People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 272 The End of Return【Please subscribe】

There are constant visions in the sky, and the spiritual energy differentiates into five colors, forming a five-color vortex above Zhang Jingyun's head. The spiritual energy rotates endlessly, which is the sign of the reincarnation of the five elements.

The surging spiritual energy is like the Milky Way flowing backward.

Zhang Jingyun's physical body seemed to be a bottomless pit, absorbing and refining all the spiritual energy swallowed by the five elements of reincarnation above his head into the five elements of spiritual power.

"Sure enough, everyone with the Five Elements talent is a monster. This kind of golden elixir phenomenon is bigger than the movement of many monks advancing to the Nascent Soul stage."

Immortal Yan Luo, who came after hearing the sound, couldn't help but mutter that almost all the monks of his time lived in the shadow of the master of the Five Elements Sect.

Like Zhang Jingyun, the former master of the Five Elements Sect, the strange phenomenon caused by condensing the golden elixir alarmed almost half of the world of immortality, which was unparalleled in the past and present.

However, at this moment, Immortal Yan Luo felt that the vision produced by Zhang Jingyun's condensation of golden elixir was not much worse than that of the master of the Five Elements Sect, and was even more intense.

Zhang Jingyun did not expect that just by breaking through the golden elixir stage, he could make such a big noise, and even the upcoming thunder disaster was slightly more dangerous.

Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun was also prepared. The operation of the technique was not the Five Elements Immortality Kung Fu, but the Nine Turns Mysterious Kung Fu, which could use thunder tribulation to refine the body.

The Nine-turn Mysterious Art is the best in all the worlds. It is said to be able to become a saint in nine turns. In the prehistoric world, it is a saint who proves the way through strength. His strength is even greater than that of a saint who proves the way through meritorious deeds and kills three corpses.

However, even in the prehistoric world, no one can practice the nine-turn Xuan Gong to the ninth rank. Someone as powerful as Erlang Shen Yang Jian can only reach the Taiyi Golden Immortal status of the sixth rank Xuan Gong.

When Zhang Jingyun was in his heyday, he had not even mastered the second level of Xuan Gong. If he completed the first level of Xuan Gong, he would be in the realm of earthly immortals, and the second level of Xuan Gong would be among the heavenly immortals.

The golden elixir thunder calamity fell, and Zhang Jingyun used his energy to temper his body. He felt lightning strikes as thick as his arms hitting him, and a pain from the depths of his soul surged into his heart.

In the next second, the mana generated by running the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong circulates through the body, and the pain disappears. It is like a handful of cool mountain spring pouring on the skin on a hot summer day, which is particularly refreshing and refreshing.

Zhang Jingyun is still not satisfied.

The thunderstorms gathered more and more, and Zhang Jingyun practiced Xuan Gong, which indirectly led to the increase in the power of the thunder tribulation. It seems that the rules of this world do exclude outside magical powers and secret techniques.

However, compared with Zhang Jingyun's initial arrival in the world of immortal cultivation, it was much better. After being exposed to the cultivation system of this world, his original realm of cultivation became increasingly unrestricted.

Each thunderstorm struck Zhang Jingyun.

It all makes Zhang Jingyun feel like he has been liberated from his shackles. The Nine Transformation Mysterious Skills are getting smoother and smoother, and the rules of heaven and earth restrict him less and less.

Until he withstood forty-nine and thirty-six thunder tribulations, the Nine Transformations Mysterious Skill was no longer restricted. This meant that Zhang Jingyun could still exert his original cultivation even if he was not in the Yanluo Secret Realm.

"The Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique is not restricted, what about the others?" Zhang Jingyun tried other techniques. The Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Technique is not subject to any restrictions. The Five Thunder Techniques of the Supreme Purity can also be used freely. Samadhi True Fire, Shrinking the Earth to an Inch When the magic spells are activated one by one, the seal is completely released.

"It's really a double happiness!"

Zhang Jingyun looked happy, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration. He felt that there was an opportunity in the dark, and the Nine-turn Mysterious Art showed signs of breaking through the second-turn.

"Three happy times?"

Zhang Jingyun hesitated slightly. He had just condensed the golden elixir, and it was still the result of using attribute points to upgrade to three levels in a row. If he breaks through the second level of Xuan Gong again, will it damage his foundation?

Using attribute points to upgrade skills is like developing your body. You must also have a certain amount of accumulation. Otherwise, your life will be overdrawn, which is an act of overthrowing the talent.

Although this time he took the initiative to sense the opportunity for breakthrough, Zhang Jingyun was like practicing double cultivation nine times in a row, and there was really not a drop left.

Under this situation, if Zhang Jingyun still wants to break through, he can only rely on the energy provided by heaven, material and earth treasures to prevent him from overdrawing his life by breaking through the realm.

As for the treasures of heaven and earth…

On weekdays, Zhang Jingyun didn't even go out to the sect very often, and he never thought about going out for adventure. Naturally, he had no chance to obtain the treasures of heaven and earth.

There are several vermilion fruit trees growing in the Yangtian Vase. It was Zhang Jingyun who placed the seeds in the Yangtian Vase after eating the vermilion fruits.

This bottle is at the very least an innate spiritual treasure. It is said to be able to nourish a world, and it is certainly not a problem to raise a few red fruits. In fact, it is exactly what he thought.

Just one year.

The red fruit seeds have taken root, sprouted and grown vigorously, growing into a red fruit tree about one foot tall, with a few scattered flowers on the fruit tree.

This is incredible. If a red fruit tree wants to produce red fruits, it will take thousands of years to bloom, a thousand years to bear fruit, and another thousand years for the fruit to mature.

Therefore, the Zhuguo, also known as the Thousand-Year Zhuguo, needs to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for three thousand years, but in the Heaven-raising Vase, it bloomed in just one year.

If this rate is followed, Zhang Jingyun will be able to harvest the first batch of Millennium Vermillion Fruits in two years. The Heavenly Vase will directly make the Vermilion Fruits grow a thousand times faster.

Even Zhang Jingyun was shocked.

But even so, Zhang Jingyun still has to wait two years before he can eat the Zhu Guo. It will definitely be no problem to break through the second level of Xuan Gong.

"We can only harm the elixirs in Yan Luo's secret realm. Although the secret realm was left by Immortal Yan Luo, I am also the owner of the secret realm. At worst, I will use the Yangtian bottle to raise some elixirs and return them to him."

Zhang Jingyun flipped his wrist, and an elixir appeared. It was a dreamy light blue in color. It was an orchid-shaped elixir with nine flowers, each with nine petals.

Ordinary monks are so close that they may even fall into the illusion created by the elixir itself, so this elixir is called the Nine Fantasy Fairy Orchid.

"The fifth-level high-grade elixir is one of the main ingredients for refining the magic elixir. It's up to you." Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth and ate the Nine Fantasy Fairy Orchid raw.

"Shut up!"

Immortal Yan Luo shouted out when he saw this scene, but it was already too late. The Nine Fantasy Fairy Orchid had already been eaten by Zhang Jingyun.

"You prodigal son, this is one of the main ingredients for refining the magic elixir, and you just take it like this? You can even refine it into other elixirs!"

Immortal Yan Luo's heart bleeds. As an alchemist, the last thing he wants to see is the waste of elixirs. Eating elixirs raw sometimes cannot bring out the full effect. Isn't it a waste?

Zhang Jingyun took the elixir into his stomach and continued to operate the technique. The Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong naturally broke through the realm and began to operate the route of the second revolution.

When the skill breaks through, a large amount of spiritual energy will be sucked into the body and refined into mana. Even so, the absorption speed of spiritual power is not enough to generate mana. If the mana is not enough, the second round of Xuan Gong will fail, so at this time the elixir is obtained. The effect is reflected.

As the power of the medicine rose, Zhang Jingyun felt hot inside his body. The strong power of the medicine stimulated his body, like a wild horse running wild.

At this moment, the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique broke out.

The astonishing medicinal power was absorbed and transformed in an instant, and the Xuan Gong was turned into mana. In the face of the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong, no matter how strong the horse was, it had to be ridden by the teacher.

"Not enough, far from enough!"

Zhang Jingyun can feel that the Nine Transformations Mysterious Skill is very hungry. It requires a lot of spiritual energy to convert into mana. If the spiritual energy is not enough, it can only be supplemented by medicinal power.

Immortal Yan Luo then saw Zhang Jingyun turning his hands and putting elixirs into his mouth one after another, sometimes putting two elixirs directly into his mouth.

There are dozens of fifth-level elixir trees in the secret medicine garden, all of which were picked by Zhang Jingyun in advance for use. Unexpectedly, they actually played a key role.

Immortal Yan Luo sat down on the ground.

It feels like luring a wolf into your home and stealing it.

At this time, the powerful men from the major immortal cultivating sects in the southern region also looked for the golden elixir vision and found Zhang Jingyun. One after another figures stood in the air, searching.

Finally, all eyes fell on Zhang Jingyun. Seeing that his breath was unstable, he must have just broken through the realm, which was the source of the strange phenomenon.

"There is such a person with the Five Elements talent. It seems that he is not very young. Also, among the monks who have the Five Elements talent in the past, which one is not amazing?"

"This son is destined to my sect."

"Nonsense, look at the aura on his body, he should be practicing some kind of body training technique, and it would be most suitable to join our Fire God Palace."

"Throw yourself into the fire and refine yourself until the end, without even a single hair on your head. So what if you become stronger? Who in the world of immortality is willing to become a Taoist couple with a monk from the Fire God Palace?"

The cultivator from the Fire God Palace had a shiny bald head on his head, and his already dark red face became even more rosy. It was obvious that he had been touched on a sore point.

"With the five elements of talent, it would be a pity not to practice swordsmanship."

A monk carrying an ancient sword suddenly spoke, as if even the air contained sword energy, which was really hard to look at.

"Are all the sword cultivators from Baidi City here?"

Some people in the crowd could not help but take a breath. Looking at the Baidi City in the Southern Region, it was considered the number one immortal cultivator sect. Even the bald body cultivator from the Fire God Palace did not dare to take the ancient sword of the Baidi City Sword Cultivator.

Immortal Yan Luo frowned when he saw more and more monks around him, and retreated behind everyone, silently observing Zhang Jingyun's situation.

Zhang Jingyun also reached a critical moment.

After the second round of Xuan Gong was completed, I felt the three Dantians in my body spit out spiritual light from each other, from bottom to top, converging on the Baihui point on the top of my head, and gradually manifested its actual form.

There are three Dantians: Upper Tian Shenshe, Middle Tian Qi Palace, and Lower Tian Jing District. When the essence is alive, the energy is in the middle elixir; when the energy is alive, the spirit is in the upper elixir.

The three Dantians are related to the essence, energy and spirit. The second round of Xuan Gong is to mobilize the essence, energy and spirit of the whole body and consolidate it from virtual to solid.

This process is also called Three Flowers Gathering on the Top in some Taoist classics. The three flowers are Sanhua, which represents the glory of the essence, energy and spirit of the human body. The so-called gathering on the top means that the essence, energy and spirit are mixed together and gathered in one orifice of the entrance.

Three pieces of simple brilliance were flowing above Zhang Jingyun's head, which was exactly the appearance of three flowers gathering at the top. At the same time, Zhang Jingyun's physical body was sublimated again. Every piece of flesh and blood on his body was transforming. His body was light and his spiritual platform was clear.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth rushed into the body. These changes made the Nascent Soul cultivators present confused and thought it was a vision unique to the Five Elements talent.

Zhang Jingyun breathed a sigh of relief. He broke through the realm without any danger. The second level of Xuan Gong attracted three flowers to gather together, which was beyond the scope of the realm of earthly immortals.

In the world of immortality, it is comparable to the ancient immortals.

"My friend, would you like to follow me to the Fire God Palace to practice?" A bald monk came up to Zhang Jingyun and said harmoniously, but the kindness he tried to show made it even more weird when it fell on his ferocious black face.

"Physical training in the Nascent Soul stage?"

When Zhang Jingyun was confused, someone came over and said, "My little friend is very talented. Jiufengshan is willing to give you a sixth-level magic weapon to invite you to join us. What do you think, little friend?"

Zhang Jingyun of the Fire God Palace has heard that the Southern Territory Sect has several Nascent Soul monks in charge. It is a physical cultivation sect that has been passed down for thousands of years. Jiufeng Mountain is even more famous. It is said that the Phoenix True Fire is bred under the Nine-headed Phoenix Mountain in the Southern Territory. Nine Phoenix Immortal tens of thousands of years ago practiced here for thousands of years.

Several others were about to speak, but were interrupted by a sword cultivator, "There is a Five Elements Kung Fu in Baidi City that directly points to the fairyland. If you are interested, you can come and have a look with this token someday."

"Five Elements Cultivation Techniques?" Zhang Jingyun was of course interested. There have not been many monks with Five Elements talents in the world of immortality since ancient times. Every Five Elements Cultivation Techniques are extremely precious.

Of course, this is only for Zhang Jingyun.

Even if others have the Five Elements Kung Fu but can't practice it, they naturally won't take it too seriously. Therefore, the swordsman of Baidi City is quite a bit of a thief.

"I have long heard that Baidi City is thousands of feet high and has countless magical powers and secrets. I will definitely visit it if I have the opportunity in the future." Zhang Jingyun took the token.

"Little friend, the sixth-level magic weapon in Jiufeng Mountain is also very fragrant. It will help you avoid hundreds of detours. You can refine any magic weapon in Jiufeng Mountain, so don't miss it."

"Fire God Palace..."

Zhang Jingyun had no choice but to tell everyone to think about it again, and Ying Heyi finally broke away. Only then did Immortal Yan Luo come over.

"There is no need to go to Baidi City. Their Five Elements Cultivation Techniques are all handed down from the Five Elements Sect. The master of the Five Elements Sect knows the two major divine light secret arts. Why do you need other Five Elements Cultivation Techniques?"

Zhang Jingyun nodded. Immortal Yan Luo was about to speak, but he saw Zhang Jingyun grabbing his hand and using his magical power to shrink to an inch and return to the secret realm of Yan Luo.

Returning to the secret realm, Immortal Yan Luo staggered and almost lost his balance. Zhang Jingyun's magical power was too fast.

He asked in surprise: "Have you completely recovered?"

Zhang Jingyun nodded. Not only did he recover his cultivation, he also made further progress and reached the level of an immortal in the world of cultivating immortals.

Although his spiritual power cultivation is far from reaching the Immortal Realm, Zhang Jingyun can rely on his second level of Xuan Gong to make ordinary immortals not even look down upon.

"What you said before, start as soon as possible. In addition, you have to give me the fairy weapon containing the origin of the five elements in advance." Zhang Jingyun said.

"You want the fairy weapon in advance before the matter is settled?" Immortal Yan Luo asked dissatisfied. How precious is the fairy weapon that contains the origin of the five elements? What if Zhang Jingyun ran away with the immortal weapon?

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, "It's not that I don't trust you, but I'm pressed for time. In fact, with my current strength, it's easy to do anything to you, even if you are an immortal."

Immortal Yan Luo was doubtful. He really couldn't see Zhang Jingyun's strength clearly, but vaguely, he felt that what Zhang Jingyun said was true.

Zhang Jingyun did not lie to Immortal Yan Luo.

Because he really doesn’t have much time in the world of cultivating immortals. Just now, after Zhang Jingyun’s second level of Xuan Gong reached a state comparable to that of an immortal, the voice of the system came from his mind, “Ding! The host’s state has reached its current limit. , do you want to return to the real world immediately?”

The countdown to return to the real world has begun. Zhang Jingyun naturally has to get the immortal weapon containing the origin of the five elements first. If Immortal Yan Luo asks for his help, it will be very dangerous and he can run away directly.

Immortal Yan Luo pondered for two seconds and then agreed: "Okay, but you have to take the immortal weapon yourself. In addition, you have to promise to return the immortal weapon after you have finished practicing the five-color divine light."

Zhang Jingyun: "???"

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