People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 278 Lord of Qiankun Cave【Please subscribe】

While Daoji was talking about Zhang Jingyun, he was tossing and turning under the siege of two thousand-year-old monsters, Bai Ling and Heifeng, to reduce the attack coefficient.

"Senior brother, is this what you call outsmarting?"

Bai Ling was slightly helpless.

Having had his inner elixir taken away by Zhang Jingyun, his strength was greatly reduced. In addition, he was injured by the statue of Wei Tuo in Chenjiazhuang. Bai Ling was about to reveal his true form.

Fortunately, on the way, he met Brother Heifeng, a black wolf spirit who was also a disciple of the master of Qiankun Cave and had a thousand years of Taoism. After being treated by Heifeng, Bai Ling stabilized his injuries.

After the inner elixir was taken away, Bai Ling would not give up. She was thinking about asking someone to help her, but she didn't expect to meet Heifeng by such a coincidence.

In fact, it was no coincidence that Bai Ling met Heifeng. Heifeng was Bai Ling's senior brother, and he had always been secretly in love with Bai Ling. This time when Bai Ling came down the mountain, he was worried that he would follow him.

After stabilizing Bai Ling's injury, Heifeng analyzed that the two opponents Bai Ling encountered were extremely difficult. The former was a crazy monk named Daoji. He carried a statue of Wei Tuo on his back and injured Bai Ling. The strength is certainly extraordinary.

The other Taoist priest was even more powerful. Bai Ling said that she had no power to resist in front of Zhang Jingyun. Even with Heifeng helping her, she felt there was little hope.

Unless the Master of the Second Demon, the Master of the Qiankun Cave, takes action, he may be able to defeat Zhang Jingyun. Of course, this is only the opinion of the Second Demon. In fact, Zhang Jingyun will not be afraid even if he encounters the Master of the Qiankun Cave.

It is still unclear who will win and who will lose.

If you want to retrieve the inner elixir, you must first find Daoji. Heifeng immediately said that he could only outsmart him, so he took Bai Ling and rushed into Lingyin Temple to face Daoji.

This is called outsmarting.

This black wolf spirit Heifeng always had some brains, but not too much. Even Heifeng was shocked when the two successfully entered Lingyin Temple.

You know, Lingyin Temple is a place of Buddhism. Monsters like them are theoretically unable to enter, but Bai Ling and Heifeng feel like they are in an uninhabited land.

Ever since, Heifeng had an idea, that is, Lingyin Temple is nothing more than that. There is no need to outsmart him. He can just catch Daoji and ask him about the whereabouts of Bai Ling's inner elixir.

This makes Daoji miserable.

The inner elixir was taken away by Zhang Jingyun, but two monsters found it on his head with malicious intentions, and he became the scapegoat for no reason?

The key point is that no matter how he explains it, the two demons won't listen.

In the end, Daoji also got a little angry: "Huh, these two monsters don't know the heights of the world. Do they really think that I, Daoji, is made of mud? The mighty Tianlong!"

The Daoji Yuanshen manifested, and it turned out to be the real Arhat, with a five-clawed golden dragon coiled around his body. This was the Arhat Yuanshen who subdued the dragon.

In fact, Daoji's own strength is not very strong, and there is no gap between him and monsters such as Bai Ling and Heifeng. However, as long as the Dragon Subduing Arhat Yuan Shen is activated, the combat effectiveness will rise linearly. This is only the first stage. The second stage is to directly shake People gathered together, Eighteen Arhats.

As Daoji manifested the spirit of Subduing the Dragon Arhat, his cynical and crazy face became more solemn and majestic.

Bai Ling and Heifeng were forced back a few steps by Jianglong Yuanshen, and they were in front of a table with copied Buddhist scriptures. It was the various scriptures that Daoji was punished by Guang Liang, the monk in charge of the temple, to copy in Dabel Tower.

Bai Ling's heart moved, and the doctor said: "Don't come here! If you come here again, I will tear up the scriptures you copied!"

As she said this, she picked up a Buddhist scripture and pretended to tear it up. Sure enough, Daoji's face changed wildly when he saw that the Buddhist scripture he had worked so hard to copy was about to be torn up by Bai Ling.

I'm more anxious than my own father being caught by a monster.

"Don't, don't, don't, it's easy to talk, put down the scriptures, and everything can be discussed." A smile actually appeared on the face of the solemn and solemn Subduing Dragon Arhat Yuanshen.

Bai Ling was stabilized, but Daoji seized the opportunity and prepared to seize the scripture in Bai Ling's hand. On the other side, Heifeng hurriedly responded, imitating Bai Ling, copying another Buddhist scripture and saying to Daoji: "Smelly monk, believe me." Don’t you believe I tore it?”

"you you you…"

Daoji almost vomited blood and wanted to tear up his scriptures again, but he really did this, and dejectedly took back the Dragon Subduing Arhat Yuan Shen, "Okay, what are the conditions for you two? The premise is agreed, the little vixen's The inner elixir is really not in my hands."

"I know it's not with you, but that person said that finding you is equivalent to finding him. I want you to send my inner elixir to Chenjiazhuang, and I also need to untie the dragnet you laid in Chenjiazhuang." Bai Ling said.

"Forgive me for your conditions..."

Before Daoji finished speaking, Bai Ling gestured to tear up the book. Daoji's attitude changed 180 degrees, and he repeatedly promised: "I'm sorry for being late in agreeing!"

An evil smile appeared on Bai Ling's beautiful face. Not only was it not greasy, but it was also quirky and cute.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero!"

Bai Ling said and threw the scriptures in front of the candle, and Heifeng also threw the scriptures down. Daoji naturally wanted to ensure that the scriptures were intact, while Bai Ling and Heifeng took advantage of Daoji's lack of skills to escape.

"If you can't get the inner elixir back, I will come back and tear up your scriptures!" Bai Ling's melodious voice rang in Daoji's ears.

Daoji patted the scripture and muttered helplessly, "Little vixen, if it weren't for the fact that you have an immortal relationship with Lingyin Temple, I wouldn't let you go."

In fact, Bai Ling also forgot about the past many years ago. At that time, Bai Ling was going through the thunder tribulation of transformation, which almost killed her.

It was also fate that Bai Ling accidentally entered Lingyin Temple and was left behind by Master Xiang Yuankong. It was thanks to the protection of Lingyin Temple that Bai Ling was able to survive the thunder disaster.

This is why Bai Ling was able to enter the Dabei Tower, which is where Lingyin Temple stores scriptures and is one of the most majestic places.

It would be difficult for mountain spirits and wild monsters to enter Lingyin Temple, let alone sneak into the Great Stele Tower. Bai Ling was so dizzy at that time that he was struck by lightning. He didn’t know that the temple he broke into was Lingyin Temple, but he said As the reincarnation of Arhat, Ji is naturally aware of the fate between Bai Ling and Lingyin Temple.

In addition, Daoji didn't think that Bai Ling had made a mistake that was serious enough to have his inner elixir taken away, so Daoji half-heartedly agreed to Bai Ling's request.

"Xu Xian, you are not an easy person!" Daoji had a headache. She had interacted with Zhang Jingyun in the Chen Mansion before, and Zhang Jingyun interrupted Daoji's plan and made him suffer a small loss.

After returning to Lingyin Temple, Daoji immediately shook people up and heard some stories about Xu Xian from the other seventeen Arhats. He had to mention Fahai of Jinshan Temple, another eminent monk of Jinshan Arhat who had attained enlightenment.

Being both Buddhists, Daoji also knew that Fa Hai was a direct disciple of the Buddha, and his status might be higher than those of the Eighteen Arhats.

However, for such an eminent Buddhist monk, Zhang Jingyun actually took away the magic weapon given by the Buddha. In the end, Fahai did not want to go back.

"He even took away the bowl Tang Monk was eating from. He is simply a murderer. I don't know if the little fox's inner elixir has been refined by him."

Daoji was thinking about it, and the night passed unknowingly. The next morning, Daoji suddenly felt blessed and noticed that an important guest was visiting Lingyin Temple.

Even the temple supervisor Guang Liang went out to greet him personally, and even alerted the abbot of Lingyin Temple. Daoji also stepped forward out of curiosity, and then his face fell.

"Why is it him? I haven't come to look for him yet, but he came to the door first." Dao Ji saw Zhang Jingyun casually donating a snowflake-like silver to Guang Liang, and the latter's fat face almost turned into a chrysanthemum. De Daoji grinned like his buttocks were on fire.

"Master Daoji, I came here specifically to see you." Zhang Jingyun responded to Wan Guangliang and the abbot, walked straight to Daoji and said.

"Daoji, since the benefactor Xu is here to see you, you should be friendly and don't act crazy and annoy the guests. Hey, if you don't get your temper, how can you become a Buddha?"

Master Yuankong ordered, quite helplessly.

Daoji didn't think so, and instead said to the abbot: "Abbott, you are aloof and ignorant of the world. If this continues, it will be useless if the futon is worn.

How about this, you follow me to the human world to seek alms, go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, and understand the wonderful truth, only then can you become a Buddha. "

The abbot was at a loss for words and couldn't even speak to Daoji. Zhang Jingyun listened with interest. He knew that Abbot Yuankong still couldn't let go, which was destined to be too far between him and becoming a Buddha.

Even Daoji couldn't save him.

Zhang Jingyun followed Daoji to the large stele building where scriptures were copied. Lingyin Temple has been built for more than 700 years. This large stele building has been renovated several times, but it is still dilapidated. However, it is not known how difficult it will be to renovate next time.

"Master Daoji, do you gain a lot every time you go out for alms? In my opinion, this monument building will soon be completely new." Zhang Jingyun said slowly.

Daoji's face became less unruly and more steady, "Monk, I don't know what donor Xu means by saying this?"

"Just now I passed by the main hall and saw the statue of Wei Tuo. After being carried by Master Daoji, the statue of Wei Tuo was directly reshaped into a golden body. Oh, even the demon pestle has changed from being a pestle on the ground to being held on the shoulders. Your temple is about to be prosperous. ah."

The position of the pestle on the statue of Wei Tuo is very particular. The pestle on the ground means that this is a small temple and cannot afford free food and accommodation for wandering monks.

If the pestle is held flat in the hand, it means it is a medium-sized temple, and it can entertain wandering monks for free food and lodging for one day. If the pestle is placed on the shoulder, it means that it is a large temple, and it can entertain wandering monks for free food and lodging for three days.

Daoji carried the statue of Wei Tuo to Chenjiazhuang for a walk, and Chen Yuanwai rebuilt the golden body of Wei Tuo for him. Lingyin Temple became rich and could afford to entertain wandering monks.

Therefore, sometimes when Daoji goes out to beg for alms, he cannot just find someone to do so. There is a saying that is extremely applicable even in the real world.

My Buddha only saves Yuan people.

As for this big stele building, it is already so old. In Daoji's opinion, the best way is to destroy it and then build it up.

I remember that in the original plot, Daoji fought against Bai Ling and Heifeng in the Big Tablet Tower. Although he let Bai Ling go, Bai Ling was annoyed that Daoji had laid a dragnet in Chenjiazhuang.

So Bai Ling borrowed Samadhi Yin Fire from Hell Valley and burned the Great Stele Tower to the ground. Daoji went down the mountain to beg alms and raised ten thousand taels of silver to rebuild the Great Stele Tower.

It can be said that every step taken by Buddhism is justified and it controls Buddhist believers in the world. This is why Buddhism is often more prosperous than Taoism.

Daoji said at the right time: "Donor Xu came just in time. The monk has a heartless request. I hope you can return Bai Ling's inner elixir to her."


"Although Bai Ling is a vixen, she has a destiny with the Buddha. Monk, I can guarantee that she will not do evil again. Please be merciful to me, donor," Daoji said.

"Let's not mention this for now. I have something to do with Master Daoji. Someone asked me to give you this square hijab." Zhang Jingyun took out the red hijab.

Daoji stiffened, took the red hijab and said, "This hijab makes me feel uncomfortable, but I can't explain the reason. Who asked the donor to send it to me?"

Zhang Jingyun sighed slightly. Just as he thought, Daoji awakened the memory of the Dragon-Subduing Arhat on his wedding night. It can also be said in another way.

On his wedding night, Li Xiuyuan was kidnapped by the Dragon Subduing Arhat. The Buddhist method of descending to earth and reincarnating, in the world of cultivating immortals, is to take over the body, and everyone will cry out and beat him.

"You can think about it slowly. Now when it comes to Bai Ling's inner elixir, I can return it to Bai Ling, but Master Daoji has to pay something, right?"

Daoji smiled: "The donor is miscalculating if he wants to benefit from me. Even my clothes are torn, monk. Do you think I look like a rich man?"

"For monks like us, money is like dung. I think the net that Master Daoji has set up in Chenjiazhuang is extremely mysterious. I wonder if you can give me some advice?"

Zhang Jingyun had heard about the magic of the heaven and earth net for a long time. When Bai Suzhen broke into the heaven without permission and alerted the Holy Mother of Yaochi, she was trapped by the heaven and earth net cast by the Virgin.

Zhang Jingyun has no murderous intention towards Bai Ling. Taking her inner elixir will teach her a lesson. If Bai Ling's inner elixir can be exchanged for the dragnet spell, it will be worth it.

"Okay, monk, I agree."

Daoji agreed, and then gave him the magic spell. Zhang Jingyun said that he would return the inner elixir with his own hands, and Daoji agreed without thinking.

Go to Chenjiazhuang with Daoji.

On the way, he was still thinking about whose red hijab belonged to him, and he always felt like he couldn't breathe. His heart felt very uncomfortable, and even the hat on his head felt extremely heavy.

Can it not sink?

Daoji's monk's hat had turned green. Zhang Jingyun still recalled from time to time that Daoji's wife was really nice and he liked her very much.

In front of Chenjiazhuang, Bai Ling and Bai Ling had been waiting for a long time. Bai Ling was still a little nervous when she saw Zhang Jingyun. She didn't relax until Zhang Jingyun returned the inner elixir to her.

"Thank you for sparing me!" Bai Ling said politely, but the black wolf spirit beside her always looked at Zhang Jingyun with a hostile look.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Heifeng, "What are you looking at?"

"Dare to snatch the Bai Ling inner elixir, this matter is not over yet, there will be a generous reward in the future!" Heifeng said the word "rich reward" tightly. He decided to go back to the Qiankun Cave and ask his master, the Master of the Qiankun Cave, to teach Zhang Jingyun a lesson.

"Why bother in the future? I always take revenge on the spot when I have a grudge!" Zhang Jingyun used his magic power to shrink to an inch and appeared in front of Hei Feng. He spat out thunder from his palm, and with one strike of thunder from his palm, Hei Feng vomited blood and flew backwards.

"Shangqing Thunder Method?"

Dao Ji was surprised. Zhang Jingyun was actually a disciple of Maoshan, and he had a great background in shrinking into an inch. Heifeng must have offended the wrong person.

"Junior sister, follow me to ask Master to come out of seclusion!"

Heifeng took a strong breath and said.

Bai Ling helped Hei Feng up and heard Zhang Jingyun say, "I haven't taken any notice of these two evildoers who have practiced Taoism for thousands of years, but your two masters are more worthy of my action!"

Zhang Jingyun has no patience to keep entangled with the two demons. He is in urgent need of the inner elixirs of monsters to practice the Nine Transformation Mysterious Skills. Only the inner elixirs of great demons such as the Master of Qiankun Cave, Dapeng Bird, and Demon Lord Tiancan are attractive to him.

"Take me to see your master, the Master of the Qiankun Cave!" As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, both Bai Ling and Heifeng turned pale. The other party called the master by his first name, which showed that they were not afraid at all.

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