People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 276 A flash in the pan is Wei Tuo【Please subscribe】

Before Chen Liang III, Bai Ling had not yet cultivated into human form. At that time, she was injured by a trap and was rescued by Chen Liang in his previous life.

Chen Liang named her three lives ago: Bai Ling, and Bai Ling depended on him from then on until she died of old age. After Chen Liang passed away in his previous life, his neighbors helped him arrange his funeral arrangements, and Bai Ling stayed at the grave for three years.

In order to repay the kindness that Chen Liang III had shown her before, Bai Ling, who was actually a snow fox, cultivated into a human form on the top of the snow mountain and came to Chenjiazhuang to repay her kindness as soon as possible.

It's just that Bai Ling's way of repaying his kindness was simple and crude. He directly used magic to confuse Chen Liang, pledged himself to him, and spent a growing night with him.

The way monsters repay kindness is very different from that of humans. You can refer to Bai Suzhen. The way to repay kindness is to go down to earth to marry Xu Xian and then give birth to a child.

Bai Ling is no exception, but she has just transformed and doesn't quite understand many things. Chen Liang is a mortal and cannot bear the demonic aura in Bai Ling.

For several days, Bai Ling stayed with Chen Liang, causing Chen Liang's body to collapse. Only then did he attract Taoist monks to slay demons.

But in essence, Bai Ling is kind-hearted, and he sincerely repays his gratitude to Chen Liang. Otherwise, he would never have been allowed to go straight to Huanglong and give up his body to Chen Liang. He is definitely a real monster.

When Zhang Jingyun entered Chenjiazhuang, he was basically sure that he had indeed started the plot of the Living Buddha Jigong. Bai Ling's repayment of kindness was the beginning of Jigong's story in the human world.

As the housekeeper entered the house, what came into view was the golden statue of Wei Tuo Bodhisattva standing in the courtyard, with mana fluctuations on it.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. The status of Wei Tuo Bodhisattva in Buddhism is much higher than that of Arhat. The statue of Wei Tuo in front of him, with a face like a boy, expresses his innocence towards Buddhism. He holds the vajra pestle to subdue evil spirits to express his ability to destroy evil spirits. Righteousness, eliminating demons and defending Buddha.

In Buddhism, Wei Tuo is the protector of the Buddha and the Dharma protector of Buddhism. Temples will enshrine Wei Tuo Zuntian Bodhisattva, whose duty is to protect the Dharma and bring peace to the monks.

Wei Tuo Bodhisattva will protect and protect the nine hundred and ninety-nine Buddhas among the Thousand Buddhas of the Xian Kalpa.

Zhang Jingyun vaguely remembers that in the original plot, the statue of Wei Tuo Bodhisattva appeared briefly, manifested Wei Tuo's true body, and injured Bai Ling.

After looking at it for a few more times, Zhang Jingyun turned away. It was just a golden statue that offered incense and could manifest Wei Tuo's true form once. It was not the presence of Wei Tuo Bodhisattva in person, so it would not make Zhang Jingyun afraid of his hands and feet.

After a while, Chen Yuanwai came out of the room to greet him. Chen Yuanwai attached great importance to Xu Hanwen, a miracle doctor who was famous in Hangzhou.

To be honest, he had no choice but to invite Taoist monks to do the treatment. He was thinking of treating a dead horse as a living doctor. What if he could cure his son?

But Zhang Jingyun is different.

He is a genuine doctor, a miracle doctor in Hangzhou, the head of the Patriarch Association of the Three Emperors, and even the grand masters of the dynasty invited Zhang Jingyun to visit him.

Chen Yuanwai obviously paid more attention to Zhang Jingyun, "Miracle Doctor Xu, the dog has a strange disease, please treat it!"

Zhang Jingyun waved his hand, "Now that I'm here, I won't stand idly by. I heard that Mr. Chen also invited Taoist monks to come over..."

"Mr. Xu, I am in a hurry and seek medical treatment. It's not that I don't believe you. Please wait a moment. I will ask them to leave." Chen Yuanwai said quickly.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "That's not what I meant. The mountain man has his own clever plan. Maybe the person you invited can really cure your young master?"

I'll let them check Mr. Chen's symptoms later. If they can't do anything, I won't be too late to take action. What do you think, Mr. Chen? "

"Then thank you miracle doctor Xu!"

After listening to Zhang Jingyun's words, Chen Yuanwai felt relieved. After a while, the Taoist monk he invited also had enough food and drink to meet Zhang Jingyun.

"Mr. Chen, who is this?"

A Taoist priest with a mustache and a Taoist robe, known as the Invincible Taoist Priest, who is proficient in invincible magic, asked casually after seeing Zhang Jingyun.

"This is Dr. Xu, the leader of the Three Emperors Patriarch Association. He is a household name in Hangzhou. He finally found the time to come to me today." Chen Yuanwai said.

The invincible Taoist priest nodded to Zhang Jingyun after hearing this. He was not good at words and just kept his head down. There was no problem except for his low mana.

"Mr. Chen, it's enough for you to hire a Taoist monk, but there's no need for a doctor? In my opinion, your young master's symptoms cannot be cured by medicine or stone."

The speaker was a slovenly monk, with tattered cassocks and unkempt appearance. He held a broken fan while shaking his words, and spoke in a mean-spirited manner.

"Does this master know that those who were good doctors in ancient times used medicine to heal the country, Chinese medicine to heal people, and medicine to heal diseases at the lower level? Who said that medicine can only be used to treat diseases and save people?

The master said this casually, thinking that Buddhism is not very sophisticated. Could it be that he had done something wrong before and was punished, which made everyone unhappy? "

Zhang Jingyun glanced at him and said calmly.


Daoji was speechless for a moment. He spoke without thinking and was crazy. However, no one had ever said that he was not very skilled in the Dharma of Subduing the Dragon and Arhat. It was really unpleasant to hear him. He thought, how could this man speak so sarcastically?

Subconsciously counting with his fingers, Daoji was slightly startled, "You are the one who married Xu Xian, the white lady, and opened a security hall to help the world and save people, which was widely praised."

Zhang Jingyun nodded slightly, and Daoji changed the topic and said to Chen Yuanwai: "Oh, I have eaten a lot of vegetarian food, and I have almost finished digesting it while talking. Why don't you take us to see your noble master?"

"Oh, you guys, come with me."

Chen Yuanwai quickly led the three of them to the couch and helped Chen Liang sit up. Zhang Jingyun took his time and Taoist Master Wudi took the lead in checking Chen Liang.

Daoji followed suit, and he imitated what Taoist Master Wudi did. First he rolled his eyes, and then touched his forehead. Taoist Master Wudi's eyebrows jumped angrily. He was about to open his mouth to reprimand, but he was not good at words, but was stopped by Daoji. Ji slapped him backwards and said, "How can you learn from me?"

"Me!" Taoist Master Wudi became even more angry, and Daoji added: "What am I? Please tell me what's wrong with Mr. Chen. It's time to have dinner later.

Oh, by the way, Mr. Chen, you don’t have to prepare only vegetarian dishes for dinner. I am not a vegetarian, so the most important thing is to have wine! "

When Chen Yuanwai saw him looking crazy, he couldn't help but feel dizzy. He could only look at the invincible Taoist Priest and asked tentatively: "What do you think, Taoist Priest?"

The invincible Taoist Master pondered for two seconds and said solemnly: "The poor Taoist is just like him, not afraid of meat and vegetables. The dish just now was indeed too vegetarian. The meatier the dinner, the better."

Chen Yuanwai: “…”

"I'm talking about Liang'er!" Chen Yuanwai emphasized. Taoist Master Wudi reacted and said quickly: "According to Pindao's observation, your young master's eyes are dull, two of the three souls are absent, and six of the seven souls are out of the body. , it seems that he is possessed by a monster."

Daoji bared his teeth and grinned like a monkey. Those who didn't know better thought it was Sun Wukong dancing and dancing under the seat of Patriarch Bodhi.

"Master Daoji has such an expression, could it be that the invincible Taoist priest is right?" Zhang Jingyun looked at Daoji and asked jokingly.

"Who can't see such simple symptoms? Don't you see it, too? Donor Xu? I just think that the name of the invincible Taoist Master is not good. If you want to be invincible, be careful of becoming incompetent." Daoji reminded.

Zhang Jingyun did not refute. It is indeed not a good thing to take a Taoist name that is too big. It is enough that his own ability can support the Taoist title. If he is invincible if he has no ability, it is not surprising that Daoji looks at him like a monkey.

"Invincible or incompetent, you'll find out when I set up an altar to make the harmful monster appear!" said the invincible Taoist Priest unconvinced.

Daoji was speechless, "Who catches monsters during the day? Are you setting up the altar to catch monsters or insects? You should just wash up and wait for dinner."

The invincible Taoist Priest could not help but tremble when he pointed at Daoji's hand, "You crazy monk! Okay, then we'll catch the monster after dinner in the evening!"

"Let's go, let Mr. Chen sleep again." Dao Ji said angrily, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered that Zhang Jingyun was still here.

"Xu Shi, don't you want to take a look?"

Chen Liang also looked over. After all, among the three of them, he was looking forward to Zhang Jingyun the most. Zhang Jingyun took Chen Liang's pulse as usual. Anyone with a discerning eye could see the demonic aura in him. However, Daoji just belittled secular medical skills, which made Zhang Jingyun a little unhappy. .

"Well, Mr. Chen's body is severely deficient. I will prescribe a prescription first, and send someone to prepare some medicine and boil it for him to take to replenish his body. We will discuss the rest after the two masters are finished." Zhang Jingyun said.

"Okay, okay, I'll thank you for the miracle doctor."

After getting the prescription, Chen Yuanwai quickly sent someone to prepare the medicine. After frying it, someone gave it to Chen Liang to take. His dark complexion turned rosy, his pulse was regular, his strength was full, and the changes before and after were extremely obvious.

Daoji looked at Zhang Jingyun in surprise.

He could be sure that Zhang Jingyun just prescribed medicine and did not mix any magic power into it, so this was indeed the effect of the medicine stone. Even the evil spirit of the thousand-year-old vixen was somewhat resolved by the medicine.

"It's really amazing!" Dao Ji gave a thumbs up. Zhang Jingyun's name as a miracle doctor is indeed worthy of his name, and he is indeed qualified to be called such a doctor.

Unlike the invincible Taoist priest who has a silver gun and a candle head.

Daoji glanced at the invincible Taoist priest next to him. The latter only felt that Daoji's eyes were full of malice, and he somewhat looked down on himself.

The invincible Taoist priest made up his mind, "Crazy monk, wait until night, I will let you see the power of the invincible magic! Hmph!"

As expected, Chen Yuanwai arranged a table of meat, chicken, duck, and fish for dinner, and there was enough wine. As soon as the food was on the table, Daoji grabbed a plump chicken leg.

He sniffed it and his eyes lit up: "It smells good!"

Chen Yuanwai had a strange look on his face, "Master, is it okay for a monk to eat meat?"

Daoji said with great interest: "Buddha once said that I cultivate my mind but not my speech, others cultivate my speech but not my heart, but I cultivate my heart but not my speech.

Haha, so here I am, wine and meat have passed through my intestines, but they remain in the heart of the Buddha! Donor Xu, do you think there is something wrong with what I said? "

When Zhang Jingyun saw Daoji pointing at him, he said: "I think there is no problem, but Master Daoji's practice method cannot be learned by others, so there should be two sentences at the end. If people in the world learn from me, it will be like entering the devil's way."

Daoji seemed to have seen his confidant and said excitedly: "I didn't expect that Donor Xu understands me so well. I'll give you this glass of wine first!"

Zhang Jingyun readily accepted it. As long as he spoke nicely, Jigong would toast him. Huo Jin would have stood up and toasted him long ago because he was not born here.

On the other hand, Taoist priest Wudi couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but said: "Mr. Chen, where did you invite such a crazy monk?"

Chen Yuanwai was stunned: "Master Wudi, isn't he with you?"

The invincible Taoist Master drank a few glasses of wine and spoke more fluently: "I don't know him at all. I thought you invited him here."

"Okay!" Chen Yuanwai reacted immediately and said, "This crazy monk is here to trick me into eating and drinking. Come here, please take him out."

Several nurses came forward to set up Daoji and dragged him out, "Hey! Hey! I haven't eaten enough yet, I haven't eaten enough yet... Donor Xu, please tell me something, I'm really here to catch monsters!"

Zhang Jingyun raised the corners of his mouth, pretending to be helpless and said: "It's not that I don't speak, it's just that I'm not familiar with you either. Master Daoji, see you later?"

"Wow! I can't tell how bad you are. You clearly want to wait until this incompetent Taoist priest fails to catch the monster before taking action. You are ruining the situation!"

Daoji screamed and was dragged out of the Chen Mansion by the guards. When the door was closed, he realized that the statue of Wei Tuo Bodhisattva was still in the courtyard.

He had brought the statue of Wei Tuo here after he had already calculated it was good. At the same time, he also calculated that he would be driven away, and that the statue of Wei Tuo Bodhisattva left in the courtyard would appear. If he came back the next day, Chen Yuanwai and others would not fall over. Just worship?

But now there are people picking peaches.

"Xu Xian! Xu Hanwen, a man destined to become an immortal, how could he interfere with me?" Dao Ji calculated with his fingers, but he had no clue.

"Oh, I'm so annoyed!"

Daoji scratched his head, and there was a hint of bitterness on his always smiling face. He had a mission to leave Lingyin Temple this time.

Because Daoji calculated that there would be a disaster in Lingyin Temple soon, he went down the mountain in advance to prepare for a rainy day. Unexpectedly, Zhang Jingyun appeared halfway.

Dao Ji had a grimace on his face, but Zhang Jingyun was very happy here. After three rounds of wine, the dishes were all clean. Night was approaching, and it was time to do some serious business.

Double cultivation? What a double cultivation!

In the dark of night, the invincible Taoist Priest began to perform rituals. He was full of confidence that he would be able to completely subdue the Chen family's monsters with his invincible magic.

"Tai Shang Laojun, be as urgent as the law!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several talismans were lit up one after another. However, the talismans turned into ashes in an instant, and then the surging evil spirit rose.

The invincible Taoist priest couldn't help but feel his throat rolling after seeing it. The monster was actually more powerful than he imagined, but he still had confidence in his invincible magic.

"Monster, show up soon!"

The invincible Taoist priest exclaimed. He held the Sanqing Bell in one hand and the peach wood sword in the other, and he stepped on the gang to fight. Sure enough, he attracted the culprit: Bai Ling, the thousand-year-old snow fox spirit.

The demonic aura was rampant, and a white figure appeared in the sky above the Chen Mansion. It was extremely beautiful and enchanting, but the demonic aura surrounding it made people feel cold.

After Bai Ling appeared, a fox tail appeared behind him. The snow-white fox tail was able to catch the wind and turned into a giant tail several feet long. It overturned the altar of the invincible Taoist Priest in one glance, and then twitched the tail, knocking out the invincible priest. The Taoist priest was beaten until he fainted.

"The Taoism is too shallow. Bai Ling is a thousand-year-old white fox, and under the guidance of the Master of Qiankun Cave, his strength is even higher than that of Xiao Qing, who first met Bai Suzhen."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head slightly. It was true that the name was too big for such a dish to be called invincible. Besides, Bai Ling's long legs were really straight and white!

Chen Liang is a very handsome boy.

After Bai Ling knocked out the invincible Taoist Master, her eyes turned and fell on Zhang Jingyun. She naturally regarded Zhang Jingyun as an accomplice of the Invincible Taoist Priest.

"You dare to ruin my good deeds?"

Bai Ling started to take action as he spoke, but at this moment, the statue of Wei Tuo next to Zhang Jingyun glowed with golden light, and the rich sound of Buddha sounded in his ears.

The next second, the statue of Wei Tuo Bodhisattva manifests Wei Tuo's true body, wearing a phoenix-winged helmet, black cloud soap shoes, gold chain armor, and a vajra pestle in his hand. He is bathed in the light of the Buddha and cannot be looked directly at.

Bai Ling subconsciously took a step back. At this moment, Wei Tuo took action with a vajra pestle in his hand. As the Buddha's Dharma Protector Bodhisattva, he wounded Bai Ling in less than ten moves.


Bai Ling fell to the ground, fear flashed in his eyes, and then he ran away without hesitation, and Wei Tuo Bodhisattva turned into a golden statue again.

However, after the appearance of the statue of Wei Tuo Bodhisattva, its surface was covered with spots, and the original shiny golden statue turned into a tattered appearance.

"A flash in the pan is Wei Tuo!"

Zhang Jingyun sighed in his heart, and then he disappeared in a flash, using his Shrinking Divine Path to chase Bai Ling in the direction of his escape.

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