People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 246 Five Elements Talent [Please subscribe]

"The foundation building key is the second skill?"

Zhang Jingyun was quite surprised. According to his grandfather's instructions, talented monks would practice two techniques, and by using the principle of the five elements' mutual generation, they could build the foundation naturally.

As expected, Zhang Songyang continued: "The five elements are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining, and the fighting between different monks can only be seen in the theory of mutual restraint, such as earth restraining water, water restraining fire, etc.

Where is the principle of mutual generation reflected? It is to use the principle of mutual generation to burn out the fire and sublimate oneself when practicing the two techniques. "

Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized that this was the truth. It was like he had talents in the three elements of earth, metal and water, and majored in the earth element Heavy Mountain Technique.

The elders of the Golden Sword Sect instructed him to practice a metal-based technique after reaching the seventh level of Qi training, in order to make native gold and combine the power of the two techniques to break through the foundation.

"But..." Zhang Jingyun thought for a while and then asked: "It is already extremely difficult for some monks to practice one skill. After years of hard training, how difficult is it to practice a new skill?"

Zhang Songyang smiled slightly. Regardless of his appearance, he was a kind old man. However, his appearance in his twenties and thirties was really too dramatic.

"That's not the way it is calculated. The elder also said that he will let you practice Qi at the seventh level and then practice the gold system. By then you will already have a good level of cultivation.

It won’t take too long to practice another technique. Spending a few more years can increase the success rate of foundation building to more than 80%. Do you think it’s worthwhile? "

“A good deal!”

Zhang Jingyun said without thinking.

He did not expect that the success rate of using the mutual generation technique to build the foundation would be over 80%. This way of breaking through the realm was quite unique.

"I still have something to ask Grandpa."

As soon as Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth, Zhang Songyang rushed back: "You want to ask about such an important secret, which is related to foundation building and can even affect the prosperity of the sect. How come even an old man like me knows about it?"

"Please give me some advice, grandpa!" Zhang Jingyun asked humbly.

"Because I was also a disciple of the Golden Sword Sect. Although our sect is not big, it has a solid thousand-year heritage.

It is said that Jin Jian Zhenren, the founder of the Jin Jian Sect, originally came from a large sect, and that large sect is considered to be the sect with the deepest research on the Five Elements Kung Fu in the world of immortality.

However, the key to breaking through the realm of the mutual generation technique is not so easy to achieve. First, at least two kinds of cultivation qualifications are required, and the ability to mutual generation can eliminate a lot of disciples. "

Zhang Songyang sighed and said that at least the two qualifications are complementary. In the entire Zhang family, there is only one disciple with the talent for cultivation, Zhang Jingyun.

"Yun'er, when you first discovered your talents in the three elements of earth, gold and water, the entire Zhang family seemed to have witnessed your meteoric rise a few decades later.

However, fate has its way with people. When you were young, your family sent you to a sect for training, but it unexpectedly added a lot of pressure to you.

Now I heard that you have regained your former cultivation talent. No matter whether it is true or not, don’t put too much pressure on me. If it doesn’t work, just like me, go home and branch out and continue the family. "Zhang Songyang said optimistically.

Zhang Jingyun burst into laughter. He heard from his parents that his grandfather Zhang Songyang had only average talent in cultivating immortals, and he did not practice too hard in the sect.

The result was that because he had a good attitude, could keep his composure, and had a smooth journey, he, who only had the fire element qualifications, succeeded in building the foundation without even using the foundation-building pill.

The single-line qualifications are average among the Golden Sword Sect. Under normal circumstances, one would have to obtain a Foundation-Building Pill to protect the body before considering Foundation-Building.

But Zhang Songyang is different. He doesn't have that much money, and he is not willing to work hard for many years to earn a Foundation Establishment Pill. He thinks that if he earns a Foundation Establishment Pill through exhaustion, but the Foundation Establishment fails, it is a waste of time, and there is no time to enjoy it. Life, simply build the foundation directly.

Unexpectedly, it was successful in the end.

After building the foundation, Zhang Songyang also fully understood that with his pitiful single-line talent, he would not be able to build the Zifu despite exhaustion, so he returned to his hometown to spread his branches.

However, Zhang Songyang broke the pot and directly built the foundation. After he spread his branches and had offspring, it was rare for him to work hard.

He saved a lot of training resources for his two children, Zhang Jingyun's uncle and sister-in-law, who had dual cultivation talents. In the end, both of them successfully built the foundation with the foundation-building pill.

As for Zhang Jingyun’s father.

It is the only Qi training Dzogchen in the entire Zhang family.

None of Zhang Songyang's other children have any talent for cultivation, so their task is to spread the branches and give birth to more qualified descendants for the Zhang family.

Zhang Jingyun chatted with Zhang Songyang for a while.

The questions about cultivation are all about common sense. As for the specific key points of cultivation, Zhang Jingyun’s level of understanding is much further than Zhang Songyang’s.

"It's a rare occasion for you to come back and stay a few more days. Although I also have the gold-based skills, I'm afraid they won't be suitable for you with your talent.

The Golden Sword Sect has always been famous for its gold-based skills and swordsmanship, and is well-known among the surrounding immortal cultivation sects. The current leader is considerate of his disciples and has no great interest in expanding the territory. Otherwise, with the strength of the Golden Sword Sect, it will not fall to just one. Controlling sixteen counties.

When you return to the Golden Sword Sect in the future, you can carefully select the gold-based exercises based on your sect's good deeds. If your good deeds are not enough, your family will do its best to help. "

"Thank you grandpa!"

Although Zhang Jingyun only reached the seventh level of Qi training at the age of thirty-five, he is still the most talented person in the Zhang family. Over the years, the family has continued to support him.

Now Zhang Songyang's words warmed his heart even more. This kind of family is normal. Like in other novels, the family has all kinds of internal fighting and even colludes with outsiders. It is simply a matter of death. How can a family without cohesion survive in cultivation? Will the fairy world continue?

That night.

Zhang Jingyun began the important task of continuing the family, ruthlessly ravaging Liu Lixia, and did not stop until the east turned white.

Zhang's mother sent a white-feathered long-tailed chicken stewed with ginseng soup. The white-feathered long-tailed chicken is a first-order monster and one of the carnivorous monsters that are widely raised today.

It is known for its short growth cycle, high meat quality, and low breeding cost. However, monsters are monsters after all, and not everyone can afford them.

"Mom, do you have something to tell me?"

Zhang Jingyun was eating chicken, and when he saw Zhang's mother was hesitant to speak, he couldn't help but ask. The latter pondered for two seconds, and then said: "Don't bully others because of your high cultivation. She is still a mortal after staying up all night. "

Zhang Jingyun almost got stuck while holding the chicken feet in his mouth.

At this moment, Liu Lixia opened the door and came out. Her face turned red, obviously she heard what Zhang Mu said.

"You guys eat, I have something else to do."

Zhang's mother Shi Shiran left.

Liu Lixia and Zhang Jingyun stared at each other, then gave each other a knowing look, and started eating chicken together.

"Is it delicious?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Liu Lixia blushed.

"It tastes better than the one at night."


Dual cultivation with Liu Lixia, and as a furnace, she also got the opportunity in dual cultivation. In time, she will definitely have a talent for cultivation.

Zhang Jingyun can be considered a miracle.

During this period of time in the Zhang family, they practiced double cultivation together at night and not to go too far during the day. Zhang Jingyun communicated with several relatives in the family who were qualified for cultivation.

The uncle's eldest son, the eldest son of the third generation of the Zhang family, has two types of cultivation talents. He can be regarded as more talented than others. He is only over fifty now, and he has already reached the eighth level of Qi training.

It is very likely that she will break through the foundation building stage in the future, but she may need the assistance of the foundation building pill. It would be perfect if the two types of talents complement each other, but unfortunately the eldest brother is not.

Another one is Zhang Jingyun’s eighteenth uncle.

Will Zhang Songyang be bored in the secular world when he returns home to build a family? Either don't ask, or ask Uncle Eighteen to go home for dinner.

Anyway, Zhang Jingyun grew up with Eighteenth Uncle, and Eighteenth Uncle's talents are the same as Zhang Songyang's. They are both single-system talents, and they are also at the seventh level of Qi training.

"Uncle Eighteen, even though you and Brother Yun are in the same realm, your future achievements will be very different. You still have to work hard." said the eldest brother Zhang Jingyuan.

Uncle Eighteen curled his lips, obviously non-committal. He and Zhang Jingyuan were both rivals, so how dare they compete with Zhang Jingyun, who had the talent of mutual reciprocity.

Zhang Jingyun smiled, the eldest brother just talked normally and didn't sow discord. When they were children, they had conflicts, but they were just too childish.

Because he was worried that Zhang Jingyun would take away his position and affect his future as the head of the family. Later, his uncle beat him up and called him stupid. The higher Zhang Jingyun's talent was, the less likely he would be the head of the family because the Zhang family was too small. I couldn't stop Zhang Jingyun. Later, when I thought about it, my eldest brother also felt that he was stupid enough.

To communicate with each other, it is natural to compare and compete with each other. The eldest brother has the highest level of cultivation and is not in a hurry to take action. Zhang Jingyun has practiced Qi at the seventh level and only uses Heavy Mountain Fist to fight against the enemy.

With one move of the Seven Layers Mountain, everyone including Uncle Shiba who was at the seventh level of Qi training and below was defeated, leaving only the eldest brother Zhang Jingyuan who had perfected the eighth level of Qi training.

There is no comparison between the seventh and eighth levels of qi training. In addition, the metal system skills practiced by the eldest brother can restrain Zhang Jingyun in terms of attributes.

However, he couldn't bear the crowd's booing.

Zhang Jingyun was still pushed out to challenge his elder brother. The novices in the Qi training period were pecking each other. For Zhang Jingyun, it was just a game to enhance feelings.

However, what is surprising is that Zhang Jingyun fought evenly with his elder brother with only heavy mountain boxing, and finally ended in a draw.

The eldest brother Zhang Jingyuan looked at him meaningfully. During the fight, he could feel that Zhang Jingyun was letting go. His cultivation level was at the seventh level, but his boxing skills had reached the eighth level. He could lift the weight with ease and was even more difficult to deal with than the water-based skills. The gold-based skills were good at attacking. There is no way to start.

"Brother Yun, how do you practice this boxing technique? If you don't know, you might think it's a water-based technique specifically designed to restrain me." Zhang Jingyuan sighed.

Zhang Jingyun naturally let go.

Although the five elements are mutually reinforcing and inhibiting each other, it does not mean that the metal-based exercises will definitely be better than the earth-based exercises. The battle of skills depends not only on the skills, but also on the person.

Zhang Jingyun stayed for another three days before returning to the Golden Sword Sect. This time, when he returned, he first had to go to the sect's Sutra-Tibetan Pavilion to choose a gold-based skill to build the foundation.

The other thing is to upgrade your alchemy or talisman-drawing skills. With a hundred arts of cultivating immortality at your side, you won't have to worry about training resources in the future.

The predecessor's talent was earth, metal and water.

For alchemy and talisman painting, talisman painting is definitely more suitable. Although alchemy does not necessarily require fire talent, as long as you have spiritual stones, you can also buy fire to make alchemy.

But tried.

The predecessor was still better at drawing symbols.

In fact, in Zhang Jingyun's opinion, with the earth, metal, and water talents, the most suitable skill for him to cultivate immortality is farming. The earth talent is for plowing, the metal talent is for weeding and insect removal, and the water talent is for watering. It's perfect.

The monks who cultivate the land in the world of immortality are not farmers. The noble name for this profession is "spiritual planter". However, my predecessor felt that farming was too tiring and it was better to draw talismans. This fully inherited the mentality of his grandfather Zhang Songyang.

Zhang Jingyun returned to the sect and went to the Sutra Pavilion, ready to exchange his good deeds for gold-based exercises. The elder guarding the Sutra Pavilion looked at Zhang Jingyun.

He seemed to have remembered something, and said: "It turns out that your boy is gifted in the three elements of earth, metal, and water. He only practiced Qi at the seventh level at the age of thirty-five... to perfection. Have you cured your heart disease?"

Zhang Jingyun met the elder's gaze, and in an instant, he felt a sharp golden sword stabbing him. He thought that this Jindan elder should be practicing the Jinjianmen Zhensect's technique - the Golden Sword Chaoyang Jue.

The morning sun is fire, the sun is true fire, and true fire sword training, so if you want to practice this skill, you need to have at least two qualifications, gold and fire. Because of the special nature of the skill, real fire is violent and needs to be tempered with water. This The key tip is simply quenching.

Metal and water are symbiotic, so the elder of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is gifted in the three elements of metal, water and fire. The Golden Sword Chaoyang Jue fits him perfectly.

"Returning to the elder, it seems that he suddenly had an enlightenment."

Zhang Jingyun didn't hide it. The elder nodded, made a thousand good deeds, then handed him a jade talisman and said: "The first floor or the second floor can be used."

"Thank you, elder."

One thousand good deeds are theoretically equivalent to one thousand spiritual stones, but the sect's good deeds can buy much more than the spiritual stones. In the market, one thousand good deeds can be exchanged for at least 1,100 spiritual stones.

My predecessor had been practicing hard for many years, and my phone bills were already very high. Learning to draw talismans was also a money-burning process. After taking out these one thousand good deeds, they were almost at the bottom.

Fortunately, he still has the "legacy" of his senior brother.

Choosing exercises will definitely not be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Zhang Jingyun was prepared when he entered the Sutra Pavilion, and Zhang Songyang also gave him guidance on which gold-type exercises were better and so on.

It depends on which type Zhang Jingyun chooses.

If it is a body skill, the first choice is Jinpeng Gong, which means the golden-winged roc. It is as fast as lightning and is quite suitable for use with earth-based skills that focus on defense.

If you focus on attacking, the first choice is the Golden Sword Technique. This is the most common introductory technique of the Golden Sword Sect. As long as you have the talent of the metal system, you can practice it. After establishing the foundation, you can derive a variety of follow-up techniques, such as the Golden Sword Chaoyang Technique. The superior technique directly refers to the Nascent Soul stage.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the gold-type exercises for a while. The most powerful method of the Golden Sword Sect, the Golden Sword Chaoyang Jue, requires talent from the three systems of gold, water, and fire, and he has the talent of the three systems of earth, gold, and water.

But Zhang Jingyun has a problem.

Is his talent really only earth, metal and water?

"I have a system in hand. No matter which system of skills I have, I will practice as long as I have attribute points. Doesn't this mean that I have all the talents? Earth, metal, and water? I am all metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and all the five elements!"

Zhang Jingyun feels that the system is definitely powerful.

"In this world, the more qualifications for the Five Elements, the better. I don't know if there have been any monks who can practice the Five Elements before, and what level they are at."

Zhang Jingyun thought to himself, and then chose the Golden Sword Technique. In fact, he was interested in the follow-up technique derived from this technique, the Golden Sword Chaoyang Technique.

"After I go back, I have to develop a fire-based skill to see if I can practice it." Although he knew that the system would not let him down, he still had to make sure before he could rest assured, because Zhang Jingyun used the spirit test bead to test his talent more than once. It has always been earth, metal and water.

There is no need to redeem the exercises at the sect for the test. One thousand good merits are quite expensive, so Zhang Jingyun decided to go to Fangshi to find a fire-based exercise.

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