People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 271 Golden elixir vision [Please subscribe]

"You are actually talented in the five elements? How is it possible? To open the secret realm, you must have the talent of wind, fire and wood. You obviously already have the talent of wind..."

The soul-fixing divine light on Zhang Jingyun's fingertips could not be faked, but Immortal Yan Luo still couldn't believe it, and even looked a little ferocious.

"Can't the Five Elements talent also include the wind talent?" Zhang Jingyun put away his spiritual light and looked at Immortal Yan Luo with a smile.

The latter looked at Zhang Jingyun and then at Bai Zhaorui. After a moment, he showed an expression of realization, which made Zhang Jingyun and Bai Zhaorui confused.

"No wonder Uncle Bai can master the Ice Emperor Technique. It turns out it's your boy's credit. I didn't expect that after so many years, another five-element talent would be born in the world of immortality."

Zhang Jingyun looked at Immortal Yan Luo and asked in surprise: "You actually know the Ice Emperor Technique. What does this technique have to do with the Five Elements talent?"

"It's normal that you don't know the secret. After all, tens of thousands of years ago, you were not even a human being..." Immortal Yan Luo's words made Zhang Jingyun want to kick him to death.

Fortunately, he didn't talk too much nonsense this time, "The person who created the Ice Emperor Technique is called the Ice Emperor. He has an extremely rare three-line talent. Is it the same as Master Bai's talent?"

Bai Zhao refused to speak, which was his acquiescence. With the eyesight of Immortal Yan Luo, it is not too unexpected to be able to see this.

"Actually, the Ice Emperor Technique was not created by Ice Emperor alone. There was another more powerful person assisting him to create the Ice Emperor Technique. Strictly speaking, the Ice Emperor Technique is a dual cultivation technique."

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Zhaoju looked at Zhang Jingyun. She had felt this way for a long time. Every time she practiced the Ice Emperor Technique, she echoed Zhang Jingyun's five-element spiritual power. It was a sense of integration that came from the depths of the soul. She couldn't wait to see it. Every piece of flesh and blood in his body merged with Zhang Jingyun.

Immortal Yan Luo chuckled and said: "It seems that Uncle Bai has already sensed something. Yes, the person who created the Ice Emperor Art together with the Ice Emperor also has the Five Elements talent.

Unlike Senior Brother Zhang, the Five Elements Talent was like the bright moon in the sky in our time, and the sun above his head was so dazzling.

He alone suppressed all the monks to the point where they could not lift their heads. Looking at the world of immortality, no one was his opponent. The Five Elements Sect he founded was the number one sect in the world of immortality. "

Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized.

The leader of the Five Elements Sect and the Ice Emperor were actually Taoist lovers. They created the Ice Emperor Technique, and the Master of the Five Elements Sect was indispensable. Combined with their unique talents, the Ice Emperor Technique became a technique that only the two of them could practice.

Bai Zhao refused to practice the Ice Emperor Technique. It was fine in the early stage, and he opened up the Zi Mansion with great momentum, but it was no longer good at the golden elixir stage.

From this moment on, the Ice Emperor Technique required the assistance of the Five Elements spiritual power, and the characteristics of the dual cultivation method gradually emerged. If he had not met Zhang Jingyun, Bai Zhaoji would not be able to succeed no matter how many times he tried to form a pill.

"You not only know the secrets of the Five Elements Sect, but you also know the Ice Emperor Technique. Then do you know where to find the complete Ice Emperor Technique?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly asked.

Bai Zhao refused to practice only the first half of the Ice Emperor Technique, which her master risked his life to bring out from the ruins.

Only half of the Ice Emperor Techniques can be cultivated to the limit to reach the perfection of the Golden Elixir. I don't know where to find the techniques for the Nascent Soul stage and beyond.

Bai Zhaoji had not considered this issue before. After all, at that time, she thought that it would be enough to break through the Zifu and reach the Golden Core stage in this life.

As for the skills in the Nascent Soul stage and beyond, Bai Zhaojie has never thought about it. Just kidding, even if he can't break through the bottleneck of Zifu, why should he consider the Nascent Soul?

But not now.

She has condensed the golden elixir and practiced the Ice Emperor Technique very smoothly. She will be promoted to Nascent Soul in a few years, and it is time to think about the future.

However, Immortal Yan Luo shook his head and sighed: "Otherwise, it's easy to say, but I'm afraid it's impossible to find the complete version of the Ice Emperor Technique.

The Ice Emperor has left with the Five Elements Sect Master and others, and has not left any inheritance. It seems that the Ice Emperor himself did not expect that there are people with the same talent as her. "

"The Ice Emperor and the Master of the Five Elements Sect can create the Ice Emperor Technique. We may not be able to do so in the future. Master, just rest assured. The ship will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

Zhang Jingyun said confidently.

Immortal Yan Luo had a strange look on his face: "Don't be too confident. People like the Ice Emperor and the Master of the Five Elements Sect are probably the only one in the history. Don't think that you can compete with the Master of the Five Elements Sect because you also have the Five Elements talent."

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

If you can speak, speak more!

I'm afraid Immortal Yan Luo doesn't know that no matter how powerful a genius is, he will have to lie down when he encounters someone who cheats. How difficult can it be to create a skill? Isn’t it enough just to have attribute points?

"Give me the five-color divine light secret technique and then you will have nothing to do. As for these Demonic Cauldron Sect monks who are imprisoned by the soul-determining divine light, I will leave it to you."

The medicinal fields here are vast and have not been taken care of for so many years. The growth status of the elixirs can only be said to be ordinary. The highest cultivation level of these Demon Cauldron Sect monks is Zifu. It is quite suitable to stay with this group of Yanluo Immortals to farm the land and do odd jobs.

"This is the most powerful magical power and secret technique in the world of immortality. How can I give it to you if I just say it to you?" Immortal Yan Luo said to Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth: "What do you want?"

Immortal Yan Luo: "I need more money!"

"You are a majestic immortal, you have been reincarnated as a soul many times, and you have been wandering in the world of immortality for so many years. Don't tell me that you don't even have spiritual stones, and you still have to be supported by me!"

Immortal Yan Luo blinked, "That's true. I have no shortage of spiritual stones, but I really need you to do one thing for me. How about taking this five-color divine light as payment?"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Jingyun asked cautiously.

Immortal Yan Luo shook his head: "Now is not the time. Anyway, it is a trivial matter for you. Do you accept this deal? I think you don't want to lose this five-color magical power and secret technique, right?"

The smell is so strong?

Mudd! This is the island fairy!

"It's as simple and natural as you said. If it's different from what you said, don't blame me for standing by and watching." Zhang Jingyun said solemnly.

"Don't worry, for others it is more difficult than climbing to the sky, but for you it is easy. Apart from that place, I am the only one who has this five-color divine light secret technique."

Immortal Yan Luo said confidently.

"That place?" Zhang Jingyun was curious.

"It's the place where Uncle Bai and his master went. It's a secret realm for the time being, but this secret realm is man-made and not left behind by the fallen immortals.

It is much more difficult to create a secret realm artificially than to kill an immortal to seize the secret realm. It was originally a fairyland prepared by the immortals because they wanted to transcend the realm of immortality, but later failed for some unknown reason.

The plan to build the Immortal Realm completely failed, and many immortals died there. Over time, it turned into a ruins, and many people went in to seek opportunities.

But Uncle Bai's master's cultivation level is still low, and there are many dangers in the ruins. Even if the monk who transforms into gods comes in, he may not be able to get out.

It was precisely because the plan to create an artificial fairy world failed that the immortals joined forces to open a passage into the other world. They felt that there might be a real fairy world in the other world, where immortals lived. "

Immortal Yan Luo casually told some secrets.

Zhang Jingyun only felt that the original group of immortals were too obsessed with the immortal world, and it was not like the world of immortality could not tolerate them.

Immortal Yan Luo couldn't figure out what kind of help he wanted from Zhang Jingyun. When he asked him when he was going to go, he thought Zhang Jingyun was too weak.

Immortal Yan Luo was not in a hurry and said to Zhang Jingyun: "If your cultivation in the outside world is similar to that in the secret realm, you can give it a try."

"God Transformation Stage? Is it the ruins?"

Zhang Jingyun's cultivation in the secret realm has not been sealed, which is the original earthly immortal realm. The corresponding realm of the immortal realm is the divine transformation stage.

In the entire world of cultivating immortals, you can count on one hand the places where you need to go to the stage of becoming a god, but Immortal Yan Luo didn't say anything more.

"The transformation stage? Then you have to practice hard for several years? And you have to practice day and night." Zhang Jingyun muttered as he turned and left.

When Immortal Yan Luo heard Zhang Jingyun's words, he subconsciously moved the muscles on his face. Even the leader of the Five Elements Sect is not arrogant enough to guarantee that he will be promoted from the Purple Mansion Stage to the Divine Transformation Stage within a few years, right?

Although the Yanluo Secret Realm was left by Immortal Yanluo, it is now owned by Zhang Jingyun. After all, even the Xuanchen Danding that controls the secret realm was refined by him.

Immortal Yan Luo confirmed that the Xuanchen Danding was indeed an immortal weapon. He had spent a lot of money to have it customized by a master of the Five Elements Sect's weapon refining.

The sixth-grade fire inside was originally a seventh-grade, ranked among the immortals, and was one of the fairy fires. However, over the years, Immortal Yan Luo's realm has become lower and lower, and the fairy fire has also degenerated into an ordinary sixth-grade fire.

Yanluo Hall is the place with the richest spiritual energy in the secret realm. If the spiritual veins transferred back from the Demon Cauldron Sect and Zhenyang Sect and the spiritual veins of their own sects merged with the four Jindan-stage monks including Jin Jianmen Tiansong, then the spiritual energy would be rich. A third of the way here can be achieved.

Zhang Jingyun took out the five-color divine light secret technique.

He frowned slightly: "The master of the Five Elements Sect relied on the talent of the Five Elements to refine a Five Directions Heavenly Emperor Cauldron, which was made by gathering the original power of the Five Elements in the world of immortality.

This cauldron is the number one immortal weapon in the world of immortality, and the five-color divine light is related to the origin of the five elements in the Five Directions Heavenly Emperor cauldron. It is not known whether this magical power can be mastered by relying on attribute points alone. "

After a while, Zhang Jingyun's face showed neither sadness nor joy. The five-color divine light was perfected, but its power was not as powerful as expected. It felt like he was strong on the outside but powerful on the inside.

The five-color divine light requires the origin of the five elements to exert its full power. Once it is cast, it can turn all magic weapons and mysterious powers into their most original state.

After seeing the effect of this five-color divine light technique, Zhang Jingyun had to admit that it was indeed powerful. After the leader of the Five Elements Sect created the five-color divine light technique, almost no one in the entire world of immortality could hurt him.

Any magic weapon or secret technique related to the Five Elements will turn into its original state when it comes into contact with it, which means that the magic weapon and the secret technique will become ineffective. Only the master of the Five Elements Sect can use it to protect others, and no one else can touch him.

Even if the physical cultivator wanted to fight the master of the Five Elements Sect in hand-to-hand combat, he ended up losing a lot of his spiritual power after punching him. If he punched him again, he might even lose his cultivation level. What the hell is this?

"Awesome!" Zhang Jingyun's eyes widened.

The world of immortality is inseparable from the five elements. Wind, thunder, and even cloud and ice elements are actually evolved from the five elements.

This five-color divine light secret technique can at least target 99% of the monks in the world of immortality. It is almost equal to invincible magical power. Who dares to provoke it?

"The origin of the Five Elements, this thing is hard to find. All the spiritual objects naturally generated between heaven and earth that contain the origin of the Five Elements can be used. The master of the Five Elements Sect almost traveled all over the world of immortality in order to refine the Five Directions Heavenly Emperor Cauldron, leaving it to future generations. People don’t have much soup, let alone meat.”

Zhang Jingyun sighed, somewhat depressed. This was his first setback in the world of cultivating immortals. It was rare for Immortal Yan Luo not to make sarcastic remarks.

On the contrary, he was shocked for a while when he learned that Zhang Jingyun had mastered the five-color divine light. You must know that the leader of the Five Elements Sect also learned the five-color divine light secret technique after practicing the Five Directions Heavenly Emperor Cauldron. At first, he just I want to collect the origin of the Five Elements to make a powerful immortal weapon.

"As long as you recover your cultivation in the spirit transformation stage in the outside world and follow me to complete that task, how about I give you an immortal weapon that contains the origin of the five elements?"

Immortal Yan Luo suddenly said.

Zhang Jingyun raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise: "Is your family so rich?"

"You can live for tens of thousands of years. In fact, the precious treasures in the world of immortality have long been divided up by the immortals in ancient times. Otherwise, good things can be left to future generations?"

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

Rienima Immortal.

Don’t you even know about sustainable development?

"When the immortals left the world of cultivating immortals, they left behind a lot of immortal weapons. Although I fell down, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. I gained a lot from going to several large sects." Immortal Yan Luo raised the corners of his mouth. .

Yes, Zhang Jingyun didn't waste any time and started practicing. It took nearly a year after he came to the world of immortality to advance from the sixth level of Qi training to the Zifu stage. The speed was still too slow.

Before the transformation stage.

Zhang Jingyun has no bottleneck at all.

It's just that starting from the Zifu stage requires a lot of time to accumulate. If you want to quickly improve your cultivation, you can only rely on the system to add points.

Zhang Jingyun opened the system panel.

"Let me see where your limit is, system, add more points!" As attribute points are continuously consumed, the skill level increases rapidly.

The Five Elements Immortality Kung Fu entered the fourth level like a broken bamboo, which corresponds to the Golden Elixir stage. The spiritual power in Zhang Jingyun's body then turned into a five-color vortex buzzing and turning, as if the Five Elements reincarnated, explaining the supreme magic.

Zhang Jingyun's face flushed, and he advanced three levels in a row. From the Zifu stage to the Golden Core stage, ordinary monks may not be able to cross it through hundreds of years of hard work, but Zhang Jingyun achieved it in an instant.

Boom! The secret realm shook.

Zhang Jingyun's formation of elixirs in the secret realm caused strange phenomena, which shocked Immortal Yan Luo to the point where he couldn't sit still. "Why is there such a big movement? This is not a place to overcome tribulations. Don't ruin my elixir!"

The secret passage opened, Zhang Jingyun flew out and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Many Golden Sword Sect disciples did not even react.

Zhang Jingyun doesn't know.

The condensation of the Five Elements talent into golden elixir will cause strange phenomena, and this is true for all the people with the Five Elements talent who have been born in the world of immortality for tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyun forming an elixir means shouting to the world of immortality, saying: I have the talent of the Five Elements! Not a good thing, but not a bad thing either.

The Five Elements talent is really famous.

Many sects will definitely rush to get Zhang Jingyun, but correspondingly, the sects that can't get Zhang Jingyun probably think that other sects can't even dream of possessing the genius that they can't get.

After all, no one wants other sects to soar into the sky. It is okay for everyone to maintain a balance. If there is a hidden danger of destroying the balance, of course it must be eliminated as soon as possible. Zhang Jingyun himself did not expect that the condensed golden elixir would unexpectedly attract many uninvited guests.

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