People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 256 Sect Assessment【Please subscribe】

"What's the point of getting rich? I'm just growing some spiritual grains to support my family. I never thought they would have to buy my spiritual seeds." Zhang Jingyun said modestly.

Bai Zhao refused to smile and looked at Zhang Jingyun without speaking, as if he was saying: Keep pretending! Who in the Golden Sword Sect doesn’t know that the spiritual seeds he cultivated are hard to find.

"You don't have to worry about having any agenda in front of me." Bai Zhao refused to speak. Zhang Jingyun thought to himself that if his master hadn't spoken in the tone of a brigade commander blackmailing Li Yunlong, he wouldn't have acted like this.

Bai Zhao refused to talk, and Zhang Jingyun also showed his cards. Yes, he cultivated the Super Spiritual Valley, and spiritual seeds are also hard to find.

The price of super spiritual seeds is much more expensive than the spiritual seeds sold in other stores. The supply is still in short supply and the business is very hot.

Zhang Jingyun only rented a few hundred acres of spiritual land, and the total output was not much. As the fame of the super spiritual species completely spreads, it will only bring countless spiritual stones to Zhang Jingyun in the future.

The business of spiritual seeds is not comparable to selling spiritual grains. For most farming monks, three hundred kilograms of spiritual grains per acre of spiritual land is considered a high yield, four species a year, including rent for the sect.

Zhang Jingyun's Linggu yields about 500 kilograms per mu. With the same output, the price of Linggu can reach about ten times that of Linggu.

Calculated based on the price of one pound of spiritual grain and one spiritual stone, if Zhang Jingyun's spiritual grain is sold as spiritual seed, the profit will naturally be extremely considerable. It is not an exaggeration to say that he will make a fortune.

"Is this why Master recruited me?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly asked.

Bai Zhao refused and said, "Do you think this is a trivial matter? A man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade. Don't you understand that if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it? You have always been safe in the sect. If you go out, There’s no guarantee that someone won’t attack you secretly.”

Zhang Jingyun naturally understands this truth.

But he has no intention of leaving the sect at all. As long as he remains in the Golden Sword Sect, no one will have the chance to take action.

Bai Zhaoji never thought that Zhang Jingyun had such thoughts and even planned to never leave the sect for the rest of his life. This good guy has directly taken over the sect as his family. Master Tiansong, the master, must be very happy when he finds out.

Zhang Jingyun asked tentatively: "I wonder if master has any suggestions on this matter?"

Bai Zhaojie was well prepared and said to Zhang Jingyun, "I have already asked the General Affairs Hall that your total output of spiritual grains is still very small and will not affect the market of spiritual seeds on a large scale. However, your spiritual seeds have great potential and sooner or later they will." Disrupt the spiritual seed market.

In Zongmenfang City, many of the shops that sell spiritual seeds are the property of the families behind the disciples of the Zifu period. These are considered their own people, while other shops are the property of outside casual cultivators and even other sect disciples.

The sect can sell your spiritual seeds to the outside world for you, and you don't have to put most of your thoughts on these external matters. Cultivation is the most important thing.

In addition, the sect cannot help you in vain. You also have to understand that the development of the sect also requires spiritual stones. If you agree, the sect will only receive 30% of the income from the spiritual seeds, and the rest will be yours. What do you think? "

Zhang Jingyun looked strange after hearing this.

"What's wrong?" Bai Zhao refused to understand.

"Did the sect directly say that it will only charge 30% of the income?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly asked. Bai Zhao refused to open his mouth and his eyes changed slightly.

"No, they initially said it would be a 50-50 split, and the sect would protect you, and the cooperation would be a win-win situation. Isn't this bullying an honest person?" Bai Zhaorejian said matter-of-factly.

Zhang Jingyun sighed in his heart, rejecting this master for free, if something comes up, she will come. Even if it is a 50-50 split, the sect will be fine, at least it will not oppress you.

The last thirty-seven points was earned by Bai Zhao. I'm afraid she didn't know it. In the General Affairs Hall, the General Affairs disciples must have explained to her how painful it was.

"Are you not satisfied?" Bai Zhao refused to ask.

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "I'm definitely satisfied, but the share can be changed again."

"Seventy's hard to get any higher. If it really doesn't work, I'll go to the General Affairs Hall and ask..." Bai Zhaojie said with some embarrassment.

"That's not what I meant." Zhang Jingyun shook his head and refused to go to the General Affairs Hall again. Then he would have to draw his sword and scare them to get 80% of the profit...

"Thirty percent will be returned to the sect, 60% will be given to the disciples, and the remaining 10% will be accepted by the master." Zhang Jingyun's words made Bai Zhaorui stunned.

"How can I ask for your spirit stone before you build the foundation, and I have already completed the Purple Mansion. This spirit stone is more important to me than to you." Bai Zhao refused politely.

Zhang Jingyun smiled but said nothing.

This little spiritual stone?

When Bai Zhaoji sees how much 10% of the profit is, she will understand how profitable the spirit seed business is, and Zi Mansion will be moved by it.

Bai Zhaoji didn't know the specific income at first, until Zhang Jingyun sent him the first tribute a few days later. After seeing the large pile of spiritual stones in the storage bag, Bai Zhaoji couldn't help but trembled, "You can actually make so much money?"

Bai Zhaojie is a sword cultivator. He often travels out, not only to improve his cultivation and hone his sword skills, but also to accumulate resources for a period of practice.

This makes it inevitable to hunt and slay demons. Sword fighting and fighting are commonplace. People say that the golden belt of murder and arson is the quickest way to make money. However, the situation of rejecting someone for nothing is even more special. She needs a lot of spiritual stones.

Now it seems that instead of going out to hunt monsters once a year, she might as well stay quietly in the cave and wait for Zhang Jingyun's filial piety. After all, the spiritual field can produce four kinds of things a year, and such benefits can be obtained four times.

Bai Zhaoji blushed slightly.

"How can I be raised by a disciple when I am a master?" Bai Zhao refused to make up his mind and wait for Zhang Jingyun to come again next time and give her a third-level flying sword.

Not only that.

Bai Zhao refused and even regretted it. If she had known it, she would have gone to the General Affairs Hall to fight for it again. She always felt that the people in the General Affairs Hall took away 30% of the income for no reason without doing much.

In fact, Zhang Jingyun's treatment in the General Affairs Hall has made the general affairs disciples resentful. When he went to receive the spirit stone, the general affairs disciples couldn't wait to hold the storage bag in their hands.


time flies.

It’s finally time for the annual sect assessment.

Everyone in the Golden Sword Sect began to be busy with the assessment. The sect assessment involves all disciples, whether they are in the Qi refining stage or the foundation building stage, they will participate.

Disciples who travel will also return to the sect in time. After all, the results of the assessment will affect the status and treatment of the sect disciples in the next year.

Everyone needs to pay attention.

The leader, Master Tiansong, gathered everyone in the square outside the Golden Sword Gate Hall. Including the leader, the other three elders also showed up.

They are Elder Wu Changkongwu, the elder of Zangjing Pavilion, Taoist Huo Chi from Xianyue Shengu, and Bai Zhaoju, the new elder of Jinjian Sect.

"Huh? An elder from Zifuqi?"

Several Zifu period disciples saw Bai Zhaoji for the first time, and found that the other person's cultivation level was the same as theirs, and that they were both at the Zifu period. They immediately felt that I could do it too.

It was indeed the first time that Bai Zhaojie appeared in the assessment. Most of the disciples of the Golden Sword Sect were still very unfamiliar with this elder from the Zifu period.

Although Bai Zhaohui has extraordinary appearance and impressive temperament, her cultivation in the Zifu period still makes many disciples whisper.

Some people even whispered in a low voice, with Zifuqi as an elder, the Golden Sword Sect is going to go downhill, and each generation will be worse than the last...


As Master Tiansong's voice rang out, the square instantly became quiet. The head of the Golden Sword Sect was always known for his majesty, and all the disciples were still in awe of him.

"Elder Zhaoke's promotion was not made public to begin with, and everyone only heard of her name but not her person, and not many disciples were even willing to worship her as their teacher.

Today I officially announce to you that I am recruiting an elder. She is worthy of her name. She has made great contributions to the sect. She killed the Jindan monks with the cultivation level of Zifu. This is why she was promoted to an elder. She is a sword cultivator. Who wants to learn swords? Consider becoming a disciple of Elder Zhaoji. "

Master Tiansong first made an advertisement to Bai Zhaojie. All the disciples looked at each other in confusion. "Zi Mansion Kills the Golden Pill, is there such a thing?" The sect actually has such an awesome sword cultivator?

At this time, several core disciples in the Zifu period realized the gap between themselves and Bai Zhaoji. No wonder they were elders.

Zhang Jingyun had a clear view of all this. He knew that from now on, there would be an endless stream of disciples who wanted to be their masters. The master was so popular...

He didn't even know how to attack his master.

The assessment covers everyone and involves many categories, including the cultivation of immortals and various arts, such as alchemy, weapon refining, formations, talismans, spiritual plants, beasts, etc.

Of course, the Golden Sword Sect is a serious swordsmanship sect, and it must have the most assessments on sword techniques. This is also the biggest highlight of the sect's assessment every year.

Zhang Jingyun was very active in participating in the Ling Zhi assessment. His Ling Zhi technique was so superb that the Zifu Qi disciples in charge of the Ling Zhi assessment were dazzled.

"Has this junior brother passed the spiritual plant master certification?" the Zifuqi disciple in charge of the spiritual plant assessment lowered his attitude and asked.

Zhang Jingyun nodded.

"I passed the second-level spiritual planter certification three months ago."

The Zifu disciples were in awe. The second-level spiritual planter was unique among the foundation-building disciples. It could be said that he was a guest of any sect.

In fact, the spiritual plant assessment is very simple.

A spiritual planter must be proficient in at least two spiritual plantation techniques. In fact, anyone can reach the standard of a spiritual planter as long as they practice hard and spend more than ten or twenty years.

The difficult thing is who would give up many years of precious time, and which disciple would not want to give it a try on the road of cultivating immortality, so few would start cultivating the land and practice the spiritual cultivation method from the very beginning, and Zhang Jingyun was even more of an exception.

A second-level spiritual planter, with cultivation in the foundation-building stage.

Normally, if you practice the two spiritual planting techniques to the foundation-building stage, you won't be able to succeed for thirty or fifty years, so it's normal for this Zifu disciple to be in awe.

However, the next second the disciple couldn't sit still. After Zhang Jingyun finished the spiritual plant assessment, he went straight to the talisman assessment. Holding the talisman pen, he drew a dragon and snake with his pen, and drew a diamond talisman in one go.

"Second-level talisman master?" The Zifu disciple's eyes widened. No second-level talisman master or second-level spiritual planter would let him show such a posture, but it would be wrong for the two to be concentrated in one person.

What kind of foundation-building disciple is this?

He is clearly the strongest logistician on the road.

Zhang Jingyun participated in the assessment very enthusiastically, but there was no one who was tested on the dual cultivation method. Otherwise, he would definitely come out on top.

"Haha, Junior Sister Bai, if I remember correctly, your best skill is swordsmanship. Why do you, a disciple, have so many side jobs?"

Master Tiansong asked with a smile.

Bai Zhaoju's face was slightly red, and he was a little embarrassed. Zhang Jingyun participated in several assessments, such as drawing talismans, spiritual plants and body refining. This guy even went to alchemy. Not to mention that these were related to her, I can only say... not at all. Related!

She had never taught Zhang Jingyun how to draw talismans, practice body training, or spiritual cultivation. How could she teach Zhang Jingyun these things to her disciples if she didn't know how to do them herself.

"Brother Wu's disciple wants to challenge Zhang Jingyun. He has been practicing swordsmanship diligently in the past few months. I think he will make people's eyes shine after a while."

Bai Zhao refused to say confidently.

Originally, he still had some confidence in Zhang Jingyun, but based on his understanding of the Jinyang Sword Formation, he had made some achievements in swordsmanship and it was difficult to lose.

But now, Zhang Jingyun, not only using distractions, but also having a delicate heart, was delayed by so many things in practicing swordsmanship. If she could win against Lin Fan, she didn't know what to say.

"Who do you think Junior Brother Wu can win?"

Master Tiansong asked Wu Changkong.

"Although Lin Fan has an arrogant personality, his talent lies here, and I have to teach him the Golden Sword Chaoyang Technique. Let him suffer some hardships and maybe he can bring out more of his potential."

The meaning of Elder Wu's words is actually very clear. It is difficult for his disciple to lose, although he also wants someone to train him more.

"Then it's better to let Sheng Jia..."

Just as Master Tiansong was speaking, he was interrupted by Elder Wu: "Shengjia is related to the prosperity of the sect, so we can't distract him. Besides, with Shengjia's strength, Lin Fan is a bit of a bully."

"Yes, this kid Shengjia has lived up to expectations. Since the foundation-building phenomenon occurred, he has almost completed the foundation-building in less than a year." The leader made an astonishing statement.

"My elixir has never been broken!"

Taoist Huo Chi said in a low voice.

The leader smiled and said: "Junior Brother Leng has made great achievements. Shengjia will not forget you. When he enters the Zifu stage, he can try one or two..."

"It's about to begin."

Bai Zhao refused to be cold and said.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that in the middle of the square, the disciples of the sect were surrounding each other in circles. In the empty area in the middle, two figures looked at each other.

"Junior Brother Zhang, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Lin Fan was holding a flying sword, wrapped in the scabbard. Zhang Jingyun could still feel the strong sword energy, at least it was a third-level flying sword.

In the distance, Bai Zhaorui frowned.

"Senior Brother Wu actually passed all the Jinyang Swords he used to Lin Fan. If I had given Zhang Jingyun a third-level flying sword, I'm afraid he would have been defeated by now."

Sometimes the difference between magic weapons can determine victory or defeat in an instant. Bai Zhaoju felt that Zhang Jingyun had no advantage in cultivation to begin with. Lin Fan established his foundation seven or eight years earlier than him. Now he doesn't even have the advantage in magic weapons, making it difficult to win.

"We, the Golden Sword Sect, have a lot of talents!"

The leader suddenly sighed, with the emergence of Shengjia, the Golden Sword Sect has the capital to take off, and with the addition of Lin Fan and Zhang Jingyun, the sect will flourish!

"You strike first."

Zhang Jingyun's words made Lin Fan's momentum change. The Jinyang Sword came out of his body, and the sword energy soared to the sky. Zhang Jingyun felt like he was back in the Jinyang Sword Formation.

Even Bai ZhaoJi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I have taught you this question before."

Zhang Jingyun's sword momentum changed, and the third-level flying sword in his hand seemed to turn into countless thin streams, lingering layer by layer. It was obviously sharp and metallic, but as smooth as water. The thin streams turned faster and faster, making a hissing sound.

"Golden Light Water Splitting Sword?" Elder Wu was leaning back, then straightened up suddenly, and took a second look at Zhang Jingyun: "Junior sister has found a good sword technique!"

Bai Zhao refused to shake his head.

"I have found a good disciple."

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