People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 252 Beautiful Master【Please subscribe】

"Senior brother, I'm here to change my identity as an inner disciple." In the sect's general affairs hall, Zhang Jingyun tested his spiritual power level, and there was no doubt that he was in the foundation building stage.

The actual age of the foundation-building disciple who is responsible for managing the sect's general affairs may be older than Zhang Jingyun's grandfather, Zhang Songyang.

"Congratulations to junior brother for being promoted to the inner sect. According to regulations, inner sect disciples can formally become disciples. I wonder which senior junior brother would like to become his disciple?"

"I wonder which seniors I can take as my disciples?"

Zhang Jingyun asked in time, only to hear Senior Brother Zhu say: "Including the head of our Golden Sword Sect, there are only four candidates for apprenticeship."

Zhang Jingyun nodded, and it was as he expected. There were only four Jindan-stage members of the Golden Sword Sect, the leader Tiansong Zhenren, the elder of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Taoist Huo Chi, and finally the elder who had given guidance to his predecessor.

"To be honest, senior brother, I didn't know much about the four seniors before. I don't like to be restrained. I don't know which senior is better to worship?"

Senior Brother Zhu was stunned, "This..."

Generally, those who come to change their status as inner sect disciples mostly have someone to be apprenticed to. The Golden Sword Sect is no different from other sects. Except for some special circumstances, the apprentices are all chosen by themselves.

Record your own situation in the blank jade slip, such as the time you started, the exercises you have practiced, your origin, age, qualifications, talents, etc.

After that, the General Affairs Hall will present the jade slip to the corresponding person, which is one of the four golden elixirs, and then based on the information on the jade slip, it will be decided whether there is any intention to accept a disciple.

Some golden elixir stage elders have very strict standards for accepting disciples, and they will call in the disciples who want to be their masters to test them personally to see if they have a solid foundation and so on.

"Junior brother, if you don't like restraint, then the real master of the sect is definitely not the best candidate for apprenticeship. His harshness towards his disciples is obvious to all in the Golden Sword Sect. You can choose one from Elder Wu or Taoist Huo Chi. Bit."

Zhang Jingyun smiled helplessly, neither of these two would work. Taoist Huo Chi's side would definitely be in vain. Leng Lingyue's hidden second-generation Xiu alone was a headache.

Elder Wu is the Jindanqi who guards the Sutra Pavilion. He uses the three systems of gold, water, and fire. He practices the Jinjianmen's Zhensect method, the Golden Sword Chaoyang Jue. His true strength should be the strongest person in the Jinjianmen.

Elder Wu's management of his disciples was neither loose nor strict nor strict. He focused on teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

For disciples who are truly talented and practice hard, they will definitely take more care of them. If Zhang Jingyun becomes a disciple of Elder Wu, he will definitely be the focus of observation due to his talent and training speed.

For Zhang Jingyun, this actually doesn't matter. There is no need to hide his talents. It is also a good thing to have the support of a master in the Jindan stage.

It's just a coincidence.

Elder Wu has a proud disciple with amazing talent. He is one of the two three-line cultivation qualifications in the Golden Sword Sect. The other one has gradually been forgotten. Only he has always been a famous figure in the Golden Sword Sect.

Zhang Jingyun also knew that person.

It was Lin Fan, Leng Lingyue's Taoist companion.

If Zhang Jingyun and this person become disciples of the same person, there will definitely be a lot of trouble if nothing happens. It is best to stay away from people who can become Taoist companions with Leng Lingyue.

"This leaves only the last candidate. I have never heard of this elder Zhaojie. I have only seen him once in my predecessor's memory. He is very suitable for apprenticeship."

Zhang Jingyun told Senior Brother Zhu about his choice, and the latter had a strange look on his face. He even kindly reminded Zhang Jingyun: "This elder is not as powerful as the others. I heard that he doesn't often give advice to his disciples. Junior brother, are you sure you don't want to choose someone else?" ?”

Zhang Jingyun's eyes lit up: "OK."

It really meets my requirements.

"Okay, junior brother, record the information according to the process, and a reply will come within three days." Senior Brother Zhu quickly took out a blank jade slip, and then issued an inner disciple token and a high-grade robe to Zhang Jingyun.

"The token is the symbol of the inner sect. Holding the token, you can go to the Sutra Pavilion to choose a foundation-building technique. After that, you can choose other techniques to achieve good deeds in the sect."

Senior Brother Zhu handed Zhang Jingyun the token and the robe. The robe was top grade, but it was only of the first level and was worth about three thousand to five thousand spiritual stones.

It may be very valuable to the disciples in the Qi refining stage, but to the foundation building stage, it seems ordinary and just a symbol of status.

Zhang Jingyun also recorded the information in the jade slips. He is now less than forty years old, and he is relatively young among the inner disciples.

This is Zhang Jingyun's change in the past few months. From the sixth level of Qi training at nearly forty years old to the foundation building stage at nearly forty years old, how many times has his potential increased?

Zhang Jingyun even recorded the scene of practicing Chongshan Boxing in a jade slip. The boxing technique is thick and steady, and the spiritual power is layered. It is impressive that it is the realm of Shizhongshan.

This kind of foundation can not only be described as solid, but can also be said to be extremely talented. I don't think the simple-minded elder Zhaojie would refuse him to become a disciple.

The apprenticeship method of the Golden Sword Sect is still very humane, giving the disciples full autonomy. The master can also choose his disciples, so the two-way choice is quite reasonable.

With very few exceptions.

For example, the last time the Shengjia, Talent of Reciprocity, and Foundation-Building Vision that caused the heaven and earth visions were directly accepted as disciples by the leader Tiansong Zhenren.

"I'm still a disciple in the foundation building stage..."

Zhang Jingyun left the General Affairs Hall and shook his head slightly.

If this were in other worlds of cultivating immortals, wouldn't it take decades just to build the foundation? After establishing the foundation, you can become a deacon and elder in any sect you go to.

The Golden Sword Sect is still a small sect. There are four Jindan Qi in the middle and upper levels of the sect. The two sects close to the Golden Sword Sect only have a lot more Jindan Qi.

Zhang Jingyun has been in the world of cultivating immortals for a few months. Preliminarily, the golden elixir stage monks are equivalent to the combat power level of thousand-year-old monsters such as Xiaoqing, Wang Daoling, and King Jinbo in the White Snake World.

As for the Yuanying Stage monks…

Zhang Jingyun currently has no one to refer to. Through some biographies of the sect, Fahai in the White Snake World is only stronger than the Yuanying Stage monks.

Relying on his high level, Zhang Jingyun understood by analogy and easily reached the foundation building stage, which is almost the same as the second step in the fourth level of Taoism. If Uncle Ninth can fly, at least the foundation building stage will be completed.

Return home.

Zhang Jingyun and the two women had a warm relationship.

Liu Lixia stayed with Zhang Jingyun the longest, and Zhang Jingyun also cared about her the most. It could be said that he practiced day and night.

Even if there was another Wen Yuechan later.

Zhang Jingyun usually practiced double cultivation with Liu Lixia more than twice as many times as Wen Yuechan, but what surprised Zhang Jingyun was that the one who became pregnant first was Wen Yuechan who was rather neglected.

"Husband, am I really pregnant?"

A flush appeared on Wen Yuechan's face.

She was not as excited as she was today when she was with Su Ming. She wanted to make progress so much and was very willing to give birth to a child for Zhang Jingyun.

Mainly because she felt different treatment from Liu Lixia. Zhang Jingyun's emphasis on taking care of Liu Lixia was unabashed. Now that she gave birth to Zhang Jingyun's child before Liu Lixia, Wen Yuechan felt that this situation would change.

"It is true that I am pregnant. It has been eight days." Zhang Jingyun nodded. He was very good at checking whether she was pregnant and had rich experience.

Wen Yuechan's pregnancy surprised Zhang Jingyun. Liu Lixia took the most care of him. Zhang Jingyun also had a talent for precision. Didn't he win?

However, Wen Yuechan wanted Zhang Jingyun to treat her better than Liu Lixia when she was pregnant. That was impossible. The child was important, but the furnace was even more important.

"Eight days? Can this be measured?"

Wen Yuechan was quite surprised by her husband.

Zhang Jingyun didn't treat Wen Yuechan too harshly. After going to the market to sell the talismans, he also bought Wen Yuechan a second-order white-feathered long-tailed chick to replenish her health.

Although Liu Lixia was also eating meat, there was a hint of urgency in her eyes. The fact that Wen Yuechan was pregnant before her really made this peerless furnace anxious.


Zhang Jingyun comforted Liu Lixia fiercely: "It makes you anxious! It makes you anxious! It makes you anxious..."

The comforting effect is surprisingly good.

The next morning.

A strange disciple came to Xishan Courtyard.

"But Junior Brother Zhang Jingyun?"

The visitor opened his mouth and Zhang Jingyun looked at this person. He seemed to be born with a sad face. He was in the foundation stage of cultivation, but the spiritual power in his body was a bit mixed and impetuous. Zhang Jingyun instinctively thought of those monks who often go to Qianxiang Tower.

"It's me, senior brother?"

A smile appeared on Huang Fei's face and he said, "Junior brother, from now on, you and I are our true fellow disciples. My name is Huang Fei."

Zhang Jingyun came to his senses and confirmed to Huang Fei: "Senior Brother Huang, has Elder Zhaoji agreed to accept me as his disciple?"

Huang Fei said in surprise: "When has she ever rejected anyone? There are very few people in the sect who would worship her as their teacher. It's too late for her to be happy for a disciple as talented as her junior brother."

Zhang Jingyun had a strange look on his face, why was he talking in a different way? This master, whom he had met once before, was not very popular in the Golden Sword Sect.

"It's fate. Twenty years ago, I received guidance from Elder Zhaojie. I have the talent of Earth, Metal and Water, and majored in Heavy Mountain Technique.

Elder Zhaojui instructed me to take a minor in a metal skill after I reached the seventh level of Qi training. However, I didn't expect that it would take me twenty years to go from the fifth level to the seventh level of Qi training.

I don’t know if Elder Zhaojie still remembers me. I failed to live up to the elder’s expectations. Fortunately, the heart disease I had in the past has completely healed. "Zhang Jingyun said with a sigh.

However, Huang Fei's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

His expression suddenly brightened.

"Senior Brother Huang, what's wrong?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Huang Fei organized his speech and then said: "Jingyun, you don't know, I'm not really a senior brother. I don't have any big ambitions to recruit the elders."

Zhang Jingyun was puzzled, and Huang Fei said to himself: "Don't be nervous, we still have a long time to live in the future. Before I tell you something, I would like to comfort you by telling you my own story first."

Zhang Jingyun listened with interest, and Hu Fei said: "More than twenty years ago, I was only ten years old at that time, and I was a servant of the sect.

However, my life is quite good. There is an elder Jindan. Seeing that I have the qualifications to practice, he asked me to serve tea and water beside him. Others have no chance to serve him. What an honor? "

Zhang Jingyun nodded, it was indeed an honor. Others, such as the one-time sensation Sheng Jia, all started out by serving Lin Fan.

However, Huang Fei became sad as he spoke: "Thanks to the great love, the elder promised to accept me as his disciple when I established the foundation. But..."

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but sympathize with him after hearing the last part. It turned out that Senior Brother Huang had bad luck and became a disciple of Elder Jindan after establishing his foundation. However, not long after becoming a disciple, Elder Jindan died of a recurrence of his old illness.

He endured for nearly thirty years, finally built the foundation, and successfully became a master. However, the master was gone. Huang Fei cried for three days and three nights holding his master's spiritual throne. The leader was moved by Huang Fei and transferred to the sect of other elders. .

Zhang Jingyun comforted him and said, "Senior brother, please give me my condolences. I practice to live a long life. No one is sure when an accident will happen. Fortunately, senior brother will not be helpless as he worships the master."

Huang Fei nodded, "You are good at comforting people, so senior brother, you can rest assured. In fact, the master has been promoted to elder by the master in the past two years, and can accept disciples, so the elder who guided you twenty years ago is definitely not one of us Master, recruit and reject the elders.”

Zhang Jingyun was stunned when he heard this, and had an ominous premonition. As expected, Huang Fei glanced at him with sympathetic eyes and said, "Yes, the elder Jindan who gave you guidance twenty years ago is the one who is sitting in the body."

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

In fact, it didn't matter whether he was the elder who had given him guidance before. He wouldn't be as heartbroken as Huang Fei.

"In the past two years, I haven't heard of any true disciple who successfully condensed the golden elixir. When did our master make a breakthrough? There is no news at all."

Zhang Jingyun came back to his senses and asked.

Although the newly promoted Jindan has low strength and shallow foundation, he is still a monk at another level after all. He never expected Huang Fei to say: "Because the master is not Jindan."

Zhang Jingyun: "???"

"She is a perfect member of the Zi Mansion and has not yet condensed the golden elixir. That's why the head of the family made an exception and promoted her to elder. The master will tell you the reason personally."

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

Elder of Zi Mansion? This guy is also a weirdo. Zhang Jingyun suddenly remembered that this elder Zhaojie was not the one he thought. Then didn’t he even know whether the master was a man or a woman?

You know, Zhang Jingyun specializes in defeating female masters.

He has done this kind of thing often.

Huang Fei chatted with Zhang Jingyun for a long time, and the questions in his mind were answered. Sure enough, the master was a woman, and according to Huang Fei, she was quite beautiful.

Zhang Jingyun disagreed.

No matter how beautiful she is, can she be more beautiful than Liu Lixia?

He came here to practice, so he decided to restrain himself this time. There were many disciples of the Golden Sword Sect, and the risk of turning against the master and turning against the disciples was really not small. Huang Fei even invited Zhang Jingyun to play at Qianxiang Tower, but he refused.

Huang Fei no longer insisted: "Junior brother has great ambitions, but unlike senior brother, his talent is mediocre. There was still hope of breaking through the Zi Mansion, but now I am determined not to do it.

I'm not interested in things like fighting and killing. If I don't achieve success in cultivation, I can only have fun in the moment. Isn't it nice to enjoy life?

If your junior brother wants to take things seriously, he can introduce you to a few junior sisters, whether it's on the mountain, Panasonic, or Watanabe... let's do it together, happiness is the most important thing. "

Zhang Jingyun called him a good guy.

Don't tell me, he still wants to figure out how to do it.

To Huang Fei.

Zhang Jingyun completely recognized this senior brother.

"Oh, after talking for so long, junior brother, get ready. Come with me to meet the master. Your eyes will light up when you see the master." Hu Fei said.

"Junior brother has seen a beautiful female cultivator."

Zhang Jingyun thought of Liu Lixia.

"Master, she is different." Hu Fei said.

Zhang Jingyun put on his robe, held the sect token, and followed Huang Fei to pay homage to his master, Elder Zhaorei. Just as Huang Fei said, his eyes lit up when he saw his master.

" can she be so beautiful?"

After Zhang Jingyun looked at her carefully, she just looked pretty and had a good figure, so that he only had one thought in his mind besides cultivation.

That’s because I want to be on the same page as Master.

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