People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 257 Garrison Mission [Please subscribe]

The Jinyang Sword suddenly roared and spun, Lin Fan formed sword seals with his hands, and the spiritual power in his body circulated. For a moment, the fiery red spiritual power surged endlessly, covering the spiritual light on the flying sword.

The cold sword energy made all the disciples look at each other in shock. Even the senior sect leaders in the stands, the leader Tiansong Zhenren and even the three elders had brilliant eyes.

"The Golden Sword Chaoyang Technique is indeed a Zhen sect technique!" Taoist Huo Chi sighed subconsciously. This set of techniques requires too high training qualifications. It must be a talent in the three systems of gold, water, and fire, which is simply rare.

Elder Wu of the Sutra Pavilion has the talent of gold, water, and fire, which means he is the true foundation of the Golden Sword Sect. He has perfect cultivation of the Golden elixir. Even if he is in front of a Nascent Soul cultivator, he dares to show off the flying sword that he has tempered his whole life.

The core essence of the Golden Sword Chaoyang Jue is tempering. Use fire to refine the sword and water to temper the fire. The result is to create a sword that is extremely strong and strong.

It is unparalleledly sharp and can cut through anything.

Lin Fan activated the Jinyang Sword, and the sword energy escaped, just like sharp swords plowing into the ground. Even the soil contained the sword's intention.

This is the first time Zhang Jingyun has seen the Golden Sword Chaoyang Jue. This sword sect's reputation is indeed well-deserved, and Lin Fan's sword is also sharp enough.

It's just that although the sword technique is strong, it is not the most perfect. In Zhang Jingyun's view, if you just temper the sword, it will be sharp and strong, but you must also understand that it is easy to break after being sharp.

Zhang Jingyun pointed forward, and the flying sword turned into a stream of light, streaking through the air. With a clang, it unexpectedly avoided its sharp edge and stabbed towards the body of the Jinyang Sword. With this sword, the all-pervasive characteristics of the water sword technique are fully brought into play.

Not only that, the accuracy of Zhang Jingyun's sword also made all the disciples of the sect widen their eyes, even Bai Zhao refused to look slightly sideways.

"Elder Bai, you are a good believer!"

Master Tiansong Zhenren acknowledged that the other elders and even Wu Changkong couldn't help but admire him. The swordsman who could kill the golden elixir of Zi Mansion was extraordinary.

On the contrary, Bai Zhaoji blushed a little.

As his apprentice, he rarely practiced swordsmanship in the past three months. Drawing talismans, practicing body training, and farming, all of which took longer than practicing swordsmanship. And her guidance to Zhang Jingyun was not even mentionable. She was fully prepared, and every month It was only less than an hour.

"It seems that he is really a rare swordsmanship genius. Such a swordsmanship genius cannot be allowed to go astray and go farming, drawing talismans or something."

Bai Zhao refused to make up her mind. When this battle is over, no matter whether Zhang Jingyun loses or wins, she will spend some time every day to urge Zhang Jingyun to practice.

"The Golden Light Water Dividing Sword can restrain the Golden Sword Chaoyang Jue, but it can only restrain it. Lin Fan's sword is not so easy to break."

Taoist Huo Chi said at the right time.

He treated Lin Fan differently than others. Strictly speaking, Lin Fan was still his son-in-law, but few outsiders knew about it.

"The grade of this dripping sword is still a little lower. It is only a low-grade third-grade sword. If it were a high-grade third-grade sword like the Jinyang Sword, Lin Fan's sword would have been broken long ago."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart, but he refused in vain. He never expected that Elder Wu would give the Golden Yang Sword to Lin Fan.

Although he is a perfect golden elixir, a Golden Sun Sword is nothing, but for a monk, the higher the level of the flying sword, the greater the advantage.

The cultivation level is too low to activate the high-quality flying sword, but the Jinyang Sword is so suitable for Lin Fan, it is simply tailor-made.

As for the Dripping Water Sword, I don't know where Bai Zhaojie got it from. In comparison, Zhang Jingyun can use it to this extent, which is already very powerful.

The dripping sword is imaginary and real, just like water has no permanent shape. It does not confront Lin Fan head-on, and often takes deviated directions, which makes the opponent feel aggrieved.

"Zhang Jingyun, if you want to wait for me to run out of spiritual power, you are taking it for granted. I am already in the middle stage of foundation building. I advise you to use the most powerful means. At least you will be convinced that you lose."

Lin Fan kindly advised, and the corners of Zhang Jingyun's mouth raised. His cultivation efficiency in the past few months was better than Lin Fan's in several years. He was not afraid of a war of attrition. Of course, Zhang Jingyun had no intention of delaying it.

The back-and-forth battle with Lin Fan for so many rounds created a sense of indifference. It was time to end this inexplicable competition.

If there was no requirement that the sect must compete in the examination, Zhang Jingyun would not even appear in the ring. Fighting with Lin Fan here would be better than going home and fighting Liu Lixia and Wen Yuechan for 300 rounds.

Zhang Jingyun's ten fingers moved slightly, and little spiritual lights flashed. This was a manifestation of pushing the sword technique of Golden Light Water Dividing Sword to the extreme. The sword technique was perfect. Even the person who created this sword technique would not be better than Zhang Jingyun in the realm of foundation building. Be more awesome.

Lin Fan saw that Zhang Jingyun was about to take action, so he thought it was just right. He majored in the Golden Sword Chaoyang Jue, and what he was least afraid of was frontal confrontation.

Zhang Jingyun was already on par with him as soon as he established his foundation. His potential was so strong that Lin Fan had to admit that it even made him feel that the current Zhang Jingyun was not the same person as the former Zhang Jingyun.

That is to say, Zhang Jingyun doesn't know what Lin Fan is thinking, otherwise he might not sigh that this guy knows too much and must not stay!

Zhang Jingyun felt that the temperature around him was getting higher and higher, and Lin Fan reached his limit when using the sword technique. The fire spiritual power was like a raging fire, and a golden sword was looming in the flames.

"Is this what the competition in the Foundation Establishment stage is already like?" Several disciples who had just entered the Zifu stage suddenly felt quite pressured. It would not be easy to throw them into the field and win over these two junior disciples in the Foundation Establishment stage.

"Where did the water vapor come from?"

Another disciple said doubtfully.

"It's the water droplets condensed by Junior Brother Zhang's dripping sword that have been evaporated by Junior Brother Lin's fire spiritual power. Junior Brother Lin's flying sword has locked onto Junior Brother Zhang's flying sword. At most, these mist can disturb the consciousness.

Sword cultivators compete with flying swords. A flying sword duel will not be affected too much by the fog. Junior Brother Zhang seems to be having a hard time, huh? Why did Junior Brother Lin's flying sword suddenly fall down? Did he let it slip? "

Lin Fan's offensive came to an abrupt end.

Compared to a group of melon-eating disciples who didn't know what was going on, the head of the sect, Master Tiansong, Elder Wu, Bai Zhaojie and other senior sect members could see it clearly.

"Haha, can you still win like this?"

The master was delighted. It turned out that when the two were fighting swords, the water mist evaporated from the Golden Yang Sword filled the surroundings of the two and disturbed their consciousness.

Because of the sword energy blocking him, Lin Fan never thought that Zhang Jingyun could rush behind him despite the sword energy and slap himself unconscious.

Taoist Huo Chi turned his head and joked: "Junior sister Bai, your apprentice doesn't use sword techniques, right?"

Bai Zhaoji, who is famous for his sword cultivation, couldn't help but blush. Seeing several people's eyes turned to him, Bai Zhaoji could only say: "It's him who has practiced the body-refining technique. He used sword energy to practice in the Jinyang Sword Formation before. body."

Compared with sword cultivators, physical cultivators are not on the stage. Those who can dominate the world of immortality must be sword cultivators. Physical cultivators may have an advantage in the early stage, but in the later stages, it becomes more difficult to fight against flying swords. After all, Jindan and Nascent Soul His flying sword can cut mountains and split the ground, how can his body resist?

"Whether it's physical training or sword training, it doesn't matter if you can win. Since Lin Fan became my disciple, I know that his shortcoming is that he is too proud. It doesn't matter if he loses."

The talents of the third element are indeed strong, and they are considered outstanding among the surrounding sects, but if you look at the Southwest Region, they may not be that outstanding.

There were many more talents in the three elements than he imagined, but Zhang Jingyun's talents in the three elements, which were born from gold and metal from water, were even rarer.

Oh, not anymore.

Zhang Jingyun is now a five-element talent.

The leader said at the right time: "Lin Fan is a young man, so it is understandable that he is young and energetic. I remember what Senior Brother Wu looked like at his age."

Wu Changkong blushed.

Taoist Huo Chi laughed loudly: "Remember, in front of Master, Senior Brother Wu said that if you want to be the leader, you will beat anyone who disagrees!"

"When I improve my cultivation and get older, I won't even want you to be the leader. Otherwise, I can enjoy my leisurely life in the Sutra Pavilion."

The leader shook his head. At this time and at that time, his experience in managing the sect was to let the right people do the right things.

Wu Changkong is obsessed with cultivation and has the best talent. Among the four, Tiansong, Wu Changkong, Taoist Huo Chi and Bai Zhaoju, he is the most promising to break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

Sects that are only in the Golden Core stage are still small sects. Some sects will expand and control more territory, but without the Nascent Soul stage, these are just clouds.

Correspondingly, the Golden Sword Sect has not fought for territory or expanded the sect in these years, but has taken root in the business. The number of disciples under the sect has increased day by day. This is a sign of the prosperity of the sect.

"Senior brothers are all golden elixirs, but as for me, junior sister, I don't know if there is any hope of forming elixirs." Bai Zhaojue looked gloomy.

"Junior sister, we all know your situation. After so many years, you have tried to form the elixir several times but it still doesn't work. So just take your time. If it doesn't work ten times, then try it a hundred times." The leader comforted you.

Bai Zhaojie and the three of them are truly from the same sect, trained by the same master. Bai Zhaojie is more than a hundred years younger than Wu Changkong, who ranks third. Zifu has a life span of 600 years, so he has enough time to break through.

"I don't know what is the source of junior sister's problem. Senior brother, even though I am a fourth-level alchemy master, I can't prescribe the right medicine." Taoist Huo Chi said helplessly.

"Is it a problem with that technique? When the master brought the technique back from that place, he was seriously injured and died not long after. We are all in the Golden Core stage and are not as visionary as Yuanying monks. If it is a problem with the technique , it’s not too late to replace it now,” Wu Changkong said.

"Junior sister's talent, if you don't practice this skill, can only be regarded as a single-type talent, and the probability of forming a pill is less than 100%..." Tian Song shook his head.

Bai Zhaorui's talent is still very special, to some extent even rarer than the mutual talent. She has water qualifications, ice qualifications that are mutated from water qualifications, and a third, rarer cloud and mist qualification.

These are the three forms of water.

It's okay to say that Bai Zhaojie has a single type of talent, both of which are water. It's okay to say that he has three types of talents. However, in the world of immortality, there are very few techniques created based on these three types of qualifications, even if they are close to water and ice.

However, what defies heaven is that the master who rejected the four in vain unexpectedly discovered half of the exercises specially created for water, ice, and cloud aptitudes from an extremely dangerous ruins.

It can't even be said to be a skill, but an immortal method. The first half goes straight to the Nascent Soul stage, and the second half includes the cultivation techniques for becoming an immortal. However, to this day, the world of immortal cultivation is not sure whether immortals even exist.

Chengxian doesn't know whether it is true or false.

However, Tiansong and others have seen this half of the Immortal Technique. At least it is fine before the Nascent Soul Stage, and at worst it can be practiced up to the Golden Core Stage.

By practicing this technique to the Zifu stage, Bai Zhaojie was able to kill early-stage Jindan monks. His power was obvious to all.

If Bai Zhao refuses to give up the skills that are so suitable for her and specializes in ordinary water-based skills, she knows that her strength will not be as good as before, and the possibility of forming pills is also very low.

"Forget it, I'll try again, it really doesn't work..." Bai Zhao refused and gritted his teeth, and the three of them all understood what she meant.

"Maybe there is a turning point." The leader suddenly spoke. Bai Zhaoji and others couldn't help but look over. Tiansong said with a serious look: "Don't forget Shengjia!"

"Yeah, even I didn't expect that the secret realm would be opened one day. Fire, wood, and wind, I have been waiting for two hundred years for people with talents in these three elements!"

If Zhang Jingyun were here, he would probably be very surprised. The Shengjia who caused the foundation-building phenomenon and was accepted as a disciple by Tiansong not only had the talent of wood and fire, but also had the wind element which was not among the five elements.

The five elements are only the most widely circulated classification in the world of immortality. There are many other elements besides the five elements, such as wind and thunder, which occasionally appear.

"After two hundred years of guarding the Crescent Moon Divine Valley for so long, apart from the fact that I obtained the alchemy inheritance of the Nascent Soul monk and gained the qualification to enter the Crescent Moon Divine Valley, the rest of the techniques and magic weapon inheritance are all in the secret realm."

Several people were also looking forward to Taoist Huo Chi's words. The secret realm left by the monks in the Nascent Soul stage was not just about getting some skills and magic weapons, but using their senses was enough to make the sect prosper.

On Zhang Jingyun's side, he was very calm after defeating Lin Fan. He was not as happy as before when he received a second-level high-grade flying sword from the General Affairs Hall.

The rewards from the sect assessment are pretty good.

In addition to the flying sword, there are also second-level high-grade robes, which are much more valuable than the flying sword. In addition, there are more qualifications for leasing spiritual fields.

Under normal circumstances, sects will not rent large amounts of spiritual fields. There are restrictions on renting to disciples, which is equivalent to benefits for disciples.

"Master, on the other hand, asked me to go to the cave to call her. Lin Fan has been defeated by me, so he won't still catch me practicing swordsmanship, right?" Zhang Jingyun thought it was unlikely.

Bai Zhaojie was not the kind of person who would force others. Zhang Jingyun had no intention of practicing swordplay before. Although she didn't like it, she didn't force anything.

When Bai Zhao refused to go to the cave.

But I saw that it was not only Zhang Jingyun, but also other people. Among them, Huang Fei had met Zhang Jingyun, and the other five were all apprentices after the sect's examination.

"Senior Brother Zhang!"

Several apprentices later respectfully called him "Senior Brother". He defeated Lin Fan in the sect examination and became famous in one battle. Zhang Jingyun was also considered a celebrity.


Zhang Jingyun refused to greet Bai Zhao.

Then I heard Bai Zhaorui say, "I called you here today. The sect gave me a garrison task. I need to be away for about half a year. Who among you is willing to come with me?"

"Disciple is willing to go!"

Several new disciples argued over each other.

But Zhang Jingyun frowned and retreated behind others. Like him, there was Huang Fei. After this guy chose to lie down, he retreated no slower than Zhang Jingyun.

Bai Zhao refused to see several disciples willing to go and nodded slightly, quite satisfied. When he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zhang Jingyun and the others taking two steps back, and he was immediately speechless.

Huang Fei can understand.

What happened to Zhang Jingyun?

"Why does it seem like I'm going to eat him when I go out? It just so happens that I decided to take more time to teach him how to practice, so it's him."

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