People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 266 Yan Luo Secret Realm【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun began to use his spiritual power to open up the Zi Mansion. The fluctuations in the five elements of spiritual power made Bai Zhaorui particularly sensitive, and his own spiritual power was ready to move.

"You're not going to open a Zifu here, are you?" Even though Bai Zhaohe had experienced strong winds and waves, and even escaped in front of the Nascent Soul cultivator, he couldn't help but be surprised by Zhang Jingyun at this moment.

It's not that she doesn't believe Zhang Jingyun.

What he was going to do was really ridiculous.

Bai Zhao refused to think that he didn't understand his apprentice comprehensively enough, and his understanding of Zhang Jingyun was also somewhat biased. However, no matter how defiant he was, he would not be able to continuously build foundations and open up the Zi Mansion within a year.

As Zhang Jingyun moves his skills,

Bai Zhaoji raised his eyebrows. Only then did she realize that Zhang Jingyun had actually hidden his cultivation. Judging from the fluctuations in spiritual power, he was almost at the late stage of foundation building.

"A year ago, I was still at the sixth level of Qi training. Even if I encountered a great opportunity, I would not reach the late stage of foundation building soon.

Moreover, this guy also deliberately hides his true cultivation level, and even I, a golden elixir cultivator, can’t see through the breath-condensing spells he performs. Could it be that..."

Bai Zhaoji's heart skipped a beat.

"He couldn't have been taken away by some Nascent Soul monk or an old monster who transformed into gods, right? Otherwise, how could he have advanced so quickly in cultivation, and he didn't take me as a master seriously at all, and would only put him in the eyes of others? In my arms…”

Bai Zhaojun couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Zhang Jingyun relied on his incredible Five Elements talent to practice at an unimaginable speed, but even so, it only took him one year to complete the sixth level of Qi training and reach the current middle stage of foundation building.

Opening the Nascent Soul Secret Realm now requires Zifu cultivation. If you practice according to the rules, it is really difficult. It will take at least three months to open the Zifu.

Of course, if these words were heard in Bai Zhaorei's ears, it would be a completely different feeling. She would probably be so speechless that she would not allow Zhang Jingyun to practice dual cultivation with her.

To open the Zi Mansion in three months, from the sixth level of Qi training to the Zi Mansion realm, other monks may not be able to achieve it if they practice for hundreds of years. Zhang Jingyun has only been practicing for less than two years, so why does he still seem a little slow?

"Looking at the fluctuations in spiritual power, if you reach the late stage of foundation building, it will still be no problem. Open the Purple Mansion? Unless there are some high-level spiritual pills."

Bai Zhao refused to analyze Zhang Jingyun's situation in her mind, and the facts were just as she thought. After Zhang Jingyun ran the technique a few times, he successfully broke through to the late stage of foundation building, and his foundation was solid.

But if you want to open the Zi Mansion again, there will be too much difference, but Zhang Jingyun is not worried. Breaking through the later stages of foundation building depends on yourself, and opening the Zi Mansion depends more on the system.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jingyun called up the data panel. The immortal cultivation technique he majored in has been changed from the Golden Light Water Dividing Sword to the Five Elements Immortality Kung Fu. The Five Elements Kung Fu is not even a bit stronger than the Golden Water Kung Fu.

In addition, you need to upgrade the wind technique you just learned, Xunfeng Jue, to the Zifu level, so that you can open the Nascent Soul Secret Realm here.

Zhang Jingyun added ten attribute points in his mind, and the skill column changed. The Five Elements Immortality Skill went directly from the second level of proficiency to the second level of perfection.

Suddenly, there was a roar in Zhang Jingyun's mind, and a large amount of practice experience related to the Five Elements Immortality Kung Fu poured into his mind. Scenes of images flashed through his mind, as if Zhang Jingyun had been practicing hard for decades.

The creator of the Five Elements Immortality Kung Fu, like Zhang Jingyun, also has a talent for all five elements. He created this technique himself based on his own talent.

The exercises are divided into five levels, corresponding to the five realms, from Qi training and foundation building to Zifu and Jindan. The first four levels of exercises have been tested by the creators and can be practiced.

As for the fifth level, it corresponds to the realm of the Nascent Soul. The person who created the skill will regret it and die before completing it. The fundamental reason is that the skill of integrating the five elements is too difficult and cumbersome. Creating the skill takes a lot of time, so that the promotion to the Nascent Soul is lost. Opportunity.

It is still too difficult for one person to explore and create merit. It would be better if he had the experience of his predecessors. However, there are only a few people with five elements talents throughout the ages.

There are too few exercises that can be used as a reference.

The state corresponding to the perfection of the second level of Five Elements Immortality Kung Fu is already the foundation building is perfect, the spiritual energy is fluctuating, greatly improved, the cultivation level is increased out of thin air, and there is no sign of going crazy, so much so that Bai Zhaojun even doubts his life, as if he has cultivated it himself A fake fairy.

Can you still break through the realm like this?

Zhang Jingyun can't really open up Zifu, can he?

Just now, I was convinced that Zhang Jingyun's plan to open up the Purple Mansion was a fantasy and impossible, but now he was clearly hesitant.

Sure enough, after Zhang Jingyun completed his foundation building, there was still no sign of stopping, and the fluctuations in his spiritual power seemed to be increasing.

"System, add more!"

Zhang Jingyun roared, and added twenty attribute points to the Five Elements Immortality Skill. The skill bar burst out with a golden light, and then changed accordingly.

[Introduction to the third level of Five Elements Longevity Kung Fu]

The third level of entry corresponds to the skills in the early stage of Zifu and the Zifu realm. The attribute points consumed for each small realm are doubled from ten points to twenty points.

This kind of consumption is still within an acceptable range, and as the skill is upgraded to the third level, Zhang Jingyun has also undergone considerable changes in his body.

He is about to open up the Purple Mansion.

There are three steps to open the Purple Mansion. The first step is the most difficult, and it is also the biggest gap between the Foundation Establishment monks and the Purple Mansion monks, which is to open the upper Dantian.

The Upper Dantian is also called the Niwan Palace, which is the Sea of ​​Consciousness. The Sea of ​​Consciousness is the place where the divine consciousness is located. The divine consciousness is equivalent to the God of the human body. It is a force formed by different names such as spirit, soul, and soul.

The Niwan Palace and the Sea of ​​Consciousness are the residences of the gods of the human body, that is, the places where gods live. Ge Hong of the Eastern Jin Dynasty wrote in "Baopuzi Dispelling Confusion": "When you get to the sky, you first pass through the Zifu, where there are golden beds and jade tables, and the dazzling Yuyu , a really precious place. Among them, Zifu is the place where gods live, so Niwan Palace and Consciousness Sea are called Zifu.

Zifu is the upper Dantian, the middle Dantian is called Jianggong, and the lower Dantian is also called Qihai. The second step to break through the Zifu realm is to connect the three Dantians of the human body.

The last step is to refine the spiritual power in the body, from the lower dantian to the upper dantian, to communicate with heaven and earth, so that the spiritual energy can penetrate the body and continue to grow.

Except for the first step, the last two steps are mostly a matter of course for many monks. There are very few people who fail to open the Zifu in these two steps.

Zhang Jingyun is still different from ordinary monks. His Zifu has actually been opened for a long time, and the Taoist practice system also pays special attention to the practice of the three palaces and nine orifices.

Different from cultivating spiritual power, the Taoist cultivation system is the cultivation of essence, qi, and spirit, with Shangtian Shenshe, Zhongtian Qifu, and Lower Tianjing District.

The essence is alive, the energy is in the middle elixir, the energy is the spirit, the spirit is in the upper elixir, the true water and the true energy combine to form essence, and the essence is in the lower elixir.

To practice self-cultivation, you first open the nine orifices, connect the upper Qi to improve intelligence and strengthen the brain, the middle Qi to benefit the spleen and stomach, the lower Qi to communicate with the heart and kidneys, and build vitality.

Zhang Jingyun has perfected the fourth level of Taoism and reached the realm of the Earth Immortal. If the Zi Mansion has not yet opened, it is probably with the fake Earth Immortal.

Thanks to the accumulation of previous worlds, Zhang Jingyun's opening of the Purple Mansion was extremely smooth this time. The Niwan Palace opened instantly, and his spiritual consciousness was so powerful that he could actively absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and integrate it into his body.

Not only that, Five Elements Talent also jumped out to join in the fun at this time, and Zhang Jingyun's eyebrows suddenly bloomed with colorful light.

It is the spiritual energy of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth that forms the reincarnation of the five elements under the mobilization of the skills, like a colorful whirlpool, breathing in and out of spiritual energy crazily.

It all happened so suddenly.

Bai Zhaoju only saw Zhang Jingyun preparing to open the Purple Mansion, and the fluctuations in his spiritual power increased. The next second, Zhang Jingyun's Purple Mansion opened, and the five elements of spiritual power turned into the five elements of reincarnation to swallow up the spiritual energy.

"Is this going to open the Purple Mansion?"

If she hadn't seen all this for nothing, she would definitely not believe it. She would even think it was as outrageous as her agreement to practice dual cultivation with Zhang Jingyun.

In an instant, Zhang Jingyun was promoted to a cultivator of the Purple Mansion. He became a bit more agile and more harmonious with the rules of this world. In fact, the world of immortal cultivation increasingly regarded Zhang Jingyun as one of its own.

This is a good sign.

The time it took for Zhang Jingyun to recover his cultivation was much shorter. In less than a cup of tea, Zhang Jingyun had completely stabilized the realm of Zifu, and his cultivation was more than three times stronger.

In fact, the world of cultivating immortals does not originally have the realm of Zifu. After establishing the foundation, you have to consider the matter of forming an elixir. And the lifespan during the foundation building period is not that long. The probability of a foundation-building monk forming an elixir is less than one thousandth.

Later, an immortal showed mercy.

The Zifu realm is embedded between the foundation building and the golden elixir. The purple mansion practice is originally a part of the golden elixir period. It condenses the golden elixir, opens the upper dantian, and strengthens the spiritual consciousness.

The immortal thought it was unreasonable and should first strengthen his spiritual consciousness. Divine consciousness is the god of the human body and the supreme commander of all life activities such as human spirit, will, and consciousness.

With stronger spiritual consciousness, one can better control the body and go further on the path of cultivation. Therefore, in order to reach the realm of Zifu, the lifespan of the foundation can be increased, and the golden elixir can be condensed to solidify the foundation for the monks. Moreover, the lifespan after forming the elixir is also longer than the direct lifespan. It takes two hundred years from foundation building to elixir formation.

Just because of the state of Zi Mansion.

Many people in the world of immortality believe that immortals existed, even though for thousands of years, there is no real evidence of the existence of immortals.

After coming back to his senses, the upgrade of the Five Elements Immortality Technique was completed, and Zhang Jingyun upgraded the Xunfeng Jue to the level corresponding to the Zifu realm.

This is an auxiliary spell that uses the power of the Xun Wind to increase one's own flying speed. Upgrading to the Zifu realm only consumes some attribute points without overdrawing one's life.

Zhang Jingyun has almost never used attribute point upgrading techniques in the past year. It is only through a year of accumulation that he can easily upgrade to the Zifu realm.

If he wants to upgrade to the late Zifu or even the Golden Core stage, Zhang Jingyun will have to pay a huge price, unless he has some heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

It took less than half an hour for Zhang Jingyun to go from practicing martial arts to successfully opening the Purple Mansion, but he had already started to doubt his life even though he refused.

"What? You don't know your disciple anymore?"

Zhang Jingyun touched Bai Zhaoji's soft lips, and the latter's face instantly turned crimson, and he glared at Zhang Jingyun angrily: "When you do this kind of thing in the future, you are not allowed to call yourself master or call yourself disciple again."

This kind of taboo feeling is still unacceptable to Bai Zhaorui sometimes, but Zhang Jingyun actually enjoys it.

"I don't think there is any problem in calling Master during the day and Master at night. Now my disciple is about to open the Nascent Soul Secret Realm."

As Zhang Jingyun spoke, he walked under the crescent moon and looked at the crescent moon above his head as he performed the exercises. Sure enough, he could feel a connection in the dark.

at this time.

A ray of light fell on Zhang Jingyun.

The next second, six-colored auras appeared around Zhang Jingyun, and there was a roar as if some portal opened, and Zhang Jingyun gained the qualification to enter the secret realm.

"The secret realm is opened!"

Bai Zhaoju's beautiful eyes are shining. For more than two hundred years, the Golden Sword Sect has finally found a Shengjia, and it has the hope of opening the secret realm.

I never thought that this was not the luckiest thing.

There is actually a person like Zhang Jingyun in the little Golden Sword Sect. He only has the talent of all five elements, and also has the talent of wind. How can other disciples survive?

"Huh? The restriction in the Crescent Moon Valley has been opened?" Bai Zhaoji suddenly noticed something, but saw that the restriction opened instantly and then closed again.

At the same time, several figures fell in awkwardly, three of them had lost their breath, and only one was still alive.

"Li Feng, Zhao Yunlan! This is... Shengjia! How could this happen?" Bai Zhao refused to recognize several people, all of whom were disciples of the Golden Sword Sect.

Li Feng and Zhao Yunlan are both core disciples of the sect. They are cultivated in the Zifu. The other one is perfect in foundation building. He was born as an alchemy boy for Taoist Huo Chi. He is not a core but is comparable to the core.

The three disciples, considered the elite of the second generation disciples, all died. As for the last Shengjia, he was the only one who survived.

Bai Zhaorei transferred a spiritual power into Shengjia's body. When she was in the Golden Core stage, she awakened the disciples in the Foundation Establishment stage, with almost no effort.

"Disciple... I have met Master Bai..."

Sheng Jia struggled to open his mouth, but Bai Zhao refused to interrupt him and said: "There is no need to be more polite at this time. How come you guys dare to return to the sect?"

"It's not that the disciple wants to return to the sect..."

Sheng Jia recovered a little and said: "We had to go back. The elders of the Demon Cauldron Sect fought with the leader and others, and we were attacked by casual cultivators from Yanyunfang City driven by the demon cultivators..."

"How can the Demon Cauldron Sect be so shameless?"

Zhang Jingyun was also surprised that these demonic cultivators were too cautious, and actually drove the casual cultivators to sneak attack the Golden Sword Sect cultivators.

Although the casual cultivators are cannon fodder, they can also play a role in consuming the opponent when necessary. The Demon Cauldron Sect wants to put the Golden Sword Sect to death.

"We separated and were targeted by the elders of the Demon Cauldron Sect. We had no choice but to return to the sect and took shelter in the Crescent Moon Divine Valley. If the Demon Sect monks went to hunt down the leader and others, we might be able to escape. A calamity.”

There is nothing wrong with Sheng Jia and others doing this. However, they were unlucky and collided with a large force on the Devil's Cauldron Sect's floating boat.

Li Feng and others died in a single encounter. Sheng Jia, who had the armor given by the master, was also seriously injured. Fortunately, he met Bai Zhaoji and Zhang Jingyun.

Bai Zhao refused to look at Zhang Jingyun, who nodded: "What he said is true, the Demon Cauldron Sect's floating boat has entered the sect's headquarters, and the secret realm has been opened. Let's go in now."

"The secret realm is open?"

Shengjia couldn't help but look at Zhang Jingyun.

"Now is not the time to talk."

Zhang Jingyun took Bai Zhaoshui and the two of them in together, and the bodies of Li Feng and other three senior brothers were temporarily taken into the system space by him.

After entering this secret realm.

Zhang Jingyun knew that the secret realm here was called Yan Luo. The Yan Luo secret realm was left by the ancient immortals. After several generations of owners, the last owner of the secret realm had no hope of transforming into a god after the Nascent Soul was perfected. He passed away not long after leaving the inheritance.

"The secret realm here has the inheritance of Nascent Soul."

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved and he led the two of them deeper. Sheng Jia looked at Zhang Jingyun, wondering when the Golden Sword Sect would produce another disciple with the talent of Wind, Fire and Wood.

It didn't take long for the three of them to enter the secret realm.

The Devil's Cauldron Sect's floating boat force also broke through the restrictions. The Supreme Leader of Nascent Soul Stage personally took action and used a golden shuttle to break through the restrictions in Crescent Moon Valley with a few strokes.

"Why do these little guys hide here?" The Supreme Leader thought, especially the one who was not dead. He was wearing fourth-level armor, but he was in the foundation-building stage. It was definitely not simple.

Until the Supreme Leader broke the restriction.

See a quarter moon in the sky.

His body trembled and his face turned red, "Secret Realm! The little Golden Sword Gate actually hides a secret realm. It's really...God bless me, ancestor!"

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