People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 251 Preparing to become a disciple【Please subscribe】

In the world of immortality, there are many monks building foundations during the Qi refining period, but those who cause strange phenomena in the world during foundation building have always been the unique cultivation geniuses.

In any sect, such a person would be treated as a fairy seedling or an immortal seed. In a small sect like the Golden Sword Sect, it is basically the appearance of the founder. Even if the tomb of the founder of the sect is emitting green smoke, it will explode!

Zhang Jingyun also figured out the whole story while eating the melon. Sure enough, the person who built the foundation was the disciple who came to the Crescent Moon Divine Valley a few days ago with a token to pick Xuanhuo grass.

Those who can enter the Crescent Moon Divine Valley with a token are either disciples of Taoist Huo Chi, or are basically alchemists who come to collect medicine and make elixirs.

Or it was because of the high-level instructions.

As for Zhang Jingyun, the token held by the disciple, he was not sure which senior executive had given it to him. In fact, he could find out after a little inquiry.

There are only a few high-level people in the Golden Sword Sect, including the elders of the Golden Core Stage and the leader. Judging from Zhang Jingyun’s observations during this period, there are indeed no Nascent Soul Stage monks in the Golden Sword Sect, and the strongest combat power is the Golden Core Stage. Expect.

However, there are quite a few in the golden elixir stage.

The elder of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is probably the sect's hidden combat power. Zhang Jingyun thinks that his strength may be even better than that of the leader Tiansong Zhenren.

He has talents in the three elements of gold, water, and fire, and the technique he practices is also the sect's strongest Golden Sword Chaoyang Jue. There are not so many trivial matters in practicing in the Sutra Pavilion. In comparison, the leader has a lot to do.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought, Leng Lingyue's Taoist companion, and her inner disciple Lin Fan, who are the same as her, seem to be in the three elements of gold, water and fire. Isn't this guy a disciple of the elder of the Sutra Pavilion?

In addition to these two golden elixir stages, Zhang Jingyun also knew that Taoist Huo Chi was in charge of the Crescent Moon Valley and the only fourth-level alchemist of the Golden Sword Sect. He had made outstanding contributions to the development of the sect over the years.

Finally, it was the elder who had given guidance to his predecessor and told him that after he reached the seventh level of Qi training, he could practice a metal-based technique to build a foundation.

However, Zhang Jingyun has basically heard nothing about the elder who gave him some advice in recent years. He may be practicing in seclusion or traveling.

After all the calculations, the four Golden Core Stages are not weak. Zhang Jingyun also feels that the Golden Sword Sect is located in a corner and is indeed overqualified and deliberately low-key...


The sect is dormant, waiting for some opportunity. Will this cultivation genius who suddenly appears and triggers the foundation-building phenomenon make the sect take action?

Zhang Jingyun didn't think too much.

He was the first to succeed, and he had no intention of making a breakthrough. However, what surprised Zhang Jingyun was that this genius who was born out of nowhere also had a tortuous experience.

Zhang Jingyun heard from other disciples that the disciple who caused the foundation-building vision was named Shengjia, but he did not have a name before he started practicing.

Shengjia was his original surname that he restored after he tested out his cultivation aptitude. Earlier, he was an adopted servant of the sect.

Because of his outstanding performance, he received a first-class evaluation. The most mysterious thing is that he also served Lin Fan, another genius of the Golden Sword Sect, and worked for Lin Fan for three years. As a result, many years later, he won the first-class foundation and was the same as Lin Fan. , are all inner disciples, they can be called legends.

Lin Fan has only been building the foundation for a few years.

This means that Sheng Jia's talent may be higher than Lin Fan's, and the leader Tiansong Zhenren has also announced that Sheng Jia will be his disciple.

Zhang Jingyun felt that Lin Fan's face would be very exciting when he returned to the sect and heard the news. He was not the kind of person who was proud of being a buried genius after serving for three years. He would only feel that the former servant could now actually Foundation Establishment, and comparing it with him, it's like being downgraded.

Lin Fan is arrogant, but he is too stingy.

To Zhang Jingyun's dismay, something strange happened when Shengjia was building the foundation. Even the leader Tiansong Zhenren made a high-profile appearance to greet several Jindan Taoists from other sects, and kindly sent them away with their late Jindan cultivation. A Taoist friend who intends to take Sheng Jia as his disciple.

As a result, Taoist Huo Chi was stunned and did not come out of seclusion.

Zhang Jingyun was quite helpless.

Time flies and another month passes.

Zhang Jingyun has been taking care of the elixir in the valley for three months. He uses the Spiritual Rain Technique to water it every day, uses the Earth Dragon Technique to turn the soil every month, and finally removes insects occasionally. These tasks can be said to be easy for Zhang Jingyun.

It didn't delay Zhang Jingyun's painting of talismans and his practice at all, but there was one shortcoming that made him decide to find a way to invite Taoist Huo Chi as soon as possible.

Just because Xianyue Divine Valley is an important place for the sect and cannot come in and out at will, Zhang Jingyun has not practiced dual cultivation with Liu Lixia for a long time.

Liu Lixia, the furnace cauldron, is not around.

It would be like the West losing Jerusalem.

It was very important to get acquainted with Taoist Huo Chi and become a disciple easily, but three months was already the limit, and Zhang Jingyun was thinking about how to do it.

Suddenly a deep voice was heard.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass into the sect's restricted area!" The speaker was a bearded man wearing a fiery red robe. Even his beard was fiery red. His voice was like a bell, and his eyes were as big as bull's eyes. At first glance, Zhang Jingyun thought it was Emperor Zhong Kui.

"Taoist Huo Chi!"

Zhang Jingyun reacted and recognized the person's identity, so he bowed respectfully and said, "Disciple Zhang Jingyun was ordered by Senior Sister Leng Lingyue to come here to take care of the medicine field."

There was nothing to say. He sold Leng Lingyue directly without any psychological burden. Zhang Jingyun didn't even alert Taoist Huo Chi. The fact that he left the country early was because Leng Lingyue and the couple were unlucky.

Zhang Jingyun also added a thoughtful comment.

"It's been more than three months."

He was just worried that Taoist Huo Chi wouldn't know what good deeds Leng Lingyue had done. Sure enough, Taoist Huo Chi's face darkened when he heard this.

"What an evil person. I sneaked out to play on my own and asked a disciple in the Qi refining stage to take care of the spiritual field. If something goes wrong, I will..."

Taoist Huo Chi was stunned as he spoke. He looked around and felt that the elixirs in the medicine field were growing well and were obviously much stronger than before he went into seclusion.

Even if Leng Lingyue were here to take care of the elixir in person, it would not have such an effect. Taoist Huo Chi treasured his medicinal field very much, and he still knew Leng Lingyue's virtues very well.

"Are you a spiritual planter?"

Taoist Huo Chi asked subconsciously.

Zhang Jingyun replied, "This disciple is not a sect-certified spirit planter, but he has practiced the spirit plant technique quite proficiently. It shouldn't be difficult to pass the spirit plant assessment."

Taoist Huo Chi nodded: "I see, Zhang Jingyun... the name sounds familiar. Hey, is he the kid with the three-series talent many years ago?"

The talents of the three elements of earth, metal and water really caused quite a stir when he first started. Several golden elixir elders were probably waiting for him to establish a foundation and become their disciples.

After hearing Taoist Huo Chi's words, Zhang Jingyun admitted: "This disciple has been wasting his time for many years, and now he has only entered the ninth level of Qi training, which has disappointed many seniors."

"Cultivation is inherently bumpy, how many people can have smooth sailing? Now that you have reached the ninth level of Qi training, you should prepare to build the foundation. I will punish that girl Leng Lingyue well, and this Foundation Building Pill will Consider it a reward for you, you can go back."

Taoist Huo Chi casually gave him a foundation-building pill. He was worthy of being an alchemist in the golden elixir stage, and he was much more generous than Leng Lingyue.

"Disciple, I have one more thing."

Zhang Jingyun said suddenly.

Taoist Huo Chi nodded, and Zhang Jingyun continued: "The disciple has already practiced at the ninth level of qi. In addition, the elder has given me the foundation building pill. It is not difficult to build the foundation. I just wonder if I can worship under the elder after building the foundation?"

Taoist Huo Chi often retreats and does not have much time to look after his disciples. Unless they are also disciples who practice alchemy, they generally will not worship him as their teacher.

Zhang Jingyun took a fancy to the fact that he didn't care about his disciples. What looked like shortcomings to others was actually good points for him, so he proposed the idea of ​​becoming a disciple.

Unexpectedly, Taoist Huo Chi sighed slightly and said, "It's a pity, it's a pity that we are not destined to be masters and disciples."

Zhang Jingyun was slightly startled.

This is very different from his judgment.

Logically speaking, he has been busy in the medicine field for so long, and the elixirs grow extremely well, making them much more useful than his useless apprentice Leng Lingyue.

Moreover, Zhang Jingyun can also pass the spiritual plant master examination, which is even more bonus. There should be no alchemist who would refuse a disciple like Zhang Jingyun, right?

Taoist Huo Chi seemed to have noticed Zhang Jingyun's doubts. The dignified alchemist at the golden elixir stage could hardly explain Zhang Jingyun's reasons.

"I'm not dissatisfied with you. You have the talent for spiritual cultivation and your qualifications are excellent. If it were anyone else, I would definitely accept you as my disciple.

It's just... you and Ling Yue shook their heads and had a conflict. I will naturally punish her heavily after she comes back. With her character, she will definitely bear a grudge against you.

But I don’t want to see her having constant disputes with other senior brothers. Zhang Jingyun, do you understand what I mean? "Taoist Huo Chi said cryptically.

Zhang Jingyun reacted instantly and said in surprise: "Leng...senior sister and elder..."

Zhang Jingyun said for a while, but Taoist Huo Chi remained silent. I guess it was his acquiescence. Zhang Jingyun's expression did not change, but he felt depressed in his heart.

"Damn, Leng Lingyue is actually the daughter of Taoist Huo Chi, but she doesn't know about it, and Taoist Huo Chi doesn't want to make it public. On the surface, he doesn't want to have any special care for Leng Lingyue, but he has to take care of her in private."

Zhang Jingyun quickly figured out the whole story. He could only say that he was a bit unlucky. After working in the medicine field for three months, there was no chance of becoming a disciple of Taoist Huo Chi.

"No, since Taoist Huo Chi hinted at himself, he probably also hinted at others, and it was Lin Fan who became a Taoist companion with Leng Lingyue."

Zhang Jingyun looked strange.

He was still confused at first. Lin Fan and Leng Lingyue should not be together because of their talents. Lin Fan had three talents and Leng Lingyue had only one. Even with the blessing of his fellow villagers, the result would not be like this. .

But now, everything suddenly clicked.

Zhang Jingyun even admires Lin Fan a little in his heart. He is a good boy who has a good reputation of never giving up and secretly flirts with the daughter of Jindan Master, right?

Is it okay to eat soft food but hard food?

Zhang Jingyun feels that he has been a little unlucky recently. When Leng Lingyue and Lin Fan return to the sect, they will probably still pester him.

"Grandma, I didn't want to argue with them because I took the opportunity to become a disciple. If they dare to pester me again, just wait and see."

Zhang Jingyun was not happy after getting the Foundation Establishment Pill. It was just a Foundation Establishment Pill. With the sect's good deeds, you could exchange one pill for ten thousand.

Converted into spiritual stones, the price of a Foundation Establishment Pill is about 11,000 yuan, and Zhang Jingyun can earn it by drawing talismans in a short time.

The status of a high-grade Talisman Master can be compared to that of a smaller force in the early stage of Foundation Establishment. If you lack anything, you will not lack Foundation Establishment Pills.

Zhang Jingyun returned to Xishan Courtyard.

After three months of separation, Liu Lixia seemed more and more energetic. Since she started practicing, Liu Lixia's temperament has developed in an uncontrollable direction.

Sometimes Zhang Jingyun is suspicious.

Is Liu Lixia the reincarnation of an immortal?

The suspicion quickly disappeared, because Zhang Jingyun worked day and night to give Liu Lixia the talent for cultivation. Even if she was a fairy in her previous life, she still has to thank us.

Without the talent for cultivation, the female immortal has to be reinvented. In a sense, Zhang Jingyun allows ordinary people to have the talent for cultivation, making them even more powerful than the immortals.

"Husband, I will change your clothes for you."

Wen Yuechan took over Zhang Jingyun's robe thoughtfully, and put on light training clothes every time. The woman who practices ice magic, her whole body, inside and out, is cooler than the normal female cultivator, but let alone, it is quite exciting. .

Zhang Jingyun felt like this last time.

Or become life and death friends with Nie Xiaoqian.


"Traitor! How dare you come back! You left your post without authorization and forced the outer disciples. Do you have nothing else in your mind besides Taoist companions?"


Taoist Huo Chi slapped Leng Lingyue on the face. A clear slap mark was immediately printed on the latter's flawless white cheek, and even the palm prints were visible.

"Master, please calm down!"

Leng Lingyue knelt on the ground and said quickly.

But there was always a trace of inexplicable resentment in her eyes. People like her often didn't want to repent when they did something wrong. She just got caught.

Not only that, he was punished.

Leng Lingyue would also habitually vent her anger on others. Sure enough, several pictures flashed through her mind. One was of an unknown disciple who caused strange phenomena in the world when he was building the foundation. If not for this, Leng Lingyue felt that Huo Chi The Taoist would not come out of seclusion early and break her story.

"And Zhang Jingyun is also a loser. He doesn't even know how to cover it up for me. He just said that I just went out a few days ago..."

Leng Lingyue never thought about how, under normal circumstances, a disciple in the Qi Refining Stage could feel sorry for Master Jindan. Besides, no one owed her anything, so how could he have such a big face.

Leng Lingyue was fined to be grounded for half a year. During the period of grounding, she was not even allowed to see Lin Fan, but Taoist Huo Chi humanely gave her a chance to say goodbye to Lin Fan.

Walk out of the Valley of the Crescent Moon God.

Leng Lingyue did not go to see Lin Fan immediately. Holding back her resentment, she went to Zhang Jingyun's Xishan courtyard inexplicably, wanting to vent her anger on him.


Zhang Jingyun slapped Leng Lingyue on the face.

"Senior sister, I'm sorry. Not long ago, I luckily succeeded in building the foundation. Now, like you, we are both inner disciples of the Golden Sword Sect."

Zhang Jingyun said with a smile.

Leng Lingyue was trembling with cold energy. When she came out of the Xishan courtyard, she didn't even see Lin Fan. Instead, she went directly to the Crescent Moon Divine Valley for confinement.

"Crazy." Zhang Jingyun was speechless.

Zhang Jingyun just wanted to stay away from her, a semi-public Jindan real person, and even the joy of establishing the foundation was somewhat diluted.

Although I wasn’t very happy at first.

Zhang Jingyun's original cultivation level is many times stronger than that in the foundation building stage, so where is this? The so-called three levels of foundation building, the spiritual power level, the physical body level, and the spiritual awareness level are all natural for Zhang Jingyun.

"Who should I worship as my teacher?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly didn't know how to choose.

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