People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 260 Returned seriously injured【Please subscribe】

The Wen Shen Mirror is one of Linghua Mountain's sect's magic weapons. It is ranked as the fourth-level top grade. Under the light of the Wen Shen Mirror, you can easily tell whether the monk is panicking or not.

And it can lead to the answers that the sect wants to know. This method is much more merciful than some sects who directly use the soul-searching technique.

In fact, with the foundation of Linghua Mountain, it is not impossible that there is no soul-searching secret technique. However, once this secret technique is used, it will easily damage the monk's soul.

If you were to deal with a demonic cultivator and use the soul-searching secret technique, everyone would definitely applaud. After all, demonic cultivators have always been unruly and have always been regarded as troublemakers in the world of immortality.

However, the city is so large and involves so many people. Linghua Mountain doesn’t know who attacked its own elixir shop. Using the soul-searching secret technique to identify one by one among the casual cultivators will definitely not work.

If the real culprit is not the other party, but because of the secret technique, the soul of the casual cultivator is damaged and the foundation is destroyed, the hatred will be severed.

Although many markets do not regard casual cultivators as human beings, the meaning of the existence of casual cultivators is to work for the sect, and the sect manages the market. In a sense, it is also sucking the blood of the casual cultivators and squeezing the value of the casual cultivators. .

But one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

Casual cultivators themselves are not very talented. In the world of cultivating immortals, their status is only slightly higher than that of ordinary people. It is already a great blessing to be able to rely on the market for cultivation.

If you are lucky enough to break through Foundation Establishment or Purple Mansion, your lifespan will be greatly increased, and you will have value after being squeezed so much before.

Although the market is cruel.

But it does give hope to casual practitioners.

The losses in Linghua Mountain this time were not small, but to be honest, they were not serious enough. However, accidents like this happened again and again in the city, and if they were not stopped, they would only get worse.

Even when there were several turmoils in Yanyunfang City, the real culprit was not identified, which made Linghuashan think that there might be problems within Fang City.

Could someone be watching and stealing?

There have been so many incidents, but no one has been exposed. It is very likely that he is a monk within the sect. Asking whether the magic mirror can detect whether the monk is lying without injury, now is the time for it to come in handy.

A direct disciple of the leader of Linghua Mountain came to investigate, which also alarmed Bai Zhaojie. She and Zhang Jingyun stood side by side to watch the development of the situation.

"Do you think it's a random cultivator or a real demonic cultivator?" Bai Zhaoji suddenly turned around and asked, Zhang Jingyun pondered for two seconds.

"There is a mixed bag of casual cultivators, including some intersecting cultivators, but this person is not so bold as to raid the Linghua Mountain elixir shop in the city at night."

Zhang Jingyun said that based on his understanding of the casual cultivators, the Jie cultivators hidden among them would not take action easily. Once they do, they will definitely have a careful plan.

The usual trick of these people is to trick people out and attack and kill them outside the city. After the attack, the disappearance of the monks who were kidnapped and killed will not arouse any suspicion.

Jie Xiu is not the imaginary bandit king who can rob anyone he wants. Most of the monks don't know who is Jie Xiu around them.

If Jie Xiu's side is exposed, he is not far away from death, so he is extremely cautious every time he makes a move, and generally does not do this kind of death-seeking thing.

Sure enough, Zhang Jingyun saw that the disciples of Linghua Mountain had tested hundreds of casual cultivators with the Divine Mirror. All of them passed the inspection and had nothing to do with the battle last night.

Linghua Mountain definitely didn't give up, and the two Zifu Qi took turns to go into battle to urge the Divine Mirror to check, until after half a day, all the registered casual cultivators were checked.

Still no abnormalities found.

"If you are not a casual cultivator, you can only be one of our own!" Wu Jingchuan, a direct disciple of the headmaster of Linghua Mountain, looked gloomy.

This is the outcome he least wants to see.

But since the problem occurs within the sect, it is also a good thing to pull it out early and stop the loss in time.

"Fellow Taoists from Zhenyang Sect and Jinjian Sect, please obey the authority in emergencies. You don't want problems to arise all the time in the market jointly managed by the three sects, right?

In order to prove one's own innocence, I, the disciples of Linghua Mountain, can first walk in front of the Mirror of Inquiry. Fellow Taoists, how about testing it after us? "

Wu Jingchuan looked around and said slowly.

The Zifu monk of the Zhenyang Sect stationed in Yanyunfang City frowned slightly. Linghuashan only used the Divine Mirror to interrogate the casual cultivators. The casual cultivators had no status. As long as it was not too excessive, they could do whatever they wanted.

But the disciples of the sect, like those casual cultivators, always feel uncomfortable when being interrogated in front of the Divine Mirror.

"Linghuashan Wen Shenjing is a fourth-level high-grade magic weapon. It will not have any side effects. Yanyunfang City is related to the interests of the three sects. As long as you have no worries, you don't have to worry. Our Golden Sword Sect agreed."

Next to Zhang Jingyun, Bai Zhaoji's voice was not loud, but it resounded in everyone's ears very clearly, which surprised Wu Jingchuan.

After a while, Wu Jingchuan recognized Bai Zhaorui, the only Zifu Qi elder of the Golden Sword Sect, who was also at the Zifu Perfection realm. Wu Jingchuan didn't think there was much difference in strength between the two.

"I have met Elder Bai. Thank you so much for the support of the Golden Sword Sect. The city is in turmoil one after another. This disciple is doing this for the good of the three sects." Wu Jingchuan said respectfully.


Bai Zhao refused to nod, and Wu Jingchuan looked to the side, that is, the Zifu monk of Zhenyang Sect. The latter saw that two of the three sects agreed. If they refused again, it would be as if the disciples of his own sect were possessed by ghosts.

"Senior Brother Wu, now that Elder Bai has spoken, Zhenyang Sect will take the lead. We are all our own people, who is different first?" Zhou Shun said confidently.

"Junior brother Zhou is really open-minded!"

Wu Jingchuan complimented.

A total of thirteen disciples of the Zhenyang Sect were stationed in Fang City, including three Zifu and ten foundations. Zhou Shun was the first to walk up to the Wen Shen Mirror.

"Senior Brother Zhou, is the turmoil in Tianfang City these days related to you?" Wu Jingchuan asked the question again.

"No!" Zhou Shun said neatly.

Asking the Divine Mirror Gujing Wubo, there was no response, indicating that Zhou Shun passed the review, and then the other two Zifu monks.

However, when it was the third turn, Xie Baoquan, an early-stage cultivator from the Purple Mansion, showed no change in his expression. Until he was about to walk to the Wen Shen Mirror, Xie Baoquan suddenly stood up from the ground and walked away with his sword.

"Xie Baoquan, why the hell are you running away?"

Zhou Shun cursed loudly and had a bad premonition in his heart. Xie Baoquan ran so decisively. Wasn't there something wrong in his heart? Besides, he thinks he can escape from Yanyunfang City under the blockade of Linghua Mountain?

"Senior Brother Wu, I really have something to hide, please be noble and let me go!" Xie Baoquan said pleadingly.

"Fart, how can I let you go now!" Zhou Shun secretly scolded Xie Baoquan for being an idiot. If he did it in front of the monks from the three sects, he wouldn't be able to explain it.

"I can't be asked about the magic mirror!"

Xie Baoquan said while flying that it was just his cultivation level that was low. It was just how he could fly past Zhou Shun, Wu Jingchuan and others in the early stage of Zifu, let alone Bai Zhaoyu who didn't even think about making a move.

Zhang Jingyun heard some key points.

Xie Baoquan didn't want to be interrogated before asking about the divine mirror, but he couldn't. This showed that Xie Baoquan was indeed related to the magic cultivator, and he should have been restricted by some means. He was worried that he would not be able to control himself before asking about the divine mirror. Once the restriction was triggered, Endangering life.

"Thank you, junior brother, I advise you to stop struggling. Even if there is something unspeakable, even if it is restrained by the demon cultivator in the sea of ​​consciousness, the fourth-level magic weapon, the Divine Mirror, can temporarily suppress it, and your life will not be in danger."

Wu Jingchuan persuaded him that he was relatively experienced and knew what Xie Baoquan was worried about. However, Xie Baoquan still flew madly until his legs were severed by flying swords.

"Junior brother, as long as you honestly explain the problem, I can intercede with the leader. If you are really coerced by the demon cultivator, you will not be punished to death."

Zhou Shun took action to stop Xie Baoquan.

Wu Jingchuan breathed a sigh of relief and cut off Xie Baoquan's legs. He could do it, but Xie Baoquan was a disciple of the Zhenyang Sect after all, so it was not always good for him to do it.

Fortunately, Zhou Shun is very knowledgeable.

"No, senior brother, I don't want to be asked about the mirror! I will die! I don't want to die yet!" Xie Baoquan was almost incoherent.

"Believe in the Divine Mirror, believe in the sect."

Zhou Shun said helplessly.

Putting Xie Baoquan in front of the Asking Mirror, Wu Jingchuan used his spiritual power to activate the Asking Mirror. He ignored Xie Baoquan's heartbreaking pleas for mercy and began to ask questions.

"Xie Baoquan, were you responsible for the Fangshi War? What is your relationship with the demon cultivator?"

As soon as Wu Jingchuan finished speaking, everyone listened attentively, Zhang Jingyun also became curious, but Xie Baoquan, who instinctively wanted to lie to cover up, just asked the magic mirror to shine a golden light between his eyebrows.

Xie Baoquan's expression suddenly became dull, and he opened his mouth to himself, murmuring as if talking in his sleep, but he could be heard clearly.

"It's me. I provoked a fight in the city under the orders of the elders of the Demon Cauldron Sect. The Demon Cauldron Sect placed a ban on my consciousness, so I had to obey his orders."

Zhou Shun couldn't help but be disappointed by Xie Baoquan's words, but it was understandable when he heard that he was coerced by the demon cultivator.

Wu Jingchuan continued to interrogate, "Xie Baoquan, why did the Demon Cauldron Sect start a fight? Do you have any other accomplices?"

"The Demon Cauldron Sect has developed a powerful method. Several Jindan elders are in retreat. It is said that they will soon capture the Zhenyang Sect, Linghua Mountain and even the Golden Sword Sect."

"What a loud tone!"

Xie Baoquan's words made Wu Jingchuan subconsciously ridicule, but after all, these words were said in front of the magic mirror. They had to be believed and he had to report it to the sect.

Wu Jingchuan asked some more questions and received an answer. Xie Baoquan didn't know if there was any other way to pass it, and he didn't know the powerful methods of the Demon Cauldron Sect.

"Answer the question you just asked again."

Wu Jingchuan took out the jade slips and recorded the images to report to the sect. Finally, Wu Jingchuan casually asked if there was any unfavorable news for the sect.

Xie Baoquan's expression was painful, and he really had reservations. Wu Jingchuan would not have triggered it if he didn't ask. However, after asking, Xie Baoquan's state became more and more weird.

"Thank you, junior brother! What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Shun stepped forward and called.

Xie Baoquan's face was distorted, his consciousness seemed to be shattered, and his breath was disordered. Zhou Shun couldn't help but look at Wu Jingchuan and asked, "What's going on?"

Wu Jingchuan was startled and said in disbelief: "The restriction was triggered, but the divine mirror can obviously suppress the restriction, how is this possible?"

"What should I do?!"

Zhou Shun asked hurriedly. Wu Jingchuan increased his spiritual power and asked the magic mirror to no longer force him to answer questions, but to suppress the restriction with all his strength, but it was of no use.

"Elder Bai, please help!"

Wu Jingchuan asked for help, but Bai Zhaoyi stepped forward and stretched out his hand to instill spiritual power into Wu Jingchuan's body. The strong spiritual power was injected into the Wen Shen Mirror through Wu Jingchuan.

The next second, the mirror bloomed with light.

Xie Baoquan's painful expression suddenly improved a little, but before anyone could react, Xie Baoquan's eyebrows suddenly exploded, his consciousness shattered, and he fell to the ground.

"Thank you Baoquan!" Zhou Shun's expression changed drastically.

Although Xie Baoquan followed the orders of the demon cultivator and disrupted the city, he could not help himself. He should not die here due to emotion or reason.

"Senior Brother Wu, you have to give an explanation for this matter!" After all, Xie Baoquan was also a Zifu monk of the Zhenyang Sect. How could the Zhenyang Sect accept his death under the mirror of God?

"Junior Brother Zhou, the demonic cultivators are approaching and the matter is urgent. We will discuss Xie Baoquan's death later. Now we should each report the situation to the sect."

At this time, Wu Jingchuan did not dare to interrogate others anymore. He hurriedly sent a letter to the sect with his sword, asking the sect's senior officials to handle the matter.

Bai Zhaoju also sent a flying sword message to the Golden Sword Sect. She had just tried her best to use her spiritual power to suppress Xie Baoquan's restriction through the Divine Mirror.

However, the restriction is too overbearing.

There was nothing he could do about Bai Zhao's spiritual power cultivation in the middle stage of Jindan, and as the incident unfolded, there were Jindan monks from Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect.

"That's just the way it is."

Wu Jingchuan presented the jade slips of records.

Elder Jindan of Linghua Mountain frowned after reading this, and so did the Zhenyang Sect. Both of them felt that it was unlikely that the Demon Cauldron Sect would attack Linghua Mountain and the Zhenyang Sect.

"Demon Cauldron Sect has six people in the Golden Core stage. The leader, Old Demon Yuanding, is the strongest, and is as powerful as the leader of Linghua Mountain, Linghua Zhenren.

And there are eight people in Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect's Jindan Stage, six against eight. The advantage is on our side. What can the Devil's Cauldron Sect use to attack? "

"Did you get some powerful magic weapon?"

Bai Zhaojiu also guessed.

Another Jindan Qi said: "The demon cultivator wants to provoke, we should find out the reason, why not join forces and send some Jindan cultivators to investigate?"

"Okay, even if there is a scam, just retreat in time. I also want to know when the Demon Cauldron Sect's restriction will be so strong that it can't even suppress the Divine Mirror."

For hundreds of years, although there have been occasional frictions between the two sects and the Demon Cauldron Sect, they have never escalated to the level of attacking the sect.

"Should the Golden Sword Sect also come together?"

The two Jindan monks looked at Bai Zhaorui.

"The three sects jointly manage the city for mutual benefit. You two don't think I'm holding you back. It's right to have a trip with the two sects." Bai Zhao refused.

"Haha, I'm not arrogant enough to actually try to recruit elders to become a cultivator of the Purple Mansion, so I will be grateful to have the help of the Golden Sword Sect."


The next day.

Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect dispatched five golden elixirs, plus Bai Zhaorei, and six golden elixirs to go to the vicinity of the Demon Cauldron Sect to investigate the situation of demon cultivation.

"Will not have any problems?"

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but think about it, and then he made two bah-bah noises, saying it was bad luck, and then continued to repair Xie Baoquan's remnant soul that was shattered by the Devil's Cauldron Sect's restriction on the sea of ​​consciousness.

With the help of the spirit-binding general, when Xie Baoquan was about to die, Zhang Jingyun captured his scattered remnant soul, and then repaired it with the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa.

Zhang Jingyun knew that Xie Baoquan had secrets that he could not tell, but his soul was broken by the restrictions, and the restrictions disappeared. If Zhang Jingyun was resurrected, he would know what the monks of the three sects wanted to know.

as time flows.

Bai Zhao refused to leave for three days, but no news came back, while Zhang Jingyun repaired Xie Baoquan's soul to a great extent.

"I'm not dead?"

Xie Baoquan, who was in a state of soul, asked doubtfully.

"I repaired your remnant soul. Tell me, what triggered the Demon Cauldron Sect's ban and caused the sea of ​​consciousness to break?"

Xie Baoquan was still in shock.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "I'll see for myself." Then he browsed through Xie Baoquan's memory, and pictures flashed before his eyes.

Zhang Jingyun fast forwarded to the period when he was controlled by the demon cultivator, but his eyes suddenly widened, and then he suddenly stood up with a solemn expression, "Nascent Soul stage?"

The person who arranged the restriction for Xie Baoquan was actually the Nascent Soul stage. No wonder even the divine mirror couldn't suppress the restriction. This has exceeded the limit of the fourth-level magic weapon.

"Made, the Devil's Cauldron Sect has released a Nascent Soul Stage monk, and the three sects have also sent Golden Core monks to investigate. Isn't that just a meat bun beating a dog?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly felt that something was wrong. If he just refused, he wouldn't be able to come back, right? At this moment, a rainbow light flew from the sky, just as he had just come to the world of cultivating immortals and encountered his senior brother Xiang Cheng who was seriously injured and returned to the sect to ask for his wife and daughter.

Only this time it was replaced by a free offer.

"It's a serious matter. The market here can't be saved. If you can, take the magic weapons, magic weapons, and elixirs in the sect's shop. There are Nascent Soul cultivators in the Demon Cauldron Sect!"

Bai Zhaojui said urgently with blood all over his body.

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