People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 261 Killing the enemy in the cave [Please subscribe]

The Demon Cauldron Sect has always been suppressed by the Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect, and the three parties have formed a maintainable balance.

In terms of sect strength, the Demon Cauldron Sect has the most six golden elixirs in this area of ​​immortal cultivation, while the number of golden elixirs of the Golden Sword Sect is only half of that.

In comparison, Linghua Mountain has five golden elixir stages, and Zhenyang Sect has three golden elixir stages. In total, there are eight golden elixir monks, so the Demon Cauldron Sect naturally does not dare to act rashly.

With the line of sky canyon as the boundary, the two sects can support each other at any time, leaving the Demon Cauldron Sect with no chance of conquering either sect.

The principle of dying lips and cold teeth is the same everywhere. This balance has lasted for hundreds of years, and now it has finally been broken.

It is a pity that the one who broke the balance was the Demon Cauldron Sect. It was isolated from the two major cultivating sects and could not get a share of the huge benefits of Yanyunfang City. It had been dreaming about this day for hundreds of years.

"Nascent Soul Stage Monk...Demon Cauldron Sect is quite sinister." Zhang Jingyun has now roughly figured out the ins and outs. I am afraid that the three sects, including the Golden Sword Sect, did not expect that things would develop to this extent.

In fact, the Nascent Soul cultivator is not as scary as imagined. You can refer to the world of Yitian Slaying the Dragon and compare Zhang Sanfeng to the Nascent Soul cultivator. The leaders of various sects, such as Miejie, are all Golden Core cultivators.

Even in the world of cultivating immortals, Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect will not be wiped out directly because of the emergence of Nascent Soul Stage monks from Demon Cauldron Sect.

After all, in the world of Yitian Slaying the Dragon, Monk Kongxing said at Zhang Sanfeng’s 100th birthday banquet: Although Zhang Sanfeng’s martial arts are high, you may not be able to kill us all before your true energy is exhausted.

In the same way, there are Nascent Soul cultivators in the Demon Cauldron Sect, and they can indeed kill any Jindan alone, but if everyone flees, what will you do? At the worst possible time, the sect will be moved elsewhere.

Therefore, the Demon Cauldron Sect came up with a sinister plan and sent people to provoke a fight in Yanyunfang City to exaggerate the threat of Demon Cultivator invasion.

And according to the consistent style of Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect, if things develop to the point of being intolerable, they will definitely send disciples to investigate the cause of the matter.

Xie Baoquan is a chess piece laid out by the Demon Cauldron Sect. After being exposed in front of Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect, he will reveal the message that the Demon Cauldron Sect wants to convey to the two sects through him.

As for the truth of the matter, due to the Yuanying period ban, the Yuanying monks of the Demon Cauldron Sect personally placed the ban, and even asking the divine mirror could not find it.

Sure enough, after Xie Baoquan was exposed in public, Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect sent Jindan monks to Demon Cauldron Sect to investigate the situation.

The two sects sent out a total of unknown golden elixir monks, and together with Bai Zhaoji, there were six golden elixirs with combat power. It would be easy to come and go to the Demon Cauldron Sect.

As a result, the six people entered the vicinity of the Demon Cauldron Sect and met the elders of the Demon Cauldron Sect who had been waiting for a long time. The other party only had to use the array to set up a formation to trap them, and the rest was to wait for the Yuanying monks to come and clean up the mess. .

At first, the Jindan elders of Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect were disapproving of the Demon Cauldron Sect's elders using formations to trap them. With so many people, who is afraid of whom?

Until the Yuanying monk appeared.

Everyone was completely dumbfounded, knowing that they had fallen into a trap. Under the stimulation of the Nascent Soul stage, all six people, including Bai Zhaorui, used their best skills to win the game.

But now, there is no point in resisting. The golden elixir stage elders from Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect were killed one by one. The only lucky one was the one who refused.

Because of her low level, everyone in the Demon Cauldron Sect didn't even take her seriously. It wasn't until the formation was broken through in the fierce battle that Bai Zhao refused to take advantage of the situation and counterattacked to kill an early Jindan elder, and escaped from a distance. go.

The Yuanying-stage monks of the Demon Cauldron Sect were busy dealing with the survivors. After Bai Zhao refused to escape, the three Jindan-stage elders of the Demon Cauldron Sect followed.

This kind of one-sided killing, in front of Yuanying Qi, was rejected by Bai Zhao. This Zifu monk killed a Jindan Qi instead. Who can bear it?

He clearly didn't take them seriously.

In fact, Bai Zhaorei's current situation is not good either. Too much spiritual power has been consumed, his internal organs have been damaged, and even his soul has suffered considerable trauma.

She was able to return to Fangshi and tell Zhang Jingyun to escape quickly. It could be said that she was at the end of her rope. At least she didn't think she could survive at all.

The outbreak of the Demon Cauldron Sect was too sudden.

Their goal is not only to dominate this area, but they have been entangled for many years. The Demon Cauldron Sect does not even want to let Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect move their sect elsewhere.

From the beginning, they wanted to destroy the two major sects. Even the Golden Sword Sect after the two sects was not spared after the two sects were destroyed.

Fortunately, two sects blocked it, and the Golden Sword Sect still had time to breathe. At worst, they had to avoid its sharp edge and leave this place.

"Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect are doomed this time." Zhang Jingyun thought to himself as he picked up Bai Zhaoju and placed him on the bed.

The situation was critical and there was no need to delay. He stretched out his hand and untied Bai Zhaorui's robe. While activating his magic power to heal Bai Zhaorui's injuries, he thought about the next thing.

The Demon Cauldron Sect is blessed by Nascent Soul cultivators. In addition, Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect suffered five golden elixir stages of casualties. The sect only had three golden elixir stages left, which could not stop the demon cultivators at all.

Even if the two sects still have mountain-protecting formations to resist, it is only a matter of time before the Demonic Cauldron Sect destroys the formations and annihilates them.

Even the remaining golden elixirs of Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect are still open to question whether they are willing to die with the sect. If it were Zhang Jingyun, he would definitely take people away.

But now.

It was not Zhang Jingyun's turn to worry about whether the two sects were alive or dead. He mobilized his magic power to use the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa to make Bai Zhaorei recover a little, and then he had to leave immediately.


Bai Zhaorui groaned softly, her long curved eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she opened her eyes. What caught her eyes was Zhang Jingyun's parallel finger pointing between her eyebrows.

"What kind of skill is this? It has such a miraculous effect in repairing the body's soul!" Bai Zhaonui was shocked by the huge changes in his body.

She had tried her best to return to Yanyunfang City. If she hadn't used secret techniques, how could she have been so far ahead of the Golden Core cultivators?

Bai Zhaoji's practice technique itself is very special. It is based on the three forms of water and is a three-line system of techniques. The accompanying escape technique also has quite good effects, and is far ahead of the golden elixir.

Although the effect of the escape technique is good, the sequelae caused by it are naturally also serious. The injuries to the internal organs alone will not be cured without several years of recovery.

But Zhang Jingyun cast a spell to heal her injuries.

It got a lot better in a short period of time.

At least he won't become a burden to Zhang Jingyun in the future. Bai Zhaoji immediately pushed Zhang Jingyun's finger away and said seriously: "Okay, time is running out. Let's leave Fangshi quickly and go back to the sect to discuss it again."

"How many pursuers are behind you?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

"Two middle-stage Jindan and one late-stage Jindan are not something you and I can compete with. While the protective formation in Yanyunfang City is still there, try to return to the sect."

The Golden Sword Gate is more than 4,000 kilometers away from Yanyunfang City, and it would take half an hour to fly with the sword normally even when Bai Zhaoji is at his peak.

Zhang Jingyun has already sent a letter to Li Feng and others with flying swords, calling on the disciples of the Golden Sword Sect to bring what they can and evacuate without any mistakes.

Everyone left the sect in great numbers.

The cultivators looked at each other in confusion, wondering what was going on. When they saw everyone from Jinjian Sect leaving in a hurry, there were still many things left in the sect's shop.

"No one wants this Linggu anymore?"

"No one is guarding the magic weapon?"

"Hey, I picked up a bottle of Qi Gathering Pill!"

The total amount of spirit grain in the store was not much, and time was so tight that Li Feng and others only took away a large number of goods from the warehouse and did not take care of the rest.

After a while.

The store was unattended, causing casual cultivators to gather together. Then, zero-yuan shopping naturally began, and the casual cultivators began to rob various spiritual items.

"The monks from Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect have also withdrawn." Soon some casual cultivators discovered that the other two sects were in the same situation.

The looting intensified.

There were even some casual cultivators who started fighting.

There were also some prudent monks who looked solemn when they saw this situation, knowing that there must be a big problem if the monks from the three sects evacuated in a hurry.

"Grab it, see if you can survive!"

Some casual cultivators were shopping for zero yuan, while others were packing their luggage, and then left Yanyunfang City like the three monks.

Don't know the reason though.

But they knew that the monks of the three sects were not fools, and this situation did not last for more than a stick of incense until the mountain-protecting formation in Yanyunfang City suddenly shattered.

"The formation is broken?"

"A robe of this style is that of a demon cultivator!"

"The demon cultivator broke into Fangshi!"

"Why don't the monks of the three sects resist?"

Demonic cultivators invaded, but the three cultivators were uncharacteristically running away faster than a rabbit. Only now did the casual cultivators realize that something was wrong.

"Who has seen this woman?"

The famous Jindan elder of the Demon Cauldron Sect used his spiritual power to make Bai Zhaojie's image appear in mid-air, making the casual cultivators panic.

"No one answered, so I'll read it myself!"

Elder Jindan of the Demon Cauldron Sect picked up a foundation-building casual cultivator, and then used the soul-searching technique to check the memory in front of everyone.

After a moment, Elder Jindan frowned.

"I don't know about this, please change to the next one!"

Just as he was about to attack the next casual cultivator, someone finally stood up. It was a late-stage foundation-building casual cultivator who boldly said: "Back to senior, half a quarter of an hour ago, the female cultivator led the Golden Sword Sect disciples to evacuate the workshop. City."

Bai Zhao refused to lead everyone to leave. Many people saw it, but because of the fear of the sect and unwilling to cause more trouble, they did not say anything.

This foundation-building casual cultivator is quite courageous.

“Very good, Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect led their troops to invade the Demon Cauldron Sect, and five Golden Core cultivators were killed on the spot by the Yuanying Elder of our sect.

From now on, Yanyunfang City belongs to the Devil's Cauldron Sect. As for Linghua Mountain and Zhenyang Sect, if they invade our sect, they must retaliate and wait to be exterminated. "

The elder of the Demon Cauldron Sect said loudly.

Although the casual cultivators also had a premonition, they did not expect that the Demon Cauldron Sect would actually have Nascent Soul monks. This is such a change of pace!

"Linghua Mountain and the Zhenyang Sect are at the end of their strength. You don't need to panic. The Devil's Cauldron Sect only kills the first culprits. You fellow cultivators are still the same as before."

The elder of the Demon Cauldron Sect said in harmony, then turned his head and looked at the person who just reported the situation of the white recruitment rejection, nodded and said: "You are an upright person, and I will make an exception to allow you to be the deacon of the outer sect of the Demon Cauldron Sect, to assist our monks in managing the city. .”

"Disciple, thank you elder for your cultivation!"

The casual cultivator in the late stage of foundation building immediately turned red and knelt down on the ground to thank him. Seeing this, the others wanted to kneel down and kowtow to him.

The elder of the Demon Cauldron Sect said seriously: "Sect cultivation, personal performance! Other casual cultivators who have made outstanding contributions to the sect will also be rewarded!"

For a time, the casual cultivators were excited.

After a few words, the Demon Cauldron Sect took over Fangshi. As for the three Jindan elders, they naturally followed Bai Zhaojie. This was the first time they encountered a Zifu monk like Bai Zhaojie.

"This woman must be pregnant with the Multiplication Technique!"

"Could it be that Zifu's golden elixir is an immortal method?"

"Recovering really quickly!"

Baizhaoji was seriously injured when he used his escape technique to escape. It seemed that he was at the end of his strength, but the foundation-building casual cultivator just now said that Baizhaoji had almost recovered, which was really surprising.

"This woman is an elder of the Golden Sword Sect. She destroyed two sects. It will be the Golden Sword Sect's turn next. She must be intercepted and killed before returning to the sect."

As soon as he finished speaking, the three of them quickly gave chase.

As for Zhang Jingyun, the situation is indeed not good. Bai Zhaoji's strength is greatly reduced, his flying speed is not as fast as him, and Li Feng and others are also a burden.

"Zhang Jingyun, I shouldn't have brought you out as a teacher." Beside Zhang Jingyun, Bai Zhaojue said sadly. She could no longer suppress her injuries.

"Let's talk about this back to the sect."

Zhang Jingyun poured some mana into Bai Zhaorei's body. Unlike spiritual power, the mana combined with the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa had a miraculous effect on Bai Zhaorei's injuries.

Unfortunately, now is the time.

Bai Zhao refused a little better, thought for a while and said: "Li Feng, Zhang Jingyun, you go back to the sect first to report the incident in the Demon Sect."

"Elder Bai, you..."

Li Feng hesitated to speak, but Bai Zhao refused and said sternly: "This is an order. It is extremely urgent. Don't let the sect fall into crisis because of hesitation."

"Disciple...obey! Take care of yourself too!"

Li Feng gradually moved away, while Zhang Jingyun remained motionless. Bai Zhaoji was about to scold him, but saw him grab his hand and turn it around.

"Don't you just want to use your remaining heat to lure away the demon cultivators and let us return to the sect? But I want to bet that you can bring me back to the sect safely after you recover your cultivation."

"There is a 60% certainty that it will recover as before."

"Sixty percent is enough!" Zhang Jingyun suddenly accelerated. There was one thing he didn't tell Bai Zhao, so he just made up for the remaining 40%.

"Where to go?"

Zhang Jingyun pointed to the front and said: "There is a hole there, let's get in and do it as soon as possible."

Bai Zhao refused to blame her. If the situation wasn't very dangerous, she would have suspected that Zhang Jingyun was teasing her. What was he doing in a cave?

Zhang Jingyun entered the cave and then discovered that the cave was extremely deep and a little narrow at first. After walking for dozens of steps, it suddenly became clear.

"That's it." Zhang Jingyun took the time to heal his wounds. He didn't have much mana at his disposal, hoping to help Bai Zhaojie recover before the elders of the Demon Cauldron Sect arrived.

However, the accident happened.

As a spirit boat turned into a spiritual light and appeared here, three figures emerged. They were the three golden elixir monks who were chasing Bai Zhaorei.

Bai Zhao refused to look at Zhang Jingyun and lamented in his heart. Zhang Jingyun lost the bet. Maybe there would be a turnaround if she was given more time. But now the situation is probably decided.

Zhang Jingyun frowned, these three people were so uncooperative, and the remaining 40% chance of being rejected could only fall on himself.


Just kill all the enemies, right?

"Zifu Jindan is a great cauldron!" One of the Jindan elders showed his eyes brightly, and when combined with a burst of weird laughter, it was even more impressive.

"My master, I can't even bear to contradict him. How the hell do you deserve it?" Zhang Jingyun is famous for being a master and a rebel, and is good at jockeys defying their ancestors.

The three golden elixirs of the Demon Cauldron Sect must die.

Bai Zhaojie was about to fight to the death when he suddenly felt that his body was sinking rapidly, and before he could react, he was submerged into the ground beneath his feet.


Zhang Jingyun escaped into the ground and left gifts behind. How could the three Jindan monks have seen Ji Zhu and the Zifu monks escape into the earth?

"What is this stuff?"

There were also green and strange things in front of them, and the three of them instinctively felt dangerous, until the next second strong light penetrated the earth and the cave burst into pieces.

In an instant, two suns appeared in the sky.

A dazzling white light rose, causing the ground to tremble, twist, crack, and surge. The surrounding temperature continued to rise. Even the Golden Core cultivator was bone-chilling and was soon swallowed up by the strong light.

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