People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 245 Dual Cultivation Furnace [Please subscribe]

Before knocking on the door, Zhang Jingyun had already thought about it repeatedly. Xiang Duo'er also had the qualifications to practice. He took Xiang Cheng's inheritance and it was unreasonable not to take care of it.

Liu Lixia only had one daughter left, and she would definitely be inseparable from Xiang Duoer, so she proposed to stay with Zhang Jingyun during the day.

But in this case, it was not the case that Liu Lixia, a beautiful woman with a natural charm, would hang around in front of Zhang Jingyun every day.

Zhang Jingyun didn't want to have more eyes around him unless she was his woman, so Zhang Jingyun finally knocked on Liu Lixia's door.

He didn't even get past the first seven years after his senior brother died.

Zhang Jingyun was preparing to enhance his relationship with Liu Lixia. Although he felt a little sorry for his senior brother's instructions, to be honest, after seeing Liu Lixia, he felt that such a day would come sooner or later.

A man is a boy until he dies.

Not to mention that Liu Lixia is very likely to have a special physique. Rather than taking advantage of others, it is better for her to take good care of herself.

Even, Zhang Jingyun felt.

"When Xiang Cheng asked me to take care of his wife, his eyes were somewhat meaningful, and he himself knew how charming his wife was.

He even asked me to take care of Liu Lixia. Does Xiang Cheng also have this idea? What is he actually hinting at and that it can be further developed? "

Zhang Jingyun felt that this was possible.

Taking care of Liu Lixia is not just for stuttering. With her temperament and appearance, being seen by others will only cause countless troubles. I think Xiang Cheng also has this idea, but she is his wife after all, so he also I'm embarrassed to speak.

"Sublimate your feelings?"

Hearing Zhang Jingyun's words, Liu Lixia was stunned. Apart from the relationship between Xiang Cheng and Zhang Jingyun, did she have any feelings for Zhang Jingyun?

However, Liu Lixia had a clear mind.

As soon as Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth, she realized that the person Xiang Cheng had asked to take care of her before his death actually had thoughts about her.

Liu Lixia's heart beat faster, and she was thinking more. After these two days together, Liu Lixia knew very well that Zhang Jingyun was better than Xiang Cheng in terms of family background and appearance. Although his cultivation level was inferior, he had made a breakthrough recently. The most important thing was It was Zhang Jingyun who was not married yet.

"My husband asked him to take care of me. Could it be that...he also wants me to have someone to rely on for the rest of my life, but is this immortal master uncle a little too impatient?

Even before my husband's bones were cold, he revealed his thoughts about me. If my husband was the person he trusted, wouldn't I jump into the pit of fire on my own initiative? "

Liu Lixia looked sad. Even if he was entrusted to someone who was inhumane, Zhang Jingyun was a superior immortal master after all. Since he had already had this idea, how could he resist even if he was unwilling? So do you still need to struggle to add some excitement to him?

"Uncle Immortal do you want to sublime?"

There was a hint of helplessness in Liu Lixia's voice.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't bear to see this scene, but in the next second, he completely forgot about the unbearable feeling in his heart.

"Sister-in-law, I actually do it for your own good. How can you, mother and daughter, survive in this world?

Even with my care, with my sister-in-law's beauty, there will be countless troubles in the future. I was entrusted by my senior brother to take care of you, so I will carry it out to the end.

Sister-in-law, I have no one to rely on, and I haven’t started a family yet. Why don’t we become a family? In this way, I can fulfill my senior brother’s instructions. "Zhang Jingyun said bluntly.

Liu Lixia had already anticipated Zhang Jingyun's thoughts, but she didn't expect him to be so direct and not cover up at all. However, although Zhang Jingyun's words were explicit, and it was a bit rash given that it was less than three days after Xiang Cheng's death, she didn't know why. , Liu Lixia saw Zhang Jingyun's sincere look, and her heart was filled with waves.

In her eyes, Zhang Jingyun is an immortal cultivator after all, a superior immortal master. She is a mortal, what can he do for her? Being able to be the companion of an immortal master is already a great blessing, and being with Zhang Jingyun is not a bad outcome...

Biting her lip, Liu Lixia looked up at Zhang Jingyun, with a pair of eyes that were full of sorrow and pity, making people feel as if they were piercing into the soul just by looking at him.

In Zhang Jingyun's eyes, Liu Lixia's attitude could be summed up in one word, it would be: welcome in return of rejection.

"Do you agree or not?"

Zhang Jingyun didn't care so much. He took a step forward, his chin almost touching Liu Lixia's forehead, and reached out to hold Liu Lixia's hands.

Liu Lixia could smell a grass-like aroma from Zhang Jingyun's body. Her soft, boneless hands were tightly grasped, and her slender, snow-white neck was filled with a layer of red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Uncle Immortal Master is so direct..."

Liu Lixia was just thinking in her mind when suddenly Zhang Jingyun's clear voice came to her ears, "Sister-in-law, would you like to sleep with me tonight?"

Zhang Jingyun's words had a great impact on Liu Lixia, especially after hearing the words "sleeping in the same bed", it almost made her body feel numb and her soul trembled.

"Uncle, I will be yours from now on." Liu Lixia's voice was almost soft and waxy, which made Zhang Jingyun unbearably angry.

"No! Duo'er is still sleeping, don't wake her up!" Zhang Jingyun held Liu Lixia in his arms and walked to the bed.

"It doesn't matter, I won't wake her up."

Zhang Jingyun casually used a mute note as he spoke, and Liu Lixia experienced ups and downs within a few days. Although her fate gave her no choice, fortunately, the person she met was not a bad person.


Liu Lixia's murmur sounded in Zhang Jingyun's ears. Zhang Jingyun was almost shocked, and the spiritual energy in his body seemed to boil.

Not only Zhang Jingyun, but Liu Lixia also felt that every piece of flesh and blood in his body was jumping for joy after being touched by Zhang Jingyun's spiritual power.

Zhang Jingyun further confirmed his suspicion.

Liu Lixia is the furnace that is extremely suitable for him.

Sure enough, as the bed creaked and shook, Zhang Jingyun clearly felt a flawless spiritual power pouring into his body. Although it was not much, it was pure enough.

Night and day.

The increase in cultivation is also extremely impressive.

Liu Lixia couldn't let go at first, suppressing her voice for fear of waking up Xiang Duo'er. However, as a special power flowed through her limbs and bones, even her qualifications could be changed without her realizing it, so she didn't care at all. .

"Senior brother's wife..."

Zhang Jingyun had to sigh, it was indeed very good. Then he thought about it, Xiang Cheng left such a perfect wife without coming home for three years, which was somewhat disrespectful.

[Practice once, attribute points +2]

came the sound of the system.

Zhang Jingyun trembled, "It is indeed a furnace. He is obviously a mortal. One practice can not only improve spiritual power, but also increase two attribute points!"

You must know that even Bai Yuekui, who has just entered the divine realm, can only improve one attribute point once he practices with Zhang Jingyun. Xiaoqing, who has practiced Taoism for thousands of years, can improve three attribute points at one time, which is about the same as Bai Suzhen, who is in the earthly immortal realm, only has five attribute points. .

It can be seen from this.

Liu Lixia is definitely talented.

Mortals are still like this, what if they start practicing?

Zhang Jingyun felt hot in his heart.

Liu Lixia screamed all night.

The next morning.

Liu Lixia's eyes changed when she looked at Zhang Jingyun. She didn't know anything about immortal cultivators, and she didn't blindly think that immortal cultivators were omnipotent. It was easy to practice nine times in one night.

At least Xiang Cheng couldn't do it.

Looking at Zhang Jingyun again, she was as fierce as a cow. The most shocking thing was that she felt extremely wonderful that night. She had not slept all night, but she felt more energetic when she got up in the morning.

"Uncle Immortal Master, I will cook for you."

After Liu Lixia helped Zhang Jingyun get dressed, she said, it doesn't matter whether Zhang Jingyun eats or not. After all, his physical condition is here, as long as he can practice spiritual energy.

But Liu Lixia and Duo'er were still ordinary people and couldn't escape eating and drinking, so Zhang Jingyun also started eating together.

Wait until Xiang Duoer gets up.

Liu Lixia furiously pulled her to Zhang Jingyun, and in Zhang Jingyun's shocked eyes, she said, "Duo'er, call me daddy."

Xiang Duoer: "???"

"Mom, didn't you say that he is not my father?"

Xiang Duoer was confused, waking up with multiple fathers.

Liu Lixia said seriously: "Good boy, be obedient, and from now on, your name will be Zhang Duoer, remember?"

"Remember!" Duo'er said obediently.

Then he looked at Zhang Jingyun and said, "Dad!"

Zhang Jingyun couldn't laugh or cry, "What are you talking about? Sister-in-law, you know me. I don't mind whatever Duo'er's last name is."

Just as he was talking, Zhang Jingyun changed the topic and said: "It doesn't matter if my surname is Zhang. It will save you trouble. Let's call her Zhang Duo'er."


The seventh day after arriving at Xiang's home.

Zhang Jingyun and Liu Lixia offered incense to the city, and when they saw their senior brother's memorial tablet, Zhang Jingyun felt that the fate was wonderful.

"Senior brother, you can rest assured and go well. I will take good care of Liu Lixia and Duo'er." Zhang Jingyun said.

Eat the marrow to know the taste.

Zhang Jingyun and Liu Lixia didn't go out for more than a month, and practicing day and night made Liu Lixia's mental outlook completely new, and she completely came out of her sadness.

Zhang Jingyun felt that the spiritual power in his body was doubled. In just thirty-five days, he had just broken through the seventh level of Qi training and reached the seventh level of Qi training.

This kind of practice efficiency is extremely amazing.

Xiang Cheng definitely can't feel it.

Because the cauldron also has a corresponding method of opening it, Zhang Jingyun happened to have practiced a secret technique of dual cultivation, which can fully exert the effect of the cauldron.

The Xuannv Sutra practiced by Huangdi is the authentic Taoism. It is not an evil practice of unilaterally extracting yin and replenishing yang, but benefits both sides and is mutually beneficial.

Liu Lixia's body has been greatly strengthened. The so-called martial arts masters in the secular world and the innate realm masters are probably not as good as Liu Lixia.

Not only that.

Liu Lixia's qualifications have also improved. Zhang Jingyun has long expected this. Double cultivation can improve his cultivation qualifications. This has happened to other women of his.

Zhang Jingyun was skeptical for a while.

As long as he perseveres in practice, Liu Lixia may be able to embark on the path of practice in a year and a half. This is what is called changing one's destiny against the will of heaven.

More than half a month passed.

Zhang Jingyun and Liu Lixia burned Qiqi for Xiangcheng. So far, the first seven, three seven, five seven, and seventy-five have not fallen at all. In the small courtyard of Xiang's family, the wind blew his clothes and made a hunting sound, as if Xiangcheng Saying goodbye.

Completely sent Xiang Cheng away.

Zhang Jingyun also decided to leave with Liu Lixia. Although there was a spirit gathering array here, it was better for Zhang Jingyun to practice directly with spirit stones.

This low-level spirit gathering array is of little use.

"Uncle, are we going back to the Immortal Sect?" Liu Lixia packed her bags and asked, holding Zhang Jingyun's hand. Although she repeatedly said that she wanted to call Zhang Jingyun her husband, she was rejected.

Zhang Jingyun told her that it is enough to call her husband in front of others and uncle when they are alone. Zhang Jingyun also told her the story of Journey to the West.

Sun Wukong anxiously asked his sister-in-law Princess Iron Fan to speak up, saying that my old grandson was coming out. Liu Lixia didn't understand Zhang Jingyun's bad taste, but she was very obedient.

"I won't be going back for the time being. Fufeng County borders Qinghe County. A few days ago, my family sent me a letter saying that they wanted to marry me and I just wanted to go home for a visit." Zhang Jingyun said.

Liu Lixia trembled.

"Uncle, are you going back to get married?" Just as he was saying this, Liu Lixia realized that he had said something wrong and quickly changed his words, explaining: "I am not stopping my uncle from getting married. You are an immortal cultivator and come from a noble family. Even if you want to get married, I will not stop you from getting married." I won’t say much."

"You're overthinking it. You're just going home to take a look. Recently, I've made a breakthrough in my cultivation. It seems that I'm enlightened. Getting married will only affect the speed of my cultivation."

Liu Lixia lowered her head.

"Will I also be a burden?"

Zhang Jingyun had a strange expression on his face: "It would be unjust if you were a burden. I have to thank my senior brother for choosing me to take care of my sister-in-law!"

"Uncle~" Liu Lixia scolded.

Before leaving, Zhang Jingyun naturally had to make full preparations. Something would happen if Liu Lixia went out like this, not because of her beauty, but because her physique could easily attract the covetousness of other immortal cultivators.

In fact, other immortal cultivators would be surprised at most. They felt a sense of surprise when they saw Liu Lixia, but they couldn't explain the specific reason.

Zhang Jingyun noticed the abnormality because of the dual cultivation of secret arts. If Liu Lixia did not cover it up, meeting other people who practiced dual cultivation of secret arts would be like a bright lamp lighting up in the dark night, which would be too dazzling.

"Okay, you can go out now."

Zhang Jingyun put a few talismans on Liu Lixia to restrain the aura of the furnace. When he went out, everyone would only think that Liu Lixia was simply beautiful.

Taking Liu Lixia and his daughter with him, Zhang Jingyun slowed down a bit, and after three days of walking and walking, he returned to the Zhang family in Qinghe and met his parents in this life.

"Yun'er, have you reached the seventh level of Qi training?"

Zhang's father was delighted when he saw Zhang Jingyun's face.

"At the age of thirty-five, the seventh level of Qi training is very different from the original, but it is still good. At least the foundation building is guaranteed."

Zhang Jingyun responded a few words and chatted some more about home affairs. There were memories of the previous life, but there were no mistakes. Even after talking about Liu Lixia's mother and daughter, the parents felt that it was a little unsatisfactory.

They felt that the person they proposed to marry Zhang Jingyun at home was better than Liu Lixia in all aspects, but when Zhang Jingyun said that his talent seemed to have recovered and he did not want to be distracted from getting married, the two were extremely excited.

Then he readily agreed.

The Zhang family is considered one of the big families in Qinghe County, and there are foundation-building monks stationed there. Zhang Jingyun then went to see one of the foundation-building monks in his family, his grandfather, and wanted to ask him some cultivation questions.

"The elder of the Golden Sword Sect asked you to master a metal-based skill that includes body skills after you have reached the seventh level of Qi training?" Zhang Songyang, one of the foundation members of the Zhang family, pondered for two seconds.

"If it were me, I would let you choose this way." Zhang Songyang is a hundred years old, with black hair and beard. He is just like a twenty-year-old boy, but his eyes show traces of vicissitudes of life, and he is a man of experience at first glance.

"Do you want to know why?"

Zhang Songyang asked teasingly like an old naughty boy.

Zhang Jingyun cooperated as if coaxing an old man: "I want to!"

Zhang Songyang said slowly: "For monks with poor qualifications, they will only consider using the foundation-building pill for assistance at the ninth level of Qi training. For monks like you with relatively good qualifications, the key to foundation-building lies in the second skill. The five elements interact with each other, just like a melon that ripens and falls off its stem, let nature take its course.”

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