People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 258 Master’s Troubles【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Bai Zhao refused to let other disciples leave first, leaving only himself. He didn't want to take him away, right?

"You are the only one of my disciples who is stronger. You also excelled in the last sect examination. I should take you there because of emotion and reason. What do you think?"

Bai Zhaorui's words really inspired Zhang Jingyun. She was in the Golden Sword Gate, not only singing and singing every night, but also hugging her from left to right.

I only have nothing to do when I'm free.

Only then will they perform some garrison mission.

Zhang Jingyun subconsciously declined and said: "Master, you know that this disciple has a wife and family at home. If something happens outside accidentally..."

"The garrison mission lasts for half a year. It has always been the case. Even if you don't go now, it will be your turn in the future. It just so happens that I have to go there this time.

While I'm stationed here, I can still give you guidance on swordsmanship practice, which doesn't count as a waste of your swordsmanship talent. If you really don't want to, just pretend I didn't say that. "

Bai Zhaoji said calmly.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. It turns out that garrison tasks are common to inner disciples. However, Zhang Jingyun had just broken through the foundation building not long ago and it was not his turn yet.

Even if Zhang Jingyun does not perform the garrison duty this time, he will definitely not be able to escape in the future. This is not good news for Zhang Jingyun who wants to find Yuanying and become a god in Jinjianmen.

However, the sect's garrison mission is not that bad. First of all, the danger is not too high. The Golden Sword Sect still attaches great importance to its disciples.

A sect wants to develop.

There is no point in treating your disciples harshly.

In general, it is to garrison important mineral veins, and the sect's own industries, such as the nearby market where scattered cultivators gather, are a steady stream of money for the sect.

The cities controlled by the Golden Sword Sect are distributed in various places, and the disciples of the sect are stationed there. In fact, they spend most of their time practicing. Unless there are special circumstances, the disciples of the sect are required to come forward.

Not only that.

In fact, when sect disciples go out to perform garrison tasks, it is also a good job in a sense. For example, garrisoning in the city is equivalent to airborne supervisors. They have a certain status in the city, and some casual cultivators will also win over or even join them. This is Oil and water are indispensable among them.

Generally speaking, if a disciple is stationed outside for half a year, the resources he brings back will be enough to consume for a while, which may not be so attractive to Zhang Jingyun.

For other disciples, going out to perform tasks is one of the few ways to increase their income. It is always safer than going out to take risks, or going deep into the mountains and forests to hunt monsters.

The garrison task that Bai Zhao refused on this trip was to garrison a particularly important city among the cities under the jurisdiction of Jinjianmen, namely Yanyunfang City.

strictly speaking.

Yanyunfang City is not completely under the jurisdiction of Jinjian Sect. Fang City is located at the end of Yiyitian Canyon. On both sides of the Yiyitian Canyon, there are two immortal sects similar to Jinjianmen, namely Zhenyang Sect and Linghua Mountain.

It is precisely because the city is located at the intersection of the three sects that casual cultivators gathered and wandered among the three sects. In the end, it gradually became the city of Xiuxianfang jointly managed by the three sects of Jinjianmen, Zhenyang Sect, and Linghuashan.

Compared with the Zongmenfang City that Zhang Jingyun had visited before, the scale of Yanyunfang City was much larger. Even if it was jointly managed by the three sects, the benefits that Yanyunfang City brought to the Golden Sword Sect were extremely amazing.

Just renting the cave and collecting shop rent every year would bring in spiritual stone income several times more than Zongmenfang City.

In addition, the sect has its own store in Yanyunfang City. Previously, Zhang Jingyun cultivated a super spiritual seed with an output of 500 kilograms of spiritual grain per acre and also sold it in Yanyunfang City.

Any city is a money-spinner for the sect, but this time the Golden Sword Sect actually refused to go to the city to garrison at all, which was a bit unusual.

Although Bai Zhaojie's realm is still at the level of Zifu, his strength is comparable to that of the Jindan stage. He is one of the three elders of the Golden Sword Sect. Generally speaking, a confrontation that does not reach the Jindan level will not alarm Baizhaoji.

Shaking his head, Zhang Jingyun put aside many distracting thoughts. Bai Zhaoji had already said this for his own sake. If he refused again, it would be somewhat disrespectful.

"I'll go with Master."

Zhang Jingyun agreed, Bai Zhaoji's expression remained unchanged, and the dissatisfaction in her heart was reduced. Forcing Zhang Jingyun to go to Yanyunfang City seemed like she was the master's tool to please his disciples.

"One more thing, can you be accommodating and allow me to bring my two wives and family members with me, and they will be there for more than half a year..."

Zhang Jingyun's voice became smaller and smaller.

It turned out that Bai Zhaojie's face was as cold as frost at this moment. It is estimated that Zhang Jingyun would tell him to go back to where he came from if he said a few more words.

Zhang Jingyun decisively closed his mouth and left.

Bai Zhao refused to watch Zhang Jingyun leave thoughtfully, "I heard that this bastard is famous for treating his wife and family well, and he values ​​affection and righteousness.

His first wife was originally the widow of his senior brother. When his senior brother died, he asked him to take care of his wife, but he ended up marrying her? "

The way Zhang Jingyun takes care of the wives of his fellow disciples is quite explosive. Of course, in recent years, there has been some petty thoughts such as lusting after sex. When Bai Zhaohe heard that Zhang Jingyun's first wife was so beautiful, Zhang Jingyun was reluctant to let her go out to meet people. .

When Zhang Jingyun returned to Xishan Courtyard, he told Liu Lixia and Wen Yuechan what had happened. They might have to live by themselves in the next six months.

"Why doesn't my husband's master agree with my husband to take us to Yanyunfang City? Isn't it that my husband couldn't see the child being born for half a year?"

Wen Yuechan said dissatisfiedly with a bulging stomach.

"I can't help it. It might be inconvenient to take care of you. Before I leave, I will leave behind enough spiritual valley for you to live for half a year. You can just practice with peace of mind."

Although Zhang Jingyun was reluctant to give up, he quickly thought about it. He had had so many children, and he couldn't see them all for the first time. He just wanted to come back in time to let his wife and children live a good life.

"I have already reached the seventh level of Qi training. In two years, I should be able to break through the eighth level of Qi training. I should be able to break through the foundation building stage before the age of forty-five."

Wen Yuechan said confidently.

Since I followed Zhang Jingyun, I have managed enough resources for cultivation. I have spiritual rice and monster meat for three meals a day, and my cultivation speed is not even slow.

And don't know why.

Wen Yuechan always felt that her talent had improved. Although it was only a single qualification, it would be good to be able to build a foundation before the age of fifty. Before, she became a Taoist companion with Su Ming. The latter was a dog gambler and had no bright future! She even thought that it would be great to be able to build a foundation at the age of sixty.

Unexpectedly, she could become Zhang Jingyun's woman at this relatively young age. Of course, this has a lot to do with Wen Yuechan's outstanding appearance.

Zhang Jingyun has a tendency to be attracted by sex. No matter where he is in the world, he likes beautiful people. This has never changed. He can be said to have never forgotten his original intention.

Now Wen Yuechan is less than forty years old and is practicing at the seventh level of Qi. This cultivation speed is faster than many disciples with two types of talents. Resources are only one aspect. She really feels that her talents are much better.

Zhang Jingyun knew clearly in his heart that after practicing dual cultivation for so long, Liu Lixia was able to change from having no talent for cultivation to having talent for cultivation. Wen Yuechan already had talent and would definitely become more and more outstanding.

We will leave for Yanyunfang City tomorrow.

That night, Zhang Jingyun tried his best, and Liu Lixia's screams never stopped until Dongfang turned white, accompanied by a violent twitching and shaking, Zhang Jingyun's legs were a little weak and he walked out the door.

Before leaving, Wen Yuechan helped Liu Lixia say goodbye. The latter thought about the madness last night. She had just embarked on the path of spiritual practice, and she was still a little unbearable.

"Uncle, it's just you and Master going out this time. It's a good opportunity, first come first served. You must seize it." Liu Lixia said with her legs crossed.

Zhang Jingyun lowered his voice: "Don't talk nonsense."

Liu Lixia didn't think so. She dared to say anything, so why would she be afraid of talking nonsense? He immediately complained to Zhang Jingyun with a bitter face: "I can't bear it! The ground is almost destroyed by plowing."

"Next time I come back, Yuechan will have given birth to a baby." Zhang Jingyun changed the subject, and after speaking, he hurriedly summoned the Dripping Sword and Yujian.

Wait until he and Bai Zhao refuse to make peace.

The latter was quite puzzled when he saw that Zhang Jingyun seemed to have experienced a big battle. However, the next second, Bai Zhaorui realized that this bastard disciple had indeed been in a big battle.

"Lack of energy and pale complexion, what a shame!" Bai Zhao refused to reprimand him subconsciously, but Zhang Jingyun had a strange look on his face.

Adding points in dual cultivation would only benefit him and Liu Lixia, not any harm. There would be no such thing as lack of energy and pale complexion.

"Unexpected disaster..."

Zhang Jingyun grunted and Bai Zhao refused to set off. The latter used his spiritual power to take Zhang Jingyun with his sword and fly to Yanyunfang City.

The flying speed of the Zifu monks is indeed not a bit stronger than that in the foundation building stage, especially Bai Zhaojun is not an ordinary Zifu monk.

"The speed is much slower than Xiaoqing."

Zhang Jingyun stood behind Bai Zhaoji and thought to himself, if you look at it this way, the cultivation level of the young people in the White Snake World should be at the Golden Core stage.

The world of cultivating immortals is vast and vast. It took nearly half an hour to fly from Jinjianmen to Yanyunfang City, even if it was a free move.

Zhang Jingyun roughly estimated that the distance between the two places was about 4,000 kilometers. The flying speed of Baizhao Juyujian was more than three times the speed of sound, and this was when he was carrying a person with the sword.

Under normal conditions, the flying speed of a Golden Core cultivator is faster than many fighter jets in the real world. If it explodes to the limit and uses some secret techniques, it can double again within a period of time.

Bai Zhaorui slowed down and said slowly, "Ahead is the Yixiantian Canyon where Yanyunfang City is located. The three sects jointly set up a forbidden air formation, and outsiders cannot cross from the sky above the canyon.

The Yixiantian Canyon has a special location. On the left and right sides, there are peaks that reach into the clouds. There is a small sect on both sides, with the Yixiantian Canyon as the boundary.

As for the front, there is another demon cultivating sect, which is stronger than any of the immortal cultivating sects, but it is still unable to defeat one against two. "

After hearing this brief introduction, Bai Zhao refused.

Zhang Jingyun immediately understood that this Xiantian Canyon was not only the boundary between Zhenyang Sect and Linghua Mountain, but also the place where the two sects met with the Demonic Cultivation Sect and the Golden Sword Sect.

This is equivalent to Zhenyang Sect and Linghua Mountain being in front, completely separating the Demonic Cultivator Sect and the Golden Sword Sect. In the square market of Yitian Canyon, the Demonic Cultivator Sect originally wanted to join in and get a share of the pie, but the Demonic Cultivator Sect did whatever he wanted. , sometimes I won’t tell you the rules.

Zhenyang Sect and Linghua Mountain thought that instead of competing with the Demonic Cultivators for the management rights of the city, it would be better to let the Golden Sword Sect join in, and the three sects would join forces to exclude the Demonic Cultivators.

It turns out.

The decisions of the three sects over the years have been very correct. Yanyunfang City has developed vigorously. Casual practitioners gather here without worrying about demonic cultivation and can practice with peace of mind.

As for Bai Zhao's refusal to come.

It's because the demon cultivator has been making some strange moves recently. He has had many disputes with the monks from the Zhenyang Sect and Linghua Mountain, and there seems to be signs of provoking a fight.

Because the three sects in Yanyunfang City are getting along fairly harmoniously, the demon cultivators are showing signs of provoking a fight. Although the Golden Sword Sect is separated from the Demonic Cauldron Sect by the Zhenyang Sect and Linghua Mountain, after all, there are also Jinjianmen in Yanyunfang City. For the sake of Jianmen, the sect must also ensure the safety and interests of the many casual cultivators who depend on it.

In this case, a Jindan monk would be a fuss, while a Zifu monk would not be strong enough in case of a special situation.

Bai ZhaoJi arrived at just the right time.

She needs strength and power, and status and status. Although she is a perfect person in Zifu, people who are familiar with her regard her as a golden elixir monk.

"I've met Elder Bai!"

After Bai Zhaoji and Zhang Jingyun entered Yanyunfang City, they soon saw Li Feng, the core disciple sent by the Golden Sword Sect to station in Fang City, and several inner disciples in the foundation building period.

In the same Zifu period, Li Feng would not think that he could be compared with Bai Zhaojie. During the sect examination, he personally heard about Bai Zhaojie's performance. Zifu killed the golden elixir. Wouldn't killing him be like killing a chicken?

During this crisis in the city, the demon cultivator seemed to be provoking a fight. It was Li Feng who reported to the sect. He did not expect the sect to send the Jindan elders. He only needed two core disciples. Unexpectedly, he was rejected in vain. .

"How's it going?"

Bai Zhao refused to go straight to the point and asked.

"The demonic cultivators are still operating on the periphery, and sometimes sneak into the city, but they never target the Golden Sword Sect disciples.

An inner disciple of Zhenyang Sect was beaten and his cultivation was completely destroyed during the fight. Two outer disciples of Linghua Mountain were kidnapped, and there was a lot of commotion among the casual cultivators. "

"Why do casual cultivators join in the fun?"

Bai Zhao was slightly puzzled.

Li Feng said helplessly: "It is difficult for casual cultivators to practice. There are always people fishing in troubled waters at this time, killing people and setting fire to gold belts. Getting rich overnight is not a dream."

"You mean they pretended to be demon cultivators to rob fellow practitioners?" Bai Zhaojie didn't expect that the casual cultivators who should have joined the group to keep warm would actually do this.

"So Zhenyang Sect and Linghua Mountain are not sure whether the person who hurt their disciple is a demon cultivator or a casual cultivator, or a casual cultivator who practices demonic skills.

However, it is certain that there are demon cultivators sneaking in, but they have never admitted that they were responsible. Zhenyang Sect and Jindan Master of Linghua Mountain also personally interrogated, and finally confirmed that the real culprits were not them. "

Li Feng said concisely and Bai Zhao refused to nod. After understanding the situation clearly, she took over the management rights of Jinjian Sect in Fang City, and all Jinjian Sect disciples must obey her instructions.

Zhang Jingyun was the direct disciple brought by Bai Zhaorei. He had unknowingly gained the favor of his master, and several fellow disciples sent him gifts.

"Junior brother, don't refuse. After you live here for a few days, you will know the benefits of garrisoning in Fangshi." Even Li Feng gave Zhang Jingyun a third-level magic weapon.

Of course Zhang Jingyun accepted it, and after seeing Bai Zhaojiu, he reported it smoothly. The latter was not surprised. Zhang Jingyun also noticed that Bai Zhaojiu wanted to sell several magic weapons and some monster inner elixirs.

"If you have something you want to sell, take this opportunity to trade it. The price of spiritual objects in Yanyunfang City is generally higher than that in Zongmenfang City."

"Master is short of spiritual stones?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Bai Zhaojie's heart moved. It was not just the lack of spirit stones. She was too lacking. She had tried to form pills many times over the years and consumed a lot of pill-forming spiritual objects. The spirit stones were like running water.

One can imagine.

This beautiful master is troubled.

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