People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 253 Flying Sword Passing the Book【Please subscribe】

"Disciple Zhang Jingyun, pay homage to Master!"

Zhang Jingyun bowed respectfully in front of Elder Zhaojie. Although she was not the one who initially wanted to become a disciple, who could refuse a beautiful master?

Bai Zhaoji stood in front of the two of them. His clothes were like snow, his hair was as black as ink, he had a long body, smooth and gorgeous, his slightly raised face was exquisite and clear, and his calm and gentle beautiful eyes overflowed with waveless indifference, but it was as difficult as the deep sea. Measurement.

For Zhang Jingyun who took the initiative to become her disciple, Bai Zhaoji was still a little curious. There were four Jindan monks in the Golden Sword Sect. In the past few years, one had become a monk, leaving only three. She was promoted from It has only been two years since the elders were able to take on a full set of disciples.

Huang Fei was transferred to the sect of Elder Jindan who was sitting in the body. It can be said that the sect forced him to reject Bai Zhao. This was because Huang Fei had just become a disciple not long ago, so he looked pitiful.

Most of the remaining disciples of the enthroned Jindan elder have already achieved success in cultivation. They are either in the late stage of foundation building or the late stage of Zifu. It doesn't matter whether they are disciples or not. Even if they don't have a master, they can still practice with the resources of the sect.

"Well, she does look good."

Bai Zhao's refusal was surprising. Zhang Jingyun was stunned. He didn't expect that this beautiful master was also a face-controller, but he was too direct.

"I have seen your jade slip. You majored in the Heavy Mountain Technique. At the ninth level of Qi training, you can reach the realm of the Tenth Mountain. It is unique among the outer disciples.

Judging from this, your talent is not low, so I asked someone to check it, and I didn’t expect that you also have the qualifications for practicing earth, metal, and water. You are the only three-system qualification in the Golden Sword Sect. "

Bai Zhaoji said slowly.

Huang Fei also looked at Zhang Jingyun next to him in surprise. His bright eyes were obviously full of questions. He only thought that Zhang Jingyun was just messing around with Bai Zhaojie.

After all, among the inner disciples who want to work hard in cultivation, who would worship a monk from the Zifu period as their teacher? How could they ever imagine that Zhang Jingyun is not only talented, but also extremely talented?

Three series qualifications!

Hey, isn't that comparable to Lin Fan? Why have you never heard of Zhang Jingyun? Huang Fei was stunned because he didn't know this person.

"Why did you think of becoming your teacher?"

Bai Zhaojun asked curiously.

Zhang Jingyun thought about it for a moment, and then said to Bai Zhaoji: "My disciple has been wandering for a long time..." It's still the same saying that there is a mental problem that cannot be overcome, but recently, like an enlightenment, the past problems have completely disappeared.

Bai Zhaorui nodded. In fact, the most important thing for a person who cultivates immortality is often not talent. Her personal opinion is that opportunity is the first priority in cultivating immortality, talent is the second most important, and mind is the third.

Some people are talented but have mental problems. It is still difficult to become a great person. The reason for the stagnation of the previous body's cultivation is because of this problem.

After Huang Fei brought Zhang Jingyun to Bai Zhaoji, he said goodbye and left after seeing that he had nothing to do. Then Bai Zhaoji brought Zhang Jingyun to his daily practice cave.


Bai Zhao refused to wave his hand to release the restriction.

As soon as Zhang Jingyun stepped into the cave, he instantly felt the rich spiritual energy rushing towards his face. The spiritual energy in Bai Zhaojue's cave was even so rich that a spiritual spring formed in the core area of ​​the cave, trickling out.

At this moment, even Zhang Jingyun was stunned. This was definitely not a third-grade cave, but actually a fourth-grade cave, which could be used for the cultivation of Jindan monks.

If you practice in this aura environment every day, your cultivation will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. In the White Snake World, Bai Suzhen's cave in Qingcheng Mountain is only at this level, or even worse than here.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Wang Lingquan in the middle.

It exudes amazing spiritual energy and bubbles gurglingly. Is it okay to use this spiritual liquid to cook spiritual rice? It’s not like Zhang Jingyun has never seen spiritual liquid before.

When Zhang Jingyun was in the world of Yi Tian Tu Long Ji, the spiritual liquid extracted from the green valley of Kunlun Mountain was simply rubbish compared to this place.

Zhang Jingyun looked around and saw that Bai Zhaorui's cave was quite simply decorated. Apart from a bed and a table, the flying swords on the wall could make people take a second look.

"Fourth-grade flying sword!"

Zhang Jingyun could feel the sword energy through the scabbard. This flying sword was probably considered top-notch among the fourth-level flying swords.

"Are you curious? Not only was a mere cultivator in the Zifu Stage promoted to elder by the leader, but he also enjoyed the treatment of a Golden Core Stage cultivator?"

Bai Zhao refused and took off the flying sword from the wall of the cave. The flying sword came out of his body, cold light overflowed, and the sword energy instantly filled the cave.

Zhang Jingyun's face can be slightly divided by the sword energy. This is just the original state of the flying sword. If the sword is inspired by spiritual power, it will be another scene.

Zhang Jingyun also had some guesses about Bai Zhao's rejection, and since she seemed to be trying to compete, Zhang Jingyun expressed his thoughts.

"In my opinion, although the management of Jinjian Sect is loose, the various rules and systems are quite complete. Both the elders of the sect and the disciples in the Qi Refining Period follow the sect's system.

Therefore, the master's treatment must be reasonable and well-founded. Zifuqi can make the leader be promoted to elder, which means that the master has this qualification. There is a high probability that the master has made outstanding contributions to the sect. "

Bai Zhao refused to be surprised, she inserted the flying sword into the scabbard, the surprise on her face flashed away, and finally she became calm and said calmly: "You are very smart.

I have only killed one Golden Core Stage cultivator. This is the case with the Golden Sword Sect. What kind of strength comes with what kind of status. "

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth, and his face was put on display. It had to be said that this beautiful master was quite good at showing off. When he was showing off, he also praised him for being smart, so he didn't look greasy at all.

But to be honest, Zhang Jingyun vaguely noticed from the moment he met Bai Zhaoji that Bai Zhaoji's strength did not match his realm.

Zhang Jingyun has also encountered people like her. Xiao Qing from the White Snake World also has a thousand years of Taoism, but her fighting ability is extremely strong. She can fight back and forth with Fa Hai who cannot use the golden bowl. Monsters such as Wang Daoling also Not Xiaoqing's opponent.

However, in comparison, Zifu Qi's killing of the Golden Dan Qi was indeed amazing. Zhang Jingyun felt that Bai Zhaojie might have practiced some powerful secret technique. In addition, the price she paid to kill the Golden Dan Qi was not small.

Zhang Jingyun felt a strange aura from her body. It should be a secret injury or something like that. The specific situation would have to be checked first.

"I am a sword cultivator. Throughout the ages, sword cultivators have been the most powerful people in the world of immortality, so it is not surprising that they are stronger.

But what are your plans after joining my school? If you want to learn swordsmanship, I can spare two hours a month to teach you. "Baizhao refused to say.

Bai Zhao refused to agree with Zhang Jingyun's opinion on sword cultivators. If the most powerful person in the world of immortality is not a sword cultivator, what else could he be? The physical training that dominates with physical strength is still unable to withstand the sharpness of the flying sword.

However, Zhang Jingyun refused.

"My disciple is quite talented in drawing talismans. He is now a second-grade talisman master, and he has a wife and two children at home. It is too dangerous to be a swordsman."

Zhang Jingyun's words made Bai Zhaoreject's favorability drop greatly. He only had a wife and two families at such a young age, so how could he still have the time to practice swordsmanship? As for the Talisman Master?

Is that thing comparable to a swordsman?

Zhang Jingyun didn't say much about his choice, "No matter what, since you have plans, I won't ask you to learn swordsmanship.

If you are new to Foundation Establishment and have any questions about cultivation, you can come to me and explain it for half an hour every month. Do you have any questions? "

Zhang Jingyun doesn't learn swordsmanship.

It dropped from two hours to half an hour. Zhang Jingyun was quite satisfied with the result and quickly shook his head and said: "No, thank you Master."

"Go ahead."


After Zhang Jingyun came out of Bai Zhaorui's cave, there was still some nostalgia on his face. Apart from anything else, the aura of the fourth-grade cave was still exciting.

"It would be nice to have an extra bed."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and returned to the Xishan courtyard, holding his lovely wife and beautiful family in his arms. Who would want to be a swordsman? Xiangcheng is the best example.

After the person dies, the spiritual stone is spent.

The beautiful wife has to be taken care of.

"Husband, is the apprenticeship going well?" On the left, Wen Yuechan buried her head in Zhang Jingyun's arms, raised her jaw slightly, and asked with concern.

"If I wanted to learn swordsmanship, she could teach me two hours a month. Unfortunately, I refused. I only have half an hour a month to consult with her."

"Sword cultivator? It's too dangerous."

Wen Yuechan had the same idea.

Liu Lixia said coquettishly: "If I let my uncle learn to shoot, it would be two hours a day, not to mention two hours a month. He would also enjoy it."

Zhang Jingyun: "???"

"Sister-in-law, something is wrong with you!" Zhang Jingyun said, and pressed down with a slap. In an instant, he felt as if his palm was sinking into a ball of softness.

"Uncle!" Liu Lixia said angrily.

"What's wrong, sister-in-law?"

Liu Lixia opened her mouth slightly and whispered two words.

Wen Yuechan's face turned red.

Zhang Jingyun said something in Liu Lixia's ear, and Wen Yuechan only saw Liu Lixia slowly turning red from her neck to her cheeks.

She couldn't help it.

"Husband, are you still whispering to each other in person?"

"Whispering to each other?" Zhang Jingyun said with a strange expression: "Yuechan, don't mention it, this word is so sexy."

Wen Yuechan and Liu Lixia looked at each other.

After another practice, Zhang Jingyun looked at the panel. His attribute points increased by twenty, of which Liu Lixia contributed more than nine levels. Wen Yuechan was pregnant and could only serve Zhang Jingyun in another way.

After practicing.

Zhang Jingyun started adding points every day.

He was new to Foundation Establishment and had not chosen the Foundation Establishment technique yet. Zhang Jingyun was not worried about this for the time being. He still had an idea that needed to be verified.

In addition to the Kung Fu that Zhang Jingyun was the first to add points to upgrade, it was no surprise that it was the talisman drawing. There are three Foundation Establishment talismans in the foundation-building talisman master's inheritance.

Diamond Talisman, Fire Talisman, Rainbow Light Talisman!

Zhang Jingyun is no stranger to these three talismans. The diamond talisman is an upgraded version of the amulet and is quite popular among the foundation-building talismans.

The Fire Talisman has violent spiritual power and is considered to be the most cost-effective among attack talismans. As for the Rainbow Light Talisman, it is the real hard currency.

It can be called a life-saving talisman for foundation-building monks.

The rainbow light talisman can instantly increase the flight speed of a foundation-building monk to about twice, and it can last for about an hour. Basically, a flowing light talisman can be exchanged for a foundation-building pill.

However, although the value of the rainbow talisman is high, the difficulty of drawing the talisman has also increased. A normal second-level talisman master only needs to draw a rainbow talisman in one day to be considered powerful.

"It's time to work hard."

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he called up the system, opened the data panel and added ten attribute points to the rainbow talisman. If you want to choose, choose the more difficult one.

I saw the skill bar flashing for a while.

[Introduction to Rainbow Talisman]

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, this is the foundation building period, and upgrading skills requires ten attribute points. Will the Zifu and even the golden elixir later double?

"Fortunately, I have a furnace."

There is no wife as powerful as Bai Suzhen here. Double cultivation can increase five attribute points at a time. Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun still has Liu Lixia.

Four times in a row, Zhang Jingyun directly upgraded the Rainbow Talisman to the perfect level. At this moment, countless knowledge related to the Rainbow Talisman flooded into his mind.

After a while, Zhang Jingyun opened his eyes.

He has thoroughly absorbed the experience of the rainbow talisman. Logically speaking, he should be confident in drawing the rainbow talisman, but there is still a problem now.

Zhang Jingyun is just entering foundation building for the first time.

Even if he could draw the rainbow talisman, this amount of mana would still be consumed, and it would even seriously overdraw Zhang Jingyun's body.

If you only draw the second-order low-grade rainbow talisman.

Zhang Jingyun can be said to have picked it up at his fingertips.

"You also have to go to the market to buy the materials for the second-level talisman. Just the elixir for drawing talismans is not enough. In addition, the talisman brushes left by Xiang Cheng also need to be replaced."

The talisman pen Zhang Jingyun used was left behind by Xiang Cheng. It was only a first-level talisman pen. Talisman masters in the foundation-building stage must use at least a second-level talisman pen.

Zhang Jingyun took the spiritual stones he had accumulated in the past few months and went to Lingbao Pavilion to directly buy a second-grade high-grade talisman pen, three swords of high-grade talisman paper, and a pound of high-grade talisman ink.

As for the talisman shop that Zhang Jingyun often went to before, it can no longer keep up with the speed of upgrading his own talismans. Besides, it doesn't make sense that Zhang Jingyun's level of talisman master would be upgraded once he went there.

After buying the materials for drawing talismans, Zhang Jingyun walked around and saw a book of wood-based exercises called Dead Wood Kung Fu in front of a stall of a ninth-level qi-training monk.

"After looking at it for a long time, do you want to buy it..."

The stall owner covered himself with a black robe and took a nap. He couldn't throw away the things on the stall without looking at them. Zhang Jingyun hadn't bought the Dead Wood Kung Fu for so long. The stall owner was about to ask a few questions when he suddenly realized that he was in the foundation building stage.

"Huh?" Zhang Jingyun asked lightly.

"It's okay, senior, it's okay."

The stall owner was sweating profusely, why should he join in the fun during the foundation building period, so he obeyed without hesitation, and finally Zhang Jingyun bought the Dead Wood Technique with five hundred spirit stones.

The stall owner said that this skill is the basic method of the Five Elements Sect, which is why Zhang Jingyun bought it. From the many classics of the Golden Sword Sect,

Zhang Jingyun saw the glory of the Five Elements Sect in the past. Compared with the Golden Sword Sect, the Five Elements Sect was the real overlord of the world of immortality. It was a super sect and there were only a handful of sects that could rival it.

The Dead Wood Technique was the basic technique of the Five Elements Sect in the past and was widely spread. In addition, the Agni Fire Technique that Zhang Jingyun bought before was also one of the basic fire-based techniques of the Five Elements Sect.

"After learning the Dead Tree Kung Fu, your five-element talents will be complete." Zhang Jingyun put away the Kung Fu and returned home. But before he reached the entrance of Xishan Courtyard, he saw a guy with a dark face hidden by branches, with a pestle like a door god. On the side.

"Lin Fan?" Zhang Jingyun's heart moved.

Lin Fan saw Zhang Jingyun, holding a golden sword, and stepped in front of him. Zhang Jingyun made sure that Lin Fan had not even entered the courtyard before asking: "Is something wrong?"

"I'll wait for you in the sect's assessment in one month." Lin Fan didn't waste any time and got straight to the point: "You shouldn't slap her."

Zhang Jingyun remembered.

Not long ago, Leng Lingyue was slapped in the mouth by him, and the relationship had been fermenting for so many days before Lin Fan actually knew about it.

But it was a fight, and Zhang Jingyun had no regrets. As for the sect assessment, if Lin Fan wanted to challenge him, it would depend on whether he was willing to accept it.

Zhang Jingyun didn't take it seriously, and didn't even take it seriously, until a snow-white sword light suddenly fell in front of him from the horizon.

"Flying sword to pass the message?"

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. He took the snow-white sword light and heard a cold and noble voice. It was Master Bai Zhaonu: "Come and see me in the cave right now."

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