three years old. She has never seen her father since she was born, and now she can never see him again..." Liu Lixia was extremely sad.

Zhang Jingyun also understood that in the past few years, Xiang Cheng had been practicing talisman painting in the sect and went out to explore the ruins, hoping to gain something and surprise Liu Lixia when he returned home.

Never expect a surprise to turn into bad news.

Zhang Jingyun brought the ashes back.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the lonely mother and daughter and could understand Liu Lixia's mood. Her superior husband, an immortal master, suddenly died and she became a widow in an instant. How could she accept it in such a short time?

He glanced at Liu Lixia a few more times.

Then she looked at her daughter Xiang Duoer.

"It doesn't look like a child has been born at all. Xiangcheng, Xiangcheng, why go on such an adventure? I've never even seen such a lovely daughter."

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but sigh.

Liu Lixia thought that she still needed time to accept the reality, so Zhang Jingyun temporarily stayed at home and started practicing in this world with nothing to do.

"The Heavy Mountain Technique ranks among the top five among the Golden Sword Sect's earth-based skills, fully demonstrating the thick and solid advantages of the earth-based skills.

Not only that, this technique features an integrated attack and defense. Unlike other earth-based techniques that focus on defense, its supporting boxing technique, Chongshan Fist, is powerful, powerful, and has a physical training effect.

The so-called "one layer of mountain" is a layer of barrier, and its cultivation difficulty is slightly higher than other qi training techniques. This is one of the reasons why the predecessor has not made a breakthrough for many years. "

Although the cultivation system of this world is different from the Taoist system of cultivating immortals, at Zhang Jingyun's level, there is really nothing that can stump him in practicing Qigong.

Zhang Jingyun basically understood the advantages and disadvantages of Heavy Mountain Technique at a glance. The advantages are indeed obvious, which is why it ranks among the top five of the many earth-based Qi training methods of the Golden Sword Sect.

But this does not mean that the Heavy Mountain Jue has no shortcomings. According to Zhang Jingyun, the Heavy Mountain Jue and its supporting algorithms are characterized by thickness and defense. The shortcoming is that they are not flexible enough. This is also a common problem of many earth-based exercises. The defense is amazing but they always appear clumsy. .

Under normal circumstances, if you want to make up for this shortcoming, you can practice a body technique and secret technique. It is not that the predecessor has never thought about this problem, but he wants to improve his cultivation first, and the body technique and secret technique can be practiced later.

Previously, an elder from the Golden Sword Sect also pointed out that if there is no need for fighting, there is no need to distract yourself from practicing the secrets of body skills. Cultivation is the most important. After reaching the seventh level of Qi training, you can minor in a supporting body art. The secret metal technique.

The predecessor took the elder's advice to heart.


He had waited for twenty years and still hadn't broken through to the seventh level of Qi training. Now that he thought about it, the elder's advice might have a profound meaning. Otherwise, why would he have to supplement the gold system skills that match the body skills?

Zhang Jingyun was also thoughtful.

"Should I wait until my cultivation reaches the seventh level of qi training and then practice another metal-based technique according to the elders' advice?" Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart. Indeed, in his opinion, practicing this heavy mountain technique to a high level is enough to make up for the shortcomings. What kind of metal-based exercises do you need to practice?

The supporting boxing method of Chongshan Jue is Chongshan Fist.

His predecessor, who was at the sixth level of Qi training, had already cultivated Heavy Mountain Boxing to the level of Six Mountains. Although his punch did not have the power of Six Mountains, it was powerful and heavy, far superior to monks of the same level.

From Zhang Jingyun's point of view, he can naturally see that the Chongshan Jue takes the path of defeating ten groups with one force. As long as the strength is strong, one punch can defeat all methods.

So what else is needed?

After all, if you scratch it, you will be injured, and if you touch it, you will die.

If possible, add another magic weapon. With the blessing, the power will be doubled. Of course, this requires practicing the Heavy Mountain Art to the level of ten mountains.

Theoretically, Jiuchong Mountain is the limit of boxing. Corresponding to the ninth level of Qi training, the Shizhong Mountain realm is theoretically the tenth level of Qi training. But who would be so idle as to break through the foundation building and advance to the Great Perfection of Qi training? Just to become a ten-layer mountain?

Therefore, you need to practice the nine levels of Qi to become a ten-level mountain.

This requires a certain amount of opportunity.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, stopped thinking so much, and started practicing immediately. As he practiced, he didn't even use the system. He only felt that the surrounding spiritual energy was pouring into his body as if competing for the best.

Absorb, refine, and turn into spiritual power.

"This kind of cultivation speed is far inferior to that of my predecessor before he was fifteen years old, right?" Zhang Jingyun felt the speed of absorbing spiritual energy and refining spiritual power, and felt that it was so fast that people wanted to shout stop, but they also wanted not to stop.

The predecessor was a real cultivation genius before he was fifteen years old. He started practicing at the age of less than ten, almost reaching a new level every year. If he could keep it up and break through the foundation building before he was twenty, it would definitely shock the sect.

In my memory, the elders of the sect, and even family members, pay special attention to certain time points. For example, if you break through the seventh level of Qi training before the age of forty, the hope of building a foundation will become smaller and smaller.

Zhang Jingyun can understand this.

At the age of forty, you can practice the seventh level of Qi training. If nothing happens, you can reach the ninth level of Qi training before you are eighty years old and prepare for foundation building.

If you are over eighty years old and have not yet established a foundation, the spiritual veins in your body have already solidified, and you will still have a narrow escape even with the assistance of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

In the Golden Sword Sect, it is quite rare to have a ninth-level Qi practitioner who is forty years old, let alone one who is less than twenty years old.

"The lifespan is stuck. It seems that there is a problem with the upper limit of lifespan. In the White Snake World, any monster can practice for a thousand years.

After becoming an immortal, regardless of the level of strength, at the very least, immortality is not a problem. In this world, the lifespan of Qi training is limited to 150, and the foundation is built to 300.

Zifu Six Hundred, originally after the foundation was built, there was the golden elixir. Later, it was said that some immortals were compassionate and inserted the realm of the Zifu between the foundation and the golden elixir.

This realm improves the success rate of condensing the golden elixir, and also increases the lifespan of the golden elixir. Originally, the lifespan of the golden elixir was limited to one thousand years, but now it is one thousand two hundred years. "

From the memory of the predecessor, we can find this common sense. According to Zhang Jingyun, the golden elixir monks in this world will not be weaker than the thousand-year-old monsters such as Daoling and Xiaoqing, the king of the White Snake World.

Of course, Bai Suzhen, Fa Hai and others.

At least it's comparable to the baby stage.

"Huh? A breakthrough?"

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun suddenly trembled, and the seventh level of the Heavy Mountain Technique started to operate naturally, and his thoughts actually broke through the realm.

"It's not as bad as when Bai Suzhen was in trouble."

Zhang Jingyun had a weird look on his face. The Heavy Mountain Technique was already operating step by step according to the seven-level route, without even giving him a chance to use attribute points to upgrade.

However, after entering the seventh level of Qi training for the first time and reaching perfection at the seventh level, this cannot be achieved in a short time. Zhang Jingyun felt that it took as many as five days before.

Without using attribute points.

On the other hand, the punch corresponding to the Heavy Mountain Technique, the Heavy Mountain Fist, was more difficult to break through the Seven Mountains. Zhang Jingyun immediately began to practice the boxing technique.

For two hours, the sun had already set, the night was hazy, and a bright moon hung above his head. Zhang Jingyun had just finished practicing the Seven Layers Mountain.

Zhang Jingyun punched out, the punch was as heavy as a mountain, and the roar continued. He accidentally broke the door, but suddenly he saw that the hall had been covered with mourning.

"At the wake?"

Zhang Jingyun put away his fists, then gently waved his hand to move the broken door aside. Liu Lixia, who was keeping vigil, also noticed the movement here.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, sister-in-law. I broke through your realm just now while practicing kung fu and broke your door. I'll fix it for you in the future." Zhang Jingyun stepped forward and said.

"Uncle Immortal Master has made a breakthrough. As an uncle, it's too late for me to be happy. It's just a door. How can I bother uncle to worry about it." Liu Lixia said softly.

Hearing this, Zhang Jingyun's heart trembled.

Xiangcheng is so lucky.

Although Liu Lixia is a mortal, she has an unworldly temperament. The female cultivators of Zhuji and Zifu in the Golden Sword Sect may not have a better temperament than Liu Lixia.

Coupled with Liu Lixia's unique charm, even Zhang Jingyun couldn't control it, especially tonight when she changed into plain mourning clothes.

If you really want to be pretty, be filial!

Looking in Zhang Jingyun's eyes, he was very seductive. When he met Liu Lixia's pitiful eyes, he even wanted to beat her up...

Hold it in your hands and love it!

After reacting, Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but look away, "This is still in the mourning hall of senior brother, how can you have such an idea...

Why! I originally thought that my senior brother was really good at judging people, but he picked me up as a reliable junior brother in the vast sea of ​​people at a glance.

Now it seems that, Senior Brother Xiangcheng, you may be... trusting someone else! Why didn't you realize before that I still have the potential to be a thief? "

Zhang Jingyun has always felt that he has never forgotten his original intention. He likes people who are eighteen years old, eighty years old, and eighteen hundred years old. Age is not a problem anyway.

It's someone else's wife...

To be honest, this was the first time that Zhang Jingyun met someone as charming as Liu Lixia, and he didn't even care that Liu Lixia had a daughter.

Look at Duo'er's appearance.

She will definitely be a beauty in the future.

Looking at his senior brother's memorial tablet, Zhang Jingyun still felt a trace of guilt in his heart. After all, his senior brother had not even passed the first seven years, so he began to miss his wife... But this feeling of guilt soon disappeared.

"It's already late at night. No matter how sad my sister-in-law is, my senior brother will never come back. If you hurt yourself again, what will Duo'er do? It's better to get some rest early."

Zhang Jingyun comforted Liu Lixia.

"Duo'er has gone to bed. Uncle Immortal Master has taken care of your husband's affairs, and I am very grateful. However, since your husband is of Duo'er's bloodline, can you ask your uncle to check for her tomorrow to see if she has the qualifications to practice?"

Liu Lixia raised her head and asked hopefully.

Zhang Jingyun was swept away by her gaze, and for some reason, he always had a strange feeling. It was okay once or twice, but it was just that Zhang Jingyun had a thief's heart.

But too many times, people have to wonder, is there something wrong with Liu Lixia, why is she seducing people like this?

No wonder Xiang Cheng hid her here.

Even Liu Lixia was rarely mentioned to others. She was at the seventh level of qi training and yet she cared so much for a mortal. If Liu Lixia was really an ordinary mortal, Zhang Jingyun would not believe it.

"Such a charming and captivating person. Could it be that she has some kind of special qualification? Even though she has no experience in cultivation, her every smile and every move seems to be naturally charming."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart.

Liu Lixia called again: "Uncle Immortal Master?"

Zhang Jingyun responded: "It's a small matter. When Duo'er wakes up tomorrow, I'll help her take a look. If Duo'er has the qualifications to practice, I can introduce her to the sect."

"I would like to thank Uncle Immortal Master."

Zhang Jingyun raised his hand to stop Liu Lixia from saying thanks. However, the moment his spiritual power came into contact with Liu Lixia, Zhang Jingyun finally discovered something abnormal. Liu Lixia's body might really have some kind of cauldron qualification.

"I have never met such a person in my practice so far. Is this the system's compensation for sealing my cultivation? Let me meet Liu Lixia?"

Zhang Jingyun felt a burning sensation in his heart.

"Sister-in-law, go and rest quickly."

Zhang Jingyun gave instructions and went back to the room to practice. Liu Lixia looked up at Zhang Jingyun who was sitting in a doorless room practicing, and felt that Xiang Cheng was really lucky to get to know such an upright monk.

"Uncle Immortal Master is very nice."

The next day.

Liu Lixia hired people to change Zhang Jingyun's new door. After everyone left, Zhang Jingyun also began to check Xiang Duo'er's qualifications for cultivation.

Zhang Jingyun took out a five-color crystal stone and activated it with spiritual power to turn it into five-color invisible aura, surrounding Xiang Duo'er.

Xiang Duo'er saw something strange, Zhang Jingyun pointed a little, and a little spiritual light entered Xiang Duo'er's body, and then he saw black and red spiritual energy flowing.

"Uncle Immortal Master, how are you?"

Liu Lixia asked nervously.

"With qualifications of water and fire, he has the talent for cultivation. Although he is not as good as some cultivation geniuses, he is far superior to ordinary mortals."

The qualifications of the two series are still in opposition to each other. To be honest, the qualifications are average and only slightly better than those of a single series. It is one of the most unpopular two-series qualifications.

These are the knowledge that the predecessor learned when he was testing his qualifications at Jinjianmen. Zhang Jingyun couldn't explain the specific reason.

Liu Lixia only heard that her daughter had the talent for cultivation, and she was already smiling. Little did she know that her smile was quite lethal.

"Grandma, what kind of cauldron is it?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and suddenly asked Liu Lixia: "Sister-in-law, senior brother asked me to take care of you. What are your plans in the future?"

Liu Lixia was originally at a loss about the future.

Now I have some ideas: "Uncle Immortal Master, can I be a servant next to my uncle and do what I can, so that I can get along with Duo'er for a few more years."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and said: "Xiang Cheng is my senior brother, how can I use my sister-in-law as my subordinate? Don't mention this again in the future."

"Uncle Immortal Master..."

Zhang Jingyun stepped away.

At night, when Xiang Duo'er fell asleep, bang bang bang, Zhang Jingyun knocked on Liu Lixia's door, and Liu Lixia quickly invited him in.

Zhang Jingyun hesitated for two seconds before speaking:

"Sister-in-law, I have thought about your matter carefully. To be honest, we both have some grudges when you come to serve me. How about sublimating our feelings?"

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