People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 262 Contradicting the Master【Please subscribe】

"All dead?"

Bai Zhao refused to see the extremely tragic scene in front of him. Even though her cultivation level was comparable to that of the middle stage of the Golden Core, and she had killed two Golden Core cultivators, she couldn't help but be speechless.

Subconsciously, Bai Zhao refused to look at Zhang Jingyun. Only then did she realize that the disciple she had brought here on a whim to teach in person seemed to be a little evil.

"Nascent Soul Forbidden Curse, or some high-level talisman?" Bai Zhaoju guessed in his heart. This kind of power to move mountains and seas, flattening mountains with a radius of several hundred meters, definitely exceeded the damage limit of Jindan monks.

Just now, Bai Zhao refused to use his consciousness and noticed that the nuclear bomb Zhang Jingyun left in the cave had a fireball with a radius of nearly five kilometers.

The width of the rising mushroom cloud is nearly 40 kilometers and the height is about 60 kilometers. If Bai Zhaoji had not drilled into the cave just now, he would not have believed that it still existed for a few minutes now.

Not to mention the golden elixir stage.

Even if the Nascent Soul cultivator exerts all his strength to strike, it may not be so powerful. How could Bai Zhaoji not be surprised by Zhang Jingyun?

However, after looking at it for a long time, Bai Zhao refused to see the expression on his face that an ordinary person should have. He seemed to already know all this.

At least in front of Zhang Jingyun.

Bai Zhao refused to speak as loudly as before. If Zhang Jingyun didn't talk about him, she wouldn't ask. With her wisdom, she must have understood that there were some things that Zhang Jingyun had already told her if he wanted to.

There was no point in asking Bai Zhaorui about things he didn't want to tell. Bai Zhaorui was confused here and was as well-behaved as the big sister next door, which made it difficult for Zhang Jingyun.

Because she knows too much.

According to the usual practice, if the man knows so much about him, the man must be silenced. The woman is beautiful, so naturally she is Zhang Jingyun's woman.

Zhang Jingyun remained silent. After the super nuclear explosion, a huge crater was formed. He was very satisfied with the power of this fat green man, which was almost as powerful as the Tsar Bomb.

The three golden elixir cultivators were instantly wiped out.

Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hand and used Ju Ling Dispatch, but nothing was attracted. Not only the bodies of the three golden elixir monks were reduced to ashes, but their souls also dissipated.

"It's a pity. If we can imprison the golden elixir stage soul, we can know the situation of the Demon Cauldron Sect." Zhang Jingyun said without hesitation.

Bai Zhaojun raised his eyebrows, what did she hear? This disciple in the foundation building stage actually wants to imprison the soul of the Golden Pill cultivator of the Demon Cauldron Sect?

"Actually, I knew about the existence of the Nascent Soul cultivator in the Demon Cauldron Sect before you returned to Fangshi. I didn't have time to inform you at that time, otherwise Linghua Mountain and the Zhenyang Sect would not have ended up in this situation."

Zhang Jingyun said this to Bai Zhao, who was stunned: "The Devil's Cauldron Sect has a Nascent Soul stage that is airtight, just to plot against the monks of the three sects. How did you know?"

"Xie Baoquan told me."

Zhang Jingyun waved his hand and released Xie Baoquan's soul. When the latter saw that Bai Zhao refused to recognize her identity, he respectfully bowed: "I have met Elder Bai!"

"Zhenyang Sect Zifu disciple, are you still alive?" Bai Zhaohe showed a surprised look. Xie Baoquan triggered the Nascent Soul restriction under the God-asking Mirror in front of the three disciples. His body died and the Tao disappeared. Why is the Soul still there? ?

The most important thing is that the Zifu period monks cannot survive by relying on their soul alone, right? Only Jindan monks or above can leave the body, seize the body, and resurrect the soul through the body.

"Back to Elder Bai, it was Junior Brother Zhang who saved my life. From now on, Junior Brother Zhang will be the only one who follows suit." Xie Baoquan said to Bai Zhaonui.

The latter realized, could this be what Zhang Jingyun just said, imprisoning the soul? What is the difference between Xie Baoquan's state and that of an enslaved puppet?

Bai Zhaoju looked at Zhang Jingyun with a complicated expression. This method was rarely used by righteous monks, and it looked like a demonic cultivator.

"Isn't my disciple a demon cultivator?"

Bai Zhao refused to think wildly.

However, she can be sure that Zhang Jingyun has been a member of the Golden Sword Sect since he was a child. Dozens of people have been cultivating every day, and his background is innocent. There should be no chance of contact with demonic cultivators.

However, at this moment, I saw a few pieces of flesh and blood, as well as scattered magic weapon fragments. The Golden Core Stage monks could not resist the nuclear explosion, but they had some treasures at the bottom of the box. It was normal to protect one or two pieces of flesh and blood.

Zhang Jingyun randomly picked up a few magic weapons, such as shields and armors, with mysterious formations engraved on them. Unfortunately, they still couldn't withstand a nuclear explosion.

The magic weapon was too damaged to be used at all. Zhang Jingyun threw it on the ground and activated his magic power to burn it with the true fire of Samadhi to erase any traces.

Zhang Jingyun moves very quickly.

He looked experienced, like he had done it many times. Bai Zhao refused to comfort himself when he saw this scene. Zhang Jingyun was just a steady person.

Although she still has many doubts.

For example, Zhang Jingyun performs fire-based skills. Samadhi True Fire is very powerful, and it looks like a very powerful fire-based spell at first glance.

But Bai Zhaoji had never heard that Zhang Jingyun had a talent for the fire system. His talent for the three systems of earth, metal and water, plus the fire system, made him a four-system talent. How could this be possible?

Even in those large sects, talents with four lines of talent are extremely rare. They are "immortal seedlings" in the true sense, seedlings that become immortals.

As for the five-series talent, I can’t even think about it.

The most famous Five Elements talent throughout the ages is the powerful man who founded the Five Elements Sect tens of thousands of years ago. He dominates the world of immortality and is the only super sect.

"No, there seems to be something that has been overlooked!" Bai Zhaoji frowned, thinking about something. Suddenly she reacted and her expression became extremely exciting.

"Zhang Jingyun... seems to be really gifted with the Five Elements! The skills he used to treat me before were full of vitality and endless. They were wood-based skills! Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, don't they have all the five elements?"

"What is this?"

Zhang Jingyun's voice interrupted Bai Zhaoji's thinking, and then Zhang Jingyun took out a metal blade covered with black rust from the deep pit left by the nuclear explosion.

The blade is less than two inches long, like a small sword. Normally, Zhang Jingyun would have thrown this thing away after just one glance. There is nothing special about it.

However, in the center of the nuclear explosion, all the golden elixirs melted, and all the precious magic weapons were reduced to fragments, but this blade was preserved intact.

Could this be an ordinary item?

Zhang Jingyun subconsciously used the Golden Eyes to observe the inside, but found that the invincible Golden Eyes were actually isolated by unknown restrictions in the blade and could not be explored.

"There's something weird about this thing!" Zhang Jingyun studied it. The three chasing Jindan monks were dead. Zhang Jingyun was not anxious anymore because there was still the unsolved problem of Bai Zhaorei.

"For any spiritual object, spiritual power can be transferred into it. If the spiritual power meets the requirements, it can be activated naturally. Otherwise, it is useless to break it into pieces."

Bai Zhaoji was still in a hurry to return to the sect, so he reminded Zhang Jingyun that he was very obedient and transferred the five elements of spiritual power into the leaves one by one in front of Bai Zhaoji.

He has five elements of spiritual power.

This is simply the master key.

Bai Zhaojumei looked at Zhang Jingyun and her heart was pounding. This disciple had begun to avoid people. Was he preparing for a showdown or to silence him?

Zhang Jingyun poisoned the leaves with four types of spiritual power one after another, but there was still no reaction. He couldn't help but suspect that the leaves were not activated by spiritual power at all.

It can't be that the owner of the leaf has the same Five Elements talent as Zhang Jingyun, right? However, as he poured the last of his fire spiritual power into it, the blades, which were covered with black rust and looked like scraps, began to clang, revealing five colors of brilliance and shining brightly.

"Mad, I found a treasure!"

Zhang Jingyun was stunned on the spot, never imagining that one of the three golden elixir monks still had such a treasure hidden in his body.

Although to others, without the Five Elements talent, this blade is just garbage, and a treasure that cannot be used is naturally useless.

But for Zhang Jingyun.

The leaf is a treasure that can only be picked up by good luck. This treasure can only be activated by the Five Elements talent. It is tailor-made for Zhang Jingyun.

Bai Zhao refused to remain silent and no longer dared to speak. As she saw, Zhang Jingyun was the possessor of the five elements talent, the strongest talent in history.

The world of cultivating immortals has not heard of it for at least a few thousand years. There is a new talent born in the Five Elements. If this spreads out, it will definitely shock the world of cultivating immortals.

What is recorded in the blade is a five-element technique. Just as Zhang Jingyun guessed, this senior who also has the five-element talent used the principle of the five elements to create a set of techniques that is most suitable for him.

"The Five Elements Immortality Kung Fu has a concise and clear name." Zhang Jingyun had already learned about this Five Elements Kung Fu in his thoughts.

The level of the senior who created this Five Elements Kung Fu is not as high as expected. He is only at the middle stage of the Golden Core, but his strength far exceeds the middle stage of the Golden Core.

According to this senior, although the Five Elements Cultivation Technique he created is not as good as the super strong man who founded the Five Elements Sect, who can traverse the world of immortality with the five-color divine light and the Five-Direction Heavenly Emperor Cauldron, it can still allow people with Five Elements talents to transcend ranks and fight against enemies.

This kind of technique created using the principle of the mutual generation of the five elements, once used, can directly transform the five elements into one, which is five times more powerful. It can also be integrated with the five elements of heaven and earth, and the spiritual power is endless.

This senior once fought against a Nascent Soul cultivator, and his performance was even more fierce than Bai Zhaojie's. In front of him, the Zi Mansion Killing Golden Pill was nothing.

Zhang Jingyun studies the Five Elements Immortality Kung Fu.

Unknowingly, the five elements of spiritual power in the body have been completely integrated into one, forming a brand new special spiritual power that includes the five elements.

In a sense, this special spiritual power is already beyond any line of spiritual power in the Five Elements, and is not on the same level at all.


Zhang Jingyun admired the imagination of this senior. Without his unbridled imagination and astonishing understanding, he would never have been able to create such a mysterious technique.

But now it belongs to Zhang Jingyun.

For Zhang Jingyun.

There is no such thing as a person who practices the skills created by others and cannot surpass the ancestor who created the skills. He can add points to the skills to the point where the creators are confused, and he is able to make great strides in a day.

"Zhang Jingyun, the Demon Cauldron Sect is about to attack the two sects, and the Golden Sword Sect cannot stay away. You and I have been spending a lot of time here, is it time to leave?"

Bai Zhao refused finally couldn't wait to say it.

But she never noticed that the tone of her words had a hint of discussion, and she was actually a little afraid of the disciple in front of her.

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Zhaoju wanted to turn around and leave, but at this moment, a big hand grabbed her wrist firmly.

Bai Zhaoji's heart skipped a beat.

Zhang Jingyun's voice sounded, "Master, tell me, after we return to the sect, can we still get along with each other as before?"

"Why not?" After Bai Zhao refused to speak, she realized that Zhang Jingyun had revealed too many things in front of her that she shouldn't know.

Not only are the methods comparable to a full blow in the Nascent Soul stage, but also the various spells performed by Zhang Jingyun, such as the Earth Escape Technique, which allows you to escape hundreds of feet underground. This kind of spell should not be mastered in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and it can even be rejected in vain. I have never heard of anyone who can perform the art of escaping from the earth.

The art of escaping from the earth, the True Fire of Samadhi, and the healing techniques that can bring human flesh and bones to life, these things are too weird to be concentrated on Zhang Jingyun.

"It is understandable that people who cultivate immortality have their own secrets. Don't worry, everything will be the same as before after returning to the sect."

Bai Zhao refused to break free from Zhang Jingyun's hand but found that Zhang Jingyun's grip was tighter. He even took a step forward and asked softly: "Do you believe this?"

"I am Master You, what else can I do to you?" Bai Zhaoji was a little annoyed and used his spiritual power to throw Zhang Jingyun's hand away.

Zhang Jingyun used the five elements' spiritual power to separate naturally. However, at this moment, Bai Zhaojun's face suddenly changed as if he was shocked by something.

"Wait!" Bai Zhaorui said urgently.

Zhang Jingyun looked confused.

Bai Zhaoji couldn't help but grabbed his hand, and then used his spiritual power. Zhang Jingyun subconsciously activated his spiritual power to resist. Unexpectedly, Bai Zhaoji became even more excited.

"How could this happen? His spiritual power is very special, and it actually gave me signs of condensing golden elixirs!" How could Bai Zhaoji not be shocked?

She had tried to condense the golden elixir since the completion of Zi Mansion, eight or nine times, but without exception, she had failed. But this time, she actually took the initiative to feel the possibility of condensing the golden elixir.

This mysterious feeling is not an illusion, but an opportunity that lets the monk know that it is time to break through.

Bai Zhaojun has never felt this before.

Today, she actually felt it from Zhang Jingyun. She picked up Zhang Jingyun's hand as if no one was watching and tested it with her spiritual power. She even put Zhang Jingyun's hand between her eyebrows. The soft and smooth touch, as well as the two people close at hand. The sound of breathing and the hot breath are sticking to Zhang Jingyun's face.

"Made, you don't know how charming you are, do you?" Zhang Jingyun grabbed Bai Zhaorui's hand with his backhand, making her frown.

Zhang Jingyun's expression was strange. Is she still unhappy? Just now it was clear that Bai Zhao refused to hold his hand and play with it wantonly. The master can do it, but the apprentice can't?

"Your special spiritual power allows me to feel the opportunity to condense the golden elixir. After returning to the sect, you and I can practice together and we may be able to successfully form the elixir."

Bai Zhao refused to hope and said.

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth and said in a shocking tone: "Practice together with the master, which is the so-called dual cultivation?"

"You don't want to?" Bai Zhao refused.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to, but maybe you don't agree, Master, because when a disciple practices dual cultivation, he will contradict the Master."

"You still dare to contradict Master?"

Bai Zhaoji's eyes widened, clearly he didn't expect that Zhang Jingyun was still a rebel at heart, and it would be treasonous to contradict his master.

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