People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 265 Opening up the Purple Mansion【Please subscribe】

"Nascent Soul Secret Realm? Please elaborate!"

Bai Zhao's words made Zhang Jingyun's eyes light up, and he realized the benefits of having a good wife. He could also know the secrets of the Golden Sword Sect.

Something like a secret realm. Zhang Jingyun also heard in the sect's classics that the secret realm is a special space independent of the world of immortality, with different types.

The levels of secret realms are different, and the uses of each secret realm are also different. Some secret realms are rich in spiritual energy, comparable to high-level spiritual veins and practice caves. They are generally practice places specially provided for the strong men of the sect.

There are also some secret realms suitable for growing various elixirs. Perhaps the rules of the secret realms are different from those of the world of immortality. The elixirs grow very fast and can produce elixirs in batches that last for thousands, thousands or even ten thousand years.

There are also some secret realms where high-level monks practice, and the laws they have learned are intertwined and manifested in the secret realms. The entry of outsiders can greatly improve the efficiency of practice.

According to the information Zhang Jingyun learned, the secret realm may not even be owned by sects with Nascent Soul cultivators. The rarity is evident.

Several widely circulated secret realms in the southern realm of immortality are all in the hands of large sects, and there are even secret realms that can be entered by paying spirit stones.

These are all secret realms developed by the sect to provide soup for future generations and extract residual value. However, there are also rumors that a certain monk had a good chance and obtained a real inheritance in the secret realm.

All in all, the secret realm is extremely important to the sect, let alone the immortal cultivator. Using a secret realm to raise an immortal cultivator is simply a luxury.

But Bai Zhao refused to talk about the Nascent Soul Secret Realm.

The Golden Sword Sect has been eyeing it more than two hundred years ago. Even the location of the sect was chosen for the secret realm. In recent years, the Golden Sword Sect has been developing steadily and in a low-key manner. Zhang Jingyun thought that the real leader was judging the situation and having foresight.

It turns out there is a treasure hidden here.

Bai Zhao refused to twist in Zhang Jingyun's arms and pushed Zhang Jingyun angrily. His cheeks had turned white and rosy, and his beautiful eyes were shining.

"You... don't be so rude, I'm your master!" Sometimes Bai Zhaoji still can't accept this taboo relationship between master and disciple.

But Zhang Jingyun just likes this.

After wiping his mouth, Zhang Jingyun felt that he was still unfinished. Bai Zhao refused to adjust his clothes and tightly closed the open skirt on his chest.

"The clues to the secret realm were left by the master. However, his deadline was approaching and he had no energy to explore. Later, the Golden Sword Sect moved here and he has been looking for people with special qualifications to open the secret realm. He finally found it a year ago." Bai Zhao refused to say.

"What are the conditions for special qualifications?"

"The last master of the secret realm has wind, fire and wood qualifications. It is difficult to find disciples with talents in the three elements. In addition, the wind element is even rarer, so in the past two hundred years, no such person has been found."

Zhang Jingyun was slightly startled, "Wind Fire Wood talent, why didn't I know there was such a person in the sect? I found him a year ago..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized that a major event had indeed happened in the sect a year ago. An unknown disciple caused the foundation building phenomenon.

It's just that that person has the talent of fire and wood. In view of the fact that he caused the foundation-building phenomenon, he is a rare talent, so the leader Tiansong Zhenzhen personally accepted the disciple.

"It turns out he also has wind talent!"

Zhang Jingyun guessed that the person with talents in the three elements of wind, fire, and wood was the head disciple, Sheng Jia, whom he had met once in the Crescent Moon Divine Valley.

Sheng Jia had a tough character and worked as a servant for Lin Fan. He lived a hard life for several years. After building a foundation, his life path completely changed. Zhang Jingyun only knew that Sheng Jia was highly valued by the boss because of his talent. Unexpectedly, he was actually a driver. The key to the secret realm.

"Over the past year, the sect has cultivated him at all costs. Senior Brother Leng personally made elixirs for him. Senior Brother Wu used sword energy to temper his body every three days. Senior Brother, the leader, even allowed him to practice in the Fourth Grade Cave Mansion."

Bai Zhao refused and said slowly, Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but be speechless. The Golden Sword Sect worked hard to open the secret realm. This Shengjia also had good luck, and the three golden elixirs were all surrounding him.

It's a pity that I just had bad luck.

A Nascent Soul stage monk suddenly appeared in the Demon Cauldron Sect, and the three sects were in danger. In the past two days, the Zhenyang Sect was wiped out. Linghua Mountain was unable to retreat, and it was not known how many days it could last.

Zhang Jingyun didn't expect it either.

The Nascent Soul monks of the Demon Cauldron Sect were so cautious that they suspected that Linghua Mountain was related to the mysterious Nascent Soul that did not exist, thus slowing down their offensive.

What’s more, when the Golden Sword Sect heard about the invasion of demonic cultivators and the presence of Nascent Soul cultivators, they reasonably chose to relocate the sect to preserve their strength, which just made the Demonic Cauldron Sect’s Yuanying Qi Taishang think that the Golden Sword Sect was soft. persimmon.

Bai Zhaoji said at the right time: "Zhang Jingyun, I... am your master after all, and Golden Sword Sect is like home to the four of us senior brothers and sisters.

I don't want to relocate the sect if possible. Since you can still use such powerful methods, can you help the sect overcome this difficulty? "

After saying that, Bai Zhaoji pursed his lips slightly and said shyly: "Even if you have no feelings for the sect, can you consider it as doing it for me?"

Zhang Jingyun had never seen Bai Zhaojun look like this before. He was obviously cold and cold like a fairy, but he just lowered his head to beg for himself. He had a peerless face and two completely different temperaments that almost made him unable to suppress his gun.

"What are you talking about? Who said I have no feelings for the sect? The sect is the master's home, and it is also my Zhang Jingyun's home. You and I are one family."

Zhang Jingyun said righteously and sternly.

When Bai Zhao refused to listen to Zhang Jingyun talking about a family, he felt a little awkward in his heart, but at the same time there was a secret excitement. He obviously thought it was absurd that the master and his disciple had come to this point, but he was looking forward to the future.

Zhang Jingyun really regards Jinjian Sect as his own home. After all, there are three women in his family, and they can practice with Bai Zhaojie and Liu Lixia every day. In Zhang Jingyun's opinion, the sect is no worse than the secret realm.

"Coupled with the Nascent Soul Secret Realm and the Golden Sword Sect station, it seems that we cannot give up. We have to find a way to kill the Nascent Soul monks of the Demon Cauldron Sect."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart that with his strength and peak state, it would be easy to deal with the Nascent Soul stage, but it is still a bit difficult at the moment.

Although Baizhaoji has also formed an elixir, the early stage of the golden elixir is comparable to the late stage monks of the golden elixir, but it is not very useful against the Nascent Soul stage.

"If you put him in the formation, you can slowly kill him with the Xuanyuan Sword, or directly purify him with a nuclear bomb. It's just that Yuanying is different from Jindan. Yuanying's sense of danger is too strong and he can't get close at all... "

Zhang Jingyun thought for a long time and decided to go back first, letting Bai Zhaorui convince the leader and the other three Jindan monks to stay. Nuclear bombs would be enough to force the opponent back.

Bai Zhao refused to see that Zhang Jingyun really thought about the sect, and felt a little relieved. Just as the two were about to return to the sect, they suddenly saw a dark spiritual ship floating in the direction of the Yixiantian Canyon. The direction it was traveling in was actually the direction of the sect. Linghua Mountain and the Golden Sword Gate blocked by Zhenyang Sect.

"The Demon Cauldron Sect actually gave up attacking Linghua Mountain, and instead attacked the Golden Sword Gate at the expense of the near and far away? What were they thinking?"

Zhang Jingyun was stunned for a moment, then realized, "Could it be that because of the nuclear bomb, the Demon Cauldron Sect mistakenly believed that Linghua Mountain had a trump card, and the Golden Sword Sect was preparing to relocate the sect, so it wanted to pick the weak one?"

Bai Zhaonui immediately sent the letter to Master Tiansong with flying sword. Her beautiful eyes were anxious and her heart was uneasy. She didn't know whether the leader Tiansong believed what she said in the letter.

"Let's go too."

The flying speed of Zhang Jingyun and Bai Zhao Juyujian was more than a bit faster than the floating boat of the Demon Cauldron Sect, but it could not compare with the Flying Sword Chuan Shu.

As for the Golden Sword Gate.

After receiving the letter from Bai Zhaorui, Master Tiansong informed Taoist Huo Chi and Wu Changkong, the elder of Zangjing Pavilion, about the content of the letter.

"What do you think of Junior Sister's letter?"

Master Tiansong asked, and Wu Changkong frowned: "It's a good thing for junior sister to condense the golden elixir, but how can she have the confidence to resist the Demon Cauldron Sect?"

"If what junior sister said is true, we don't need to move the sect. That is the Nascent Soul Secret Realm, and I won't be willing to leave it like this." Taoist Huo Chi said.

"Uncle Zhaojie never says anything that can't be done. Since she has the confidence to resist the invasion of the Demon Cauldron Sect, it must be true." A strange voice sounded.

The three Jindan monks were used to it.

The person speaking was the disciple whom the sect had devoted all its efforts to cultivate. Sheng Jia, who possesses the talent of wind, fire and wood, is the key to unlocking the secret realm of Nascent Soul.

"Junior sister's combat power is quite good, but compared with the Nascent Soul stage, there is still a huge gap. Why don't the head senior brother fly his sword and pass a message to junior sister to find out clearly?"

Wu Changkong asked. Before the life and death of the sect, he had to be cautious. Master Tiansong immediately flew his sword to send a letter asking Bai Zhao to refuse.

But not long after this flying sword message was sent out, it was shattered by a flash of red light. Two Demon Cauldron Sect elders took the lead from the direction of Zhenyang Sect and reached the outside of the Golden Sword Gate, blocking the Golden Sword Gate from contact with the outside world. .

This was personally ordered by the Supreme Leader of the Demon Cauldron Sect. The two Jindan elders took the first step to test the authenticity of the Golden Sword Sect. If there was a fraud, they would postpone the offensive.

There was no reply, which made Tian Song and others worried. Suddenly Wu Changkong noticed something, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and the next second, with a clang, a golden sword flew out from the Golden Sword Gate.

"You two came uninvited, but what's the matter?" Wu Changkong's voice was rolling, and he was so keen that he discovered the traces of the two Demon Cauldron Sect elders.

"What a great Wu Changkong. His cultivation has improved a lot. If I give you another hundred or two hundred years, I'm afraid he can even try to advance to Nascent Soul."

I saw an elder from the Demon Cauldron Sect wearing a golden robe coming out of the air. He was not afraid of Wu Changkong with his late-stage Jindan cultivation.

Next to Wu Changkong, Taoist Huo Chi followed closely behind him. He said nothing. Under the fiery red robe, a vivid red chilong appeared. In a flash of red light, the dragon turned into a flying sword in Taoist Huo Chi's hand.

"The fifth-level flying sword is an opportunity for friendship."

Another Demon Cauldron Sect monk said with some envy, "I've heard for a long time that there are fourth-level alchemists in the Golden Sword Sect, but I never thought that my fellow Taoist is still a sword cultivator."

Taoist Huo Chi hummed: "Who said that an alchemist can't be a sword cultivator? I was originally a sword cultivator, but my talent in alchemy is too good. For the development of the sect, I have to spend some time refining alchemy."

Two Demon Cauldron Sect elders: "..."

When the two of them were stunned, Master Tiansong appeared and said: "How dare you come to my Golden Sword Sect with two golden elixirs? Aren't you afraid of death and the destruction of hundreds of years of cultivation?"

The golden-robed elder of the Demon Cauldron Sect gave a joking smile and said: "Don't think that we will retreat if there are three people against two people. You can try to see whether we can be killed faster by joining forces or by the Supreme Leader of our sect."

"The mission of the two of me is to hold back the Golden Sword Sect. When the Supreme Leader arrives, I hope you three can still be so tough." Another person also said.

"Head, it's too late. We can't rely on our junior sister for the safety of our sect. Let's hold back the two golden elixirs from the Demon Cauldron Sect while our senior brother takes his people to evacuate."

Wu Changkong sent a message to Tiansong.

The latter's expression did not change. As the leader of a sect, he had to consider the sect in everything he did, not to mention that he was still here because of his refusal.

Even if Baizhaojiu really had some way to save the Golden Sword Sect, to be on the safe side, he would have to take his disciples to retreat first, not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case. At worst, he would wait for Baizhaojiu to come back and then find a way to regain the sect's headquarters.

"I'll leave this to my two junior brothers."

Tiansong retreated, but the two elders of the Demon Sect did not stop him. However, his retreat strengthened their speculation that the Golden Sword Sect had no background and could inform the Supreme Leader to beat up the drowned dog.

The two of them only fought symbolically for dozens of rounds, and did not fight head-on. They fought and retreated. The Demonic Cauldron Sect lost four golden elixir elders one after another, and the two of them were already the only two in the golden elixir stage.

"Thief! I hate it!"

Wu Changkong glanced at the two elders hatefully, and then glanced in the direction of the Golden Sword Gate with reluctance. He had been living in seclusion here for more than two hundred years, but he never expected that one day he would run away in despair.

"Let's go, Junior Brother Wu."

Taoist Huo Chi is actually more nostalgic for his sect. He is almost able to open the Nascent Soul Secret Realm and the Golden Sword Gate in the Crescent Moon Divine Valley.

Wu Changkong and Taoist Huo Chi also withdrew one after another, and the two elders followed and harassed them for a while. Zhang Jingyun and Bai Zhaonui took one step ahead of the Demon Cauldron Sect's troops and returned to the Golden Sword Gate station.

"Still leaving?" Bai Zhao refused to see no one, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Zhang Jingyun came to the forbidden area of ​​Crescent Moon Valley with ease, and asked Bai Zhao refused to show his elder token to open the forbidden area and enter together.

"The head brother has left, are we still here? The Devil's Cauldron Sect's floating boat will be here soon." Bai Zhaoju looked at Zhang Jingyun and asked.

"We're not leaving," Zhang Jingyun said.

If Tiansong and others stick to the Golden Sword Gate and don't leave, then it's just right that the four Jindans join forces and his methods are enough to stop the Demonic Cauldron Sect.

Now that they have withdrawn, Zhang Jingyun has not left. The secret realm of Xianyue Divine Valley cannot be opened by Shengjia alone.

This is a secret realm!

Zhang Jingyun would not leave it to the Demon Cauldron Sect.

Raising his head, Zhang Jingyun looked at the everlasting crescent moon over the Crescent Moon Valley. The crescent moon was like a hook. This was the Nascent Soul Secret Realm.

Zhang Jingyun noticed something was wrong with Xian Yue at the beginning, but his golden eyes couldn't see through the Nascent Soul Secret Realm, so he finally let it go.

Think about it now.

He almost missed the secret realm.

Bai Zhaorui didn't understand why Zhang Jingyun came back at first, until she repeatedly confirmed that she heard correctly, Zhang Jingyun actually said that he wanted to open a secret realm.

"You don't have the talent of wind, fire, wood, how can you open the secret realm?" As the Demon Cauldron Sect's floating boat approached, Bai Zhao refused to understand where Zhang Jingyun got his confidence.

Until Zhang Jingyun took out a wind technique in front of Bai Zhaoshi, almost instantly, Zhang Jingyun condensed a trace of wind spiritual power, which also meant that he had wind talent.

"Isn't this enough? I didn't tell the master that the disciple only has the talent of five elements. How to open the secret realm next?" Zhang Jingyun asked with a smile.

Bai Zhaoji had a strange look on his face, "In order for Zifu to cultivate, the sect vigorously cultivated Shengjia, but the time was too short, and he was only allowed to reach the late stage of foundation building within one year.

In the later stage of foundation building, there is still a long way to go before the Zifu can be opened. How long have you been building the foundation? You can't open the Zifu on the spot, right? "

Bai Zhaoji didn't believe it at all. Zhang Jingyun didn't expect that opening the secret realm would require cultivation in the Zifu. After calculating the time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Zifu, right? Just wait for me!"

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