People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 275 Bai Ling repays favor [Please subscribe]

"What do you want?" Yanzhi asked with a trembling body. She was still kind in nature, and she felt guilty for interrupting Zhang Jingyun's practice by jumping off a cliff to die.

Zhang Jingyun sighed in her heart, she was a good girl, but unfortunately, the current monk Daoji was no longer the Li Xiuyuan she knew, but the reincarnation of Arhat who subdued the dragon in the Buddhist world.

Of course, Zhang Jingyun couldn't talk to her about this now. The top priority was to dispel her thoughts of seeking death. What happened next would be better than following the Dapeng bird to practice some ruthless magic skills in the original plot.

As soon as his thoughts changed, Zhang Jingyun looked at Yan Zhi and said, "Since you have already wanted to die, then I don't think you will have any regrets in this world."

Rouge's eyes were dull and her face became paler. After listening to Zhang Jingyun's words, she smiled to herself and said, "I am a woman of a poor family. They want me to die. What else can they miss in this world?"

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "Then if you do good deeds, consider it as compensation for interrupting my practice. Is that hairpin on your head made of gold? You are going to die anyway, why not leave it to me?"

"Money is just an extraneous thing to me. Since Master Xian wants it, I will give it to you." Yanzhi pulled out the golden hairpin, and her black hair fell down around her waist like a waterfall, fluttering in the wind, her hair sticking to her His face looked particularly poignant.

"Your gold bracelet is useless if you keep it, right?" Zhang Jingyun looked at her white wrist, and the latter took off the bracelet and gave it to Zhang Jingyun along with the few dozen taels of silver left on her body.

"Master Immortal, I'll give it all to you. I don't have a single coin on me. Can I find a place to end it completely now?" Yanzhi said and was about to leave.

Zhang Jingyun stopped her again and said, "Girl, wait a minute, a good man will do his best to send Buddha to the West. This gold wedding dress you are wearing is of no use at all, so why not give it to me together."


Yanzhi was about to agree when she suddenly reacted. Her beautiful face now showed a bit of dissatisfaction. She frowned and said, "You took my money and now you don't even leave me any clothes? That's too much." !”

Zhang Jingyun said sternly: "I'm just doing this for my own good. Look at you, dressed in wedding clothes, you must be unwilling to die like this. There is a high probability that you will turn into a ghost. Then I will have to catch the ghost."

Take off your wedding dress and don't commit suicide with resentment. Then you can go directly to the underworld, drink Meng Po soup at Naihe Bridge, and your life will be over. "


Sounds quite experienced.

In line with the idea of ​​not causing trouble if she is dead, Yanzhi actually took off her gold wedding dress and neatly folded it in front of Zhang Jingyun. She even took off her red round-top shoes and wore only white socks in a daze. Turn around and leave.

Zhang Jingyun held the clothes and gold and silver jewelry in his hands and said to himself: "It's pitiful, some people don't know why they ended up today until they die.

What else can you say, childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts, the one here is committing suicide, but the one over there can't even shed a tear, and even the one who dies is a fool..."

Zhang Jingyun's voice was not loud, but it was exceptionally clear. When Yan Zhi heard it, her almost desperate face suddenly changed a little.

She turned around suddenly and chased after Zhang Jingyun and asked: "Master Immortal, I wonder what you meant by what you just said? Do you know why my husband suddenly abandoned me? I don't want to be a fool!"

Zhang Jingyun paused, looked at her and said strangely: "I'm going to die soon, what's the point of knowing this?"

Yanzhi knelt down in front of Zhang Jingyun with a pop and said: "I am blind and can't see Mount Tai. I didn't realize it when the immortal master gave me instructions.

I don’t want to die either, but I am a slave. Living in this world will only be criticized by others. I beg the immortal master to give me some advice. "

"Kefu Ming? I can't see it."

Hearing Zhang Jingyun's words, Yanzhi raised his head, his eyes seemed to have a little more brilliance, and then Zhang Jingyun continued to speak.

"In my opinion, it seems that the husband you mentioned is a wife-killer. The root of the problem should be with him. Why should you feel sorry for yourself?"

"Is what the Immortal Master said true?"

Yanzhi couldn't believe it. It was Zhang Jingyun's words that were beyond her expectation. But thinking about it, why did everyone think it was their master's fault and not Li Xiuyuan's problem? Why are you blaming yourself?

Why was he the one who jumped off the cliff?

Rouge's chest was rising and falling, and she felt more and more aggrieved. What was her fault? She was determined to find Li Xiuyuan and find out.

It's just a huge crowd, where can I find Li Xiuyuan? Yanzhi subconsciously looked at Zhang Jingyun, but found that there was no shadow of Zhang Jingyun in front of him.

"Immortal Master!" Yan Zhixia shouted.

Zhang Jingyun left, and Yanzhi didn't want to die. At the same time, he also felt a little regretful. He missed the fate of immortality in vain. The other party came and went freely. He must be like a god. It would be great if he could learn some skills from him.

"Master Immortal, where are you?"

Yanzhi's voice became louder, not entirely because of Zhang Jingyun's departure, but mainly because Zhang Jingyun had even taken away her clothes and shoes, making it difficult for her to move around.

Even if you leave the shoes behind...

At this moment, a flash of light entered his mind, and Rouge trembled slightly as he heard Zhang Jingyun's voice: "Now that I have collected your gold and silver clothes, you can come to the Security Hall to find me if you need anything."

Yanzhi murmured: "Security Hall?"


Zhang Jingyun cast a spell and appeared in the security hall. Bai Suzhen sent her sister Xu Jiaorong away and took Zhang Jingyun's place in the consultation. Xiaoqing took care of Xu Shilin in the backyard.

With the birth of Xu Shilin.

Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen are completely relaxed. They only need to wait for Xu Shilin, the reincarnation of Wenquxing, to return to heaven after completing his achievements. By then, Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen can become immortals together and rank among the immortals.

Bai Suzhen's own strength exceeds that of many immortals. After becoming an immortal, she is registered as an immortal, and she is also powerful among the immortals.

Sometimes cultivation goes smoothly when the mind is relaxed. Bai Suzhen only feels that her progress is rapid and her cultivation is more than twice as deep as before pregnancy.

"Husband, this True Dragon Treasure Technique is really powerful. I haven't even scratched the surface of it after studying it for several days." Bai Suzhen said softly when she saw Zhang Jingyun coming back.

Zhang Jingyun was surprised when he heard that the True Dragon Treasure Technique was a fairy king-level secret technique in a perfect world. It would be strange if Bai Suzhen could master it in a few days.

"My lady has the unique advantage of transforming into a dragon and practicing the true dragon magic. Don't worry, if you master this secret technique, you won't be trapped by her dragnet when you face the Holy Mother of Yaochi again."

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but sneer at the end, and Bai Suzhen's face changed slightly. She had never thought that practicing a secret technique would make her comparable to the Holy Mother of Yaochi.

"Officials, be careful what you say!"

Zhang Jingyun said no more.

When Bai Suzhen was scolded by Our Lady of Yaochi in Heaven, she was almost deprived of a thousand years of Taoism. Fortunately, Guanyin Bodhisattva stopped her in time.

Now Zhang Jingyun may not be a match for the Immortals and Buddhas such as Our Lady of Yaochi and Tathagata Buddha, but the level of this world is not high after all. Zhang Jingyun estimates that it will be enough to reach another level.

For several days.

Zhang Jingyun, Bai Suzhen, and Xiao Qing worked day and night to perform dual cultivation secret techniques. Zhang Jingyun increased his attribute points, and Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing also had corresponding benefits.

Her qualifications have been improved subtly, her magic power has become more and more refined, and even the demonic aura in Xiao Qing's body has been almost completely eliminated by Zhang Jingyun's constant washing.

It is extremely difficult for demons to expel evil spirits.

Bai Suzhen also had to be instructed by Emperor Zhenwu to give her an elixir to wash away the demonic aura, otherwise she would definitely be exposed in the human world.

In addition, the evil spirit is also very harmful to humans. If Bai Suzhen did not cleanse the evil spirit and got together with Xu Xian, a mortal, Xu Xian would not be able to survive for three days.

Only Zhang Jingyun, with his extraordinary talents and special abilities, was able to subdue the two snake spirits on the left and right of his pillow, and feel content with them.

"Officer, Chen Yuanwai sent someone to invite you yesterday." The next morning, Bai Suzhen said to Zhang Jingyun who felt refreshed.

"Mr. Chen? What's wrong with him?"

Zhang Jingyun knew that Yuan Wai Chen was considered a wealthy man in Hangzhou, with more than a million yuan in wealth. Yuan Wai Chen's wife often burned incense and worshiped Buddha, and donated some sesame oil money, which amounted to several hundred taels of silver.

"It's not that Chen Yuanwai has something wrong, it's his son who has a strange illness. As the only son of the Chen family, Chen Yuanwai and his wife love their son very much. This time, the illness also happened suddenly, and ordinary doctors were helpless, so they asked the officials for help. On the head." Bai Suzhen said.

Zhang Jingyun is the head of the Three Emperors Patriarch Association in Hangzhou and a well-known miracle doctor. He is the last person to turn to him for difficult and complicated diseases.

"Ordinary doctors are helpless, how can they still treat my wife? What disease do you think it is?" Zhang Jingyun asked casually.

Bai Suzhen said: "According to the description of the housekeeper of the Chen family, Chen Yuanwai's only son was groggy during the day, but suddenly became energetic at night.

Sometimes I sleep for several days, with a dark complexion, dark eyes, dull eyes, and symptoms of soul separation. In my opinion, this is not a disease, but an encounter with a monster. "

"If it were just a monster that specializes in sucking the yang energy of living people, Chen Yuanwai's son would have died long ago. It seems that this monster has some connection with the Chen family. I'll go there today."

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while and said.

His practice of the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique consumes a lot of resources, and ordinary elixirs are of no use to him. It will take more than a year for the red fruit in the heavenly nourishing bottle to mature. If the monster is an evildoer, he will directly take the demon pill. Absorb and refine to increase mana.

Not long after Zhang Jingyun left, he saw a girl with a graceful figure suddenly walking into the security hall. She looked like she was no more than twenty-eight years old, but she looked very embarrassed. She was only wearing white lining, and a pair of white socks were frayed, revealing toe.

"What's wrong with you, girl?"

Bai Suzhen asked.

"I'm not here to see a doctor, I'm here to see someone. My clothes are neither too long nor too short, and they look like the same style. I wear a black lacquer headscarf, a pair of white jade rings on the back of my head, a Qingluo Taoist robe, and a pair of soap boots. Dress up neatly from top to bottom." Rouge said.

When Bai Suzhen heard this, she looked her up and down. Wasn't the person she was talking about one of her officials? She didn't know if she didn't pay attention, but she was shocked when she did.

Although the girl in front of her looks like a beggar, if you take a closer look, you will see that her cheeks are plump and soft. She is not an ordinary person at first glance, and her facial features are exquisite and perfect. With a little care, she will be an outstanding beauty.

Is there anyone outside, officials?

Did the other party come to your door?

After being influenced by Xu Jiaorong, Bai Suzhen subconsciously thought about something wrong, and immediately asked cautiously: "I don't know the girl's name, what are you doing with him?"

Yanzhi said aggrievedly: "He just took away the clothes. He didn't even leave me any shoes. I just walked barefoot for a whole day to get here."

Bai Suzhen: "..."

Bai Suzhen frowned, with a slightly unkind look on her face. Yanzhi came back to her senses and quickly explained: "My name is Yanzhi. If the immortal master hadn't saved me, I would have fallen to death at the foot of Huitou Cliff..."

After hearing what Yan Zhi said and figuring out the whole story, Bai Suzhen realized, "Are you the daughter-in-law of the Li family who was forced to disappear?"

Yanzhi burst into tears and nodded.

"When Li Xiuyuan became a monk, he was probably possessed by an evil spirit. The girl actually jumped off a cliff and committed suicide for him. He was so impulsive. Fortunately, he was saved by an official." Bai Suzhen said.

"Ah, the immortal master is actually my sister's husband?"

Bai Suzhen smiled and said: "What kind of immortal master? The officer and I are only proficient in some Xuanmen magic. His real name is Xu Xian, with Chinese characters. He opened the Security Hall and is also the head of the Three Emperors Patriarch Association. It is our duty to treat illnesses and save people."

"It turns out that the benefactor's name is Xu Xian..."


It didn't take long for Zhang Jingyun to arrive at the Chen Mansion. The housekeeper of the Chen Mansion had been waiting outside the door for a long time. When he saw Zhang Jingyun, he hurriedly came up to greet him.

"Miracle Doctor Xu, I have finally waited for you. You don't know that the young master slept for seven days in a row, which made the master and his wife very anxious.

The master was so worried that he tried all kinds of methods. Not only was he ill and he went to the doctor in a hurry, he even invited Taoist monks who practiced exorcism. "

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said: "This is not a case of rushing to the doctor. Maybe the root cause was found accidentally. Medical skills are not divided into different schools. I think your Chen family's yin energy is a bit strong. Do you feel it?"

When the housekeeper of the Chen Mansion heard this, he slapped his thigh and said, "Doctor Xu is really right. I always feel that the house is so eerie these days, I am even scared to sleep."

Can you not be afraid? In the Chen Mansion, the demonic aura is so high that there is probably a thousand-year-old demon hiding there. Normal people are easily affected by the demonic aura, not to mention the young master Chen who may face the demon directly. He is afraid that he will be taken over by the demon.

"Doctor Xu, please come in quickly. The Taoist priests and monks in the mansion have eaten and drank enough at this moment, and they should get up from the altar to cast spells soon." The housekeeper said while leading the way.

Zhang Jingyun followed him in and suddenly saw a seven-foot-tall golden body of Skanda Bodhisattva in the courtyard. It had magical power fluctuations and was extremely extraordinary.

"Where did this golden body of Skanda come from?"

The housekeeper scratched his head: "It was the meat-and-wine monk who brought him here. That monk was crazy and out of shape. He drank alcohol and ate meat, and was not a vegetarian. The master almost couldn't help but kick him out."

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, "It turns out to be Daoji. It seems that the monster in Chen's residence is the thousand-year-old fox spirit Bai Ling who transformed on the top of the snow mountain."

The thousand-year-old vixen Bai Ling entangled Chen Yuanwai's son, not to harm him, but to repay the favor of three generations. After Bai Ling transformed on the top of the Arctic snow mountain, she immediately came to Chen's house to promise her body.

That day, Chen Liang, the son of Yuanwai Chen, was put to sleep.

It was a very direct attack. Unfortunately, Bai Ling didn't know the evil spirit in her body, and Chen Liang couldn't bear it. In addition, she acted too hastily, and she almost killed Chen Liang.

"This vixen is too rough."

Zhang Jingyun was secretly stunned. This vixen Bai Ling was a first-class beautiful succubus. Zhang Jingyun remembered that she was played by the actor Jiang Yuyan who was killed in the whole drama until only the title was left. Unexpectedly, after Chen Liang got the advantage, this guy actually got along with her. Xu Hanwen, the grass python hero, has a chance to win!

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